
  • 2 days ago


00:00Transcription sponsored by RenaissanceRe
02:00The Untamed
02:30The Untamed
02:36The Untamed
02:42The Untamed
02:48Liu Xianyang, what are you doing?
02:50Have you ever heard a strange sound?
02:52It's like the cat's meow in spring.
02:55Do you mean the cat's meow in Songji New Snow or the turtle's?
03:00Are you blind?
03:08By the way, I found you a way to make money.
03:10Go to the soft corpse in Tiejiang to dig a well.
03:13It's better than sending a letter.
03:21It's just a bed board.
03:26I'll fix it for you later.
03:28Then I'll go back to Tiejiang first.
03:29If you want to do this job, come to me.
03:33You're usually not so stingy.
03:34Why are you so stingy today?
04:00The Untamed
04:05The Untamed
04:13The Untamed
04:23The Untamed
04:28The Untamed
04:36The Untamed
04:44The Untamed
04:50Don't run.
04:52Don't run.
04:54The Untamed
04:55The Untamed
04:57The Untamed
05:08Stinky Taoist
05:09I'll hit you every time I see you in the future.
05:11The Untamed
05:20The Untamed
05:27The Untamed
05:32The Taoist
05:33No, forget it.
05:34Or the Buddha
05:43This is
05:54His coming is not simple.
05:57The Taoist
06:02I can't see.
06:03I can't see.
06:05It's a big cause and effect.
06:07It's not the same as a heart on my forehead
06:09The four words of seeking death
06:11The new big mouth Gao
06:13The old eunuch named Wu
06:15You wait for me.
06:16This is not five hundred years.
06:17It's not clear at all.
06:22The Taoist
06:23The Taoist
06:24The Taoist
06:25The Taoist
06:26The Taoist
06:27The Taoist
06:28The Taoist
06:29The Taoist
06:30The Taoist
06:31The Taoist
06:32The Taoist
06:33The Taoist
06:34The Taoist
06:35The Taoist
06:36The Taoist
06:37The Taoist
06:38The Taoist
06:39The Taoist
06:40The Taoist
06:41The Taoist
06:42The Taoist
06:43The Taoist
06:44The Taoist
06:45The Taoist
06:46The Taoist
06:47The Taoist
06:48The Taoist
06:49The Taoist
06:50The Taoist
06:51The Taoist
06:52The Taoist
06:53The Taoist
06:54The Taoist
06:55The Taoist
06:56The Taoist
06:57The Taoist
06:58The Taoist
06:59The Taoist
07:00The Taoist
07:01The Taoist
07:02The Taoist
07:03The Taoist
07:04The Taoist
07:05The Taoist
07:06The Taoist
07:07The Taoist
07:08The Taoist
07:09The Taoist
07:10The Taoist
07:11The Taoist
07:12The Taoist
07:13The Taoist
07:14The Taoist
07:15The Taoist
07:16The Taoist
07:17The Taoist
07:18The Taoist
07:19The Taoist
07:20The Taoist
07:21The Taoist
07:22The Taoist
07:23The Taoist
07:26Holding it back, holding it back
07:28Let me count
07:29What house do I send you to
07:31Both of you can live
07:32The other one wouldn't die
07:34Song family of the streets
07:40Which bastard
07:41Is dodging our Song family
07:46Lih hoa family
07:49想让我损了你的大道吗 Do you want me to destroy your path?
07:56陶夜相的魏家 The Wei family of Tao Yexiang?
07:59李靖春 这么大事你不管 If you don't care about such a big deal,
08:03不管就赶紧滚蛋 get the hell out of here!
08:06趁早把位置让给阮瓊 Let Ruan Qiong have the position
08:09让他来收拾这个鬼鬼祟祟的家伙 Let him deal with this sneaky guy!
08:13够了 Enough!
08:14不许对齐先生不敬 Don't disrespect Mr. Qi!
08:16我阮某人 我绝不会在春分之前设足小镇事务 I, Ruan Mengren, will never do anything to the town before the Spring Festival!
08:33姑娘 你牵扯到的气数太大 只能逆天而行 Miss, you are involved in too much. You can only go against the tide.
08:39可是在这个小镇找一个气数营绕的家伙轻而易举 But in this town, it's easy to find a guy with a good sense of direction.
08:43找个穷光蛋比登天还难呢 It's harder to find a poor guy than to go to heaven.
08:48等一下 好像还真有这么个可怜中 Wait a minute. I think there is such a poor guy.
08:52陈平安 好巧啊 在这儿遇见了 Chen Ping'an, what a coincidence! We meet here!
08:56哎呀不行 这就是人家门口啊 No, this is the door of the house.
09:00陈平安 我有一个大机缘要送给你 Chen Ping'an, I have a big opportunity for you.
09:04骗鬼呢 真是 他再傻他也能看出来 真是个大麻烦哪 He can tell that I'm cheating. It's a big trouble.
09:08陈平安 我 Chen Ping'an, I...
09:14进来吧 Come in.
09:28道长 这箭怎么会飞啊 Taoist priest, how can this sword fly?
09:31哎呀 回头跟你解释 先进去 先进去 I'll explain it to you later. Get in first.
09:33哎哟 小剑剑 这个时候你就别介意什么寒酸了 No worries, please don't think about any negative feeling at this time.
09:39先救命要紧啊 Save your life first.
09:54发什么呆啊 将这位姑娘抱到床上去 Why are you staring? Take this girl back to bed first.
09:58啊 我哎哎呀 这个时候就别顾及什么礼节了 Well, don't worry about the rites at this time.
10:01Don't worry about etiquette, save her is more important, hurry up!
10:04Okay, let's go.
10:09Taoist priest, why is this girl injured so badly?
10:11She insisted on stepping on the plaque of the bull,
10:15and then she climbed up.
10:17I couldn't stop her,
10:18but she didn't pay attention and fell down.
10:20Her face was covered with blood.
10:26Then, what should we do now?
10:29First, help the girl change into a clean dress,
10:32and then go to the pharmacy to get some tonics for her.
10:37Will the girl beat me to death when she wakes up?
10:41There is a girl named Zhigui in the next house,
10:43I'll ask her for help.
10:45If she can do it, why should I come to you?
10:49Save her first.
10:54Xiao Jianjian, don't get me wrong,
10:56she wants to change clothes for your master, not molest.
11:08Do it now!
11:20Don't face each other, hurry up!
11:26Don't face each other, hurry up!
11:29Don't face each other, hurry up!
11:35Your body technique was good just now.
11:37Sorry, Taoist priest.
11:38I just have some strength,
11:40I don't understand boxing.
11:41Maybe you can really kill a person with a punch.
11:43It's just a pity.
11:46Okay, go to the pharmacy to get the medicine.
11:54What's up?
11:55I hope the Taoist priest can do me a favor.
11:58If one day I suddenly die,
12:01can the Taoist priest help me reincarnate in the next life,
12:04and still be my parents' child?
12:18That girl met you by chance,
12:21why did you agree to save her?
12:24Such a beautiful girl,
12:25how can I not save her?
12:38you were indeed saved by me,
12:41but the one who carried you into the house,
12:42took off your hat,
12:43and washed your face for you,
12:44was Chen Ping'an.
12:46He was a poor young man with a dark complexion.
12:48His parents died,
12:49and he was a cook.
12:51What else do you want to ask?
12:52I will tell you everything.
12:56Thank you for saving me, Taoist priest.
12:58It's good that you're fine.
13:01What's your name?
13:03My name is Lu Mingchen.
13:05I'm not a Taoist.
13:08Although that young man did some things
13:10that were not reasonable,
13:11but he did what he had to do.
13:13Please don't blame him.
13:15Taoist priest Lu,
13:16I'm not an unreasonable person.
13:18That's good.
13:23you're not from Pingzhou, Dongbao, right?
13:25Are you here for sightseeing?
13:26I heard that
13:27Ruan Shi, who is the best swordsman in this area,
13:29is going to make a sword here.
13:31I hope he can make a good sword for me.
13:34It's not easy for Ruan Shi
13:36to make a sword himself.
13:37Taoist priest.
13:47My father's name is Ning,
13:48and my mother's name is Yao.
13:50So my name is Ning Yao.
13:52My father's name is Chen,
13:53and my mother's name is Chen.
13:55So my name is
13:57Chen Ping'an.
14:08I've written down
14:09how to make the medicine in detail.
14:12You'll have a hard time
14:13with the next group.
14:14Is it safer
14:15for the Taoist priest
14:16to keep an eye on this life-and-death matter in person?
14:19I'm going to Nanjian
14:21to attend a ceremony.
14:23Taoist priest,
14:24but I don't know how to read.
14:29It doesn't matter.
14:30Miss Ning knows how to read.
14:35Keep the prescription well.
14:37There are many private collections in the small town.
14:40It's not easy for you to buy them.
14:41If you want to learn how to read in the future,
14:43you can learn from the prescription.
14:46One night, I returned to the sea.
14:49Where am I?
14:50I don't see you.
14:53Miss Ning,
14:54see you later.
14:55Taoist priest Lu,
14:56see you later.
14:57Thank you very much.
14:59Chen Ping'an,
15:00I have a few words to tell you.
15:06Chen Ping'an,
15:07according to your memory,
15:08plus the reading seed next door,
15:11you don't know how to read.
15:13It's not the real reason why you stopped me from leaving.
15:16Taoist priest,
15:17I don't have much time now.
15:19I can't take care of Miss Ning.
15:20Are you so anxious to die?
15:57Although that foreign girl used the worst means
16:00to break your longevity bridge
16:02and save your life for half a year,
16:04it's not the mentality that young people should have
16:06to judge life and death.
16:09And let me tell you,
16:10although the bridge was broken,
16:12there is still a way to live.
16:18Chen Ping'an,
16:19do you think it's best to live?
16:22It doesn't matter if you die.
16:24Because death may be a chance to meet you again.
16:34Have you ever thought
16:36that even if you can meet your parents
16:39and they see you,
16:41how will they feel when they see you?
16:53Chen Ping'an,
16:54let me ask you.
16:55When your parents see you,
16:58will they be happy to ask you
17:00that you are here, son?
17:03Can they be at ease to give birth?
17:06How many people in the world
17:07can have children?
17:09Don't even think about it.
17:11Even if you are the Hierarch,
17:12you don't have such talent.
17:14Not to mention you, Chen Ping'an,
17:17a poor man who can't even afford
17:19three meals a day.
17:29Forget it.
17:31Forget it.
17:32For the sake of your kindness,
17:35I only say three things.
17:37The first thing.
17:39After Ningyao recovers,
17:41you go to beg Ruan Shi as an apprentice
17:43to find a shelter.
17:45The second thing.
17:46You often go to Langqiao Xiaoxi to touch stones
17:48and catch fish and shrimp.
17:50How many opportunities you can get
17:51depends on your fate.
17:54The third thing.
17:56I told you long ago.
17:58Think about it yourself.
18:06Get up and help.
18:14The money you get is very precious.
18:16Keep it well.
18:17Add one more sentence.
18:18Don't go out recently.
18:28The fourth thing.
18:30I told you long ago.
18:35I'd better tell you.
18:37It's not your fault that your parents died early.
18:39Not only that,
18:40your life is tough.
18:42It's also because of your parents.
18:46You still have to work hard to live.
18:50So the Hierarch is not a liar,
18:52but an immortal.
19:00If you don't mind,
19:01you can live here.
19:03Just tell me if you need anything.
19:05What about you?
19:06I know a man named Liu Xianyang.
19:08He is my good friend.
19:09I'll live with him for the next two days.
19:20Miss Ning.
19:21If I can't come back,
19:23please give this bag of gold coins to Liu Xianyang.
19:26Let him take care of this house for me.
19:28It would be the best
19:30if I could put the door god and the spring lotus
19:31on the New Year's Eve.
19:33If you think it's too much trouble,
19:34it doesn't matter if you don't put it on.
19:36Actually, I heard
19:38what you said to Taoist Lu.
19:39To be honest,
19:41he may not be a kill-all person.
19:43The path of cultivation is wide and narrow.
19:45If you walk too fast,
19:46you may accidentally step on an ant.
19:48If you kill a bird by mistake,
19:49you may lose a snake.
19:50It's all possible.
19:52I don't speak well.
19:54Do you understand what I mean?
19:55I roughly understand.
19:57The woman who broke your longevity bridge
19:59has a grudge against you.
20:00So you want to take revenge.
20:17Do you have to do this?
20:21I once heard from Mr. Qi in private
20:22the story of skin and tree.
20:24Whether it's a person
20:25or a small skin,
20:27only with an attitude
20:28can you have dignity.
20:31Although foreigners' cultivation
20:32is suppressed in the town,
20:34there are still immortals and magic weapons to protect people.
20:36Unless you aim at the fatal neck and eyes,
20:38in the end,
20:39if you decide to do it,
20:42you must be fast.
20:55I wish you peace and safety.
20:58I wish you peace and safety.
21:02Come back soon.
21:04I'm waiting for you to take medicine.
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