Salute, Rossi: “Omeopatia è di supporto al lavoro degli oncologi e alla qualità di vita dei pazienti”

  • yesterday
(Adnkronos) - “L’omeopatia è una terapia di supporto, quindi non va a inficiare il lavoro degli oncologi, ma va a supportare il lavoro degli oncologi nel ridurre gli effetti avversi e migliorare la qualità di vita dei pazienti. La Regione Toscana è ormai più di dieci anni che ha acconsentito e sono nate diverse strutture che erogano prestazioni di medicina complementare, inclusa l'omeopatia, nei 19 ospedali della Regione” A dirlo Elio Rossi, medico omeopata e responsabile del Centro Regionale per la Medicina Integrata della regione Toscana, dell’evento ‘Oncologia integrativa: il ruolo dell’omeopatia’, organizzato a Milano. Nel corso della conferenza stampa si è approfondito il ruolo dei medicinali omeopatici nel quadro dell’oncologia integrativa, come supporto alle terapie convenzionali.


00:00As far as the integration of complementary medicines in the oncological cures of support
00:11of the Tuscan region is concerned, yes, the region is now more than 10 years old, which
00:17has allowed, and various structures have been born that provide complementary medicines
00:24including homeopathy in 19 hospitals in the Tuscan region.
00:31They are, let's say, support therapies, so they do not interfere with the work of oncologists,
00:39but they support the work of oncologists in reducing adverse effects and improving
00:46the quality of life of patients, which helps patients to keep up with therapy and use
00:53the prescribed doses and not reduce them due to adverse effects.
00:58This, which we began to do in collaboration with, ten years ago, the Tuscan Institute
01:06of Tumors, today with ISPRO, which is the new name, has led to benefits that are evident,
01:14an evident degree of satisfaction, among other things also demonstrated by the fact that
01:19there are patients who, during the COVID pandemic, have never fallen in our ambulatories,
01:26despite the great difficulties of access to hospitals, etc., because the requirements
01:31and the benefits obtained, in my opinion, have been such that they have motivated patients
01:36also to overcome all these difficulties.
01:39Today we have, we do, we offer about 11,000-12,000 annual services to a total of 2,300 oncological patients.
01:51It is a replicable model, also because, let's say, the treatments are not used,
01:59they are treatments, especially in the field of homeopathy, also in the case of acupuncture,
02:04at a low cost, they are certainly devoid of adverse effects and therefore, let's say,
02:11they are integrable without possible pharmacological interferences and therefore well received by
02:19professionals, by oncologists and, above all, having characteristics of not having adverse effects
02:27and therefore, let's say, they are very well linked to therapies that therefore do not weigh on the system of, let's say,
02:36purification that the body has at the liver and also at the renal level.
02:41So, a double advantage, certain effects and treatment safety.
