• last year
Jenny so Hot in Live show


00:00Come to another Jenny live. Hope you're having an amazing beautiful evening wherever it is you're watching us from come and say hello
00:25Welcome guys, welcome welcome beautiful days are back in the jungles of tulum
00:30Tito's are still crazy, but it's still nice and warm. And oh my god, the weather is crazy
00:36There was some there was some crazy. Let me check. Hold on one second. There was some crazy eruptions that happened
00:44Yesterday or today? I think it was actually I wasn't gonna talk about it
00:47And then I just realized I'm like, wait, wait a minute. Wait a minute. Something did happen
00:50I don't want to just blub about it. Let me see. Where'd it go for you?
00:56Yellowstone there you go
00:57So there was some eruptions in Yellowstone in the US and there's some crazy videos about it and people running and hopefully we got to
01:04Send some positive eyes to this because you know that if this actually does erupt it's gonna affect all of the u.s
01:10According to what I read the earth will go down ten degrees, but obviously it's gonna affect all living
01:16Species and within the area because it's all gonna be covered in ashes. So hopefully you won't get to that
01:22Hopefully, it's just a little breather that our earth that mother earth is taken. But of course if you do live nearby
01:28Then make sure you take necessary precautions with time
01:31I actually cannot read the chat. No puedo leer nada del chat porque me lo pusieron donde me tapa todo
01:37Así que lo siento no los puedo leer amigos
01:40Pero bueno, bienvenidos a ver si acá me entendieron me lo van a correr
01:45I can't read you right now. I said hello. Hello. All I'm saying is just hello because they put it like right behind the camera
01:51Apparently, I don't look at you straight in the eyes
01:53I was told yesterday that I kind of look away and I'm like, yeah, that's because I have a vision of me
01:58So we tend to look at ourselves when we're doing something right to see if we're doing it right or not. There you go
02:05We're good. Thank you. Hello drew dog or fun fun. Hey, soos bienvenidos amigos como estamos buenas noches
02:12Bueno, no option que paso en yellowstone national park
02:16Pues no ha pasado nada en el tema volcánico todavía pero si da un poquito de miedo imagínense
02:22Si ustedes están viviendo cerca este parque, por favor tengan cuidado no y y bueno
02:25No, no pensemos en mayores no a suceder nada. Hay que mandar buenas ondas
02:29Okay, so I'm gonna answer this email if you guys ever have questions about the topics that we have or you know doubts
02:35Then please let me know shoot me an email. It's Jenny at Miami TV comm
02:39Please don't write to me and say hey, this is Jenny
02:43Hey, do you read this because it's just really a waste of time and then those emails will not get to me
02:47So yes, there's somebody that vets the emails and then I'll get the ones that are actually topics or that makes sense. Okay, so
02:54Yeah, if you have something to literally say for the show, then we are happy to receive them
02:59What I will tita por favor. No, I am isn't a amigo. Okay
03:03Hello angel saludos. Um, this is Angel. Como estas invenidos any kid positive day. It's always a beautiful day
03:09It's always a positive day. Siempre dias positivos amigos aliens erupted the volcano
03:15Who knows? I don't know but there is that theory which I don't think it's a theory
03:19I think it's legit that aliens do live within
03:22Volcanoes, that's why we see them around when there's always active storms and active mosquito mosquitos active volcanoes
03:30Hello. Hi Martin. How are you? Welcome guys when the echo is doubles. Okay, so here it goes. Hi Jenny
03:36I am a cat guck from Nepal. Hello from Nepal. It started with that. Look at beautiful
03:41Ooh, I love Miami to be live in YouTube. Your topics are interesting about aliens and energy, right are crazy aliens and energy topics
03:48I'm practicing naked lifestyle for the past two years in the jungle
03:52You live in the jungle to more power to our jungle people
03:57In the past one year I have been practicing sexual energy with strangers that is like the number one thing that I was like, what?
04:06Why do you twist the message around and think that just because we speak about sexual energy
04:12You confuse it and think that getting your sexual energy active means that you have to share with anybody. Are you crazy? No
04:20So sometimes when I feel negative energy while having sex with other men and sometimes people I feel happy and also spread positive energy to other
04:27People please can you explain these topics on on the show and Jenny live so people can learn about this a little more?
04:33Okay, my mother was a was great in astrology, I love people that are a good in astrology
04:39I think that it's when you learn how to
04:42You know work with the Astros
04:46Everything kind of becomes easier. That's why my meditators do so
04:49I never really took much of an inclination on learning these subjects because I have people that do it for me
04:54But if you are interested in astrology, I think that you're gonna benefit from it. Of course
04:59I mean, that's what the Mayans did remember and they were great at making decisions, I guess
05:04Brazil or a common sample says, okay. So let me stop you right there
05:08Practicing sexual energy with strangers. What is that all about? That is a big no
05:11No, I don't I feel like sometimes there's people that just kind of take the bits of information and misunderstand it or just use it for
05:19Their benefit use it in their own way and just say well, you know
05:22They're talking about the importance of sex and the important about sexual energy
05:25So this must mean right that it's a free world of sex and you need to have sex with strangers
05:32No, no, I mean like huge no that's precisely what we speak against of course
05:39You could do whatever you want, you know
05:41I'm not gonna judge that and nobody should judge
05:43But when it comes to actually benefiting from energy and sex the number one thing that you cannot do is have sex with strangers
05:54Maybe I need to explain it a little bit in more in detail
05:57Which is that your body is energy our strongest energy generation is through sex because well
06:04What is the strongest energy generation in the world life? Okay, we have this gift of creating life
06:09So that spark of life that happens happens when two people unite
06:15All right, a female and a male energy comes down that spark happens and the soul is incarnated
06:21so if you take that action that is made to generate positive energy and you just
06:27Utilize it for a mundane pleasure. Okay, which is basically the carnal pleasure or you start acting animalistic, okay?
06:35Then you're not gonna get any benefit any benefit whatsoever from it. Okay, in fact, there's
06:41There's articles that will come out and say, you know sex is healthy. It's good for your body. It burns calories
06:48There's so much misinformation out there that the thing is that all of these things are true sex is healthy
06:54It'll help you actually even mold your body. Okay, it is gonna burn calories
06:58And it's the it's the best way for you to do meditation yoga
07:03Dancing and the voice, you know how we were explaining one of the journey lives where everything is everything is moved. Okay
07:10So you're generating the strongest energy ever, but you're actually backfiring on yourself if you do it wrong
07:16What does it mean to have sex in a wrong way when it comes to positive energy?
07:21Well not having the emotion of love because what gives
07:26What actually decides?
07:27Okay, if the energy is positive or negative is your feeling so you could meet maybe with somebody, you know
07:34with somebody that you have a really strong connection with a friend or somebody that that you know has pure energy, okay and
07:41Have a tantric experience and generate positive energy if you're both
07:45Conscious about about this and doing it with a conscience that you're practicing Tantra
07:49That is that fine line. Okay that it's very difficult
07:53I would recommend not to do it anyway, just because it's more than likely that you're not going to
07:58Do it appropriate. You're not gonna do it correctly. Like I said, it's a very fine line
08:03so if you don't know how to manipulate energy that is something that you need to stay away from because
08:07Emotions is basically what controls the energy that you have inside of you
08:12so that's why when we talk about triggering right and we talk about
08:15Negativity and how to rewire our brain to think positive and to act accordingly and to act
08:20You know correctly when negative situations happen this these triggers that happen. They're all emotions
08:26Okay, so when you learn to control your emotions, you can learn to manipulate your energy
08:30but the thing is that if that if you don't know about this and you don't have the
08:35Expertise or experience in these subjects it could really really backfire in a negative way
08:40So you're gonna end up having sex with a stranger like you just mentioned and you're gonna end up feeling super empty afterwards
08:46And maybe your life is not gonna be moving the appropriate way after all
08:50So just because we talk about sexual energy doesn't mean that
08:54You need to go out and activate your sexual energy with anybody on the contrary. You need to practice celibacy
09:01I know how maybe silly that might sound or how prude it might sound
09:05But at the end of the day, like I always say you can do whatever the heck you want
09:08I'm just I'll just guide you to generate positive energy so that you or channel gets purer so that your channel gets stronger and
09:16So that you continue, you know to to progress in your life towards that mission that you have to
09:23Let's say do in this planet or you know pan finalized in this planet. So
09:28You need to really really be careful. I think that if you
09:32Are careful with the people that you're choosing and these are people that maybe want to practice these rituals with you
09:38Because remember that sex is a ritual then so be it, you know
09:43It's gonna be but it's not gonna be something that you're gonna be do that. You're gonna be doing passionately
09:48It's not gonna be something that you're gonna be doing
09:51Aggressively. Okay. So when it comes to the practice of Tantra when it comes to
09:56You know the practice of actually generating generating this energy. Well, it takes consciousness to begin
10:02so it's very difficult to find someone that you can have that consciousness with and say
10:08We're going to share our bodies with this conscious feeling that this is a ritual
10:14in fact
10:14there are sexual rituals that you can do for particular issues or problems like
10:20Health problems or money or projects, you know projects that you might have in mind because like we said
10:26This is your strongest energy. So if you just think about something and you think that you're going to be attracted in it
10:34It's it's it really all depends in what you're hosting, you know, are you hosting?
10:40You know, are you hosting positivity? Are you hosting negativity?
10:44According to whatever it is that you're hosting is what you're going to express to the rest
10:49Vernon I'm guessing you're getting younger by the age. I mean seriously, you're being very negative and I don't care to read you anymore
10:55So if what you have inside particularly what we were talking about yesterday, right when people have negativity inside
11:01They'll just try to make other people feel bad about themselves
11:03so if what you have inside of you is
11:06Toxic obviously what you're going to be doing is exhaling that toxicity out to the universe. It's basically that simple now if you
11:14balance out that
11:16the kiddies are around if you balance out that energy and you know for sure that you're positive because
11:21Everything around you and everything that you're doing and the people that surround you the situations that happen to you
11:27Like, how do you know if you just finished generating negative energy? Like for example, you just said that you're a good morning, Daniel
11:32How are you? You just said for example that you are
11:35You know, you're sharing the sexual energy with so with strangers with some it's great experiences with others. It's not positive
11:43but the reality is that you are every time you are sharing your body with somebody you are
11:49acquiring all of their
11:51Let's say their energy from their experiences
11:54So if the person that you're with has traumatic experiences that they have not healed
12:00That is actually going to make you absorb that negative energy from those situations and it's gonna affect your life later on and maybe you're
12:07Not gonna feel it right away, you know
12:08Maybe you're not gonna feel it tomorrow or the next day because maybe you finish that situation
12:13Maybe you finish that encounter and you're gonna be like, oh that was so pleasurable. That was so great
12:18You know, we really connected nobody said that negative energy was
12:22You know wasn't great like in a sense of feeling
12:26I mean, you're gonna have this sharing of emotions and it's gonna feel amazing
12:30in fact
12:30sometimes negative energy actually
12:33Could make you feel more in a ballistic and more and stronger in an energy level than you would ever think and you might even
12:39Confuse it with love. So that is when you're really really far away from what love really is, you know
12:45Guys I totally missed the comment. Sorry. So keep that in mind
12:49So definitely pick whoever it is that you're sharing yourself with and second of all if you can abstain from sharing yourself with anybody
12:55if you don't have a
12:57Steady partner, that would be the number one thing that I would recommend because then you're gonna be safe
13:02You're gonna be safe in the sense of saying you're not gonna be absorbing anybody's negativity
13:06You're not gonna be absorbing anybody's traumas. Okay, so it's gonna be okay
13:10You're gonna be sure that you're not generating negativity in that area at least and then you have to make sure that you're not generating any
13:16Negativity in anything else, right?
13:18Like the way that you're acting the way that you speak to people or the way that you're trying to make people feel for
13:25Situations when you when you encounter negative situations, do you act upon them in a negative way?
13:29These are all triggers to let you know that you need to detox now. Okay, Jenny, but you talk so much about sexual energy
13:35How do I activate it if I'm not having sex? It's really simple
13:39It's really simple you can activate it on your own and it actually has nothing to do when I speak of sexual energy
13:44It has nothing to do with the actual sexual act itself
13:48You know, you can activate your sexual energy
13:50The reason why we call it this is because it is the creator energy
13:53It's the energy that comes from our solar plexus
13:55Okay, and this is you know, and from our genitals and this is where we come from. So it's the strongest one
14:01But you can activate it without having any kind of intercourse and you can activate it by yourself
14:06And without even touching yourself actually so
14:08Uh at the end of the day it all comes back
14:10To your mind the power of your mind and what you're doing with it
14:14As a matter of fact at work today when we were slow in work. I said the most important thing there is is love
14:20Exactly. Love moves moves mountains. Love heals. Love is the best thing that we can all have so
14:26Um, if there is no if you're having an encounter with somebody, okay
14:30Let's say that you're in you're trying out a new tantra class and there's somebody that wants to try tantra with you
14:36Okay, and you say okay in a in a safe environment in an environment
14:40Where somebody is controlling the energies which is actually what what I do in our tantra courses
14:45Um, and there's no risk in these energies being being negative
14:49Okay, which for the most case most cases that's what happens
14:52Is that the the energy that you share with somebody that you don't know it's going to be immediately negative because there's no love there
14:59Okay, so if there's if there's nobody actually guiding that situation or that course
15:06If there's nobody actually monitoring that there's no negative negative energy being generated then
15:11you're going to be affected by it because
15:14Inevitably the moment that you have intercourse with a stranger
15:19Since there's no love the number one thing that happens is that the male
15:23Enabled to have an erection to begin with has to have lustful thoughts
15:27because the only thing that
15:29Makes the male have an erection when they're with their partner is the emotion of love is the feeling of love
15:35so it's a gentle and and of course mixed in with
15:39The with the sexual feelings and that I guess you could call it that a little bit of lust but the majority the main
15:46The main emotion is going to be love
15:48So the more emotional love the more emotions you have towards that person the more you're going to be able to work
15:54Okay, so if you're with a stranger men don't really have that way of of saying well
15:59I don't love so it's not going to work and and get it to work
16:02Without with thinking of love because you can't fake it
16:05So the moment you are with a stranger
16:07Usually what happens if there is no recollection and no knowledge whatsoever of how to really manipulate the sexual energy with breathing
16:13Okay, which is actually a really deep meditative state
16:16um that you can control you can actually control your men can control their erections with breathing and with
16:21Concentrating and bringing that chi right and that energy down and being able to control their erections
16:27You can do this
16:28But the thing is that you're not doing this
16:30You're not having sex with people that are masters in tantra or in chi energy or in any of this
16:35You're just having sex with strangers. So there is absolutely nothing positive about that
16:39in fact
16:40I was really shocked to receive this email because if one person has misunderstood some of the information that I was giving that means that
16:46Many people misunderstood it and I think that's a huge problem. Um
16:50No, guys, you cannot have sex with strangers if you don't want to have
16:54Uh the reaction right a negative reaction later on in your life. You're going to lose your job. You're going to be sick
16:59You're going to um, you know, you're going to feel lost
17:03You're going to go backwards instead of forward when sexual energy is all the opposite, you know
17:08Sexual energy is to be used with love with caution
17:11If you don't have somebody to practice it with then you're going to keep it to yourself
17:15You're going to be able to master it on your own. This comes with breathing exercises like for example tantric meditation
17:21Which is something that i've talked to you guys about a lot a lot of times. Um
17:25It is actually the manipulation of your arousal because our body only our body and mind understand arousal
17:32As they you immediately think arousal and you immediately think of sex
17:36Okay, and that that's something that needs to change in your mind
17:38You need to think of arousal and think of strength power. Your arousal is actually power inside of you. And this is the way that you're
17:45That your body is reacting to it
17:48So you're harnessing all this power all this energy from your own engine from your own body and you're making it stronger
17:55And you're moving it, you know up and down through your body if you learn how to manipulate this energy
18:00And this is when all these books come and and it's actually something that's gaining
18:03I think a little bit more popularity today with men when it comes to semen retention
18:08It's actually great. There's people that have become millionaires just by retaining their semen believe it or not
18:14And it's not a physical thing whatsoever
18:16It's something that has to do with the control of your sexual energy and that control basically just means that you are
18:23having a conscience manipulation of that energy going up and down in your body and
18:29It gets to the point and it will get to the point where it's no longer sexual. Okay, so we as humans have this
18:35Idea that sex is just you know, almost because porn is so popular
18:39So you think of sex and you think of porn videos you think of sex you think of animals, you know
18:44The harder the strongest the fastest the better
18:47and the reality is that all these things actually do have do make sense because you are generating more energy when all these actions take
18:53place in those in faster stronger, you know and louder or whatever, but
18:58You can go both ways. You can be doing it in a negative way or in a positive way
19:02But how do you know if you're actually doing it in a positive way?
19:05You're gonna see the you're gonna see the results later on throughout your days. Okay, you're gonna feel
19:10You know, you could feel great afterwards and you just generated a lot of negativity and it felt wow it might have felt amazing
19:19But like I said positive energy is pleasurable negative energy is pleasurable. And in fact negative energy sometimes is
19:26Stronger and animalistically pleasurable that you're gonna even be confused and be like, what was that?
19:31Because at the end of the day you're moving energy
19:33It's regardless you're going to be moving energy. Even if you say no. No, i'm just having sex. No, there's there's no way
19:39For you for anybody in this planet to have sex and not move energy, okay
19:45So whether you like it or not, whether you believe in it or not, you are moving energy
19:50So, how do you know if you're generating negative energy?
19:53Maybe you pick someone that you that you see that is a really nice person. But the thing is that
19:58Strangers you don't know a stranger unless you perceive their energy. How do you know?
20:02What kind of traumas they have what kind of you know
20:05Situations they've been with and who they've been with before because these are all records our memory
20:10Okay is our conscience our memory is energy that we transfer when we are with someone we transfer all of that energy
20:18Towards the other person. So you're basically recycling the other person's energy
20:22It's almost like if we don't talk about it in an energy level and I just tell you
20:27You know when when you kiss somebody you're sharing all of your dna and all that saliva and all you know
20:31What if the person has a fungus problem, you know, would you think twice before kissing somebody?
20:36Probably because it's something i'm talking about the physical i'm talking about, you know, the the medical part
20:41Nobody talks about energy. But the thing is that it's sometimes a lot worse
20:46Uh, I was I was I was um seeing a video the other day that I retweeted
20:50I don't know if it's retweet or re-ext but I retweeted that I found so interested and it was this guy talking about
20:55Is it possible that parasites are demons?
20:58And it literally just blew my mind because I had never thought about it like that and it makes absolute sense
21:04So I immediately message enrique and i'm like enrique are are parasites demons and he's like, of course
21:11It's like they're a hundred percent negative energy. I'm like, why didn't why didn't you ever tell me this?
21:14Like I didn't know this like but it makes so much sense the way that the guy's explaining it and i'll get a video
21:19Actually, just look at my ex account if you're interested in it and and and listen to it because I thought it was so
21:24Interesting the way that he was explaining why is humanity today?
21:27So sexual and what is the number one thing that parasites do is they try to mate because when there's one
21:32Um, you know when there's one parasite, it's usually female or male and they need the couple
21:37so what they do is they
21:39You know parasites have the power to even control your mind and your desires when you say I I can't stop having sweets
21:46Or I can't stop
21:47Eating cheese or I can't that when you say that you definitely cannot live without something
21:52Is because something inside of you is making you yearn these things and I usually explain it in the sense of energy of telling you
21:58guys, well
21:59When you when you're saying you can't stop these bad habits or these negative habits
22:03It's because there's negativity inside of you that is
22:06Inclining you more towards that loss of control and you go out and you're very sexual and you and you let go in that sexual
22:12Act but it actually does make sense that if you do have parasites in your body because the food that you eat and all that
22:19Um that that's going to make you be very sexually active. So if you guys have not done a deep cleansing
22:27When it comes to parasites, then you really need to start looking for information
22:31There is a very there's various ways that you can cleanse from this
22:34um because
22:36and and i've had people actually before come to me and say I can't stop thinking about sex I can't stop thinking about this and
22:41Like well, usually it's just it's just for me. It's always just been energy. Well, you have negative energy, you know, but
22:47But in a physical level, I mean energy is also physical it it it
22:52It has a space in your body, you know
22:54but it definitely makes sense that if you are filled with parasites that you're going to have urges to
23:02Be contagious. Okay, so um
23:05There's so much information out there today
23:06Like I was saying yesterday if you decide not to know and you just say I don't know the feeling is too strong. Yeah
23:13Saludos gua, um, then you're not
23:16There's no room for being ignorant today, you know, there's so much information out there. Anyway, so going back
23:21So, how do you know if you're generating negative or positive? Well, basically, um at the moment you don't because they're both going to be
23:27Very pleasurable, but if i'm if i'm to tell you anything is no do not have sex with strangers
23:33That is probably the worst thing that you could do for yourself for your health and for your life overall
23:37Because you're not going to see results right away
23:39But you're going to notice a huge difference later on that
23:42You're not going to be attracting
23:44The person that you really want to spend the rest of your life with the more you share yourself sexually with someone
23:49The more you're actually absorbing their dna the more that you're absorbing their genetics
23:55The more that you're absorbing their traumas and especially if they're strangers
23:58You don't know where that person's been what they've been through and like I said, we're not only speaking in a health level
24:04we're speaking in an energetical level with
24:07Which in fact if you ask me it's actually even deeper and more delicate because it's things that you cannot see
24:14That later on affect your overall health because everything every single health problem that you have in your life
24:21with negative energy
24:23Be call it a parasite call it, you know something that you can't see but it begins with negative energy
24:28Um, so you need to prevent yourself from generating negative energy
24:33Number one thing to do is don't have sex with strangers. You want to activate your sexual energy amazing
24:39That means controlling your orgasms not exploding and releasing energy at any moment because that is something that is your life
24:46This is your backup battery. Basically. This is something that you want to maintain inside of you. Okay, so
24:54Learn about containing learn about tantric meditation where you actually play with your arousal in the sense that you get to these
25:00Very very high exciting times and moments right and then you just breathe and you start
25:07Getting used to that power because that is exactly what it is. It's a power and it's an electricity inside of you
25:14That is moving learn how to move it. Don't give it to just anybody because you're giving away
25:20Your your strength you're giving away your power. You're giving away your purity
25:25And if there's something that we all need today
25:28Is purity you need to be as pure as possible and the only way of doing that is keep it to yourself
25:33Okay, so, um, I don't this isn't true. Okay, don't be like, oh that's prude, you know celibacy how boring
25:39Like I said do whatever you want. It's your life, but you are going to pay the consequences later. Trust me
25:45um, so
25:46For the person that wrote this email. I'm, sorry if there was ever if there was any kind of
25:51Misunderstanding in the message that I was giving but I really hope that you understand it now
25:55I really hope that you stop doing that and anybody that has watched my shows and has misunderstood it
25:59I really I apologize
26:00but but then again
26:01I don't because I think that people do take the information and just put it into their own benefit into like oh, yeah
26:06They hear half of it and then they stop listening
26:08You need to hear the actual message and if there's something that isn't clear then you can always write to me and ask me
26:14Um, but precisely that is the number one thing that I would tell you not to do is no do not
26:18Share your energy with anybody now when it comes to
26:22Exploring sexual energy then
26:24It's yourself if you're alone
26:26If you don't have somebody, you know that that loves you and you don't have somebody that you love
26:31Then it doesn't mean that you cannot explore your sexuality that you cannot explore your sexual energy
26:36in fact
26:37This is the number one time where you need to pay more attention to yourself to know yourself to explore yourself to
26:44Uh get to know your limits, okay and and you're going to notice that there are no limits be successful on your own
26:51Before you're successful with somebody else. Okay, so really just get to the point where you clear your traumas where you clear your
26:59uh negativity and you get to the point where you are
27:02So clear and so pure that you are going to attract the person that you need
27:07You're going to attract that half orange that you've all been looking for
27:11But in the meantime don't mess your life up and mess your energy up on the way
27:15Because you know all the only thing that you're doing is being further and further away
27:21Um, actually meeting that person the more negative energy that you generate by having sex without love
27:27The more negative energy that you attract into your life and the more people that you attract into your life with that feeling that you're having
27:33Which is emptiness
27:35Okay and shallowness. So no, no, no, you have to merge towards love. You have to merge towards positivity
27:41You have to merge towards protection towards health towards yourself and purity, of course
27:46All right, guys people take things out of context a lot
27:50Yeah, I I was like what?
27:52But you know, it made me feel bad because i'm like wow you're doing this because you obviously saw a video of mine
27:56so I really hope that
27:58This doesn't happen again because
