• 12 hours ago
(Adnkronos) - “Ormai è generalmente riconosciuto che la cura dei tumori deve essere personalizzata, e questo è possibile grazie all'innovazione non solo terapeutica ma soprattutto alla conoscenza biologica” del cancro. Lo ha detto Alessandra Fabi, Responsabile Uosd di Medicina di Precisione in Senologia del Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli Irccs alla presentazione di ‘Distances’ la serie realizzata da Novartis Italia, in collaborazione con Salute Donna Onlus, nell’ambito del Festa del Cinema di Roma, che racconta le storie vere di 6 donne con il tumore al seno.


00:00Now the world knows that the care for cancer is personalized thanks to the innovation not only of therapeutics but also of biological knowledge.
00:16Not by chance we say personalized, each person will have his or her tumor, has his or her tumor, will have his or her specific treatment targeted.
00:27But it is not only this, because we must start looking, and we are starting to do, the patient in his or her complexity.
00:36Because cancer is an event that involves, at 360 degrees, organ, psyche, emotional, social, at 360 degrees.
00:48So what to say? That personalized oncological therapy must look holistically.
00:54Many people who must be around, many specialists around the patient, because today we have these possibilities.
01:01The units that have been created in the course of these years, that is, the patient who makes a path through various specialists,
01:08has precisely this purpose, to identify the needs, the needs of the individual patients,
01:14also go and capture them, to be able to not only improve what is the specific need, not only oncological, but the need for life of patients,
01:24but also what are the resources, we talk little about resources, each individual has his or her own resources.
01:30We must let them out. Letting them out means capturing the psychological part, the emotional part,
01:36and on this the communication, the adherence, the alignment between doctor and patient,
01:41in my opinion, is the most important prognostic factor.
