The Real Murders on Elm Street Episode 6

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The Real Murders on Elm Street Episode 6 - Halloween Horror


00:00The last time I seen my dad was on Halloween 2009.
00:29He stopped answering my calls probably about 6.30 on Halloween night.
00:36Halloween that year fell on a Saturday.
00:40I started looking for him Sunday.
00:49I drove around Monday all through the country outside Spartansburg, Union City, and Bartonia.
01:01And then on Tuesday, his friend called me from the corner of Elm by the library and
01:06said that he'd found dad's van.
01:09And I said, well, is dad in it?
01:11He said, I haven't went to it.
01:13And I rushed up there.
01:23When I got to the van, I went up on the driver's side.
01:30When I looked in, I could see my dad laying on the floor in the backseat.
01:37I was screaming, my dad's dead.
01:40Someone's killed him.
02:10Our dispatch center on November 3, around 5 o'clock, received a 911 call.
02:37It was from Janice Cheadle that she had found her father.
02:43Patrick Cheadle was deceased in the back of a van.
02:47Crime scene investigators, they're looking for cigarette butts, a soda can, anything
02:53that may have DNA to where they can then pinpoint potential suspects.
03:01In this day and age, DNA, fibers, everything else, it's down to the minute.
03:05So we wanted to limit the amount of people within the actual scene.
03:11He was in the back of the van.
03:15There was a lot of blood in the hair and face.
03:18So we knew that it was a head wound.
03:22You can easily conclude someone usually doesn't die in that manner in the back of a vehicle.
03:28We knew we had a homicide.
03:32Detectives are finding a few things that raise questions.
03:34There's no blood splatter inside of that van.
03:38Because of that, they know that this body has been moved from a place where this man
03:42was killed into the van and then parked in this area.
03:49We processed the van.
03:51We took evidence.
03:57One of the bits of evidence was a cell phone that Mr. Cheadle had on his person.
04:02There was a significant amount of cash found.
04:06Patrick Cheadle had $3,000 cash on him when they found his body.
04:12Apparently he was supposed to go buy a car that evening that he went missing.
04:18There was also some marijuana found in the back of the van.
04:23And eventually we removed the body from the van and took it to the coroner's office.
04:34The autopsy determined it was probable that he died from a gunshot wound to the head and
04:39he was shot at fairly close range.
04:42Then he had abrasions of limestone, as if he had been drugged.
04:47Limestone is what your gravel driveways and a lot of your concrete is made of.
04:53They also saw inside his collar was dried vegetation.
04:57And we called in a botanist and he identified it as a plantain weed.
05:03It's very common, but the botanist said wherever he was drugged, this plant will be present.
05:18It is bizarre.
05:19You have a murder on Halloween, the body being found on Elm Street.
05:25Is there a connection to Halloween?
05:28Nobody knows.
05:30In 2009, Greenville, Ohio has a population of less than 13,000 people.
05:37This is not an ordinary situation for the people who live in a small community like this.
05:44They are scared.
05:48We're the type of community where people still wave to you.
05:54So it's a very small town, the charm is there.
05:59Greenville's very large, older homes, nice homes.
06:03Once you leave Greenville, it's vast farmland, so we are very rural.
06:071997 was the last homicide we had before this one.
06:14People in Greenville, Ohio, are terrified.
06:17So investigators need to find the person who did this, and you need to find them quickly.
06:23Obviously, the next step for detectives is questioning family members, trying to get
06:28leads to figure out what was going on right before Pat Cheadle was killed.
06:35Janice Cheadle, the daughter of Patrick, made the phone call and made the discovery.
06:41She was in shock.
06:43She agreed to speak to me, though.
06:48On Halloween 2009, at approximately noon, I went over to see him at his friend's shop.
07:05He was talking about going to Spartansburg to buy a used car.
07:10And then I said, I'll see you later tonight, you're going to go to my sister's Halloween
07:13party, aren't you?
07:14Yeah, I'll see you later, you know, hugged him, kissed him, told him I loved him, and
07:19that was it.
07:23My dad stopped answering my calls probably about 6.30 on Halloween night.
07:31My dad never showed up to the party.
07:34And then Sunday morning, I went to meet him, and he wasn't there.
07:37He hadn't answered me, which I thought was odd.
07:40It's not like my dad not to answer my calls or texts.
07:43Even if he was busy doing something, he would text me, say, busy, call you later.
07:49And I didn't get anything from him for days.
07:54I called his friend, and his friend hadn't heard from him either.
07:58I called my stepbrother.
08:01I called every jail and hospital in a three-state radius just in case.
08:06I honestly just knew something bad happened because my gut told me, and with him not responding
08:10to me, I knew it was bad.
08:14We just started searching.
08:19And my dad's friends just happened to be coming back from Union City, and they took Elm Street.
08:27It happened upon dad's van.
08:31I just remember yelling and screaming and crying.
08:37And I was in the middle of the road and had to be picked up.
08:41Literally feels like your heart's been ripped out of your chest.
08:53I would describe my dad as a hippie.
08:58He was an old soul.
09:01He just was one of those relaxed, calm, cool, collective person most of the time.
09:10He worked on trucks at a truck stop here nearby as a detailer.
09:16That was like a hobby and a moneymaker for him.
09:19He took pride in his work.
09:21He would be polishing his trucks.
09:22He would listen to his classic rocks, like the Leonard Skinner and ZZ Top.
09:28He was definitely from that era, and it stuck with him.
09:32He loved his classic rock.
09:36He was a truck driver for about 40 years, so he really wasn't home a lot.
09:41He was on the road probably 50 out of the 52 weeks.
09:45So when he was home, it was all about his family.
09:49He personally only had two kids, me and my sister, but when we were younger, he remarried
09:54and we had three stepbrothers and a stepsister.
09:58My dad definitely was a family man.
10:00His mother meant everything to him.
10:03He was at his mom's at least once or twice a day, checking on her or eating with her
10:06or something.
10:09While investigators are talking to Patrick's mother, they find out there have been some
10:15threats that have come from Patrick's girlfriend's ex-husband.
10:25It seemed that the ex-husband was clearly jealous of Pat and his relationship with his
10:33My dad had a girlfriend for several years, but the ex-husband and the girlfriend weren't
10:40actually divorced at the time.
10:41They were separated, so there was anger.
10:47The ex-husband had told my dad to stay away from his wife, otherwise there was going to
10:55be trouble.
10:59He'd said it multiple times.
11:03It was a fairly recent threat.
11:17Cheadle's mom said, find this person, he probably knows something.
11:23In her eyes, that was the person responsible for the death of her son.
11:36We all know what Halloween's like.
11:39Kids going out, trick-or-treating, fake horror for everybody, haunted houses.
11:47In Greenville, we have a Halloween parade, and the businesses will hand out candy into
11:52the fire departments there.
11:55Very charming type stuff.
12:01But this was something that really happened on Halloween on Elm Street, of all places
12:07in Greenville, Ohio.
12:11Patrick Cheadle had been dead in a vehicle for days.
12:18You had Cheadle's girlfriend's ex-husband telling Cheadle to stop messing with his ex.
12:29We brought in Pat's girlfriend for an interview to see what she knew.
12:34We asked about who may have wanted to harm Patrick.
12:37She said her ex-husband.
12:39That's who she felt may have been responsible for Pat's death.
12:44Our next step was we brought in the ex-husband for an interview.
12:47He voluntarily came in.
12:51He admitted to having issues with Pat.
12:53Of course, he had a different story than what other people said.
12:57You know, he made it more of a two-way argument instead of just a one-way.
13:01But he had no qualms of saying that there were issues between the two.
13:04I don't think he showed any remorse on the death, but he did not show any indications
13:09that he was involved in the death.
13:12In the interview, he told us where he was at during Halloween, and his alibi did check out.
13:21The ex-husband was ruled out as a suspect.
13:29Living in a small town, there was a lot of talk and speculation.
13:34Every time there was a homicide anywhere, there are always rumors.
13:40Was this a robbery?
13:42Was this a drug deal?
13:44Was this somebody else who would have a reason to kill this man?
13:48And those are the questions that detectives immediately start to ask family members and
13:52his daughter, who was on the scene and made that 911 call.
13:58I told Detective Roberts about how my dad was planning on going to buy a car the night
14:03before and told him that the used car was actually a code for him going to buy marijuana
14:09because they needed to know the truth so they could figure out what really happened to my father.
14:16My dad had approximately $13,000 on him to buy the car.
14:20He had it in a money bag, like a bank money bag.
14:24That's how he carried all his money.
14:27She advised that he was going to have about $13,000, but we only found $3,000 on him.
14:35And then to find $3,000 cash on a robbery victim, yeah, it was confusing.
14:44We thought, well, maybe it wasn't going to be a robbery.
14:50But then detectives get to see cell phone records.
14:55The gold nugget we got was the cell phone because your phone tells a story, tells you
15:02where you've been, who you've been in contact with.
15:07Investigators find three calls on Halloween, a very important date because this is the
15:14last time anybody has seen Cheadle alive.
15:17One call comes from a landline.
15:19Two other calls come from a cell phone.
15:22The cell phone number traced back to a 19-year-old by the name of David Meisner, which was a
15:27little unusual that, you know, Pat was 53 at the time and he was in contact with a 19-year-old.
15:35The landline phone calls came from Bartonia, Indiana, across the state line about 20 minutes away.
15:44And they have to get the Randolph County Sheriff's Office involved, too, as they go there and
15:49start investigating in that small little township of Bartonia.
15:54The Greenville Police Department, Chief Roberts, he reached out to me, told me that they had
15:59went through some cell phone records.
16:02And I just basically lay out everything we have and then the names that we're giving,
16:06he knew them.
16:08Adam and Marsha Hargrove.
16:11They were definitely a person of interest.
16:16So we made a trip out there to the Hargrove house.
16:22Sheriffs are really cautious when they're going to this home.
16:26The Randolph County Sheriff's Department has had run-ins with the people who lived there
16:29in the past.
16:32I was familiar with the address.
16:36Even as a patrol officer, I had been there numerous times for domestic-related situations.
16:44There has been some criminal activity involved with these folks.
16:48So they're just cautious.
16:51They don't want to do anything to cause any alarm.
16:53They don't want to do anything to put themselves in danger either.
16:57It was very rural, very remote area, long lane.
17:01It was a husband, wife, and I believe a couple kids.
17:07It was oddly calm.
17:13We went to the residence and spoke with the homeowners there.
17:17They were confused as to who Patrick Cheadle was.
17:23They weren't familiar with the green van.
17:26They weren't familiar with any of the questions that we were asking.
17:31But they consented to a search.
17:35So we basically started looking for any potential types of evidence there at the house that
17:40would indicate that that might have been where the crime occurred.
17:51Inside the house, there was a fireplace that had burned latex of some sort, and we believed
17:57that it might have been rubber gloves.
17:59Obviously odd.
18:00You don't see that a lot in somebody's fireplace in their home.
18:08Investigators also find plantain, which matches the vegetation that was on Cheadle's shirt
18:14found at the coroner's office.
18:17I would say within an hour or two, we had the actual search warrant and a crime tech
18:23from the Indiana State Police to use luminol.
18:28If sprayed onto a surface that has had blood on it, it will make it illuminate.
18:35And he sprayed it on the wooden deck at that property.
18:41You could physically see where the shooting occurred and then where a person had been
18:46drug off of the porch.
18:50We knew we had our crime scene at that point.
18:54We decided to go ahead and take the deck apart.
18:58And as soon as we got the boards lifted up, we found a large pooling of blood.
19:04The crime scene tech gets a sample of that blood.
19:08Once they did those tests, it was confirmed that it was Patrick Cheadle's blood.
19:15Investigators have their crime scene now.
19:17It's on this couple's back porch.
19:21Obviously they think these two people who live in this home are somehow involved.
19:27But the couple is adamant that they are not involved in Cheadle's murder at all.
19:33Adam and Marsha said that on Halloween, during the time frame of the homicide, they were
19:38at a hospital in Indiana.
19:41Detectives want to know how this blood splatter ended up on their back porch.
19:47Why is there a crime scene back there?
19:50And they don't know, could this couple be murderers?
19:55But investigators had no idea what was going to happen next, and it was a lot worse than
19:59they could have ever imagined.
20:18Adam and Marsha said that during the time frame of the homicide, they were not home.
20:24The couple is adamant that they had nothing to do with Cheadle's murder.
20:29They don't know how this blood splatter ended up on their back porch.
20:35And their alibi was verified.
20:38Everything checked out.
20:40They did go visit a hospital in Indiana.
20:43However, they then let investigators know that somebody had been staying in their house
20:50while he was having some trouble with his family.
20:55The homeowner said that his cousin, Terry Durbin, had access to the house, and it was
20:59on again, off again, staying there.
21:02The night that they came back home from Indianapolis, they found that Terry Durbin was there with
21:08a 19-year-old kid.
21:11The homeowner said that the 19-year-old was drinking beer and smoking marijuana.
21:18This 19-year-old kid was David Meisner.
21:23And Meisner had called in the cell phone that Mr. Cheadle had on his person.
21:27So things started coming together pretty quick.
21:32The couple did tell us that Terry had left and was going to visit his brother up in Georgia.
21:38But prior to him leaving, they noted that he gave them some cash and that he got some
21:45repairs done to his vehicle.
21:47And they found it kind of odd because he had been kind of on hard times and did not have
21:52a lot of money, and suddenly he's got a lot of cash on him.
21:58At that point, our focus turned to learning as much as we could about the cousin, Terry
22:05When investigators learned the name Terry Durbin, Durbin happens to be someone who knows
22:12Cheadle's stepson.
22:15Terry Durbin and my stepbrother, Derek, grew up together in the same little town.
22:20So that's how my dad met Terry Durbin, was through my stepbrother.
22:24Investigators start doing some background digging into him, and they find he sells pot
22:29and he has a violent temper.
22:31One of our local police departments had told us that he was a suspect in a home invasion.
22:37They also indicated that he was a suspect in a bank robbery that had occurred in South Bend.
22:44Terry is a bad guy.
22:48The investigators understand that there is this murderer going through their community,
22:54hiding somewhere, and potentially could strike again.
23:00While investigators are digging into Durbin's background, some people let them know there
23:05was a double murder in a small town called Mongo, about two hours north in Indiana.
23:19I would describe my dad, he was a pretty boisterous guy, very warm, very caring, very giving.
23:36Terry Anderson and I ran around together and had a lot of fun.
23:40We liked to fish and hunt and stuff like that.
23:45Darlene, my stepmother, she was like a little butterfly.
23:48She was very soft-spoken.
23:51She had a really warm heart.
23:54My dad and Darlene had one child together, and that was Amanda Anderson.
24:03My dad worked for a tree service company.
24:08After Katrina, he decided to go down south to help with clearing out some of the trees
24:14and the damage.
24:17And he definitely was able to earn and save quite a bit of money.
24:23He was working on having a side business and being a musky tour guide.
24:26You know, and he says, I'm just going to take $10,000 cash, and I'm going to get a brand
24:32new boat, but two feet longer.
24:36And he did tell people that he had quite a bit of money to buy this boat.
24:42Maybe he could talk a little bit too much.
24:50The phone call came when I was at work that Darlene had been shot.
25:00And his dad in the house, and they can't find dad.
25:09When we got to Mongo, a detective came and started handing me personal items of my dad's.
25:17That's when he told me that my dad was found in the barn and he was deceased.
25:23And they said that they were murdered.
25:28It was violent.
25:37When you find out that a family member dies, it's hard just knowing that they're not here
25:45But for it to sink in that they were taken, violently taken, it has a different tone.
25:59They didn't tell me where Terry was murdered.
26:03I found this out when we started walking onto the other side of the pole barn.
26:08This huge, huge, round circumference of blood, thick, and Terry Anderson's hat was laying
26:17right there in this pool of blood.
26:21And I'm like, oh my gosh.
26:25Terry and Darlene were brutally beat.
26:28Terry's throat was cut.
26:30You could see the blood on the lawnmower, and the blood on the ceiling looked like something
26:37hit that.
26:38You know, the blood was wall to wall, little pieces of scalp and stuff.
26:46And you could see where he put a handprint on the mower.
26:51I'm like, oh my gosh, you know, this is, this is where he was murdered?
26:56And they're like, yeah, you know.
26:58And I go, this is not good.
27:00I can't have my wife see this stuff.
27:04They said, I mean, we can have a cleanup service come in and clean it up.
27:07And I said, but when will that happen?
27:10I don't know, maybe a couple of days, the investigator said.
27:13And I says, oh, I can't have Sherry see her dad here.
27:17Well, the investigator says, well, you can clean him up.
27:23From my perspective, this case was poorly investigated.
27:28Investigators turn the crime scene over to the family immediately after only hours.
27:33They tell the family members that they can clean it up.
27:38Family members are panicked.
27:39They don't know what to do.
27:42So they start taking everything out of this house that has blood on it.
27:47They take out the carpet and burn all of this evidence, unknowingly thinking that investigators
27:54have everything they need.
27:58And there is a murderer on the loose, ready to strike again.
28:25Terry Durbin worked at the tree trimming service with my dad.
28:34They worked quite closely.
28:36I met him on a few occasions.
28:40He was a laborer and, you know, kind of an aid and assist.
28:47Putting brush or anything into the shredder, whatever it takes to get the job done.
28:54My father-in-law and I would be out in the barn.
28:57And a couple of occasions, you know, Terry Durbin showed up just to talk.
29:05If Durbin was indeed involved in those Mongo murders, as he is suspected to have been,
29:12it also appears that he didn't like to operate alone.
29:17Terry Anderson's daughter, Amanda, you know,
29:20you know, she had a meth addiction, I guess you could say,
29:25knowing to do meth, hanging around with meth friends,
29:29hanging out with Terry Durbin as well.
29:33There is lots of speculation from family members and detectives as well
29:39that Amanda had a role in the death of her parents.
29:46I suspected a possibility of my sister or her circle of friends.
29:53There was a lot of behaviors that I questioned about my sister.
30:05And the lack of trying to find out who murdered our father and our mother.
30:11Maybe it wasn't something where she expected them to be killed,
30:16but there was an incentive for her to get that money
30:22that her parents, and her father in particular, had just come up with.
30:28My sister's possible involvement affected me very deep,
30:33and I still, it still bothers me.
30:36It still bothers me, it still hurts me, just to thought.
30:41This case had been cold already for four years
31:06before Terry Durbin's name comes up again in this murder of Patrick Cheadle.
31:12As it turns out, the two cases had quite a few similarities.
31:18From what I've gathered about Terry Durbin, everything's about money.
31:22And that's where these two cases really collide.
31:26Both of these men had cash on hand in their pockets.
31:31Both of these men were talking about the money that they had in their pockets.
31:37My dad had lent Terry Durbin money,
31:39and I believe Terry Durbin had given my dad a check,
31:42and I don't think the check was a good check.
31:44And my dad had had a hard time and was angry with Terry Durbin with this loan.
31:52We were told he was more than likely the person who committed the crimes in the Mongo murders.
32:01When a crime occurs in a small community like that,
32:03the word spreads fast, and people were scared.
32:07I was hearing a bunch of rumors about Terry Durbin.
32:11The rumors on the street were about people he'd beat up,
32:14and almost beat to death, who wouldn't ever testify or tell the cops who did it.
32:20I honestly was quite scared after this.
32:23I never had a gun in my house.
32:25I had a handgun that I slept with under my pillow because it was very scary.
32:32People are terrified that there is a murderer on the loose in their community.
32:38We knew we had a very bad guy,
32:40and we wanted to find these two people before someone else was going to get killed.
32:46We didn't sleep.
32:48We'd get a couple hours and start out early in the morning.
32:51We had the sheriff's office involved, and then we had Randolph County involved.
32:57Everybody worked for a common goal.
33:00We got the numbers, and we were able to track their cell phones,
33:04and we knew that Terry Durbin was going to Georgia.
33:07And Mr. Meisner, we pinged him up in Chicago.
33:12I made contact with David, and I called him.
33:15I introduced myself.
33:17I could tell that he was nervous.
33:19I could tell that he was nervous.
33:20We then talked about the fact that he showed concern because Mr. Durbin wanted to meet him.
33:29And I kept telling him, do not meet him, because looking at the dynamics of the two,
33:33you could tell who was probably the leader and who was the follower.
33:37And I explained, if you meet with him, he's going to get rid of loose ends.
33:44The investigators know Terry Durbin could strike again.
33:51It was just a matter of time.
34:14I was very focused on getting those two in.
34:17We had a 53-year-old guy who we strongly believe was involved in another double homicide,
34:22who was experienced in the world of crime.
34:25And we had a 19-year-old kid who was foolish enough to follow the lead of Terry Durbin.
34:33We decided to just call Terry Durbin and David Meisner,
34:37just call them initially to see if they would cooperate and come back and speak with us.
34:43And shockingly, both agreed to return.
34:46However, Terry said that he needed to take care of some personal business before he would return.
34:54David Meisner's mother had already got him an attorney,
34:57and he had X amount of time to turn himself in,
34:59or I told her that, you know, we would start looking for him and that would not be good.
35:05In my thought process, Mr. Durbin wanted to meet Mr. Meisner to kill Meisner.
35:12And I think he knew that. I think he figured that out. He was scared.
35:17So he did come in.
35:20Meisner was ready to talk.
35:24He looked like a scared kid to me.
35:27He told us they had set up a drug deal.
35:32They were selling three pounds of marijuana and the asking price was nine to ten thousand dollars.
35:41He was chosen, which the similarities with Mongo comes because he was going to have cash on hand.
35:48Pat was there to buy ten thousand dollars worth of marijuana. It did not exist.
35:53Instead of it being a marijuana purchase, it was a robbery, and the robbery turned into a homicide.
36:00David Meisner did not know the person personally who was coming.
36:05And he said that when he arrived, there was a green van that came down the driveway
36:11and that Terry Durbin had went to answer the door.
36:17While Terry was outside, he hears a pop that he recognizes as a gunshot.
36:23He told us that Terry came back in the house, pointing the gun at him, telling him to come help him where he was next.
36:31He told us that Terry Durbin then used a hose to clean blood off the deck.
36:38They drugged the body to the van.
36:41Durbin drove the van with Patrick Cheadle in the back. Mr. Meisner was behind him.
36:49They dumped him off at Elm Street.
36:53And then they drove back to the residence.
36:57And later on, that's when the homeowners did come home, and he found that they were drinking.
37:04David Meisner also told us that prior to him and Terry separating ways, Terry gave him two thousand dollars in cash.
37:14David Meisner also did tell us that he purchased the gun, and he told us that he didn't know a murder was going to occur.
37:21I mean, he thought it was going to be a robbery.
37:27Investigators now have what they believe is enough evidence to arrest both Meisner and Durbin.
37:35Shortly after we were contacted by Terry Durbin's attorney, and the attorney made it clear to us that he had talked to his client and he did not wish to talk with law enforcement,
37:46we explained to him we were taking him into custody and we still had enough reason to believe that he was involved in the murder.
37:52On November 12, 2009, two weeks after the murder of Patrick Cheadle, Terry Durbin is finally arrested and charged with his murder.
38:02David Meisner, also arrested, also charged in the murder of Patrick Cheadle.
38:08David Meisner cooperated with investigators, cooperated with the prosecution, and he was treated as a friendly witness.
38:16He still got charged with murder. He still got charged with robbery.
38:20However, the prosecution and the state made a deal, sentenced him to 20 years in prison.
38:28Durbin denied everything, claimed he was completely innocent.
38:34The trial was in 2010. All of Cheadle's family was there.
38:38They brought in a slew of character witnesses describing Terry Durbin's behavior, his temper.
38:46On October 29, jury goes into deliberations. They spend only six hours and they come back with guilty on both charges, murder and armed robbery.
38:56When the jury said guilty, I actually teared up. I mean, it was like a huge feeling of relief.
39:05And I know what it did for the family.
39:11But Patrick Cheadle is still somebody's dad.
39:14They took my rock from me.
39:17They took my father. They took my kid's grandpa.
39:20They don't get to experience and build memories like I did with my dad.
39:25They took a son.
39:27They took a caregiver from my grandma a long time ago.
39:31They took my mom.
39:34They took my brother.
39:37They took my sister.
39:39They took a son.
39:41They took a caregiver from my grandma away.
39:45I believe that Pat Cheadle could have still been alive if we'd been able to nab Terry Durbin in my family's case.
39:54We were told that he was the suspect in the Mongo murders.
40:00But they would not try a circumstantial case. They wanted more physical evidence that would tie him there.
40:06They just thought it wasn't a case they could try and win, is what I was told.
40:22Whoever did it, they should pay for it.
40:26Every single day, I have to wake up knowing what happened to my family.
40:30I mean, they beat them. They beat them to where they couldn't even have an open casket.
40:38It's the violence that really bothers me the most. That's what really, really, really hurts.
40:46It's how they died. It's not a matter of that they died, it's how.
40:52It's so hard.
40:55It's so hard.
41:01He's the first and only person that I've registered with the prisons with that I want to know if he's released, if he escapes.
41:09That they will personally call my cell phone and tell me.
41:13I want to know where he's at at all times.
41:16He's where he needs to be.
41:20And I pray that the Andersons are able to get justice in their case.
