Savage Beach (1989) Action Adventure

  • yesterday
Two undercover DEA agents are forced to crash land on a remote island where several people are searching for gold treasures.
00:02:11Sorry, ladies. Dock's closed. It's Sunday.
00:02:15Guys are working awfully hard today, aren't you?
00:02:19Patty, you want to hand me that thermos? These guys are definitely thirsty.
00:02:23I'd say it's about time for some refreshments.
00:02:27Works for me.
00:02:34You know, we're nothing around here.
00:02:36I'm from New Jersey, and Patty's a dancer from Vegas.
00:02:40Oh, a couple of Howleys, huh?
00:02:42Right, a couple of Howleys. And you, Connie, me, Wahiney.
00:02:47These are my tights, by the way.
00:02:49Listen, you know, I love it here. It's so beautiful.
00:02:52I'm really interested on some projects way on the other side of the island.
00:04:07You know what that's there?
00:04:09That reminds me of Don Johnson.
00:04:12Really. I wouldn't lie.
00:04:15Must be so much fun working here under the sun all day.
00:04:18Get to watch the ocean all the time.
00:04:47Donna Hamilton, Drug Enforcement Division.
00:04:50Here's my badge.
00:04:52There's my warrant.
00:04:55Here's my stuff.
00:04:58You're under arrest.
00:05:02No, you don't.
00:05:12Karen, he's got a shotgun! Watch out!
00:05:23Drop it!
00:05:26Drop that gun!
00:05:29Release her right now or your church choir has a new soprano.
00:05:36Come on, Donna, let's go!
00:05:41Move it! Come on!
00:05:48They're getting away!
00:05:50Donna, you've got to stop thinking me as just another pretty face.
00:05:59Look out!
00:06:10Before you go to prison,
00:06:12make damn sure you tell your friends what happened here today.
00:06:15And the next time you try and smuggle China White through our territory,
00:06:19you get that bomb up your ass.
00:06:31Dr. Santos.
00:06:33Yes, nurse?
00:06:35This is the last of the serum.
00:06:37If we don't get more, the children won't make it.
00:06:40Honolulu's our only hope. I'll get on the radio.
00:06:52Honolulu, this is Dr. Santos calling. Do you read me, over?
00:06:58Yeah, okay, doc. Got you.
00:07:01Hey, Lisa, there's a call coming in on the radio.
00:07:03I'll put it on line two for you.
00:07:07Shane Aviation.
00:07:09I'm sorry, Shane is into a new project.
00:07:14Hey, Rocky, I got a delivery here for you.
00:07:17Oh, great. It's my auto bakery.
00:07:19What's it do?
00:07:21Well, you just add the dough and it rises automatically.
00:07:24No kidding. I never heard of such a thing.
00:07:26Then you didn't know my ex-boyfriend.
00:07:28Take it to the kitchen for me.
00:07:38Hey, you guys.
00:07:40Hi, Rocky.
00:07:43That's the private line.
00:07:45I'll get it.
00:07:49Emergency call from Shane Abilene.
00:07:52He says he wants us all to hear him.
00:07:55Girls, come on over here.
00:07:57Hit the speakerphone, Patty.
00:08:03Shane Abilene is the new senior operative
00:08:05just assigned to Honolulu.
00:08:07Another Abilene?
00:08:09They just keep coming, don't they?
00:08:11Congratulations on this morning's bust.
00:08:13Good work.
00:08:15Washington is very impressed.
00:08:17Well, that means we get a vacation, right?
00:08:19I'm afraid not.
00:08:21How about a cash bonus?
00:08:23No such luck.
00:08:25We have a desperate situation.
00:08:27There's a case of serum at the North Shore Hospital.
00:08:30It's got to be picked up right away.
00:08:32Donna, Taryn,
00:08:34you'll be flying the medicine to a hospital on Knox Island.
00:09:58Here's the medicine.
00:10:02I'll get the survival kit.
00:10:31Agent Hamilton?
00:10:33Agent Abilene.
00:10:35I want you to see
00:10:37the special equipment I have for you.
00:10:40Well, we're pretty isolated here,
00:10:42and I don't always get my share.
00:10:44Are you comfortable with a big gun?
00:10:46They have their advantages.
00:10:49This baby's larger than most anything around.
00:10:53Well, I'm not as impressed with size
00:10:56as I am with performance.
00:11:00Once loaded and cocked,
00:11:02all you need is a steady hand on the barrel.
00:11:10And what about the actual shot?
00:11:13You won't be disappointed.
00:11:16I'll be the judge of that.
00:11:18What about this crossbow?
00:11:20Ah, that's for Taryn.
00:11:23This arrow has an explosive charge
00:11:25that ignites three seconds after penetration.
00:11:30It's only good for a single shot.
00:11:39That's her problem.
00:11:48Here's the survival kit.
00:11:50It's all checked out.
00:11:51Thanks, Patty.
00:11:55Long-range and auxiliary tanks are full.
00:11:58I'm gonna start on the pre-flight check.
00:12:04There's a bad storm raging at your destination.
00:12:07Satellite weather shows a break due in nine or ten hours.
00:12:10That means we'll have to get in and out during the break, right?
00:12:13Right. Radio us in four hours.
00:12:15I'll give you more specifics.
00:12:17And don't forget my all-purpose package.
00:12:20And here's the South Pacific Area Map 47113R
00:12:24for the Marshall Islands region.
00:12:27That's a lot of water.
00:12:36My grandfather served in the South Pacific during World War II.
00:12:40Has he ever been back?
00:12:42No, he died there.
00:12:44They never found his body.
00:12:46You know, it would be very strange for me traveling to that territory.
00:12:50Well, according to our log,
00:12:52we won't have too much time for private reverie.
00:12:55Thank God for small favors.
00:13:29Let's go.
00:13:59Let's go.
00:14:30How could you expect the people of the Philippines
00:14:32not to be concerned with the return of their national fortune?
00:14:35Look, Martinez, you may be a representative of the Philippine government,
00:14:38but to me, you're just another bleeding-heart liberal.
00:14:41You want to feed the people of one country
00:14:43at the risk of jeopardizing every other human on the planet.
00:14:46You've made the right decision, Captain.
00:14:49Look, my neck is on the line here.
00:14:51I did what I said I would do.
00:14:53I got that satellite for 40 hours.
00:14:55I took it away from the Star Wars security analysis mode.
00:14:58The main line of defense for our country, and I did it for you.
00:15:01You won't be sorry.
00:15:03We'll see.
00:15:04Major Harrison will be here soon
00:15:06with that computer disk from the satellite system.
00:15:08It's covered every inch of that war zone.
00:15:28Why are you lowering my window?
00:16:29The Marshall Islands consist of only 70 square miles of land.
00:16:33It's scattered over 5,000 square miles of ocean.
00:16:37So just finding Knox Island's going to be tough.
00:16:40There's one more thing.
00:16:42The storm's washed out the runway,
00:16:44so you're going to have to aim for the grass strip on the East Ridge.
00:16:47It runs right up to the hospital.
00:16:50Weather conditions are lousy at best.
00:16:53We'll have to get in and out fast.
00:16:55The break in the storm won't last long.
00:16:57We'll have to get in and out fast.
00:16:59The break in the storm won't last long.
00:17:27We'll have to get in and out fast.
00:17:54Major Harrison?
00:17:55Captain John Andreas.
00:17:57This is Paul Michaels of Computer Control Central.
00:18:00Got top security clearance.
00:18:03Here's the computer disk from the satellite reconnaissance, Captain.
00:18:08I appreciate the Army giving up the satellite time,
00:18:11but the Navy isn't too pleased about having an Army officer monitoring our team.
00:18:15Oh, don't worry, Captain.
00:18:17Even though my presence was requested by the State Department,
00:18:21I'm here to offer my assistance directly under your command.
00:18:25Pleased to hear that.
00:18:26Major Harrison?
00:18:28Rodrigo Martinez.
00:18:30Diplomatic representative and military advisor from the government of the Philippines.
00:18:35I'm surprised to see the Army using your military talents to serve as a delivery boy.
00:18:40My talents as an expert pilot, astronaut, and technical advisor will be utilized to their fullest.
00:18:47If we do detect any treasure,
00:18:49I will provide the means to get to it and be there with you to secure it.
00:18:55Gentlemen, I've taken the satellite reconnaissance information you provided on this disk
00:19:00and cross-referenced every Japanese warship known to have sunk in this area of the South Pacific
00:19:06between 1941 and 1943.
00:19:09The computer has identified 371 sunken Japanese vessels
00:19:14in an area of 2 million square miles of ocean.
00:19:18Well, we can eliminate the large warships.
00:19:21Where does that leave us?
00:19:23A total of 127 smaller vessels.
00:19:27One of those could be the one you're looking for.
00:19:32You will need more specific information about where the boat was heading in 1943
00:19:37in order to narrow down the possibilities.
00:19:40Good day, gentlemen. I hope I have been helpful.
00:19:44Paul, this information is top secret.
00:19:47I've just taken care of it.
00:19:49Top secret.
00:19:51I've just taken care of that, Captain.
00:19:53Good job.
00:19:55And our company is very grateful for the government contracts, Captain.
00:19:59I'm very grateful to be off to the Bahamas for one month.
00:20:03Yes, sir.
00:20:04Well earned. Enjoy.
00:20:12Right now, two agents from the Japanese Army Intelligence Corps
00:20:16are collecting information from an Admiral, Kenji Inada.
00:20:20Bring me the state on that.
00:20:22The information from Admiral Inada should be all we need in order to spot the ship we want.
00:20:28Let her be our man.
00:20:31We checked out every detail, down to his air force.
00:20:35During World War II, I believe General Tomoyuki Yamashita
00:20:38was the man most responsible for the looting of my country.
00:20:42Admiral Inada was under his direct command.
00:20:45I know we're on the right track.
00:20:48The agents will meet us tomorrow at 1300 hours in a Honolulu compound.
00:20:52We leave at dawn on a military jet.
00:20:55Flags are the same, Captain, but my government has arranged transportation for me tonight.
00:21:07Admiral Inada, you're weak. Rest.
00:21:12We will stay until you feel up to this task.
00:21:19I've held this secret too long.
00:21:23The time is now.
00:21:36The looted gold had been transported from Manila to the central island late day.
00:21:46I was ordered by General Yamashita to take command of the operation
00:21:50in charge of relocating the gold to a remote place.
00:22:16We must leave now before we lose the light.
00:22:20Your allegiance will be rewarded.
00:22:23My family is of samurai heritage.
00:22:26I was trained in Bushido. I am born to serve.
00:22:32A storm is coming. We should wait another day.
00:22:37The General has ordered us to depart today.
00:22:40It is a shameful task you fulfill.
00:22:42General Yamashita wishes us to transport the gold away.
00:22:46It will provide arms for a Japanese military government after the war.
00:22:52In my opinion, General Yamashita wishes to steal this gold for his own benefit.
00:22:57General Yamashita would not betray the people of the rising sun.
00:23:02I envy your devotion, and I pray for your safety.
00:23:43After their departure, a dreadful storm hit the region.
00:23:50Shortly after the third radio check-in, I received a brief distress call,
00:23:58followed by silence.
00:24:02I never heard from them again.
00:24:06I only felt really sad.
00:24:10I only felt relief at the thought of the gold being at the bottom of the ocean.
00:24:17Thus, my guilt would never be exposed,
00:24:21and I would be spared the public humiliation and lifelong shame
00:24:27of bringing dishonor upon my family.
00:24:33But now I am near death.
00:24:36The cancer clutches ever tighter at my heart.
00:24:42The newspapers carry daily stories of treasure hunters about to lay bare my shame.
00:24:51I want my parting gesture to be one of restitution.
00:24:58We take this information from your log to the U.S. Navy.
00:25:01They'll help us retrieve the fortune and restore it to the Philippine people.
00:25:08Use caution.
00:25:10Act in utmost secrecy.
00:25:14There is a fortune in gold involved.
00:25:25There's a gust down the hill!
00:25:27Terran, we're too high! We're too high!
00:25:29We're slipping! Watch the airspeed!
00:25:32Ten degrees left!
00:25:36We got it! We're in!
00:25:43There's the hospital!
00:26:00Tyler, I'm going to refuel!
00:26:19Dr. Santa?
00:26:21Thank goodness you made it through the storm. We're going to save a lot of lives with this.
00:26:25Tell Shane I owe him one.
00:26:27You betcha. Good luck, Doctor.
00:26:36Come on, Andrew! Hand me that! Let's go!
00:26:57Let's go!
00:27:58You're a master at the computer. You picked the right man.
00:28:02I do what I can.
00:28:04You'll do better with this new passport.
00:28:08The identity cards.
00:28:11And enough money to live in style for the next 100 years.
00:28:19I'm going to the hospital.
00:28:21I'm going to the hospital.
00:28:23I'm going to the hospital.
00:28:24500 years.
00:28:30Do you want to count it?
00:28:35For you, an exact duplicate of the original.
00:28:42It's all there. Have a blast.
00:29:14Don't spend it all in one piece.
00:29:17She's on autopilot for a bit.
00:29:21Let's get out of these wet clothes. We've got ten hours of rough road ahead of us.
00:29:27Airplanes are like birds. They're meant to fly.
00:29:33Nothing can bring them down.
00:29:37Except a correspondent.
00:29:42Except a correspondent.
00:29:45Thanks for sharing that.
00:29:48The End
00:30:08Finally, after nearly half a century, we're ready to reap the spoils of the Great War.
00:30:14What a coup. This fortune will support the revolution.
00:30:19We will be revered by our party. Our names will be in the history books.
00:30:24My ideology means far more to me than fame and adulation.
00:30:29The good of the party is my reward.
00:30:43The Great War
00:30:54Oh, God, we've been hit!
00:30:56We're heading straight down! We've got to pull up!
00:30:59Reduce power! Throttle back! Up elevator! Check airspeed! Watch your RPM!
00:31:04The lights are out!
00:31:06Damn it! The lightning's knocked out all of our instruments.
00:31:09Even the compass has gone to hell. So has the altimeter.
00:31:13We could fly right into the ocean.
00:31:15No, we're okay now. I've got the nose up.
00:31:20Oh, thank God. The artificial horizon's working.
00:31:23At least we can stay level, but there's no way of knowing which way we're heading.
00:31:28Damn it! This storm's got us so locked in, I can't even see the stars.
00:31:33Think that's a bitch?
00:31:36What do we do now?
00:31:39All we can do is fly all night and hope we spot a place to crash land at dawn.
00:31:44If our fuel pulls out...
00:31:49November 9 or 9 or 786, mayday! November 9 or 9 or 786!
00:31:55There's no use.
00:32:09November 9 or 786
00:32:40November 9 or 786
00:32:54That's the blue car up ahead. See it?
00:33:04Look, there it is.
00:33:35Good afternoon, gentlemen. May I help you?
00:33:39Can you cover this?
00:33:41No problem.
00:33:44Let's go.
00:33:49Yes, sir. We just checked in.
00:33:52Tony, I'll get it.
00:33:55You can reach us here.
00:33:57Yes, sir.
00:34:05An evening snack, gentlemen. Compliments of the management.
00:34:09Oh, thank you.
00:34:11I hope you find a food more digestible than this.
00:35:00Okay, Eric, let's change these IDs.
00:35:30These are perfect, Eric.
00:35:35Here's the disk.
00:35:37We need to make a copy of it before tomorrow.
00:35:40This is it, Donna. This puppy's pretty low on fuel.
00:35:44Keep an eye out, Tara. We're gonna have to ditch this thing any minute.
00:35:50Look over there, Donna. Is that land?
00:35:53Let's go for it.
00:35:55Put the fuel pump on. We need every drop we can get.
00:35:59It's flying like a pig. I hope we make it.
00:36:01It's running a little rough. We must have sucked a valve somewhere.
00:36:06Slow down for maximum glide speed.
00:36:13Give me ten degrees on flaps.
00:36:16Keep it on crosswind. We need every drop.
00:36:19We're going in, Tara. We're going in. Hold on.
00:36:21Looks good. Go for it.
00:36:32This is it!
00:36:34Hold on!
00:37:01Hold on.
00:37:31It is to the great credit of our nations that we finally put to rest a black mark against our ancestors.
00:37:36We gladly cooperate with you in your most worthy endeavor.
00:37:40My government has asked me personally to present you two loyal gentlemen
00:37:45with these antique Buddha as humble token of our appreciation.
00:37:58Thanks, sir.
00:38:01You're welcome.
00:38:09This screen represents data from satellite reconnaissance.
00:38:12It reveals 127 sunken ships within the target area.
00:38:16Now, I'll take this and cross-reference it with the information provided by Admiral Inada.
00:38:20So, according to the Admiral's log, this line represents the known route traveled by the boat.
00:38:25At the last checkpoint, they were right here.
00:38:28Now, we can calculate a maximum range they could have traveled.
00:38:32Somewhere within this area.
00:38:35Next, we deduce a vector structure.
00:38:38This vector structure is called a Vector Structure.
00:38:41The Vector Structure is a system of vectors.
00:38:44The Vector Structure is a system of vectors.
00:38:46Somewhere within this area.
00:38:49Next, we deduce a vector ship to allow for the effects of the storms they encountered.
00:38:56The last step is to do a probability calculation using all known data.
00:39:01Captain Andres, just press enter in order to view the final result.
00:39:05Good day, gentlemen.
00:39:17Jesus, is that remote.
00:39:20The weather in that part of the world can be violently unstable.
00:39:23The Japanese sure picked one hell of a savage beach to crash their boat on.
00:39:28We're going to need a special aircraft to get in that area with complete secrecy.
00:39:33Captain, I'll put together a package.
00:39:36I bet no one's ever set foot on that island.
00:39:40Over here! Fire!
00:39:42Damn, Taron, hurry up! Try and get that out!
00:39:52Yeah, I got it!
00:39:57We blew the whole damn cylinder.
00:40:00We're lucky to be alive.
00:40:04You're one hell of a pilot.
00:40:10Well, shall we check our survival kit?
00:40:26Come on, Taron, let's see what else is on the island.
00:40:29Didn't look too big from the air.
00:40:31You know something? It's eerie.
00:40:34But this place has a very familiar feeling to it.
00:40:37Yeah, right. Like Gilligan and the Skipper are going to be around the next bin.
00:40:47Who said crime doesn't pay?
00:40:50This looks pretty good to me.
00:40:52Not good enough. Pass me the new disc.
00:40:57We'll lock it up with the admirals and see what the hell we come up with here.
00:41:17Let's go.
00:41:39What do you say? Let's check out the beach.
00:41:42Good idea.
00:41:46Well, it's a beautiful island, but I'll bet the social life's the pits.
00:41:51Our plane's right beyond that point.
00:41:54What do you say we get back and set up camp?
00:41:56Good idea.
00:42:07How can we be sure the secrecy of our mission is intact?
00:42:11We're in an abandoned military installation on the north shore of Oahu.
00:42:16Nobody knows we're here.
00:42:21How's it looking, Major?
00:42:23We should have one hell of a flight.
00:42:26I've topped off the auxiliary fuel tanks.
00:42:29We're going to be flying underneath all radar surveillance.
00:42:32Everything should be okay as long as the winds are right.
00:42:35She's quiet. She's fast.
00:42:37A couple more hours and we'll be ready to go, Captain.
00:42:40My government grows impatient.
00:42:43Give it a rest, Martinez.
00:42:59I've waited a lifetime for this.
00:43:01Your every move inspires a passion.
00:43:08Together there are no boundaries for us.
00:43:11Together we will endow our people with a new pride.
00:43:15I could not do it without you.
00:43:18There are a lot of things you could not do without me.
00:43:37There's the ocean.
00:43:39Let's go down and set up camp.
00:44:08Taryn, here's another one.
00:44:23Hey, Donna! No place like home!
00:44:57Oh, my God.
00:45:00All right, we'll be right there, Shane.
00:45:03Sweetheart, come on.
00:45:04We've got to get out.
00:45:05It's Shane. We've got to go relieve Shane.
00:45:17What is it, Shane?
00:45:19We may have some bad news.
00:45:20Sit down. Wait a minute.
00:45:22There's no sign of him, Dr. Santos.
00:45:25We haven't heard a word in ten hours.
00:45:28I've notified Navy air rescue units.
00:45:32All we can do now is pray.
00:45:36Hey, Donna!
00:45:37What are you doing?
00:45:38Picking coconuts?
00:45:41I'm installing cable television.
00:45:47Ha, ha, ha!
00:45:56Not bad.
00:46:00I'm going to go get some more coconuts.
00:46:03Almost like home.
00:46:06Ha, ha!
00:46:10We sharing it?
00:46:15Some good stuff?
00:46:55According to my calculations,
00:46:56we're about 600 miles northeast of Molokai.
00:47:00Boy, are we off course.
00:47:02They're never going to find us.
00:47:05The nearest airline route is 160 miles west of here.
00:47:17Taryn, could you get me a blanket from the plane, honey?
00:47:19I'm feeling a bit of a chill.
00:47:21Sure, Donna.
00:47:57Can you believe it, Donna?
00:47:58We're not alone here.
00:48:00I suspected it earlier.
00:48:01Then I heard him over at the edge of the jungle.
00:48:03The son of a bitch moves quick.
00:48:06Well, who do you think he could be?
00:48:07I mean, do you think he's part of a tribe or something?
00:48:10I don't know.
00:48:11He looked more like an animal than a man.
00:48:13Why would he want to kill us?
00:48:16Beats me.
00:48:17But I think we should be ready to defend ourselves.
00:48:19And a flare gun and a knife ain't a hell of a lot.
00:48:22We still have Shane's goodie package.
00:48:24Let's go to the plane.
00:48:25Come on.
00:48:32Shane, that little devil did right.
00:48:35Merry Christmas, honey.
00:48:55Merry Christmas.
00:48:56Merry Christmas.
00:50:12Good shooting, Taryn.
00:50:16Well, there goes our alarm clock, huh?
00:50:21Looks like we're not going to starve for a while.
00:50:24What are we going to do?
00:50:25We're sitting here waiting like a target.
00:50:28You're right, Taryn.
00:50:30We're going to have to find it before it finds us.
00:53:17Get me out of this!
00:53:21Him again.
00:54:57They found us!
00:54:59Not so fast.
00:55:01That plane doesn't have registration numbers.
00:55:09Let's check it out.
00:56:13Come, we'll look this side of the island first.
00:56:26It's definitely not a rescue plane.
00:56:28They've added long-range fuel tanks.
00:56:30Their plane's unmarked.
00:56:31It's illegal.
00:56:33There's a lot of salt spray.
00:56:35It must have been flying right on the deck.
00:56:37Obviously to avoid radar detection.
00:56:41So if they're not looking for us,
00:56:43why don't we find out what they are looking for?
00:56:45Come on.
00:56:46Good idea.
00:56:55Check out your detectors.
00:56:57The gold should be somewhere in this island.
00:58:05That Latin's gun's the newest army issue.
00:58:08I wonder what they're looking for with the metal detectors.
00:58:11Maybe they're thieves.
00:58:13Or smugglers.
00:58:14Or fortune hunters.
00:58:15Come on.
00:58:47This is 424.
00:58:49Roger, Romeo 3.
00:58:51Affirmative on our position.
00:58:54Over and out.
00:59:00He's definitely an American.
00:59:02Doesn't mean we can trust him not to kill us.
00:59:05I don't think that cute blonde could kill anybody.
00:59:08I don't believe this.
00:59:22Drop it or she's dead.
00:59:25Get up.
00:59:30Come on in.
00:59:34Come on.
00:59:36Come on.
00:59:38Come on.
00:59:40Come on.
00:59:42Come on.
00:59:44Come on.
00:59:46Come on.
00:59:48Come on.
00:59:50Come on.
00:59:53Who are you?
00:59:54What are you doing here?
00:59:56We're Americans.
00:59:57We run a cargo airline on Molokai.
01:00:00We were transporting some medical supplies.
01:00:02We got caught in a storm.
01:00:04Our plane went down four days ago.
01:00:06A little off course, weren't you?
01:00:08They're lying.
01:00:09Who do you work for?
01:00:11Our plane's right around that bend.
01:00:13Go check it out.
01:00:15Let's tie him up.
01:00:17Tie this up.
01:00:19Come on.
01:00:20Okay, okay.
01:00:21We have no choice.
01:00:22There's too much at stake here.
01:00:23Besides, it might be good for these bimbos.
01:00:30if you knew what was good for you,
01:00:31you wouldn't tie us up.
01:00:33You're right.
01:00:35I should shoot you.
01:00:36Let's go.
01:00:37Come on.
01:00:38Come on.
01:00:49A couple of sweet angels of mercy
01:00:50who just happened to be armed for combat.
01:00:53Even Mother Teresa has her dark side.
01:00:58Who else knows you're here?
01:01:00My entire sorority.
01:01:01And they're gonna be real pissed
01:01:03if I'm not back by hell week.
01:01:05Keep making jokes.
01:01:06We'll get in our way and we'll kill you.
01:01:12Come on, let's go.
01:01:36Let's go.
01:02:06Let's go.
01:02:36Yeah, they're still looking.
01:02:38Let's lay back until they've found something.
01:02:40What if they come up empty?
01:02:42Let's slip out and follow them.
01:02:44See if they come up with something.
01:02:46Let's go.
01:03:03Over here, guys!
01:03:07What do you have?
01:03:10It's here.
01:03:37Get in here.
01:03:49It's here, it's here, it's here!
01:03:50I found it, let's go!
01:03:51Come on!
01:04:06Come on!
01:05:07Glad I didn't shoot him.
01:05:09How did you know he wasn't gonna kill me?
01:05:12It was a chance I had to take.
01:05:14Great. Hope on time.
01:05:18What's with that guy, anyway?
01:05:37We've done it.
01:05:39Talk about your golden oldies.
01:05:41My people can live again.
01:05:43Give me one, give me a bar.
01:05:45Let me touch it.
01:06:06Welcome, comrades.
01:06:08Your timing is perfect.
01:06:20Our time has arrived.
01:06:22The party shall endure.
01:06:37Tony, take her out.
01:06:40Get out of here!
01:06:53Nice horse.
01:06:55Yeah, it's a good horse.
01:06:57It's a good horse.
01:06:58It's a good horse.
01:07:00It's a good horse.
01:07:02It's a good horse.
01:07:04It's a good horse.
01:07:06It's a good horse.
01:07:12Gee, you guys came here to party, huh?
01:07:14Your plan of giving the gold to the communist guerrillas was quite ambitious, my friend.
01:07:20Your American officers were unaware of his double-crossing nature.
01:07:25They had no intentions of giving the gold to anyone
01:07:28but communist insurgents.
01:07:31Our intentions are different.
01:07:32are different.
01:07:34We're freelance and come with our own set of loyalties.
01:07:38Shoot them!
01:07:41Shoot them!
01:07:50Terry, here they come.
01:08:08Don't you ever call me a bimbo again.
01:08:13Let's tie them up now.
01:08:15We're good guys. American military.
01:08:18How do we know you're not traitors?
01:08:20You know what they are. We're all you got.
01:08:23Well, sir Galahad, I've got a flash for you.
01:08:27We're federal agents, drug enforcement division,
01:08:30and you can bet there's a search team on our trail,
01:08:32so you better be telling us the truth,
01:08:35because we're all you have.
01:08:43Okay, okay, look.
01:08:45We'll spread out, we'll cover each other,
01:08:47and we'll work back to our plane.
01:08:51I need a gun. I lost mine.
01:09:06By the way, which one of you guys threw that machete?
01:09:10I did.
01:09:12She did.
01:09:38Eric, let's finish these guys off with our hands.
01:09:42Yeah, that could use a practice.
01:10:06Duke, blow these two bitches away.
01:10:10Freezer, you're dead!
01:10:13Drop it.
01:10:16Where did you come from?
01:10:19Hands up, behind your head, now!
01:10:24Look at this scary little lady.
01:10:28She can get off one shot.
01:10:32And the other two will tear her up.
01:10:39Well, what are you gonna do, honey?
01:10:43Kill all three of us?
01:10:46Blow off one of our heads?
01:10:49Good idea.
01:10:52You missed him, Captain.
01:10:54He noticed.
01:11:54Oh, you sure have a way with words.
01:11:57You know, under different circumstances,
01:12:00I know we could become really good friends.
01:12:24That's my guy.
01:15:24Nobody move!
01:15:26Drop him.
01:15:28Drop him!
01:15:30Or she dies.
01:16:18He said I could not kill those eyes again.
01:16:24Three Americans crashed in their P.B.Y.
01:16:32Three Americans crashed in their P.B.Y.
01:16:36They drifted at sea for many days and were barely alive.
01:16:50They drifted at sea for many days and were barely alive.
01:16:55They washed up on this beach.
01:17:06We were ordered to protect this treasure.
01:17:10But as the samurai tradition was in our blood,
01:17:15we were bound by the code that we could not kill defenseless people.
01:17:25We were young and frightened.
01:17:46We killed four Americans.
01:17:54We murdered the Americans on the beach that day.
01:17:58After many years of isolation, we...
01:18:03After many years of isolation, we...
01:18:08After many years of isolation, we...
01:18:14After many years of isolation, we...
01:18:33Our disillusionment proved stronger than the orders of our general, Yamashita.
01:18:40Our disillusionment proved stronger than the orders of our general, Yamashita.
01:18:45One of us committed harikiri.
01:18:50One of us committed harikiri.
01:18:55One of us committed harikiri.
01:19:07The other had no courage.
01:19:12The other had no courage.
01:19:17The other had no courage.
01:19:23I was like a half-human, half-beast.
01:19:29I was like a half-human, half-beast.
01:19:44Until now, the path to atone for our sins...
01:19:53Until now, the path to atone for our sins...
01:19:59Until now, the path to atone for our sins...
01:20:23Until now, the path to atone for our sins...
01:20:30Until now, the path to atone for our sins...
01:20:45Are you sure you feel like flying?
01:20:48It's a little like falling off a horse.
01:20:50The sooner you get back up in the saddle, the better off you are.
01:20:53Saddle? You want to talk saddle?
01:20:57I got a better idea.
01:20:59That's funny. This place doesn't look like a singles bar to me.
01:21:06A navy gumbo will be here in a couple of hours.
01:21:08We'll meet you on Molokai and we'll discuss this over dinner, okay?
01:21:11You got a deal.
01:21:15Bye-bye, guys.
01:21:45I'll be back.
01:22:03Well, Major, I think we did one hell of a job.
01:22:06You want to take one more look at that gull before my ship comes to pick it up?
01:22:11Captain, your gunboat's been redirected.
01:22:16I used my satellite link-up to feed different coordinates to their onboard computer.
01:22:23Major Harrison, what the hell are you talking about?
01:22:26Captain, my real name isn't Major Harrison.
01:22:29Bruce Christian, Special Operative, CIA.
01:22:36Face it, John, you've been infiltrated.
01:22:39I replaced Major Harrison while he was on his way to your base in San Francisco.
01:22:45As a matter of fact, he should be waking up just about now.
01:22:50So rather than get in a pissing match with the armed forces,
01:22:53the CIA decided to take over the whole operation.
01:22:56Covert, I'd believe you'd call it, Captain.
01:23:01At any rate, we have a small corvette-class submarine arriving momentarily to do the honors.
01:23:07You could radio headquarters for verification now that the gull is secure.
01:23:14Maybe I'll retire early.
01:23:18Hey, how are we gonna get home? I'm not getting in a submarine.
01:23:21Uh, Catamaran? Captain, you do know how to sail, don't you?
01:23:26Hell no. I'm a desk jockey, intelligence man.
01:23:30Well, let's hope you're intelligent enough to find your way back to Molokai.
01:23:34Let's give it a shot.
01:23:39Let's toast to the warriors of all nations.
01:23:44You know, our calculations indicate that there were six gold bars missing
01:23:49when my unit collected the goods.
01:23:55But I convinced them that they were wrong.
01:23:58Taryn, are you at it again?
01:24:00You bet I am.
01:24:02I'm still a civilian, remember?
01:24:05You mean you know where the six missing gold bars are?
01:24:08According to international maritime law, I'm entitled to them.
01:24:13They were in the ocean when I found them.
01:24:15Besides, do you know how much it's gonna cost to repair our plane?
01:24:19Enough about gold bars. How about some R&R?
01:24:23Lieutenant Bruce Major, or whatever it is that you call yourself, do you dance?
01:24:29I think so. Rocky, you do have those little feet painted on the floor, don't you?
01:24:34You bet I do.
01:24:36Let's give it a try.
01:24:38Shall we?
01:24:40And what about you, Captain Andreas?
01:24:43Yeah, Captain. What about you?
01:24:46I'll try anything once. Or twice.
01:24:54I guess that leaves us, Shane Abilene.
01:24:57I kept the home fires burning, and I love loyal men.
01:25:01I'm honored.
01:25:03Well, you play your cards right. You'll be more than honored.
01:25:05I knew that.
01:25:06You knew that?
01:25:07I knew that.
01:25:27I knew that.
01:25:28I knew that.
01:25:29I knew that.
01:25:30I knew that.
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