We asked what low level crimes do police seem to struggle to stop?

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Silent Crime: We asked people on the streets of Sheffield what low level crimes do police seem to struggle to stop?


00:00Tell me what low-level crimes you think police seem to struggle to get to grips with?
00:04I think basically what has happened, the previous government who've been in power a long time
00:12has not given care, attention to increase the police force. The police right now have a shortage
00:22of manpower and I know what happened to me personally a month ago my mobile was hacked
00:31somebody used and has fraudulent taking some money and I was trying to get hold of a police
00:38for one hour it go beyond Joe I could not get hold of the police and so need to restructure
00:47the police force get the priority right unless we get that right in my opinion we're not going
00:56to tackle the crime is happening. What set lower level crimes do you think police seem to struggle
01:04to be able to stop? There's a lot of nuisance happening around in the city centre so I'd like
01:13to see that. Do you ever complain about it? No.
01:19You tell me what low-level crimes you think police struggle to get a grip on?
01:23Yeah absolutely I think the low-level burglaries I think there's a lot more
01:27of them happening and I think the police have just not got the resources to deal with that anymore.
01:34Low-level crimes in Sheffield do you think the police struggle to get hold of in terms
01:38of dealing with them? Possibly shoplifting because there aren't enough
01:42placements in our city and because people are perhaps shoplifting every day because it's easy
01:47to go into a shop and just pocket things I mean you just don't know what kind of security they've
01:52got but other than that I'm not quite sure. Yeah they were generally stealing I once had my bike
01:58stolen nothing with them about that even though they had CTV on it but you know they haven't got
02:05enough time to deal with them. What low-level crimes do police seem unable to stop? Like a
02:13small pitching to the houses for example I'm living in Crosspool and sometime when we are away
02:20we found somebody from the backyard getting to trying to get to the house by smashing
02:30the glasses window glasses so we reported the police but they didn't find any answer for that
02:41so by more coming frequent visits and stuff like that that could improve this kind of low-price crimes.
