What is faith? || Acharya Prashant, on Vedanta (2020)

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Video Information: 04.07.2020, Shastra Kaumudi, Greater

~ How to get freedom from bondages?
~ What is meant by ultimate freedom?
~ Is there any final freedom or salvation?
~ Why methods of meditation are called bondage?
~ What is meditation?

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00Faith is not an act of thought, or memory, or conditioning.
00:17Faith is not something that you do for your protection or aggrandization.
00:24Faith just is. You can say you believe on something, but you cannot say the same thing
00:37about faith. You cannot say I have faith on such and such thing. If your trust has an object,
00:49then it is mere belief. Faith is when you are alright without an objective reason to be alright.
01:01So there is no object associated with faith. Belief is I will be rescued because my friend
01:10will come to rescue me. This is belief. I will be rescued because my friend will come to rescue me.
01:18What is faith? I do not bother whether I will be rescued or not. I am alright whether I am rescued or not.
01:30So faith therefore is not dependent on an occurrence, a person, a reason, on anything.
01:38Faith is, I said, object independent. Faith is obviously another name for a totally fulfilled
01:58self. When the self is totally fulfilled, then it bothers not. Or it says that my
02:07botheration has been submitted to or surrendered to a very very reliable, dependent, dependable
02:20force. This is faith. Either you could say I do not bother at all or you could say I
02:28have given all my botherations to Ram. And who is Ram? The one who cannot falter. The one who
02:36will not fail me or deceive me. These two are the same thing. You could either say now I am
02:42not bothered at all. My friend may come to my rescue, not come to my rescue. I feel already
02:48rescued. Or another use of language is how to save me. This is no more my personal worry. Ram
03:10is the saviour. This is his portfolio. Let him take care of me. Why should I worry? But in either
03:20case you see faith is object independent whether you say I do not worry at all or whether you say
03:27Ram will take care of my worries. Because even though in the second case you are talking of Ram,
03:35Ram is nevertheless not an object. Ram is an abstraction. Are you getting it? Ram is an
03:46abstraction used to communicate the idea that I am no more bothered about myself. And because
03:59you wanted to communicate it in an affirmative way, so you said I am no more bothered about
04:04myself. My worries now belong to Ram. That's as good as saying I have stopped bothering. Or the
04:13one who bothers or the one who used to be bothered. I am no more that. I was never that. It's just
04:25I was in a spell for a while. Now I am out of that spell. Are you getting it? Talking of Ram
04:50as an abstraction for positive affirmation is an example of Sambhuti. We can say this. No. When Ram
04:57becomes an object for you then it is Sambhuti. But when Ram is just another name for Nirakar
05:05Brahm then it's not. If Ram becomes an object with attributes then it is Sambhuti. Now you
05:14are imagining Ram. Now you have an image of Ram. Then it is a problem obviously. But when Ram is
05:22just a metaphor for that which is indescribable then it's a different Ram. So basically we are
05:37saying that it is indescribable yet I am dependent on that. Yet I am dependent on him. That is faith.
05:43Now that's a tricky thing. That's why faith is such a rarity. What you are saying is I am dependent
05:49on something or somebody not only I do not know but is actually unknowable. Bad. We find it so
06:00difficult to depend even on somebody we know and know a lot. Are you ever fully convinced
06:12when you have to depend on somebody who is even your family member? Are you fully at peace? Are
06:27you? So that is the condition of those who depend on something that has a form or something that is
06:38objective. Even if that thing is tried and tested a thousand times yet there would lurk a suspicion
06:47within you. Because there can be no absolute certainty in this world that fellow has remained
06:57dependable since the last 10 years. What is the guarantee that he will prove dependable even
07:05today and deliver the goods? Is there a guarantee? So some kind of a disquiet will remain within you.
07:10That is the ordinary belief. In faith you do not even know who it is you are trusting and yet you
07:22are secure. In ordinary belief you fully well know the one you are trusting. He is my brother or my
07:35father, my wife, my boss, whatever, my organization. I know and I am trusting them. Yet one phone call
07:45can shatter all your belief. While you have been trusting them since long, you say well sir your
07:56support is my rock of Gibraltar and all those big things. But one phone call is enough to dynamite
08:04the rock. Faith, you have no idea who you are trusting and yet you are alright. But who is Ram?
08:26Why should I bother? All my botherations are with Ram. So why should I bother who is Ram? Even
08:36this botheration let Ram take. Let Ram bother about who is Ram. Tulsi bharose Ram ki nirbhay hoke soye.
08:44Now he does not say Tulsi bharose guard ki nirbhay hoke soye. If it is some guard then Tulsi cannot
08:52be nirbhay and his sleep can never be deep. Because the guard can ditch you. If the one you
09:02are depending on is a mortal person, some objective thing of this world, then you can be anytime
09:12ditched and let down. Ram, no chance boss. Sleep peacefully. An honi honi nahi, honi hoye so hoye.
09:28That's faith. I can never be let down because there is nobody to let me down. There is no Ram
09:36in the objective sense. So there is nobody to break my trust. What is Ram then? If I just say
09:53there is no Ram then it's quite quite hollow and lifeless. So there is Ram. Ram is there but not
10:06in the sense the guard is there. Ram is there in some other dimension. What is certain is Ram is
10:17not in the dimension of the guard. Equally you cannot say there is nothing called Ram because
10:25had there been nothing called Ram how come Tulsi is snoring away so peacefully. So there certainly
10:31is something called Ram but that something is not in the same plane as the guard. What is the
10:42proof that Ram is there? See how his snores are echoing. That's the proof. Not one tension this
10:59man has. This is the proof that there is Ram. There is no proof of God other than the godly
11:15man said that elsewhere. Getting it? As long as the guard is there you will get no peace,
11:40no sleep. Now there are two options. Get ten guards, get the entire army or dismiss this one
11:51guard that you have. Most people if they are not able to sleep peacefully with one guard what do
12:01they do? They bring in ten guards. They say now maybe we will feel secure and sleep. But the
12:08thing is if you couldn't feel secure with one you cannot feel secure with ten. What if these ten
12:17collude? One was one. I could have even overpowered him. But now there are ten of them. Insecurity is
12:31mental. Who can stop imagination? So the way is if one guard makes you insecure don't get another
12:45one. Dismiss this one. Remember that old poster? Everything that you gather, everything that
13:00you gather for your security makes you all the more insecure. So there is this doha that has
13:19stuck with me by Kabir Sahab. And similarly I have also seen you that you know being worried
13:36about things and missions and everything. So on one hand you totally tell us that you know depend
13:46upon Ram. But on the other hand, so these are two different dimensions you see. Dukhiya Das Kabir
13:55hai jaage aur roye. The jaage bit, the awakened part pertains to vidya or the subject within.
14:13The roye part which implies concern and tension and restlessness, this pertains to the worldly
14:25conduct. Are you getting it? Within there is nothing but pure awakening, constant awakening.
14:39Externally the being is responding to the worldly situation at hand and the worldly situation at
14:54hand is such that it brings tears to the eyes of the mortal being. Are you getting it? The mortal
15:07being, he is influenced by the situation of the world because as far as the mortal part is concerned,
15:21it has to be influenced, it will be influenced. But within that mortal exterior lives someone
15:34whose nature and work is just pure light and awakening. Jaage aur roye. In fact because he
15:45is awakened within, therefore he is in tears outside. The ones who are not awakened within
15:55are found rejoicing outside. Are you getting it? So it is not as if awakening necessitates a certain
16:08type of blissful external conduct. It's a fallacy and it's a fallacy that has been promoted by not
16:22merely ignorance but actually ill will. You see it has been said that if you are awakened from
16:31within then externally you would be composed and peaceful and smiling and all those things. If that
16:38be the reason then why is Kabir Sahib saying here that in the middle of this happily sleeping world,
16:47he is the only one awake and tearful. Awakening is a certain thing in all saints. This will be
17:07something common amongst them. All of them are awakened from within. Except for this,
17:13if you find anything overlapping in their external behavior or characteristics, it is merely a
17:22coincidence. There is no certainty, no guarantee that the outsides, the external behavior or
17:33conduct or mannerisms of awakened beings will be similar. No, not at all. What is similar among
17:47them is inner awakening, not external conduct. But we have been made to believe that all awakened
17:57beings must display a particular type of external conduct. You know what that does? That merely
18:05enables the fraudsters to exhibit that kind of conduct and convince everybody that they too are
18:14awakened. For example, if it has been drilled deep into you that an awakened being walks in a
18:27particular way, wears in a particular way, carries a particular something around the neck with beads,
18:42or rings, or some holy mark or vermilion or something, his eyes are half closed,
18:59he's always found chanting the holy name, he smiles in a particular way,
19:09and you have been said that the holy man will display all these characteristics. He eats this
19:21much and in this way. He has had wonderful and extraordinary experiences. And if I am a trickster
19:43trying to dupe you into thinking that I am an enlightened being, then what will I do? You have
19:51made it very easy for me, have you not? You have made it very easy for me to trick you. I will just
20:00start exhibiting all the signs that you commonly associate with enlightenment and you will quickly
20:10believe that I too am enlightened. Don't fall into that trap. Enlightenment is something very
20:23very subtle. It is so subtle that I call it non-existent. Therefore, I refute the common
20:31concept of enlightenment itself. The commonly held and displayed enlightenment is nothing but
20:46a trick and it is a trick to cheat you. Why don't you understand? If you will read about the lives
21:10of saints, so many of them have done so many things that will shock you. They are totally
21:17against your idea of enlightenment. It is just because you are in ignorance about the life
21:30stories and work and behavior and mannerisms of the saints that you continue to call them holy.
21:40Otherwise, if you will measure them by your yardstick of holiness, then you will be forced
21:49to declare that none of them are holy. It is a very strange situation where you have
21:56dreamt up standards of holiness for yourself that are so foolish that you declare all the
22:12frauds as enlightened and all the saints you will declare as ordinary beings or even wild
22:26beings if you come to know of the real life stories of those saints. Just because you will
22:35think that the saints are wicked or fallen, it will do nothing to the saints but it tells a lot
22:47about your stupidity. We imagine a saintly figure to be some kind of a superhuman. One
23:15he has to be a superhuman. Secondly, he needs to exhibit supernatural powers. How is he to be a
23:32superhuman? He is to be a superhuman by his total lack of emotionality, by his total lack of
23:48experience of everything that you call as worldly or carnal. Everything that besets you and defeats
24:04you should never be seen in him and it helps your belief if that fellow declares that he can
24:34heal wounds or fly off his body or do some kind of magic this and that.
25:04In contrast, saints were deeply human. You may call them enlightened, unenlightened as you please.
25:21Doesn't matter. What matters is that they were human to the core. They were concerned, they cared,
25:41they bothered and that's the essence of sainthood. The field of your concern extends far beyond
26:05yourself and this you can technically also call as transcending body identification. So,
26:27the common man weeps, so does Saint Kabir. The difference does not lie in one weeping
26:39versus the other not weeping. The difference lies in the fact that the common man weeps
26:45for himself and Saint Kabir weeps for the entire world. The field of his concern is very inclusive.
27:01Concerned he is, worried he is. He is worried just as the common man is. He weeps just as
27:11any common man or woman does. It's just that when a commoner weeps, it is because he has lost some
27:17money or some desire has not been met. When Kabir Sahib weeps, it is for another reason. Similarly,
27:27he will display all other emotions. Disappointment, anger, desire. It's just that the common man
27:44desires for himself. The saint will have a much more intense and ferocious desire. The desire of
27:55the common man is lukewarm. The saint's desire is unmatchable. Intense drive and desire he has.
28:06It's just that he's not desiring for his personal sake. But if you will look for desirelessness in
28:13a saint, you will be deceived because some charlatan, some trickster will display a cultivated
28:24desirelessness and take you for a ride. He will say, look at me, I have no desire. And you will
28:32say, wow, this is the real enlightened being. See, he has no desire. No, the saints had tremendous
28:38desire. It's just that when there is saintliness, then desire itself gets consecrated. By the touch
28:57of the center, the exteriors are turned holy. Are you getting it? On the exterior is the dance of
29:14all these worldly things, mind, desire, anger, disappointment, all these things. But when at
29:20the center is Ram, then all these external things, they do not die. They become holy. So it's not
29:33that the saint does not have desire. He has desire. But his desire itself is holy. His desire will
29:41have holy effects. Do not be stupid enough to accuse him of having desires. If he doesn't have
29:50desires, why will he work for you? If he doesn't have desires, what is he doing amongst you? Why
29:57should he be found with you? He is with you because he has desires. Don't judge him on that.
30:03The nature of his desire is dimensionally different. The nature of his anger is
30:16dimensionally different. The nature of his tears is dimensionally different. Do you get this?
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