Live Dars on 10th October 2024 by Respectable Syed Amjad Ali Shah Sahib - Tu Hi Tu(360P)

  • 2 days ago


00:00In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:02Allahumma dhuhu wa nassalli ila Rasoolil Kareem.
00:05Intihai qaabil-e-itraam-e-saameen-e-w-aazeereen.
00:09Mujhse achche logo.
00:12As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
00:15I am going to read Turushi.
00:24It is a hadith from Muslim Sharif
00:28A person asked the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
00:36what is the difference between goodness and sin?
00:42What is goodness and what is sin?
00:47The Prophet said that goodness is your morals
00:52and sin is something that creates doubt in your heart and you think it is bad.
01:05The status of morals in Islam is not found in any religion.
01:15And this is called goodness.
01:21And in Surah Qalam, verse number 3,
01:26the Prophet said that you are at the highest level of morals.
01:36Quran is a book that has guidance, tolerance, and morality.
01:54Everything is in this book.
01:58And most of the modern sciences have come from the Quran.
02:08Now, the thing is that religious and worldly education,
02:18worldly education is considered to be studied in universities, colleges, schools,
02:30and religious education is studied in madrassas.
02:35But the real problem is that until you are familiar with the modern sciences,
02:51then it is not possible to argue on certain things.
03:03And similarly, if religion is removed from the system of education,
03:17then no man can become a good person all his life.
03:26Because all the programs and schedules of a good person are given in the Quran.
03:36Even if you want to go to someone's house,
03:40then in Surah Noor, verse number 27, it is said that how to go to someone's house.
03:48Manners are being taught.
03:52In the same way, through the hadith, the Prophet put the Quran in a practical context.
04:01He did everything with his actions, which was present in the Quran.
04:06But the Prophet presented its practical form.
04:10So you were at the level of morals before and after prophethood,
04:19Now the thing is that there is an effort in the present age
04:28that children should be made doctors, engineers, bureaucrats,
04:35so that there is a better source of income, which is now.
04:43Now there is no harm in this.
04:49But the question is that if someone becomes a doctor, a Muslim doctor,
04:58or becomes an engineer, or becomes a bureaucrat,
05:02does he understand religion or not?
05:10If he is completely deprived of the teachings of religion,
05:17then it will be equal for him to take a bribe or not.
05:28Therefore, the teachings of religion are also necessary for those people
05:35who take care of their positions through physical education.
05:43So that they can run their system according to the instructions of Allah.
05:51And the world's science is needed because modern technology is the weapon of this time.
06:04In every respect, it is necessary to acquire them.
06:08Science should be increased in Madrassas.
06:15And Madrassas should also be upgraded.
06:19And any government should give more importance to them.
06:26And along with that, Qur'an should also be introduced in universities and colleges.
06:33Qur'an should also be given admission there in colleges and universities.
06:39And so should Hadith.
06:42So that the people who are coming out of there after reading modern science,
06:46are familiar with the book from which modern science has come.
06:55Because today we say that this thing that science has made is present in the Qur'an.
07:04So it is absolutely right.
07:09But those who have made it have not read the Qur'an.
07:14So if they had read the Qur'an and then made it,
07:21then perhaps some shortcomings that were left in this technology,
07:26such as the pollution generated by the petrol of cars,
07:31countless malfunctions came, many things came.
07:35So if after reading the Qur'an, science is also included in it,
07:42in universities, colleges and Madrassas,
07:45then if people had invented things, then perhaps it would have been better than these things.
07:52This is my opinion. It can be wrong, it can be right.
07:56But the question is only that it cannot be removed from science.
08:01All the sciences in the world have all come from Allah.
08:07It is necessary for them to learn.
08:10But their positivity has to do with the fact that religion is included in it.
08:21And the fundamental thing that is told in religion is sincerity.
08:26Morality is in its place. But morality is very good for a person.
08:32He talks very well. He talks very well.
08:36But when he is sitting in his position, he is taking bribes.
08:42So the purpose of this is that morality is good, but everything else is bad.
08:49So if religion is also included and that person acts with sincerity on that religion,
08:58then the world is better and the hereafter is also better.
09:04So Allah's favorite prayer in the Qur'an is this,
09:10رَبِّنَا آتِنَا فِي الدُّنِيَا حَسَنًا وَفِي الْآخِرَةِ حَسَنًا وَقِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ
09:18That is, the world comes first, the hereafter comes later.
09:23If there is a world, there will be a hereafter. If there is no world, then what is the hereafter?
09:28Therefore, to put the world in religion, it is necessary to include the Qur'an with new technology and new knowledge.
09:41It is the great effort of the Prophet.
09:46But today we are completely unaware of this.
09:51And we don't care about it.
09:57This is wrong, we are Muslims.
10:00So if we want to move in such a way that there is a balance between religious and worldly education,
10:11There should be etiquette, all things should be there, and man should move forward with these things.
10:22There is something in my information that I have read or heard that
10:29When a six-year-old child is born in a country in Finland, he is admitted there.
10:40Here it is two or three years old, so we admit a six-year-old child.
10:47For one year, he is taught only ethics, manners.
10:55And the seventh year, his studies begin.
10:59And four years later, he graduates from school.
11:04Then he goes to college and then to university.
11:08So the one-year ethical training is taken from the companions of the Prophet.
11:17So pray to Allah, may Allah enable you and me to follow what I have said.
11:24Peace and blessings of Allah be upon the last of creation, Muhammad, the Most High, the Most Merciful.
