Salute, Zucca: “Omeopatia non cura il cancro, ma aiuta negli effetti collaterali delle terapie oncologiche”

  • yesterday
(Adnkronos) - “L'omeopatia è sicuramente un approccio di grande supporto ed è utile al paziente oncologico nell’aiutarlo negli effetti collaterali delle terapie sia chemioterapici che radioterapiche che nel post interventi chirurgici. Non cura il cancro, ma è di grandissima rilevanza per far sì che il paziente riesca a sopportare meglio le terapie che sta attuando”. E’ quanto affermato da Sara Zucca, farmacista esperta in omeopatia, a margine dell’evento ‘Oncologia integrativa: il ruolo dell’omeopatia’, organizzato a Milano. Nel corso dell’incontro si è approfondito il ruolo dei medicinali omeopatici nel quadro dell’oncologia integrativa, come supporto alle terapie convenzionali.


00:00What is the role of homeopathy in the treatment of cancer?
00:04Homeopathy is certainly a very supportive approach and it is useful for the oncological patient
00:12to support it in the collateral effects of chemotherapy, radiotherapy and post-surgery interventions.
00:21It does not cure cancer, but it is of great importance
00:25to make sure that the patient can better support the therapies he is doing,
00:31therefore adhere better to the therapy and therefore have an effect even better than the therapy itself.
00:37Patients give great feedback on small things,
00:43on small and big things that they may not be able to ask the doctor, the oncologist, the hospital
00:49because they are stunned by a thousand pieces of information,
00:52and then, thinking about it again, in a moment of less emotion,
00:56like the one that can be in the hospital, they go back to the pharmacy and ask us
01:01how to manage the small and big collateral effects that therapies can give,
01:06for example nausea, vomiting, ulcer in the mouth, ulcer in the skin,
01:11the management of daily hygiene.
01:14And in all this, homeopathy has always given us great feedback
01:19because with the serenity of not interfering with the therapy and of not having collateral effects,
01:25patients are able to modulate their collateral effects and therefore feel better,
01:30feel better and be even more ready to receive and receive oncological therapies.
