watch AEWatch WrestleDream 10/12/24 – October 12th, 2024 full show Online Part 3

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watch AEWatch WrestleDream 10/12/24 – October 12th, 2024 full show Online Part 3


00:00They sort of squandered their opportunities too much partying their head party's head was not on straight
00:08As we heard in the video amazing red said it's not about the shots it's not about the party it's being serious
00:14about what
00:15Your craft is
00:16Well, hold on a second. Yeah, this is a young bucks go
00:21That back of tricks is not officially underway, right? No bell
00:25Stupid idiots because matthew and nicholas jackson
00:29Just turning this almost into a street fight. Wait a second. Zay finds his feet
00:33And now nicholas and matthew planted at the top of the stage
00:41What is going on here look at this mark quinn's gonna go way up top
00:47Quinn climbing that truss that surrounds the entrance tunnel
00:52Trying to find his footing as zane trying to keep matthew and nicholas jackson neutralized
01:02This is crazy
01:07Curtis partner as well coming off. You got some friendly fire as zay got taken out, but nicholas and matthew
01:13In rough shape as well. Well, it's their own fault. They walked out like they were gonna leave
01:19They brought the action back to the entryway
01:22Well, it was private party
01:24that started this
01:26Throwing some strikes and now the bell the match underway diving crossbody zay looking to end it early
01:33Wow, well, that would have been a shocker. Yeah seconds after the bell rang
01:37Zay looking for a pinfall on nicholas jackson
01:42Now quinn and zay who
01:44Throughout their aew careers despite that success in the inaugural tournament. They've been perpetual underdogs nigel, but
01:51Think they're a team that everyone knows is capable of so much more
01:55This is their opportunity to show how focused they've become how much they've matured
02:00It's not whether anybody else knows it. It's whether they know and believe it themselves
02:05Super kick caught. Oh, wow. Quinn is so quick
02:09He certainly is
02:10It's it's impressive to be one step ahead
02:13Of matthew and nicholas jackson
02:16As quay quinn is once again and here comes zay the tornado over the top
02:23Pretty excited I would say
02:29Private party having a party at the young bucks expense
02:32We better be light on our feet in here at ringside during this one and now
02:38The experience they've gained cover one two
02:44Great combination offense there by private party
02:49There's a question fellas, who do you think has more incentive to win the match here tonight
02:54Who wants it most do you think?
02:57I think private party
03:00They've never been
03:02Never been world tag team champs
03:04But do you think there's doubt do you think there's any truth to what the young bucks said about them dropping the ball?
03:10Oh, yeah, I I think I think that they know that
03:14I think
03:15Matthew and nicholas jackson
03:17Evps, but they are so egotistical. They will
03:21They will take any steps
03:23to win this match as we saw
03:26earlier trying to get the jump start on private party on the top of the ramp, but
03:31Great counter, but even better counter by the bucks
03:34double super kick
03:37The private party changed their tact we saw the inspirational talk from amazing red so they changed it
03:44feeling that they needed to
03:48Well, I would say if you're private party, you'd better believe it
03:51You'd better believe you bring a hundred percent because if they are unable to beat the young bucks here tonight
03:58I don't think they will see them with another title opportunity anytime soon
04:02That's right in the young bucks three reigns as aw world tag team champions private party have never challenged for the titles before tonight
04:12So this opportunity could be slipping through the hands of zay and quen before our eyes
04:22The evps so so good so seamless
04:27Stereooptic if you will
04:30slowing down the pace
04:33You know
04:35Think back to
04:37Seven eight nine ten years ago. It was the young bucks that pushed the pace
04:41It was the young bucks that tried to take teams out of their comfort zone now today in 2024. That's private party
04:47But the bucks I mean just masters at their craft. Nigel. They've slowed down the space. They've ground it to a halt
04:53They've learned from experience
04:55It's not just the fact that they're trying to slow things down
04:59They'll pick up the pace but only when it suits them that's what 20 years and eight world titles will do for you for the bucks
05:07Yeah, including three aew world championships and you know the experience not not just
05:13A decade more experience with private party, but championships around the world. That's something
05:18That is extremely tough. If not impossible to replicate
05:23Young bucks spending so much time early in their career in ring of honor and then in new japan pro wrestling
05:28Before the establishment of aew and now private party, though
05:34Looking to make the most of this opportunity zay the right hand takes down nicholas first then matthew
05:43Zay perhaps extra motivated tonight
05:47As the arm drag takes down nicholas ducks underneath the combined attack of the bus the drop kick zay up to his feet
05:58Now that turn around
06:00Had a conversation with zay earlier tonight
06:01He mentioned that the shoes that he's wearing in the match are the same shoes. They wore on october 9th 2019
06:07When private party upset the young bucks in that opening round match in the aw world tag team championship tournament
06:14Lightning to strike twice looking for good luck
06:19Okay, brought it there by zay takes out nicholas on the outside matthew stunned on the inside
06:25Isaiah cassidy zay, if you will the springboard
06:29Now try to cover him. Here we go the leg hooked the cover
06:34matthew able to kick out
06:36I admire the way zoe
06:39Pinned nicholas there
06:40Hooking the leg pushing the arm down to the mat as well
06:45Slightly a rush action and ready. Layla gray as well all watching on and as is stokely hathaway
06:52It's got a pleasant look on his face doesn't
06:55What an unpleasant guy doesn't want to be in a car ride with him
07:00As zay
07:04Edgy gary powerbomb combination
07:07Almost a double impact first. It was the boot of nicholas. Then it was zay's head hitting that top turnbuckle pad
07:13There's some more impact
07:17As the
07:22Eyes shoulder in the midsection by nicholas
07:29Super kick there by zay
07:34Jay has done some incredible things in this match turn to the tables one two
07:38And and the fans appreciate it as well. What an effort by isaiah cassidy
07:46He has quen on the outside recovering from that sustained offense that he suffered at the hands of matthew and nicholas jackson
07:59Nicholas trying to pull himself together now nobody in either corner to make a check
08:09Bringing nicholas into back suplex position perhaps. No
08:12Nicholas finds his footing and private party
08:17looking for the silly string, but
08:20no, it's
08:23Great adaptation by private party, but quen turned his attention to the floor and now nicholas
08:32And nicholas jackson
08:34Scores on private party. Look at that. Absolutely incredible
08:41Near perfect body control from nicholas jackson
08:45Stuck the landing on his feet and they're not done yet. What's this? Wait a second quen
08:52Oh thrown over the barricade into the laps of top flight action and dreddy leo rush and leila gray
09:01Wait a second nicholas jackson
09:06Vaulting off the barricade
09:10But wait a second they're thinking maybe tk driver on the floor, but no no no zay avoids and now zay
09:22Nicholas the gaman giri stunning zay and
09:26Canadian destroyer, but nicholas landing hard on his lower back and
09:35450 on the outside
09:37these four men
09:39Giving it their all tonight and well, they should and I think that
09:43The young bucks brought the action over right in front of top flight for a reason
09:51Because all four men struggling
09:56To make it up to their feet
10:00Rick knocks up to nine nine count and
10:04now the
10:05All four participants diving into the ring
10:08Just to fend off the count out. They don't want to be the last on the floor
10:15Nicholas you can see clutching those ribs after that 450 splash
10:23And now zay
10:25Perhaps with some earned confidence getting right up in the face of the evp. Nicholas jackson one half of the aw world tag team champions
10:35Strikes thrown back and forth
10:45Nicholas blocks wrenches the arm interlinks the hands
10:51And nicholas, no wait zay anchoring
10:56Roundhouse kick stunning. Isaiah cassidy
11:02Isaiah is taking the brunt of this taking the brunt of this match
11:08Oh now zay up to the top rope nicholas boy dangers for both. Oh, brother
11:17Connor the cover one two
11:22Able to kick out for as much offense we've seen from isaiah. That was great resilience as well from the young man
11:32Isaiah cassidy showing his heart but nigel. I don't know how much more he can endure
11:38But certainly with the young bucks now
11:41In full gear here comes
11:44tk driver tk driver
11:53Lightning will not strike twice
11:55Or strike thrice as we saw just eight nights ago
12:00Wait a second. Matthew and nicholas. What are they doing here as quinn?
12:04the neck
12:06The neck breaker on matthew, but the ddt on nicholas as well triple offensive maneuvers
12:15Is an appreciative crowd here in tacoma
12:19With the aw world tag team titles hanging in the balance
12:24and bodies
12:26Everywhere take a look at this crowd. What a great crowd we have had here
12:31at the tacoma dome
12:33the south of seattle
12:35Great wrestling fans the sweep of the leg the common gary when got rocked by that one tag made
12:41Nicholas jackson is legal alongside quinn a private party wins in trouble diving foot stomp
12:47Got him on the shoulder that right shoulder there we go pump it up
12:53That was trademark
12:54young bucks reebok pumps
12:57I asked the question earlier. I think the young bucks want this victory more they want to expunge that last in 2019
13:04Very well could be nigel
13:07And now breaking out one of the classics maybe more bang for your buck
13:14And off the back of quinn zay sandwiching matt jackson in the corner and now
13:31Great kick out great kick out by nicholas
13:35Look at my face of zay can't believe it
13:38Disbelief on the face of both members of private party. They cannot afford to get flustered
13:43Don't take your fall for gas now fellas. This is your opportunity
13:51The match is in hand the aw world tag team championships
13:57A heartbeat away for private party
14:02Tacoma washington is willing them on. Yes, sir. Channing private party. Can they take the next step?
14:10That's a super kick
14:14Divided conquer anyway private party
14:20Drawing inspiration from matthew and nicholas more bang for your buck one two
14:29No, matthew there to break it up
14:35They are beside themselves here
14:38But within a split second of losing the titles tony that is why the young bucks are so good
14:46They their resilience is second to none as a tag team. Absolutely great sense of timing
14:50They know positioning in the ring. They have a great sense of awareness. That's why they're the best
14:57They really are
15:00They could be moments away from losing the championship
15:04What is this those private parties come to wrestle guys
15:08Mark, quinn saving is a partner a little bite to the head
15:12I don't get that but here we go. Not only has private party come to rustle. They've come
15:17to win the aw world tag team championships, but
15:20there's an example of what you were talking about just moments ago excalibur why there's
15:25The bucks are so good
15:27Wow doomsday drop kick from the bucks
15:30and zay
15:31on the receiving end of the poison rana
15:34now matthew and
15:38Drop kick into the senton and now
15:46A v p trigger the bucks are going to retain one two
15:57Isaiah casted it. Holy smokes. Listen to that reaction
16:05That's not a roll of thunder that is people here in tacoma stomping their feet they want to see private party
16:12and this oh my goodness
16:15Well, we may be done on the outside party. The party may be over
16:26He's been able to endure one ebp trigger, but a second
16:31Would undoubtedly end the night for private party. Yeah, he's dangling took all he could to kick out of that one
16:44Oh my god, I thought I thought it was three
16:57Oh, but the the damage to the head zay I think
17:03I mean that was all adrenaline. That was a surge of adrenaline, but now
17:09Matthew jackson look at this the catch
17:11Oh tk driver that has got to be it two three
17:19Third time's the charm
17:34Well in a state that is known for its meteorological events there will be no more lightning here tonight
17:45As you said nigel the young bucks expunging that loss
17:52against private party
17:54With the defense of the aew world tag team championship here tonight in stokely hathaway
18:03I'm telling you this
18:05Like a smirk on the face of stokely. Yeah
18:09And and there's another smirk
18:11Give all the credit the world. I know raise the champs hands. They deserve it
18:16but quay and zen
18:18quay and
18:20Quentin say those guys you're beside yourself. Tony. I am it was get yourself together. It was absolutely amazing
18:27and amazing
18:39But he seemed to collapse and I think
18:42Tony, I think that was just a case of the punishment that that zay endured catching up with him at the exact wrong moment
18:49and the young bucks
18:50being the veterans that they are
18:53Seized on that opening don't hang your head man
18:57Don't it's and I know the emotion of it and they gave it their all but
19:04The fans here are applauding
19:08The efforts of private parties where they should listen to this
19:11Listen to this
19:13Yeah, private party with absolutely nothing to be ashamed of here tonight
19:19They left it all in the ring
19:24They wrestled their hearts out and unfortunately for them matthew and nicholas jackson the young bucks
19:30the better team tonight
19:33But you know what tony the better team tonight, but not every night
19:44Say and quinn left to consider the next steps that will be crucial in their tag team careers
19:55But fans will tonight
19:58Be la noche del nueve will chris jericho earn his ninth world championship or will this match?
20:05That was made deeply personal belong to mark briscoe
