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Sexy Jenny What Doing In Live Awesome


00:00I'm coming in, so I'm not so excited about that, but it is hurricane season.
00:04So those are the cons of living in the beautiful tropics.
00:08Hello, beautiful. Hi, Angel. Hi, Jerry. Welcome, guys. How are you?
00:11How was your day?
00:12Kelsey, oh, dear.
00:13I went in the latest, though,
00:15guess they'll be a sage replete of the lady I feel easy daddy.
00:19But I can't lambda Fasco is down there.
00:22Embraer, they will say to the los diaz.
00:24Cesar Reciprocal, porque a man, yeah, but they are certain that they
00:27think I'm a boy like that.
00:29I think that they look like I tried.
00:32I try my Portuguese is not so great.
00:34When I say it is so mad.
00:35When I know just come with the most
00:37when I take off a particular English,
00:39por favor, porque vamos a recuerda que les dije empezamos a ser el podcast.
00:43Y bueno, como que me tengo que terminar
00:46definiendo en un idioma y digo inglés chicos, vamos a practicar el inglés juntos.
00:50Intentare hablarlo lento.
00:52Y además, hermosa gracias, Manuel.
00:54Bienvenidos. Pretty woman.
00:55Hi. All right, guys.
00:57Let's go. It's a night.
00:58I thought this is an idea.
00:59But I'll be there.
01:00I'll go. I see is Mario.
01:01Muy bien.
01:02Buenas noches.
01:03OK, I wanted to start.
01:05I had to read this because I thought it was so cute.
01:07It was good Portuguese.
01:08Thanks, Danilo says.
01:11Hey, Jenny, you've been such a blessing and inspiration to me.
01:14I told you before that I come from a religious background
01:16and I'm still very devout in my faith, but there's certain things
01:21that I was raised to believe were taboo.
01:23For example, sexuality is one of them.
01:26But through you, I've come to understand and appreciate
01:29the spiritual nature of sensuality and sexuality.
01:33I've actually begun working as a spiritual guide.
01:35And one thing I encourage people to do is explore and accept their sensual nature.
01:40And I've told a lot of people about what you do.
01:42So thank you.
01:44So thank you for your work.
01:45And I hope and pray that you are blessed for what you do.
01:47And now you help people.
01:50And I hope that more people.
01:54Did I just do that twice?
01:59More people come to understanding of the spiritual
02:01and sensual side of sexuality like I have learned.
02:04Thanks to you.
02:05You're a beautiful woman.
02:06But thanks that you're a beautiful soul.
02:08God bless you and all you do. And thank you again.
02:09Thank you. I love that.
02:12Yeah, I try my best.
02:14You know, we try to I try to be as
02:17I guess you could say
02:19not know like neutral as possible when it comes to these topics
02:22and try to speak about sexuality and energy in my best way possible.
02:26So I'm glad I'm glad that some of you are actually taking it to heart
02:29and you're taking that information and using it for your benefit,
02:31because the most important thing is for you to benefit from it
02:35and to change your life and change the next generations.
02:38I think at the end of the day, that's what it's all about.
02:40I mean, because, you know, most of us, we've already gone through our teenage years.
02:45So the important thing is that the generation that comes afterwards
02:47at least has some feedback, you know, and some good information
02:52about energy and sex and sexual energy overall, because it is highly,
02:56highly important.
02:58Hey, Angel, I'm fixing to start working days next week
03:01so I can watch and listen to you without interruptions.
03:03I can't wait. No way. Are you really?
03:06Oh, man. So that means I got to be on time.
03:08OK, I'm going to remember you, Angel.
03:10Before we start, I got to I got to be on time.
03:12Some of you have changed your schedule just for me.
03:15That means a lot. Thank you so much.
03:17OK, guys. So just wanted to share that.
03:19And let's go with today's topic.
03:21It's something that actually came to my mind today,
03:24which I realized that a lot of us need proof. Right.
03:29We need proof to motivate ourselves so that we know that whatever it is,
03:34I could talk all day about motivation and energy and positive energy. Right.
03:38And mental training and how to train your brain to think better
03:41and to think optimistically.
03:42But the thing is that at the end of the day, you can only understand it.
03:45One thing is hearing it right.
03:47Another thing is actually putting it to work.
03:49Now, what happens if you're in a situation that we've talked about
03:53emotions so much and how emotions are the ones that actually control
03:56our what happened to the color that control our energy?
04:00So if you're a person, right, and you're watching me right now
04:03and you're one of these people that are in a stage in your life
04:06because there's these are stages, we all go through stages
04:10where you burst into anger really, really fast.
04:14OK, because somebody just said something that you don't like.
04:19Whatever I mentioned in the show, you're going to be
04:21you're going to spend minutes or hours later on, because every time
04:24we make a mistake that we know affects our emotional level later on,
04:29we actually nag it.
04:31We nag about it on our heads for a really long time, you know, saying, man,
04:35if I could have just taken a deep breath and reacted differently to that situation,
04:39it would have been so much different.
04:42And you go over the situation, you go over the scenario of what
04:46you could have said, how you could have said it, how you would have changed
04:49the words a little bit to not offend anybody or to not be offended
04:53or how silly you were to take things so close to your heart
04:57when maybe it wasn't personal and you lose more time, right?
05:02You lose more time of your day thinking of how you would have done things
05:06differently, which in reality, it's not horrible.
05:09But at the same time, you don't really get anywhere.
05:12So I have to understand, you know, we all go through those stages of learning
05:16and changing these thoughts, these patterns really that we have,
05:20because these are patterns that we bring up with us since the moment we're born,
05:24since the moment that we're being raised and we're being taught things,
05:27we are feeding from the situations that our parents go through.
05:31If you're in a loving relationship, if you're in a loving family relationship
05:35where your parents are happily married and everything, you're going to absorb that.
05:38But hey, being in a relationship, it's something positive.
05:42It's something loving.
05:43It's going to be easy for you to express love and the opposite as well.
05:47If you're raised in an environment where your parents, like, for example,
05:51my parents were, they never got divorced until, you know, my dad passed away.
05:55But I always have said, and I told my mom this, like, man,
06:00if they would have gotten divorced way before,
06:01it would have been so much better for my brother and me.
06:04Because you're put into situations of stress, of negativity.
06:07And the example that you get from your parents, you know,
06:11being in this environment of negativity, basically, is not going to help you at all
06:17because you're going to be raised in the way that you're going to express love.
06:20It's not going to be the way that you're supposed to express love.
06:22So if you don't see your parents hugging, lovey-dovey and kissing and all that
06:26and expressing affection, how are you supposed to know what affection is, right?
06:30So you have to start learning.
06:32You have to start training yourself to learn how to show affection.
06:37So this is in an affectionate level, but what about situations of anger?
06:42Like, if you come from families where all the time you would hear your dad
06:45or your mom complaining and yelling about something.
06:48Well, for you, the way that it's normal in your family,
06:51and maybe nobody takes it in the wrong way, is jumping and screaming about something
06:55or making a really big deal out of something.
06:58When in reality, it's, hey, you know, chill.
07:00It's almost like you have to rewire your brain and change yourself
07:05so you can change future generations.
07:07Because it all comes down to you, basically,
07:10because you're the one watching and me, right?
07:14We're the ones that have that decision-making of saying,
07:16are the next generations going to be the same as the same teachings
07:20that we've gotten from our parents that unfortunately were, with all due respect,
07:24but they were very ignorant towards a lot of topics.
07:27And that's just because in today's era, we have technology,
07:30and technology allows us to access so much more information about the brain,
07:34about emotions, about energy, about sexual energy, frequencies, etc.
07:39So, we are in a perfect era to actually make these huge changes,
07:43teach other people, maybe in even older generations,
07:46so they can better themselves to then change the world, right?
07:50So, it's like start slowly, a little grain, and then, you know, go big.
07:55But what I'm trying to get to is that we need motivation,
07:58and we need self-motivation.
08:00How do we acquire self-motivation?
08:03So, if you just watched the Jenny Live,
08:05and we were talking about the emotions of anger and distress,
08:09and I'm telling you, listen, when somebody is saying something
08:12that you're not okay with, remember that you're a reflection of that person.
08:15So, just take a deep breath and understand that, you know,
08:18you are learning about this, you are learning about this mental training,
08:21and there's something you can do about it, but the person that's in front of you
08:24probably just watches or plays video games all day,
08:27or doesn't watch any of these topics,
08:29so they have no clue of what you've just learned and are learning.
08:32So, you have to put yourself always in the best seat of the house
08:36and saying, I'm going to be the better man, right,
08:39and let the other person blow some steam.
08:41But the thing is that you're not going to be able to achieve this right away.
08:44It's almost not impossible, nothing's impossible,
08:47but it's very rare that you're going to achieve
08:49this kind of mental training right away just from,
08:52oh, so I heard Jenny, or I've been meditating, or I've been doing this,
08:56and in a month, poof, I am no longer reacting to anybody's anger.
09:00That's just not going to happen, it's not realistic,
09:02because we have to think, first, you can't be too hard on yourself, okay?
09:06You have to think that you are coming from a really long lifeline of generations,
09:11it's in your DNA, it's embedded in your DNA,
09:14and these generations have taught you exactly that,
09:18that genetic, even in an emotional level of bursting into tears for no reason,
09:24or, well, actually, that's not a bad thing, that's emotional,
09:26but getting angry for no reason, right?
09:28Let's talk about short-tempered, where you're basically generating negativity,
09:32or jealousy, insecurity, right?
09:34All these things, if they weren't triggered at some point in your life,
09:38sorry, they were triggered at some point in your life,
09:41and a lot of them actually come from genes, okay?
09:44So you become who you are today,
09:46and this is a decision that you can decide today to say,
09:49I want to mold it, I want to change it,
09:51I want to, you know, I don't want to be this version of myself,
09:55I don't want to burst out into anger
09:58because something that was said just made me insecure about myself,
10:01or all of a sudden be really jealous for my couple
10:04and not have that trust that we need.
10:06So, in order to do that, we need to start in baby steps, okay?
10:10So, you can't possibly expect to have a programming in your mind
10:14of a whole years of your life,
10:17especially, like, the older you are,
10:19the more difficult it is for you to train your mind again,
10:23to recodify everything.
10:25Sorry, I don't know if that's the word, codify, but you get me.
10:30So, now I'm thinking, is it a word?
10:33So, it's, sorry.
10:35So, you have to understand and give yourself a break, okay?
10:38I have some of my, I guess I could call them patients,
10:42some people that I treat in energy that come to our center here,
10:44and a month later, they'll write to me and they'll say,
10:47Jenny, I need some advice, you know, this is happening to me,
10:50but I was so centered, and all of a sudden,
10:52everything is all over my shoulders again,
10:55I don't know what to do, I'm stressed out again,
10:57and then they're having health issues again.
10:58So, it's like the positivity and the calmness
11:01and the meditation state lasts them for a couple of months,
11:03and then they're back into the stress level.
11:05And the first thing is, listen,
11:07you can't be that hard on yourself to say,
11:10ooh, you know, I just reacted wrong to this situation,
11:13and I caused so much negativity,
11:15and that's gonna affect me later on,
11:16when you have to be aware and you have to be realistic
11:20that these are years of coding, okay?
11:23So, we're talking about a whole life of coding
11:27that you, all of a sudden, are learning about the mind,
11:30you're learning about the brain,
11:31you're learning about energy and your emotions,
11:33and you're saying, hey, I want to rewire myself, okay?
11:37So, when you don't do it, don't worry, it's totally fine,
11:41it's okay, you're gonna get it the next time,
11:43because you know what, the great thing is
11:45is that you're having the intention of doing so.
11:47So, I've realized that we need motivation,
11:50and a lot of times, a lot of you don't have motivation
11:52from other people, it's difficult.
11:54Maybe you're alone, maybe you don't have a partner,
11:56or they don't know how to react.
11:57When you're being too hard on yourself, right,
11:59other than saying, don't be too hard on yourself,
12:01and in your mind, you're still being hard on yourself,
12:03like, why did I just react that way?
12:05I know better, because in reality, we all know better,
12:08right, when we do bad choices and bad decisions,
12:11we're always gonna beat ourselves up into saying,
12:14we could have done so much better.
12:16Why did we choose a negative path?
12:18Why did I allow myself to have my emotions
12:21and my energy go all over the place
12:23when I've been training for this?
12:25I've been trying to keep that peace,
12:27like Jenny's saying, for the longest as I can,
12:29and I lost it, you know, and we're human.
12:32We're human, and you need to always also remember that.
12:35You are human, and there are days
12:37where energies are not necessarily on your favor.
12:40Remember that we're energy,
12:42so whatever's happening in the astros,
12:45in the astral energy, the energy that's in the universe,
12:48basically, is shining back at us.
12:52So there are days that are very negative.
12:54There are days that you're gonna get up,
12:55and it's your choice.
12:56The day might have a really weird vibe,
12:58but it's up to you if you decide,
13:00well, today is probably, you know,
13:01a day where I'm gonna go off and fight with everyone,
13:04or today is a day where, you know what,
13:06I'm gonna go ahead and just take it cool
13:08and not have too many conversations
13:10because I don't feel myself, and it's totally normal.
13:14It's normal to not feel yourself.
13:15It's normal to feel a little off.
13:17So how do we motivate ourselves?
13:19This little baby motivations
13:22that we need to actually take control over
13:24and not expect somebody else to do it for us,
13:27you need to pick the simplest trait
13:30that you see as a criticism towards yourself.
13:33So let's say if you're somebody that's a jealous person,
13:36jealousy is something that you're gonna be able
13:38to get rid of, but it's gonna take some time.
13:40If you're somebody that gets,
13:43that bursts into anger really fast,
13:44that's also gonna take some time.
13:45So let's start with something super simple.
13:47Like maybe there is a specific, I am my worst critic.
13:51I think we all are though, right?
13:52We're all our worst critics, and it's in a way that's good
13:56because we are pushing ourselves to do better.
13:59You know, it would be different if we would just say,
14:01hey, you know, whatever, it is what it is,
14:04and then you don't progress.
14:05So it's good to be critical with ourselves.
14:07It's just, it's also good to give us a little break.
14:10So pick something that you know you've conquered before,
14:13maybe, or that is, or it's something new,
14:16like let's pick a bad habit, okay?
14:19Maybe, I don't know, you're starting to grind your teeth,
14:21or maybe you're biting your nails, okay?
14:23So instead of going straight forward into saying,
14:26I want to fix my pessimism, or I want to fix my jealousy,
14:32or I want to fix, you know, that negative thinking,
14:37or having a bad temper, okay, that rage,
14:40that's already doing like one step too far.
14:42So start with the little things that you know
14:45you can remind yourself and have this control over.
14:47So biting your nails is part of your emotions.
14:50This is your nervous system needing to release tension.
14:54Grinding your teeth is part of your emotions.
14:56When I was in my 20s, oh my God,
14:58I remember Enrique telling me that sometimes
15:01he couldn't be able to sleep
15:02because I would grind my teeth so bad
15:05that it would like make a sound like,
15:07grr, grr, grr, grr, grr.
15:09And I was, I mean, I'm the type of person
15:11that I'll pass out, like I'll sleep with no problem.
15:14The moment I go to sleep, I'm asleep in like a minute.
15:17And I sleep straight through, but if I'm alone,
15:21I have like this like subconscious alarm
15:23where if my dogs bark, especially like in the jungle,
15:26or like a chicken starts screaming or something,
15:30I don't know how, but I wake up from a really deep sleep
15:34and I'll just be like, what, and I'll run out.
15:37And one day I thought to myself,
15:38one day I'm gonna have a heart attack
15:40because it's not good to get out of bed that fast.
15:42It's supposed to be super bad for you.
15:45So, you know, if I die suddenly from, that's probably why.
15:49And I can't begin to tell you the amount of times
15:51that I've had to run out when we were building
15:54here in the jungle, while I was staying in the cabin,
15:56and it's right next to the chicken coop.
15:58And we've had like attacks from not foxes or possums
16:03or urones, I don't know how to say it in English.
16:06And yeah, I would run out when I would hear a chicken
16:10scream because they're very vicious.
16:13And how, I have no idea.
16:14Anyway, I'm losing my, we're going somewhere else now.
16:18So, why was I talking about sleeping all of a sudden?
16:22I totally lost myself.
16:26Hi guys, looks like more rain for Tulum.
16:29Yes, we're having more rain.
16:31So, let's go back in time now.
16:35Picking on something that you know you can control.
16:37Okay, grinding your teeth, there it was.
16:38See, brain fart.
16:40So, if you grind your teeth, then be aware of this.
16:43And, you know, put some, obviously wear a mask
16:46for your teeth or do exercises in the day.
16:50Or actually massaging like your, this part right here,
16:53your jawline.
16:54Like, I don't know if you guys have seen videos
16:56of like face yoga, but actually draining your face
17:00from fluids.
17:01And when you get to this area right here,
17:03if you're stressed out and you're somebody
17:05that grinds your teeth, you're gonna feel a lot of pain
17:08when you get to this area.
17:09I mean, like, you're literally gonna feel like,
17:11it's, yeah, a lot of pain, like a really sharp pain.
17:14So, try it now and you'll tell me.
17:16Anyway, so these kind of situations, like your nails
17:19or grinding your teeth, or maybe you're pulling your hair
17:22and Rikki used to pull his hair from his eyebrows.
17:26You have no eyebrows.
17:27And it was just like this nervous tick.
17:30So, something that you know you can see results in, okay?
17:33If you're doing something physically to your body
17:35that is not good and you're seeing that result,
17:37that is what I want you to focus in to change.
17:42Because once you start actually controlling
17:45that physical situation, you're going to get a reward back.
17:49And that's gonna be your mini motivation
17:51where you don't need anybody else to tell you.
17:53That's gonna be your motivation of saying,
17:55oh my God, I stopped biting my nails
17:57and they look so pretty now, you know?
18:00So, you're gonna start feeling like
18:02this mental thing actually works, you know?
18:04I'm aware that no, I don't need to do it.
18:06So, it's like you're bringing back this attention,
18:08this mental attention to yourself and saying,
18:10you know that this is wrong.
18:11You can physically see it or feel it, right?
18:14And like I said, I guess there could be so many ticks.
18:17So, whatever it is that you have.
18:19And once you conquer that one,
18:21you can start going to the rest.
18:23But I do feel like we thrive from motivation, you know?
18:26And I think that's also why social media
18:28is such a big thing in today's world
18:30because people need that dopamine of reading and hearing,
18:34oh, you look great, you're so beautiful.
18:36Wow, that looks great on you.
18:37And it's like, oh, really?
18:39Thank you so much, you know?
18:40And you feel good about yourself.
18:42So, what about being our own motivational leaders
18:45into actually saying, wow, I'm so happy about myself
18:48because I finally conquered this little bit.
18:50And start with the simplest thing, I repeat.
18:53The simplest thing that you know you can just say,
18:55I'm gonna stop doing this.
18:57And little by little, every time you do it,
18:59you're gonna remember yourself and say, wait, no, I can't.
19:02This is my first test.
19:03I'm gonna stop doing this, okay?
19:06And once you stop doing it,
19:07then that's gonna make you feel empowered
19:10so that you continue with something deeper.
19:13And little by little, you will get to those stages
19:16of actually being in situations
19:18where wherever it is you are
19:19and whatever it is that's happening around you,
19:22you're gonna have this inner peace
19:24that nothing and nobody can literally take away from you.
19:27And of course, I repeat, we are human.
19:30So, there is a possibility.
19:32But at the end of the day, it's your choice.
19:34So, it's, I don't know, this just came to my mind today.
19:37I hope it makes sense and I hope that it helps you somehow
19:41because, you know, speaking back about me,
19:44like my, the jaw thing, I remember going to the dentist
19:47and the dentist said, you have, like, your molars are like,
19:50I was 20 and they're like, they're wasted?
19:54They're used as if you were like 30 something or 40.
19:58I'm like, oh no, and that's because I grinded my teeth.
19:59And I stopped thinking about it,
20:01but I started focusing on myself.
20:02I started focusing on bettering my emotions, purging,
20:05you know, cleansing myself, and it went away by itself.
20:08But the thing is that working with energy
20:11is a little bit easier to do these kind of trainings.
20:13So, since you're alone in your home,
20:15and no pongamos esa, por favor.
20:17Since you're alone in your home, you know,
20:20I feel like you're going to want to do something
20:23that you know you can get rid of easily.
20:25If you, maybe the first thing you do when you wake up
20:28is have a glass of alcohol,
20:29that's something that is easily put away.
20:32And I would say cigarettes,
20:34but I know that some people say it's so hard,
20:36but the thing is that it's also all up here.
20:38Enrique smoked for 40 years and just one day,
20:40he woke up and said, I'm not gonna smoke anymore.
20:43And hasn't smoked since.
20:45So, it's, at the end of the day is how strong is your mind
20:49to not have any addictions, to not have any bad habits
20:53that destroy your physical health and your mental health,
20:56and how do you get there, right?
20:58So, baby steps, baby steps.
21:00So, what do you have that's a take
21:02that you would like to get rid of?
21:03I would love to know.
21:05I fall out of bed.
21:08I need to go back to sleeping in a baby crib.
21:12Oh my God, that's so funny.
21:14I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
21:15Well, you know what, you know what you should do?
21:16I have your answer.
21:18Get yourself two more mattresses,
21:20but not the expensive ones,
21:21the ones that are like, you know,
21:22the cushions that you put on top of the mattress
21:24that are like 100 bucks?
21:25Get the foam mattresses and put one on each side.
21:28So, that's it, all you're doing is extending your bed.
21:30So, when you fall, you just keep sleeping.
21:33There you go, easy.
21:35I use a night guard
21:36because I do grind my teeth while I'm sleeping.
21:38Okay, David.
21:40I actually never used a night guard
21:43and it just went away on its own
21:44when I started cleansing the negativity out of my body.
21:48Since, you know, I always say like,
21:49don't use my example as a perfect example
21:51because there's so many, I guess, exclusions
21:55when it comes to working with energy in my case.
21:57But yeah, it's something that obviously you're asleep
22:01and you're like, well, how do I stop grinding my teeth?
22:02Obviously, the night guard would be the way to go.
22:05I haven't done it since, so.
22:07Hello, Jenny, how are you?
22:08Once, you dressed just like Bo Derek in the 1979 film, Ten.
22:13In that movie, she plays a character called Jenny
22:15and she loves Mexico.
22:17How apt.
22:20I had no idea.
22:21What movie is it?
22:21I'm gonna have to look it up.
22:22I love Bo Derek.
22:23She was definitely a 10.
22:25She's still alive, right?
22:27I used to plug my eyebrows when I was with my ex,
22:29had all sorts of odd behaviors.
22:31I gained 60 pounds and didn't take care of myself.
22:34I started small with my eyebrows and then my nails.
22:38Yeah, these are like triggers.
22:40These are things that you need to keep like in total mind
22:43because this is your mind and your body telling you
22:47like something is not right.
22:48Your energy is like.
22:52Like literally, it's like in short circuit right now.
22:54But if your energy is at peace,
22:58and I can talk about this because I'm in that stage
23:01and it's beautiful how you are,
23:04somebody asked me the other day, Jenny, who do you admire?
23:09Not to sound cocky, but I said, I don't look up to anybody.
23:12I mean, other than my relationship,
23:14my husband is my number one like ruder, of course,
23:17but I've never looked up to anybody really.
23:19And I think I'm my best admirer,
23:21not to be like I'm the best,
23:24but in a sense that I know where I was
23:26and I know where I am today and it feels so great.
23:29And I think that's how it's gonna feel for everybody
23:32that ever, ever overcomes any kind of situations,
23:35obstacles or bits about yourself
23:38to become that better version of yourself.
23:40It's just, it's so rewarding.
23:42It's so rewarding to be in a stage
23:44where you have absolute total peace
23:47that you just want everybody to be in that cloud with you.
23:50So that's what I'm trying to do, you guys.
23:51We're trying to get you in the cloud.
23:53New Zealand fan, can I send you soft kiwi bird
23:58only found in New Zealand?
24:00Soft kiwi bird?
24:02Is it a bird or is it a kiwi?
24:05I mean, cause I am pretty sure I'm not allowed
24:07to get fruits through customs
24:09and I'm not sure if I can get a bird,
24:12but I would love to have a bird.
24:14Oh man, thank you.
24:15Hey girl, how are you on this Friday night?
24:17I'm doing shabby.
24:19Good evening young lady.
24:25Hi Deirdre, how are you?
24:26Hi, I can't cope with a big change,
24:29but sometimes a big change makes wonderful things happen.
24:32So by thinking of the glorious reward
24:34that makes me want to do the change.
24:36See, that's exactly what I was talking about.
24:38It's like we're human and we need that little motivation.
24:42But we're gonna get distressed
24:44and we're gonna get more stressed
24:46when we see that we're not getting there.
24:48You're gonna be like, Jenny's telling me,
24:50let me see if I missed something.
24:53Disappointment, the worst thing that we could do
24:55is disappoint ourselves, okay?
24:57So when I talk to you about controlling your emotions
25:00and you go to work tonight or tomorrow
25:02and you blash out at your manager,
25:05you're gonna be like, oh,
25:06where did all that talk from Jenny Live go?
25:08Where is my meditation going?
25:10Why wasn't I able to keep it together?
25:12And that's a disappointment.
25:13And then you're gonna say, this stuff doesn't work.
