Thursday afternoon forecast 06/01/22.

  • 2 days ago
6th January - National weather forecast, presented by Alex Deakin.
00:00Hello again. The wintry feel continues, certainly for the next 24 to 36 hours. We are going
00:06to see some further problems with snow and ice. Most places seeing rain. But where we
00:11are seeing snow today is across the hills of northern England and Scotland. And it does
00:16feel pretty cold out there once more. Here's the bigger picture. Beautiful swirl on the
00:20satellite image. Deep area of low pressure to the west of Iceland. And look at this further
00:25south. This mottled looking cloud is a whole raft of heavy, even thundery showers that
00:31are pretty cold. Their source region is from Arctic Canada. So they'll be bringing some
00:36snow in places during Friday. Ahead of that, we've got this bank of cloud. That's a weather
00:41front bringing wet weather across much of the UK. Hitting the cold air was a frosty
00:45start this morning. And so we've seen that wet weather bring some snow over the hills
00:49of Northern Ireland. And now for the next few hours, certainly some pretty grim conditions
00:53on the higher routes across northern England and Scotland. But even at lower levels, at
00:58least for a time, we could see some snow before it generally turns back to rain through the
01:02afternoon. Further south, it will be pretty much all rain across the Midlands and southern
01:06England. East Anglia in the southeast staying largely dry until later on. Temperature wise,
01:12well, eventually turning a little milder from the southwest. We could get up to maybe eight
01:17or nine Celsius later on, but still feeling pretty cold for most without wet weather moving
01:22in just three or four Celsius. And the rain eventually arrives across the southeast through
01:26this evening. As it clears, the air turns colder and the showers then arrive and those
01:31showers packing in across the northwest in particular. And as I said, the source region
01:36for those coming from the Arctic parts of Canada. So it is cold and the showers will
01:42be heavy. Thundery, the risk of thunder, snow as the showers pack in at low levels. Again,
01:48mostly it will be rain that we see, but that could lead to some icy conditions as things
01:53turn cold through the night. So the potential for further disruption over parts of Scotland,
01:58Northern Ireland and northern England. We do have a Met Office yellow warning in place
02:02for that continuing into Friday morning. Temperatures generally not as low tonight, more of a winds
02:08keeping the temperatures up generally a touch above freezing in towns and cities, but certainly
02:11in rural areas across northern Britain, there will be some pockets of frost and the wintry
02:17showers will continue over northern England, North Wales, Northern Ireland, West and Scotland
02:21into the morning snow building up over the hills. Could see some quite heavy dumps of
02:26snow in a relatively short space of time in these showers, but there will be also hit
02:30and miss for the south. We'll see the zone of wetter weather creeping into Wales and
02:35southern England during the day. That will mostly again be of rain at low levels, but
02:39some snow is possible, certainly over the hills of South Wales and the moors of southwest
02:43England for time during Friday. Much of the east staying dry and bright through the day,
02:47but it is going to feel cold wherever you are. Temperatures three or four at best for
02:52most, maybe six or seven across the south. But add on that wind and when the showers
02:57come along and it will feel an awful lot colder. Wet weather across the southeast, potential
03:03with a bit of sleep mixed in for time does tend to clear away during Friday afternoon
03:08and evening and then clear skies leading to a frost behind me. Another weather front coming
03:13in that will bring some wet weather during Saturday. The ice above squidging together
03:18as well. So wet and blustery during Saturday for a time. Then a gap leading to something
03:24a bit drier on Sunday before more weather fronts promise more wet and increasingly mild
03:29weather as we go into next week. A real roller coaster with the weather then at the moment.
03:34The weekend in summary, wet and breezy for most on Saturday, brighter and colder during
03:39Sunday. A full detailed weekend weather forecast will be available on our YouTube channel through
03:45the course of Thursday afternoon. So subscribe and you'll never miss a forecast. But make
03:50sure you're also following us on Twitter and Facebook.
