Bad Girls 1999- S02- Ep-13

  • 2 days ago
Nikki and the prison nurse make a deal. Yvonne's husband fails to show for their inter-prison visit. Crystal's release day finally arrives. Silvia celebrates her 30th wedding anniversary with a party in the mess hall.


00:31Anyone seen a set of photos?
00:38I need them for a new passport.
00:40Leaving it a bit late, aren't you?
00:42Yeah, I didn't know I'd lost the old one till yesterday.
00:46I don't see Karen's name down there.
00:48Why would I want to celebrate 30 years of marriage with a woman who's just had me demoted?
00:52You're lucky to be in a job after what you did.
00:54Why? She only gave a prisoner her key. Where's the harm in that?
00:57There's no point in snubbing her.
00:59Oh, how come your bet's champion all of a sudden?
01:01Fine. If you want to make an enemy of her, it's up to you.
01:06Hi, guys.
01:10I've, um...
01:12I've had security on at me about your due tomorrow night, Sylvia.
01:16Have they got your final guest list?
01:19Um, just finishing it now.
01:22They also want the names of the red bands serving the show.
01:25They also want the names of the red bands serving the food and drinks.
01:28Maybe you could give them a call.
01:33One last thing, Sylvia.
01:35You can tell Yvonne Atkins we've had confirmation that her inter-prison visit with her husband is on for this afternoon, 12 till 1.
01:42Right. That's it.
01:53Hi, Trish.
01:55It's me.
01:57I need a favour, darling.
02:03Three grand in two lots.
02:05And I need it in a hurry.
02:07I hope you appreciate how many prison officers it takes to give you and your gangster husband this treat.
02:13Is that your basic grade, prison officer, like yourself, Sylvia?
02:17Or is...
02:18Don't push it, Atkins.
02:23Ain't you told your old man Slingy's up yet?
02:26Well, I would if he'd done the dirty on me.
02:28It's called love.
02:29You don't break up a marriage on the so-so of a tart.
02:32She seemed to know him pretty well.
02:34Especially when she said about that scar.
02:36You'll have a scar if you don't piss off.
03:10Hello, Helen.
03:12Hi. You've got a promotion board coming up.
03:14Tim playing golf again, my number one.
03:16I have to say, he's not too keen on your little plan to turn Geewing into a lifers' unit.
03:22You know it's not going to happen.
03:24Oh, it will, Jim, if I want it to.
03:32Morning, Helen.
03:41Looks like it'll be a while before she gets it up for you, love.
03:49Just tell them to buzz up when you're through, if there's nobody to bring you back.
04:02My hand.
04:03Open up again.
04:06I need to talk to you.
04:15Shut the door.
04:19What is it?
04:20If you want to be in Australia with your boyfriend by next week, I can get you the cash.
04:26What you said. Three grand. I can get it for you.
04:29For a favour in return.
04:31What do you mean?
04:33I need to get out of here for one night.
04:36You want to help me?
04:38You're crazy.
04:39No, I'm not. Look.
04:42This screws party tomorrow night couldn't be a better time.
04:44Because the night patrol will all want their turn for a free drink.
04:48You offer to cover for them, they'll love you.
04:51And you get out and you're never seen again.
04:53I can't afford to leg it.
04:55I've got my lawyer applying for my appeal.
04:58All I need is just this one night.
05:00I should report you right now for talking like this.
05:03Three thousand quid.
05:08Now what we've got to do is cut the bag in half.
05:12Well, not half, about here.
05:15Then we stuff it down our fronts and make like a little kangaroo pouch.
05:18And then...
05:19Have you finished with that drink, sir?
05:29But if we put liquid in the bag, it's going to spill out.
05:31Spill out, yeah.
05:32No, not if we set it in place, it won't.
05:35Remember, we're going to have really baggy tracksuit bottoms on.
05:38Be plenty of space.
05:43You've only got two plates of mozzarella, haven't you?
05:45What are you going to eat first when you get out?
05:49Haven't you thought about it?
05:50I know what I'd eat straight off.
05:52A whole family bucket of chicken nuggets.
05:54Large fries and a strawberry shake.
05:57She means it depends on if there's someone she's eating with.
06:00Am I right?
06:02So you didn't get to the lifers' meeting at all?
06:05You're going to have a long wait until you see her on Monday, then.
06:08Not necessarily.
06:11Rise, Atkins.
06:13Bad time, too.
06:14Do you want this visit or not?
06:16I suppose I'll be seeing your fella tomorrow night when I'm his.
06:21Please tell me you're joking.
06:22I've been done before.
06:24Nick, they are not going to leave an agency nurse in charge of the night patrol.
06:27I don't believe it.
06:28I thought you'd have known by now.
06:30What screws ought to do and what they get away with is criminal.
06:34It's criminal.
06:51Hello, Gate.
06:53This is Zulu.
06:55Has the Atkins escort arrived?
07:04Say again.
07:09Right. Message received.
07:15Out you go.
07:17She's going back to the wing.
07:19What do you mean?
07:20Your husband isn't coming.
07:24Is this some kind of joke, right?
07:27He said he doesn't want to see you again.
07:29That's from the horse's mouth.
07:31Don't you bloody tell me that.
07:33Don't blame me.
07:35You're a lying cow.
07:36Now, come on. Don't start.
07:38My Charlie wouldn't do this to me.
07:41He just wouldn't.
07:57Let's get you a cup of tea.
08:15Here you are.
08:16Get this, Daniel.
08:18Oh, not porridge.
08:19Yeah, you got her every last porridge.
08:21Yeah, I got her.
08:22She know what they say.
08:23We'll be back to eat it another day.
08:26Think of us tonight, won't you, Crystal, when you're out in the town celebrating?
08:29Yeah, I'll be doing a lot of that with my skinny grant money, innit?
08:32Who taught you to stay?
08:33Yeah, my probation officer's got me into a hostel.
08:36Oh, yeah? What happened to lover boy, then?
08:45Er, Crystal.
08:47We're going to have to keep you a little bit longer, I'm afraid.
08:51We've got a problem with your travel warrant.
08:53We'll get it sorted as soon as the office staff win.
08:55But what if someone's waiting for me?
08:57Well, I can tell the gate lodge to let them know you've been held up.
09:01What's her name?
09:02Well, just say if anyone asks for me.
09:11There's always some cock up, innit?
09:32Lookin' a bit down in the mouth today, Atkins.
09:36Of course.
09:39Your old man's dumped you, hasn't he?
09:43Another woman, was it?
09:45Piss off, then.
09:47Not Rene Williams, by any chance?
09:53And look what happened to her.
09:56I don't know.
09:58And look what happened to her.
10:02And to think you tried to rub her old man out for them.
10:06That's life, eh?
10:28I'll say something.
10:32I've engraved it on the back.
10:34It says,
10:35To Sylvia and Bobby.
10:3630 years and still going strong.
10:38From all your friends on G-Wing.
10:42Does that include me?
10:43You're terrible.
10:46One with two sugars, Miss Barker.
10:48And one without.
10:49Thanks, Barbara.
10:52I've got to go.
10:53And one without.
10:54Thanks, Barbara.
10:57I want to know what's going on, cos this is just taking a piss, man.
11:00Crystal, I've told you.
11:01All I need is my BAS for you to pick them.
11:04It's not that simple, you have to be patient.
11:06Oh, come and have a cup of tea.
11:09How do you like it?
11:11Half milk, three sugars.
11:13It's all right, Barbara, I'll do this.
11:17I'll go and check on Edmund.
11:39Oh, Miss, can I just have a word?
11:42In private, Miss.
11:44I've got some reports to go through.
11:50What is it, Cheryl?
11:51My kid's social worker.
11:52Their foster family wants to adopt him.
11:55Well, are you happy with that?
11:58They sound nice.
12:00I can't thank you enough, Miss, for what you've done for me.
12:04None of it's got out about...
12:07Well, you know, you never said nothing, did you?
12:11I told you I wouldn't.
12:13Ain't many screws stick by what they say.
12:30Now, remember, don't look back when you get out the gate.
12:32Cos you know what they say.
12:33You'll be back another day.
12:40That's the address of my hostel.
12:42That's if you want to write to me.
12:45Give us a hug, then.
12:48You stay safe, man.
12:49You too.
12:50All right.
12:51Have fun.
12:52OK, yeah.
12:54Take care of yourself, love.
12:56Be lucky, eh?
12:57Keep your head down.
13:04You're finally off, then?
13:09I'll miss you in the chapel.
13:11You'll have to convert these evenings on your own now.
13:15Take care of yourself, Crystal.
13:17We'll never forget what you did for Sandra.
13:21Right, come on.
13:23Get her out before something else goes wrong.
13:27Nice knowing you too, miss.
13:30Go and get serving.
13:34Bye, Crystal.
13:36Keep on strumming.
13:39See ya.
13:42I'd do nothing weird, wouldn't I?
13:50Bye, Crystal.
13:52See ya, sir.
13:54Nice, Crystal.
14:18Anybody asked for me?
14:19No, I'm sorry.
14:23It's all right.
15:11Can you change your dressing now?
15:20Stuff's in here.
15:23ID card's in the pocket.
15:25Code will be on locker 20 in the locker room.
15:30Better do this.
15:33God, I'm so nervous.
15:35Just keep thinking about getting on that plane to Australia.
15:45You lot look like you're going to the gym.
15:47What about you, miss? You wearing something nice?
15:49No, I had to buy a new dress.
15:51Bit sexy, is it, miss?
15:53You saying I can't do sexy?
15:56Come on, you two. You can go canoodling yourself.
15:59Right, Barbara Cartland. Bedtime.
16:03Come on.
16:11I hope you're going to be good girls tonight.
16:14Wouldn't want to spoil your fun, would we, Fenner?
16:16Don't even think about it.
16:19What do you want to goad him for?
16:21Because he expects me to.
16:24He might want to turn away.
16:32I wish I could talk you out of this.
16:43Here they are.
16:46Right, where's this Karen Betts?
16:48I'd like to sort her out before the night gets going.
16:50Oh, Bobby, I don't want any trouble.
16:55There she is.
17:04This is Miss Betts, Bobby.
17:06Miss Betts?
17:08Karen Betts.
17:10I'm sorry.
17:11This is Miss Betts, Bobby.
17:13Miss Betts.
17:15Karen, please.
17:17I've heard a lot about you, Karen.
17:20I'm sure most of it bad.
17:22Well, you know...
17:25I'm not saying it's easy running a prison wing,
17:28but it seems to me you were a bit hasty demoting my wife here.
17:33Well, you would say that, wouldn't you?
17:36That's her well and truly sorted.
17:38I'm just priming her mostly itself.
17:40Well, I'm going to prime the boys in the band.
18:06Is it new, the dress?
18:08Do you like it?
18:09I was dead scared I wasn't going to find anything.
18:14But then I thought,
18:16it's an occasion, what the hell, show a bit of flesh.
18:20I need a drink.
18:25Can I have a white wine, please?
18:28Maybe you'll do me the honour later on.
18:32A dance.
18:33Oh, well, only if you get Sylvia's blessing.
18:37So you're in need.
18:38Thanks, Jim.
18:40Sylvia told me you two kissed and made up.
18:43Oh, yes, we've definitely done that.
18:48I'll find you later, Karen.
18:52Do you have to be so obvious?
18:55Do you have to be so obvious?
18:58Oh, yes, we've definitely done that.
19:01Yeah, I thought you said Bess was all right.
19:04She is.
19:05Best governor we've had.
19:08Well, what's she doing all over that slimy bastard, then?
19:11Miss Bess went such fenner.
19:13I'd say she was shagging him.
19:41I thought we'd give our body bags a present for our anniversary.
19:45I'm not giving that old cow nothing.
19:47Oh, that's a pity.
19:48I was going to slip her an A.
19:50What, her one?
19:51She'll go up like a soddy rocket.
19:53Come here.
19:54OK, girls.
19:56Don't huddle at the bar. Go and serve some drinks.
20:04Miss, I know I've done a lot of bad things in my life,
20:07but, you know, I never lied to you about Mr Fenner.
20:10And what's brought all this on?
20:12He did it with Miss.
20:14You know he did.
20:23Come on.
20:29Oh, come on! What are you waiting for?
20:33I'm not a very good dancer.
20:35Well, just wriggle your body.
20:41Oh, God!
20:44I'd best go and get this fixed.
20:46You said you wanted to show a bit of flesh.
20:54Happy anniversary, Miss.
20:56Oh, thank you.
21:10Selkie, look after her.
21:13Have a good party.
21:27They say blondes have more fun.
21:29Will I do?
21:30I bloody well hope so.
21:33I must sleep.
21:40Oh, my God!
21:42Oh, my God!
21:44Oh, my God!
21:46Oh, my God!
21:48Oh, my God!
21:50Oh, my God!
21:51Oh, my God!
21:53Oh, my God!
22:24It's all right.
22:42The locker room's just there.
22:44Right. Good luck.
23:00Oh, sorry. My strap snapped.
23:19Better go and have your fun, then.
23:20All right. I'll see you later.
23:23Sorry, love. Didn't see you there.
23:25Lucky bastards, eh? Don't get out there till ten.
23:28Hope this ain't me a drop.
23:32Should have got Mike to get me another pint.
23:40Get us another one when you got a moment.
23:49Sorry, sweetheart. What's your name?
23:59You're not on the list.
24:01What time did you come in at?
24:06I'll fill you in.
24:14Can I go now?
24:15Not unless you want to sleep the night.
24:22Good night.
24:39You all know Sylvia as a hard-working and trusted colleague
24:43who's given her life to the prison service.
24:46But I know her as a wife
24:49and a mother to our three children,
24:51for instance, Gail and little Bobby Darren.
24:55And she is the best.
24:58So, here's to the next 30.
25:06Something for you from your colleagues on G-Wind.
25:14Is this someone's idea of a joke?
25:17Well, it's not very funny if it is.
25:19What's going on, Di?
25:21I... I...
25:22Oh, never mind it now. Let's have another dance.
25:24Something from the 50s, boys.
25:26Come on, Bobby.
25:27All right, boys?
25:28One, two, three, four.
26:55Bag in by ten, remember? Or you just stay out all night.
27:28Great stuff, Sylvia.
27:30Look, we'll have another whip round.
27:32Make sure you get your clock, eh?
27:34Oh, forget it. It's only a daft gift.
27:37We've got a dozen clocks at home, haven't we, Bobby?
27:42Come on, don't sit!
27:44Christ almighty!
27:59Come on, Sylvia!
28:00Come on, Sylvia!
28:17Here. Can you imagine her on Viagra?
28:20Get in there!
28:22Another glass of red for Miss Betts, please.
28:25You go.
28:26I'm not going.
28:30I wish you'd stop topping me up, Jim. I'm losing count.
28:33That's four so far, miss.
28:35That right, Mr Fenner?
28:37Oh, for Christ's sake.
28:40Relax. Come on, let's have a dance.
28:43You're not even going to dance with me?
28:45Didn't you hear me?
28:47Fine. I'll go and prop up the bar, then.
29:21What the...? I've got to talk to you.
29:24No. No! Helen!
29:29Helen, please!
29:31For Christ's sake, let me in!
29:34Look, it's OK. No-one knows I'm here.
29:37It's only for tonight.
29:59I'm really sorry about your clock, Sylv.
30:02Die? What's a clock between friends, anyway?
30:06Cos that's what we are.
30:08All of us who work in this dump.
30:11Family! And we need to stick together.
30:17That's a lovely thing to say.
30:20Oh, come on, let's have a boogie.
30:24How's your driving?
30:26Not good.
30:27Well, the better. I can teach you.
30:32That dead centre.
30:35Another pint of lager, sir?
30:37Oh, she'll take it for you, missy.
30:40Another one in there, please, ma'am.
30:42Not talking to Miss Betts no more?
30:44Shut it.
30:45She can see right through you.
30:47Oh, yeah?
30:48Better why she's invited me back to her place tonight.
30:51A prick like you, you must be joking.
30:54Am I?
30:58Thanks, ma'am.
31:02If you don't let me in, I'm gonna smash your bloody window!
31:05I've got to see you!
31:35I'm knackered.
31:41The youth of today.
31:43No stamina.
31:49Don't you abandon me.
31:51Just one drink.
31:53Come on.
31:55If I can have a drink, I'll have a drink.
31:58I'll have a drink.
32:00I'll have a drink.
32:03Come on.
32:04If I can do it.
32:06It's not a competition.
32:08But this is our night.
32:10Get up.
32:11I'm exhausted.
32:13Well, that's nothing new.
32:16There's always some excuse, isn't there?
32:18Too tired, sore back.
32:21He says it's carrying the coffins.
32:24I think there's something wrong in the waterworks department, if you know what I mean.
32:27That's enough, Sylvia.
32:29Why waste my time with you?
32:37You haven't danced all night, you.
32:40I don't really.
32:44Right, that's it. I'm taking you home to sleep it off.
32:46Oh, get lost.
32:48I mean it, you're making a fool of yourself. People are laughing.
32:51Yes, at you.
32:53I'll bleed you two to it.
32:56I'm leaving.
32:58If you don't come home with me right now, I'm going to lock you out.
33:02Oh, my God.
33:24I am an employee of the Home Office.
33:26Do you have any idea?
33:28Don't worry. I'm not going to get caught.
33:31You are completely mad.
33:35I love you.
33:37When I thought I'd pissed you off, I didn't know how I could live.
33:41And then I got this chance.
33:43I just want to make the most of it.
33:46We've got a whole night together.
33:48Don't, Nicky. This is not the way.
33:53Tell me you love me.
33:58I love you.
34:37Yeah, just bang them all on the table and we'll soup them out in the kitchen later.
34:42Have any of you seen Mr McAllister?
34:44No, miss.
34:46Oh, he's left his drink.
34:48Sorry, miss. Time's up.
34:59There you are.
35:01I thought you'd already gone.
35:03I'm just about to.
35:05Oh, me too.
35:07Shall we, um, share a cab?
35:09Yeah, all right.
35:21Oh, another ticking off, I hope.
35:23Oh, ha, ha, ha.
35:25Listen, I'm going to have to get Sylvia into a taxi.
35:28Oh, leave her.
35:30Probably find her slumped in the loos in the morning.
35:33Hey, one dance.
35:35Hey, lads, just one more, eh?
35:37Stop it.
35:38Oh, for God's sake, Karen, stop being so paranoid.
35:41I'm going to put Mrs Hollenby in a taxi now.
35:44Oh, leave her.
35:46Good night, Jim.
35:48I'll sod you, Karen.
35:54You'll have to go home.
35:56I'm not going home to that land!
36:04Oh, shit.
36:08Let's get you up.
36:12Look, she's bloody hurt herself.
36:14Right, that's it, girls. Come on, show's over.
36:19Move! Come on!
36:21Oh, Bobby.
36:23Where's my Bobby?
36:29Hey, shh.
36:33Sorry, sweetheart, I'm here.
36:37I'm so happy.
36:43You're amazing.
36:47So are you.
36:54I've imagined this so many times.
36:59I can't believe I've really got you.
37:05Everything's possible now.
37:08Our whole future.
37:12Sweetheart, you know that I've got to get you back to Larkhall.
37:16Now, before anyone notices that you've gone.
37:19Don't be stupid. I can't go back there till the morning shift.
37:23Think about it.
37:32Come here.
37:40What's that?
37:42A letter from your sister.
37:47I'm sorry, sweetheart, it's bad news.
38:01It's number 64 on the left.
38:05Here we are.
38:07Good night.
38:10Yeah, good night.
38:35Hang on a minute, mate.
38:45Who's lost the keys?
38:47I don't know.
38:57Come on in for a coffee.
38:59I can't die. I've got to be up early tomorrow.
39:02I can't die. I've got to be up early tomorrow.
39:04I've got a lot of packing to do.
39:06Oh, come on.
39:08What's one little late night when you're going to go off on a long holiday?
39:11Yeah, all right.
39:13Guy, is that you?
39:16Is that your mother?
39:20Yeah, it's best not to disturb her, eh?
39:23Well, um...
39:25See you.
39:40Guy! Come with me, Sal!
39:43Yes. All right, I'll be down in a minute.
40:02Oh, my God.
40:32Oh, my God.
41:02Oh, my God.
41:44What you doing here?
41:46Got a message on my mobile from Denny.
41:48She gave me this address.
41:50Why'd she do that for?
41:52To find a way to find you, I suppose.
41:55Well, you could have got in touch with me before if you was bothered.
42:00Show me your hand.
42:02Now, come on, show me your hand.
42:10Looks like you're the one who ain't bothered.
42:14So, er...
42:16Do you want to come back to my place?
42:19Got no choice, innit?
42:44It's not the end of the line.
42:46It's not.
42:48Claire said she's going to go right ahead
42:50and apply to the Criminal Cases Review Commission.
42:53She's going to come in and see you about it next week.
42:56You're not going to give up.
42:58You're kidding. No way.
43:02You're not going to give up.
43:04You're not going to give up.
43:06You're not going to give up.
43:08You're not going to give up.
43:10You're not going to give up.
43:12Well, good, because neither am I.
43:19I love you, Nicky.
43:26Enough to give everything up for me?
43:28Yeah, you know how much.
43:31I'm not going back to that prison, Alan.
43:34Not after this.
43:38This is my last chance now.
43:40If I go back, I just know I'm going to be there till I'm bloody 50.
43:43You won't wait that long for me.
43:45Nicky, it won't be that long.
43:47If the CCRC takes up your case...
43:49If. If. If.
43:52What if they don't?
43:55Do you really think I could handle that?
43:57Cos I'm telling you, after what we've been through this week,
44:00I just know I'd go totally mad.
44:03We've got to run for it.
44:07Nicky, you are talking absolute crap.
44:10I can get a passport. Trish can help me.
44:12We are not going on the run.
44:17No, of course, that'd be stupid.
44:19I'll go on ahead.
44:20I can be out of the country before they even miss me.
44:23San Francisco.
44:24And then when the heat's off, you can come out and join me.
44:28If you love me enough.
44:32What kind of life would that be for us?
44:35Better than if we wait for bloody justice.
44:38It's true, Helen. You know it is.
44:42No, no, no, it isn't.
44:45Don't even think about this.
44:47This is not an option.
44:49It's the only one we've got.
44:53Say you'll do it.
44:54I can't.
44:56I can't.
44:57Yes, you can.
45:01You will.
45:03I've got to go now.
45:04No, Nicky.
45:05I'll tell you where I am. I'll wait for you.
45:08I've got to go. I need a cab. You got a number?
45:15Darling, please.
45:17Please trust me.
45:25Go get ready.
45:54Emergency reserving.
46:04Right. That's it. Bedtime.
46:13I miss you.
46:15Yeah? Well, you blew it.
46:17You're going to sleep with Betts tonight, ain't you?
46:22Can't I just have a little kiss?
46:31Can't I just have a little kiss?
46:33I know it doesn't mean nothing to you.
46:36I know you're with her.
46:54You're learning, love.
47:01You're learning.
47:31You're learning.
48:01You're learning.