Bad Girls 1999-S03-Ep-05

  • 2 days ago
Fenner returns to work. Nikki receives some good news regarding her case. Yvonne testifies at Charlie's trial. Shaz and Denny get a new cellmate, who inspires them to try DIY tattoos and piercings. The G Wing pool competition takes place


00:00I've been the biggest mug going you know the best way to get over these things
00:08just find someone else and forget about Charlie wants to make you an offer the
00:17police found a package with 20 kilos of cocaine in his house look I know this
00:24must sound daft I think you should consider being a prison officer he wants
00:28you to tell the court that you took delivery you wouldn't be taking any rap
00:34you say you thought it was a birthday present I can't believe you don't need
00:39no qualifications well it's an entrance test see I knew there'd be a catch it's
00:44dead easy Josh honestly what do I get out of this do what he's asking he'll
00:50set you up for life
01:53right now one without the metal you what come on madam you know the rules
02:02off with them now I'm leaving the nose one year I just got that done
02:07go septic in it in it miss if you don't mind now take it out or I'll fetch the
02:15tweezers and do it myself
02:23Jim welcome back how are you not so bad now ready for the front line again or
02:30for me oh this is Gina Rossi a Dominic's replacement she's joined us from D wing
02:36Gina Jim Fenner pleasure the famous Jim Fenner bit of a hero you are so how are
02:44you settling in there Gina fine fine thanks pretty much like D wing miss my
02:50blow they mark waddle don't know you will the number of phone calls you'll
02:57have to take from him okay folks we've got a new girl on the wing today
03:06Buki Lester 16 years old in for GBH her third time knife to pimp heavy crack
03:13habit the works right little madam she is face like a pincushion
03:17Gina I'm putting her in the four-bed dorm so I'd like you to be her personal
03:21officer a watcher though she's young but she's been around no worries okay that's
03:33Jim I'm sorry I haven't been to see you lately it was mayhem in here what with
03:39the so-called industrial action after you after what happened I know you've
03:45been busy but yeah just a couple of phone calls I have missed you Karen not
03:50hearing your office I can't Jim I'm up to my eyes we're short-staffed
03:58what the hell are you playing at mom what do you want about after all dad's
04:11done to you to us how can you agree to be a witness for his defense
04:17our news travels fast I'm staying well out of it I thought you had more sense
04:23you're only young there's more that goes on in the marriage than you know some
04:29ties can't be broken he stitched you up mom so he was free to carry on with that
04:33bitch all right maybe I'm a stupid cow but he said he's sorry he's gonna look
04:39after us he can't even look after himself he doesn't deserve you or me
04:47look I've been running things since he's been on remand and the bloody crap I've
04:51had to clean up you don't know mom he's a dinosaur I spent most of my time
04:57sorting out business deals he's buggered up he's my husband love your father
05:04there's nothing you can do about that
05:11we could go for a drink tonight or go back to my place I don't know Jim let me
05:17think about it Josh mr. Stubberfield tells me you've applied to become a PO
05:25yeah yeah I mean it's not I don't like what I'm doing now it's just I'm
05:30impressed so how you getting on I'm still trying to figure out the
05:34application form at the minute he said it's a bit official you know me listen
05:41I've got ten minutes I could talk through what they're expecting
05:45we could yeah no I really appreciate that thanks
06:03that bastard Finn's back come on guys time to say goodbyes I just don't get it
06:11mum you're letting dad walk all over you just go on let me make my own
06:16decisions I love you mum I don't want to see you
06:19hurt anymore it'll be all right go on
06:32happy families brings a real tear to the eye doesn't it loyalty amongst thieves
06:39normally just like the Godfather
06:44duck please should have sliced your dick off while she had the chance
07:05what's wrong sir that's your bottle shut it Wylie now
07:11all right come on girls up and at'em you two wait I've only got some hemlock or
07:18something to weed in your garden
07:22welcome back mr. Fenner
07:27you're stuffing envelopes now Duckley shame on you
07:32come on get moving you'll be sharing a cell with two other girls so don't go
07:41thinking you've got the run of the place I need my own space miss oh here we go
07:45come on get in come on girls please move it come on move
07:52last cup of tea waiting for me he's going cold come on move
07:57you've got a minute can I have a word did you know he was back I hoped he might
08:02take early retirement but no such luck eh never mind Fenner your cell now
08:11what what it's good news no it is fantastic news is it
08:19Claire Walker has dug up an ex-colleague of Gossard's who claimed he raped her and
08:22get this she's prepared to tell it to a court
08:33but Karen we need to talk why are you avoiding me I'm not avoiding you it's
08:44not daft you know if it's Marilyn she's the mother of my kids but that's it it's
08:49finished I I think we need a bit of space both of us it'll give us time to
08:59think think about what I can't afford to end up in any more compromising
09:04situations because of a an attraction god knows this investigation has been
09:10humiliating enough this investigation will only show what we all know anyway
09:16Cheryl Dockley is a deeply disturbed woman I am completely innocent you do
09:24know that don't you Karen I wouldn't be standing here talking to you like this
09:31if I thought for one moment something happened to me in that cell you got me
09:37out of there I'll never forget that
09:43I was doing my job we've saved each other's lives Karen
09:50how many people's that happened to
09:59don't tell me that doesn't count for something
10:13so she's unemployed now this woman what's her name
10:17Sallyanne how Sallyanne how I love you she was on the sick for stress after the
10:26last attack but the police closed rank and in the end she was too scared to
10:30press charges she said that she got a couple of threatening phone calls as
10:34well bastards a lot of them when she heard about you she decided to come
10:39forward the CCRC can't ignore that surely the CCRC is gonna take too long
10:45Claire says we've got to get petitioned together to the Home Secretary
10:49hey how we gonna manage that you forget I work for the Home Office Jesus I just
10:55can't believe it we've been here before so let's stay calm I don't need to get
11:04too excited too soon we've never had a bloody witness before I mean it's
11:10looking positive isn't it it's looking positive but hang on in there it's gonna
11:18take time but we're gonna get this thing moving all right
11:34for everything
11:46bookie pukie more like yo what are you doing my shit chill man we've just
11:55having a look cute teddy sorry mate you're sad man yeah well at least I
12:03know lazy shut your face you so what I give you anyway three months 30 more
12:09like for drugs GBH knife this guy in it he was trying to screw me up my money
12:16pimp bastard yeah how come you get to keep your ear in tonight I turn mine
12:21over don't I must have pissed someone off some fat bitch to come off me body
12:27bag I reckon she was a racialist she only called me a nigger in it Kim spat
12:32at me and all she never that's bang out of order that is should report that so
12:39how many you got about 20 now done most myself actually I'll tell you what when
12:45they miss though cool man wicked yeah punters love it I can make 500 a day
12:52with this that's crap I swear on my mother's life go on where else
13:00no shit I've only got earrings man
13:12all right ladies can you smell something off Babs you want to check your stab
13:20wounds healed mr. Fenner gangrene stinks like what you fished you know hello mr.
13:26Fenner hardly seen you since you got back you've been avoiding me shut it
13:31Duffley I'm not playing your pathetic little games when your trial comes up
13:36you're gonna rot in this place and I'm gonna be right here to watch I mean nice
13:41and cozy then I just the two of us together
13:46I love you mr. Fenner
13:54and this is Sheldon she's top dog in it gonna get my state you're in I believe
14:17she's just a kid show she's got a teddy bear no sweet not
14:31shut up you know and his empire is under close examination Peter critically
14:38what listen um you got any what rocks oh you mean drugs piss off
14:51conspiracy to supply controlled drugs attempting to pervert the course of
14:55justice handling stolen goods and demanding money with menaces this is the
15:00first time that mr. Atkins has ever been brought to trial although his name has
15:04long been associated with criminal activity in the east end of London
15:34it's all over now
16:04oh yeah I do what you said and I got this for a couple of days ago I mean
16:24accepted for the POS entrance test oh Josh that's fantastic I can't believe it
16:29I mean not that I didn't think you could do it but just the thought of you
16:33working here in uniform and that's cool innit but I would have never even
16:37thought of it if it weren't for you so I really owe you one
16:51do you mean what catch you later Josh
17:21J-Wing movement will now commence. All in favour of work duties and education now.
17:33Come on, Eunice. You've had your time.
17:47There's other girls waiting to use the showers.
17:48Bloody hell!
17:49All right, miss. Come to the pool competition on Thursday. Me and Den's going to be a team.
18:07It's doubles, innit?
18:08Yeah, well, if you'd seen me play, you wouldn't be asking. But I'll, um... I'll come along
18:13and watch. All right?
18:14Come on, then, love.
18:17Yo, yo, yo, you ain't doing it right. Give it here.
18:40Piss off. I'm doing it fine, man.
18:42I'm telling you, it ain't deep enough. The ink won't take.
18:45How come you're the expert?
18:46You used to go out for tattoos, didn't you?
18:47So how come you haven't got none?
18:48Allergic. But I had loads when I was on remand.
18:50Right, I've got the ink.
18:51I could only get blue. Screw who's nebbing about.
19:04That's cool.
19:35Only that Greg and Amanda are definitely contesting the will. For all the good it'll do them.
19:41They're still waiting for an answer about reopening my case.
19:44Heard your news, Nicky. Good luck, eh?
19:48Don't count the chickens, Wade. Just cos your little governor's been working after hours
19:54for you.
19:55Surprised, Fenner? I am a miscarriage of justice.
19:59My arse.
20:02Well, I think it's brilliant, Nicky. You can prove that cop was a rapist.
20:06And we all know that rapists deserve to have their balls chopped off.
20:14You all right? You look funny. Maybe you shouldn't have come back to work so soon.
20:19No, no, no. It's just that I mustn't let her get to me.
20:24Yeah. Well, it's bound to happen. For a while, anyway.
20:34Give it a good rinse so it don't go septic.
20:37Ow. It's bleeding sore, innit?
20:44That's brilliant, that is.
20:48Oh, what you doing, man?
20:50Just wanted to see if it had closed up.
20:53Hey, why don't we pierce each other, then?
20:56Nah, man. We'd get busted. Not if we did it where they can't see.
21:02Like bookies. What do you think?
21:05We ain't got no studs, though, innit?
21:08I might be able to find something. If you help me out, you know. Get me some stuff.
21:13No worries. Den knows all the dealers in here.
21:16I don't know. I was telling her what happened to Zan.
21:19She's gonna find it somewhere. Go on. It'll be cool.
21:27Nicky must be thrilled.
21:29It's her early days, yeah, but, yeah, she is.
21:32Just to warn you, she might have to see her lawyer a few times over the next couple of weeks.
21:36You know, it may sound like hindsight, but I've never really thought of Nicky as a murderer.
21:41I agree.
21:43Right. Well, I'll see you tomorrow.
21:47What is it with you, Stuart?
21:49Just got a look at a murderer and you go moist.
21:52You're out of line, Jim.
21:58Thanks to you, I had to walk back on this wing where the nutter who tried to stick me.
22:02And now you're telling me that Nicky Wade, the cop killer, is innocent, too?
22:06You make me sick.
22:09Did it hurt, your tongue?
22:11I told you, I'm not if you ice it.
22:13And you did it yourself?
22:15Are you deaf or what?
22:23I'm not deaf.
22:25I'm not deaf.
22:27I'm not deaf.
22:29I'm not deaf.
22:31I'm not deaf.
22:33I'm not deaf.
22:35I'm not deaf.
22:38Three friggin' rocks.
22:40It's all I could get and a couple of jellies.
22:43You can call it off if you want.
22:47I crouched a couple of thirds when I came in it.
22:50Go and get those things I told you and I'll be right back.
22:56Oi, Jen, check this.
23:07This shit is seriously getting on my tits, man.
23:09All this yo, yo, yo shit.
23:12Let's do it ourselves.
23:15Our tongues, man. I know how to do it. She told me.
23:18I don't know, babe. I mean, your tongue.
23:21It's a special area, isn't it? You talk with it.
23:23Yeah, well, you listen with your ears and I've done them before.
23:27My tongue don't even stick out very far. Look.
23:30Well, we'll put it right on the tip, then.
23:32Yeah, great.
23:33Come on, Dan. This lunchtime, right? I'll do yours.
23:36Then in a couple of days, when I get Miss Ben's,
23:38we'll get another stud and I can show you how to do mine.
23:41We can do it without her.
23:43I'm an expert, me.
24:03Is it numb yet?
24:07Don't talk. Just hold it there.
24:10When it stops hurting, it's ready.
24:16So you don't catch nothing.
24:29Now, what you do is put your tongue on the apple and shut your eyes.
24:32I'll push the nail through.
24:34Are you numb yet?
24:35Don't worry about the sound.
24:36I remember my mate's ear sounded funny when I did it.
24:39It's just cos your tongue's like raw meat.
24:57Jesus, man, what the hell you done?
24:59What's it look like?
25:02You've got some balls, girl.
25:04What are you on about? You said you'd done your own.
25:07No, man. Not my tongue. I've got that done professional.
25:12It's OK, Den.
25:15Shit, Den, hold still.
25:17I'll stick the stud in, then swirl some of that booze round your gob.
25:21It's bleeding a bit.
25:34You running a book there?
25:36Yeah, what's your pleasure?
25:37Dunno. For some strange reason, I'm feeling lucky.
25:41I put a week's spend on Shaz and Den.
25:44No problem.
25:47Good shit.
25:50All right, Miss Betts?
25:52I've just heard a call from your husband's solicitor, Ian Ravenscroft.
25:55You're expected in court first thing tomorrow.
26:10Hold still.
26:13Take one.
26:23Come on, Den, that's you up.
26:24My tongue's killing me, man.
26:26I can't pull out.
26:27There's been blood all over the frigging felt.
26:30Shit, man.
26:31Maybe we'd better get Dr No-No or something.
26:33Blood? If you don't hurry up right now...
26:36Miss, Den don't feel well.
26:38Fine, you lose.
26:39Oh, come on, it's got to be real.
26:47I'll partner you, Shaz.
27:04Rossi! Rossi!
27:07Shaz, you're a spectre, man.
27:09I could lose my shirt on this.
27:18Game, set and match, I believe.
27:20What's the prize, then? A takeaway, innit?
27:25She's a bloody professional.
27:27She's the game guy, Alex.
27:29Rossi! Rossi!
27:39Come on! Hurry up!
27:41Get a lot next time, suckers.
27:43I fancy a chicken tikka masala
27:45with a big fat buttery naan bread tomorrow
27:47while you're eating gruel.
27:49Yeah, yeah.
27:50Well, me and Di let you win anyway, didn't we?
27:53Yeah. Anyone fancy a drink, lose a shout.
27:56No, man, I've got to go and study for my PO's exam tomorrow.
27:59I'm bricking it.
28:00Oh, yeah?
28:01Hey, good luck, baby screw. You'll wing it.
28:04There you go.
28:06Lucky white heather.
28:08It's for luck.
28:10Cheers, Di.
28:12I've never seen heather before.
28:15Where did you get it?
28:17We grow it in the garden.
28:19I thought you could use some help.
28:21He doesn't need any help, do you?
28:23Anyway, we'll test the piece of piss.
28:26Good luck.
28:29Cheers, guys.
28:31See ya.
28:36He's a bit of all right, that Josh.
28:38Come on, you might get one.
28:42Right, come on, you two, get in.
28:48Oi, De, you'd never believe it.
28:50Sodding screws only went in bleeding ones, didn't they?
28:55That Miss Rossie's some shot.
29:02Spooky, man, that stinks.
29:04She who smelt it dealt it.
29:32Hey, if any of them screws wank on about winning the pool competition last night,
29:37it's as if they need a free takeaway.
29:40Oi, De.
29:47I need to know what's going on.
29:49Get out. Move it. Get out of the way.
29:51What's going on? Come on.
29:53Is she hurt really bad?
30:02Get out, Wylie. Haven't you done enough?
30:10I can't. I'm scared.
30:12Where did the earring stud thing come from?
30:14And don't tell me you had nothing to do with it.
30:16I swear on my mother's life, Miss, I did bloody do nothing.
30:19I'm no idiot, man.
30:21Look at me. I've never done this myself.
30:23I can pay for it like anyone with half a brain.
30:27Oh, shit.
30:32Anything happen to Denny and I'll cut your tits off.
30:35I see no chance. You don't need no more grief.
30:39Jess, what happened?
30:41I pierced her. We was just having a laugh.
30:43I was going to do it and all.
30:45I found this nail, see?
30:47But I sterilised it. You know, that whisky I got off you?
30:50Well, what's done is done.
30:52But you want to make that nail disappear quick or you're in deep shit.
30:57You report to Miss Stewart's office now.
30:59But I want to go with Denny.
31:00I said now, Chas.
31:04Come on, Atkins. Time to go.
31:10Good luck, girls.
31:11Good luck, Yvonne.
31:14What some people do for their money.
31:17I'd have done anything for Peter.
31:19Look what happened to you.
31:25Well, hurry up.
31:29How's she coming on?
31:32Still bleeding.
31:34God, she looks terrible.
31:36Well, I'm not surprised.
31:38Her tongue's very inflamed. She lost pints of blood.
31:41Got to clear the airway, for God's sake.
32:00Yvonne, how are you?
32:02I prefer the staff to call me Mrs Atkins.
32:05If you don't mind.
32:12Mrs Atkins.
32:17I'd just like to run over a couple of things before you take the stand.
32:20Make sure we're all speaking Charlie's... Mr Atkins' language.
32:24I don't want to be rude.
32:26You'll be asked about three packages
32:29that were kept stored in the house in June 1997.
32:34That's two of H and one of the old marching powder.
32:40But you thought they were birthday presents from Williams, right?
32:44See, the idea is, he was acting on his own, setting Charlie up.
32:49And you thought they were birthday presents from Mr Atkins.
32:53Because he was acting on his own, setting Charlie up.
32:57So he'd asked you if you could keep them hidden
33:01as a surprise for Charlie's 40th.
33:04Birthday presents.
33:08Got it.
33:16Can't believe it. I'm going to be a prison officer.
33:19I said you could do it. Oh, didn't I say?
33:22Miss Betts, guess what I mean.
33:25Can you explain how one of the inmates got hold of a nail in the G1 bathrooms?
33:29You what?
33:31You're the only one with that kind of equipment.
33:33You have a responsibility to watch your tools at all times.
33:36I don't understand. I wouldn't leave nails lying around.
33:39I'm dead careful, honest, Miss Betts. Mum.
33:42I'd just like to say, Miss Betts, that I've always been really impressed
33:45with the way Josh has tidied up after himself.
33:47Every last speck.
33:49Maybe it fell from a fitting or something.
33:52There's a prisoner in hospital right now because of someone's neglect.
33:56If you want to be a prison officer, remember, carelessness costs lives.
34:09So help me God.
34:19Mrs Atkins.
34:21On the morning of 8 June 1997,
34:24do you remember taking delivery of three packages
34:27from a motorcycle courier at your home
34:30at 17 Folly Court, Chelsea Bridge Road, London, SW3 to DC?
34:37I do, yeah.
34:39And what did you believe those packages to contain?
34:46What did you think were in these packages?
34:59Did you not think, that is, were you not told
35:03that these packages were gifts
35:06from Mr Atkins, from his business partner, Mr Williams?
35:12I knew they were drugs.
35:15Charlie told me to watch out for them.
35:28I wonder, Your Honour, whether I could ask for an adjournment at this juncture.
35:37Look, mate, I'm not asking you, I'm telling you.
35:40I'm going to front it.
35:42I'm giving you the best advice I can as your solicitor.
35:45If you take the stand at this stage, you'll be suicidal.
35:48Listen, mate, you don't tell me shit.
35:50You told me she was onside.
35:53It'll be brutal.
35:55That's what you say. I can buy and sell this lot.
35:58And I ain't letting the bitch off that easy.
36:01This is personal, mate.
36:03All stand.
36:24Mrs Atkins,
36:26are you prepared to confirm
36:29that your husband had more than a partnership
36:32in a garage door company with Mr Williams?
36:37They're into everything.
36:39They supplied most of the East End middlemen.
36:52Mr Levy appears to have finished with the witness.
36:55How do you wish to proceed?
36:57Your Honour, in view of Mrs Atkins' earlier conflicting statements,
37:01I would like to re-examine the witness.
37:04Then please proceed.
37:07Mrs Atkins.
37:11Mrs Atkins, can you tell me why
37:14you gave a statement to Mr Ravenscroft
37:17that clearly indicated you thought the packages were birthday presents?
37:22I was scared.
37:25I was scared.
37:27Charlie and his lawyers put the frighteners on me.
37:31I don't know. It's different now.
37:33I swore on the Bible, and that's serious.
37:36I'm not going to lie to God.
37:38Isn't it true, Mrs Atkins,
37:40that your husband, your estranged husband,
37:43had been having an affair with the late Renie Williams,
37:46his business partner's wife?
37:49Well, yeah.
37:51But then he was going through a middle-life crisis. All blokes do that.
37:55And isn't it true that you're still a very bitter woman?
37:59No, it isn't.
38:01And wouldn't you like to get revenge upon your husband, Mrs Atkins?
38:06Mrs Atkins, would you please tell the court what your current situation is?
38:11In other words, why you are currently in prison, Mrs Atkins.
38:16Your Honour, I don't see how this line of questioning
38:19is relevant to the charges.
38:21Your Honour, I'm merely trying to point out to the court
38:24that Mrs Atkins is a violent criminal and an accomplished liar.
38:27She has already lied in her statement to the defence.
38:30And she has lied when she pled not guilty
38:33to the charge of conspiracy to commit murder.
38:37It's quite obvious to me that Mrs Atkins' testimony
38:41is shaky, to say the very least.
38:45They've given her a blood transfusion and all the correct medication.
38:49She's going to die, isn't she?
38:51I never got to see her.
38:54My God, I've bloody killed her!
38:56No-one's been killed. Now put yourself together, Chas.
39:00Are you telling me she's going to be OK?
39:05We'll just have to wait and see.
39:08I get sent down the block, it's your fault.
39:11I got a bleeding adjudication thanks to you two bitches.
39:14And now I haven't even got an old gear.
39:19Jenny, stay!
39:21No, you can think of her as your bastard trust, you bitch!
39:25Jenny, stop it, no!
39:28I'm not saying I've never done anything wrong in my life.
39:31I ain't always been a good boy, right?
39:33Well, even at Castle First Stone and all that.
39:36I've answered your questions.
39:38It's been through my bleeding adjudication.
39:40And I'm not going to allow it to happen again.
39:43I'm not going to let it happen again.
39:45I'm not going to let it happen again.
39:47I'm not going to let it happen again.
39:49I don't want to let it happen again.
39:52I don't want to let it happen again.
39:54I've answered your questions, you've been through my bleeding accounts with a fine tooth comb and you still ain't got nothing on me.
40:00So don't give me all this, oh, you're in trouble now, Charlie, me old son,
40:03just because my missus got the hump with me because I've been playing away from home.
40:07I mean, personally, I feel sorry for the poor cow. I really do.
40:12Thank you for that, Mr Atkins.
40:16But you still haven't quite explained how you managed to maintain a four bedroom villa on the Costa del Sol
40:24on a salary of £80,000 a year from your garage door company.
40:29Not to mention your residence in Chelsea, which it seems has no mortgage.
40:35Well, I've got a mate in the property business.
40:38Now, if he's done something dodgy, that's his look out. You go and ask him.
40:41But how many of you wouldn't jump at a good deal above board mine if they was offered?
40:47Plus, I've had my good luck on a stock market over the years.
40:50So you keep saying, Mr Atkins.
40:52But so far, you haven't managed to produce any evidence of these pursuits.
40:58Jesus, what happened to an innocent to prove guilty, eh?
41:01It's your job to produce the evidence, mate, not mine.
41:04And it's my job to consider contempt of court charges, Mr Atkins.
41:08I do apologise, Your Honour.
41:10My accountant has furnished you with all the documentation that you need.
41:13And if it don't add up, that's maybe because I like a go on the horses now and then.
41:17What can I say? I've got a soft spot for the GGs.
41:20But I ain't no drug dealer. No way.
41:30Smack that bitch up if anything happens to Den.
41:33Shut it, Cheryl.
41:34Yo, Cheryl. Look, I'm sorry, man.
41:37I didn't realise you were so upset.
41:39You'd better stay clear of me, bookie, or something shite will happen to you and all.
41:45I don't think there's any point sending her down the block.
41:47She's left punishment enough, don't you think?
41:50Yeah, I agree.
41:51We'll have to know what happened to that nail, though.
41:56Don't let it spoil your big day, Josh.
41:59I'm sure it's got nothing to do with you.
42:01Yeah, yeah, maybe.
42:04Listen, I was going to say come for a drink.
42:07You know, to say thank you for your help, you know.
42:09But to be honest, I really don't feel like celebrating now.
42:12Oh, don't be stupid.
42:14Look, I'll see you later, yeah?
42:27Please, Mrs Hollanby.
42:29They'll be back at four o'clock for the verdict.
42:31They'll be back at four o'clock for the verdict. It's only another couple of hours.
42:34And you'll be back in your cell by that time.
42:37Mrs Hollanby, I've never asked you for nothing before.
42:40And you know that I wouldn't if I could help it.
42:42I'm begging you.
42:44I'll make it up to you somehow, but I've got to know.
42:48Sylvia, think of the expenses if we're on escort for ten hours.
42:53I'll take her in if you want.
42:56Well, put it that way.
42:58I do have to get an outfit for my niece's wedding.
43:01But if you give Miss Rossy any trouble, I'll have your guts.
43:11Do you reckon?
43:13Yeah, man.
43:15It's a bit of blood, that's all.
43:17They're just covering themselves, innit?
43:21I suppose they can't really say well done for sticking a nail through her tongue, can they?
43:26I'm telling you, girl, she's getting a bleeding holiday.
43:29Hospital food, no stuffing envelopes.
43:33You've done her a favour.
43:35Do you really think so?
43:37I know so. Don't stress.
43:42Chas, we've had a call from the hospital.
43:44They think Danny's got blood poisoning.
43:46It's important that we speak to her mum.
43:48Do you have any idea where she is at the moment?
43:56Will the defendant rise?
44:01Will the foreman please stand?
44:05Will you please answer the following question with a yes or no.
44:08Have you reached a verdict upon which you are all agreed?
44:13On the count of handling stolen goods,
44:15do you find the defendant guilty or not guilty?
44:20On the count of handling stolen goods,
44:22do you find the defendant guilty or not guilty?
44:27On the count of demanding money with menaces,
44:30do you find the defendant guilty or not guilty?
44:33Not guilty.
44:35On the count of conspiracy to supply controlled drugs,
44:39do you find the defendant guilty or not guilty?
44:42Not guilty.
44:45Are you OK?
44:47I thought you said he was a goner.
44:51He's got out the prison jury.
45:10The sentence of this court is nine months' imprisonment.
45:13Your Honour, in view of the fact that my client has already spent six months in remand,
45:17I ask that he be released from the court today.
45:21Mr Atkins?
45:25You're free to go.
45:27All rise.
45:59I'll sort it, Mum. I promise.
46:07Mr Atkins, your reaction to today's verdict?
46:09Mr Atkins is obviously very, very relieved.
46:12I'd like to thank my solicitor, my barrister,
46:15and the great British justice system.
46:17Thank you very much, Mr Atkins.
46:19Chief Inspector!
46:24Well done, Dad. You were lucky.
46:26Luck had nothing to do with it, sweetheart.
46:28Look, me and your mum, that's just the way things go, darling.
46:32Back to business, eh?
46:34Give it time. She'll get over it.
46:37Of course she will.
46:39You complete bastard.
46:41Come on, Evie. Not like you to be such a bad loser.
46:44See you in three years.
46:46Call down again, maybe not.
47:18Come on, Atkins, get in! Now!