Premio Archivio Disarmo Colombe d'oro per la pace, in Campidoglio si è svolta la 40a edizione

  • 19 hours ago
(Adnkronos) - Sono stati consegnati a Roma i riconoscimenti per la 40a edizione del Premio Colombe d'oro per la pace, organizzato da Archivio Disarmo con il sostegno delle Cooperative aderenti a Legacoop. L’edizione di quest’anno si è tenuta in concomitanza con due guerre che stanno sconvolgendo l'Europa e il Mediterraneo e minacciano di allargarsi con una escalation che nessuno sembra in grado di arrestare. In Ucraina, a Gaza, in Cisgiordania e in Libano le distruzioni sono enormi, così come le morti, soprattutto nella popolazione civile. In Campidoglio sono stati premiati i giornalisti Veronica Fernandes (Rainews 24), Matteo Pucciarelli (la Repubblica), Safwat Al Kahlout (Al Jazeera) e Meron Rapoport (+972/Local Call). Il Premio internazionale è stato assegnato alla Campagna Stop Killer Robots ed è stato ritirato dal Vice presidente Peter Asaro.


00:00Delivered to Rome the awards for the 40th edition of the Colombe and Gold Prize for Peace,
00:06organized by the Archive of Sarmo with the support of the cooperatives affiliated with the EGACOP.
00:11In Campidoglio were awarded the journalists Veronica Fernandes and Matteo Puccerelli,
00:16Safawat Al-Kallut and Meron Rabaport.
00:21The International Prize was awarded to the campaign Stop Killer Robots
00:26and was withdrawn by the Vice President Peter Asaro.
00:30The 40th edition of the Colombe and Gold Prize for Peace,
00:33a very particular moment from the point of view of peace and war.
00:37We are between two major conflicts, plus all those spread around the world,
00:42but these concern Europe, concern the Mediterranean.
00:45So we thought to do something that would remind the importance of finding meeting points
00:52in situations that also seem extreme and without way out.
00:57It is necessary. It is a problem of relationship between neighbors.
01:01There is a problem of neighborhood.
01:03We must accept the idea that security is not a thing of my house and not of others,
01:08it is of everyone's house.
01:11It is an honor for Stop Killer Robots Campaign to receive this award,
01:17the Colombe and Gold Prize for Peace.
01:19This award is certainly a springboard for those who do the work of a chronicler
01:25to continue to speak and bring to the public debate the issues related to peace,
01:32anti-militarism and non-violence.
01:35Our public debate, unfortunately, is too often polarized between opposed positions.
01:41It is difficult, on the other hand, to bring the voice of those who seek to make peoples dialogue
01:48and to make diplomacy speak.
01:51So it is an honor to receive this award because it gives strength to continue on this path.
01:58Receiving this award is certainly an honor and a responsibility that I would like to share
02:05with all the people I met during the wars,
02:09because they allowed me to understand how many cracks, how many fractures
02:14and how much desire for peace there is in each of the people who suffer the war.
02:20And above all, they taught me that it is important not to see only the part related to the conflict,
02:26but an entire person, therefore a person who also has dreams and aspirations, a past and a future.
02:33I am really happy to be awarded this award.
02:41For me it is a recognition of the efforts made by the Palestinian journalists in general,
02:47also a recognition for those who paid their lives to tell the truth
02:53and for those who managed to overcome all obstacles, even the conditions of Israel.
03:00For me it is an honor to receive this award, but at the same time
03:06it is difficult to receive an award for peace when there is war in our land.
03:12It is difficult, it is not easy at all.
03:18Doing journalism work in this situation is not easy at all.
03:25But I believe that telling the truth is always better and more important,
03:31even in such conditions.
