Bad Girls 1999-S03-Ep-03

  • 2 days ago
The two Julies apply for an ankle tag release. Sylvia organises the screws to simultaneously take a sick day as a form of protest. Yvonne takes charge as the G Wing inmates are left to fend for themselves


00:51What you doing here?
00:53I thought it was just us girls that kept dragging back to this place.
00:56You're all so gorgeous I couldn't keep awake, could I?
00:58Man, you know what you are? You're, er, what do you call it?
01:03Must be, must be.
01:05So, you caught up with Crystal, yeah?
01:07Nah, nah.
01:08I got you her address.
01:09Yeah, the hostel said she'd moved on, they didn't know where to, so...
01:12Bummer. You two were great together.
01:14Yeah, look, then I really gotta move on, yeah?
01:17Well, maybe she'll turn up sometime. You never know.
01:19Yeah, yeah.
01:22Oh, sorry.
01:24Don't apologise.
01:26You haven't talked to me since I got here.
01:28Yeah, well, like I said, I've gotta get on, eh?
01:37Hello, miss.
01:38Oh, hello, miss.
01:39Hello, Julies. I've got some news for you.
01:42Come on in. Let's have it.
01:45The good news is it looks like you'll be able to see your son in his school play.
01:50Your application for an electronic tag's been successful.
01:53Oh, my God, we're getting out!
01:57Hang on, Julies. Listen to me, please.
02:00Sorry, miss.
02:03I'm afraid your application failed.
02:05Sorry, Julie.
02:09We can't have. We got the same sentence.
02:11The same prison sentence, but not the same prison record, I'm afraid.
02:15That little incident, giving the handjob under the table in the visitors' room,
02:18didn't help you much.
02:20They can't be serious.
02:22She's laughing!
02:23It's out of my hands. No pun intended.
02:26Let's bang out of order, miss.
02:28It's up to you, Julie. No-one's forcing you to get tagged.
02:31You can finish your sentence here, if that's what you really want.
02:36I'm not sure about this, Sylvia.
02:39I mean, won't they get suspicious if we all report in sick on the same day?
02:43Right, Jove's a comforter you're turning out to be.
02:45I'm just saying, that's all.
02:47Well, of course they'll be suspicious. That's the whole point.
02:50They'll know it's a protest, but they can't do anything about it.
02:54We're entitled to seven days off sick before anyone has to see a sick note.
02:58And then?
03:00Well, I know I won't have any difficulty getting the necessary from my GP.
03:05You've seen the state of them.
03:07Oh! Um, have you heard anything from Dominic yet?
03:12So when's he back?
03:14He isn't.
03:17I got hold of his parents.
03:19Apparently, he met someone in Greece and he's decided to stay there with them.
03:24You mean he's resigned?
03:26Yeah. So we're going to be an officer down for a while.
03:29Well, that's very considerate, I must say.
03:32We'd all like to stay on our holidays forever, wouldn't we?
03:34Get a nice tan.
03:37He never was much of a prison officer.
03:39Too wet.
03:42Oh, this is pants.
03:44Why'd they have to do this to us, Jew?
03:50About you getting out of here.
03:53You know you've got to go, don't you?
03:55We said we'd walk out of this place together.
03:57I know, but you've got to go.
03:59You've got to take your chance.
04:00For David.
04:02And be a crime house.
04:04And his 16th birth in that.
04:07Of course, I mean, I want to, but...
04:09What about you?
04:11What about me?
04:13I'll be all right.
04:14You sure?
04:19Jeez, Jew.
04:21It won't be long till you're out and all, eh?
04:23Just a couple of months.
04:25A couple of months, yeah.
04:32Looking for me?
04:35Looking for me?
04:37No, I don't think so.
04:39Have you got a second?
04:49Look, Helen, I know Jim's got his faults,
04:52but if I thought what happened in Sheldockley's cell
04:54was because of any wrongdoing of his,
04:56I'd have his balls on a skew, and I hope you know that.
04:59I am not calling your integrity into question, Karen.
05:03Oh, it seemed that way.
05:05I'm looking for a motive.
05:07Why Shell stuck that bottle into Jim.
05:09I think when she heard about your relationship with him,
05:12it sent her over the edge.
05:15She's really obsessed with him, isn't she?
05:18Or you.
05:21She trusted you.
05:22She told you things about her childhood,
05:24things she never told anyone else.
05:26I think she thought you'd tell Jim
05:28and he'd make a laughingstock of her.
05:31Oh, Christ.
05:38I phoned Monica Lindsay earlier.
05:41She's going to come and pick me up.
05:44So you're going, then?
05:46Yeah, I'm going.
05:51Annie, I was thinking...
05:54do you have to?
05:58Please don't go, Ju.
06:01But you told me to.
06:03I've got to take my chance, that's what you said.
06:05It'd be a crime else.
06:07Those were your words, Ju.
06:09I know, but I was just saying them
06:11because I thought that's what I was supposed to say.
06:13But I don't want you to go.
06:15I can't stand it in this place.
06:17Not on me own, not without you.
06:19We've always been together.
06:21Oh, please.
06:23Please say you'll stay, Ju.
06:25I can't, Ju.
06:28You shouldn't be asking me to either.
06:30I need you. I've always needed you.
06:34You'll be all right. I promise.
06:37You promised we'd be together for good.
06:40Oh, come on, it's only a pissing school play.
06:44He's my son, Ju.
06:46How do you think I'd feel if I missed out on the chance of seeing him on his big day?
06:50Well, you'd understand.
06:52I mean, it's only a few months and then we'd both be out together.
06:55It's his 16th birthday.
06:58No, Ju, I can't.
07:00I just can't.
07:02You mean you won't, you selfish cow.
07:06Oh, I understand it all now.
07:08Too bad I didn't see it before.
07:10Just like all the rest of them, just out for yourself.
07:13You heard me. Sod off out of it.
07:15And stop calling me Ju.
07:17My name is Sonia. I hate people calling me Ju. Always have.
07:21I hate you! So piss off!
07:37So, what's actually wrong with you, Sylvia?
07:40Stress, Mum.
07:42Stress? We seem to have an epidemic of it on our hands today.
07:46I can't help that.
07:48No, I'm sure you can't.
07:50I'll be reporting for duty as soon as I'm better.
07:53I'll look forward to it.
07:57Oh, shit.
07:58How many is that?
08:00The lot.
08:02All mysteriously struck down by the stress bug.
08:05This is a nightmare.
08:07Well, we'll have to do something.
08:12All inmates without wing duties will have all meals served in their cells today.
08:20There will be no education, association or visits.
08:27What the hell's going on?
08:29This is due to circumstances beyond our control and I will...
08:35You can't do this to us! This ain't a bleeding zoo!
08:40My daughter's coming to visit today!
08:43Is this down to you, Dockley?
08:46Why don't you piss off extra muppet wing weight?
08:49You belong with all the other bloody nutters!
09:13I'm supposed to be seeing my solicitors.
09:15What do they do? They keep us shitting banged up!
09:18He said it's circumstances beyond their control.
09:21It's beyond their control in this place.
09:23Maybe not, but banging on the door and shouting isn't going to get anyone anywhere.
09:27This meeting's important.
09:29I know. But there'll be another meeting, don't worry.
09:32I've got to get my case together for the CCRC.
09:34It's the only chance I've got of getting out of here.
09:57This could go on forever.
10:00Why don't you let them out?
10:02See how the money's running things for themselves.
10:04After everything that's happened?
10:05It's been done before.
10:07They're hardly going to escape, are they?
10:09Don't get me wrong, you'd make my life a lot easier.
10:11I think we should try it.
10:13On one condition.
10:14Shell Dockley stays on cellular confinement.
10:20But she's been behind a door for weeks now.
10:22You can't keep her there forever.
10:24It's up to you, Simon.
10:42You got everything?
10:43Yeah, it's all here.
10:45Getting out at the right time, if you ask me.
10:47Come on, then. This is it.
10:53I'm going.
10:58June, please.
11:01Come on.
11:11Come on.
11:21Hello, Monica.
11:26I can't thank you enough for this.
11:32So, did you have any luck?
11:34Did you get to talk to him?
11:36I think it came as a bit of a bolt out of the blue.
11:38Will he see me?
11:40Come round tonight.
11:52Well, come on.
11:54Got a lot to look forward to.
12:26It's going to be like Christmas with the screws out of the way.
12:29The governor must have gone frigging stupid to let us out like this.
12:32Well, it fixed weird.
12:36How are things?
12:37I'm getting by.
12:39I mean, I managed to convince number one governor and Karen to let everyone out themselves,
12:42but I don't want it blown up in my face.
12:44Can you keep an eye on things?
12:46Come on, you know I don't like playing prefect.
12:48Look, if anyone steps out of line, it's going to mean that you'll get banged up again.
12:51Maybe for days.
12:53None of us want that, do we?
12:55I suppose not.
12:57I already missed a meeting with my solicitor this morning.
12:59We can set up another meeting.
13:01Things are moving, so don't worry.
13:03How about you?
13:04Oh, don't ask.
13:06I've got this bloody report to do on Chell's attack on Jim Fenner.
13:09Well, I hope you hang the bastard out to dry.
13:11It's not going to happen.
13:14Look, there's nothing to back up Chell's claim that Fenner was trying to rape her.
13:18She smuggled a broken bottle back from Sylvia's party.
13:21I mean, Chell was out to get Fenner.
13:25So the lucky bastard rides again, eh?
13:27I'm afraid I couldn't possibly comment.
13:37Here's your lunch.
13:39Come down in the world, ain't you?
13:42We've got some problems today.
13:44Still let everybody out, though, didn't you?
13:46Except me.
13:49You're back on a basic regime, Chell.
13:52Who says? I ain't had no adjudication.
13:55We don't have the officers.
13:57You're just pissed off, because when Fenner was supposed to be giving you one,
14:00he was shoving it up me instead.
14:03If I'm pissed off with you, it's because you nearly killed one of my officers.
14:06Nothing else.
14:09So I was supposed to just lie back and thank him afterwards, was I?
14:13I suppose that's all you think I'm worth.
14:15After all, I let me old man pork me, didn't I?
14:20You know that's not what I think, Chell.
14:23Did you tell Fenner, did you?
14:25He'd have loved that.
14:27No, I didn't.
14:30You can never tell him or anyone else about what happened to you as a child.
14:34I gave you my word on it.
15:01All right?
15:04Where are you off to?
15:05Usual. Block drain, isn't it?
15:08What, mind you, giving my drain a good rodding?
15:11Yeah, if you want to get us all locked up again.
15:14Why, who's going to catch us?
15:16Well, suppose Josh isn't up for it.
15:19Are you saying I can't pull?
15:22What I'm saying is, if you're desperate for it,
15:25find someone on the same side of the wire.
15:28No one will bat an eyelid.
15:30It's a lot easier and you won't end up down the block.
15:33You're joking.
15:35Turn Liz in.
15:37I'd rather shag bleeding Fenner first.
15:45Oh, come on, Julie.
15:47What's the use in crying?
15:49You'll be out of here and meeting up again with Julius in no time.
15:58Yeah, you're right.
16:04I'm just being stupid.
16:16What do you think?
16:18Dead trendy, isn't it?
16:20Very nice. 21st century ball and chain.
16:23How does it work?
16:25James has fitted this gizmo to your phone,
16:27so it knows when I'm in range of the house.
16:29And if I in here between quarter to seven at night
16:31and quarter to seven in the morning,
16:33it sends up the balloon.
16:35And you end up back in Larkhall.
16:37Yeah, so I'd better keep my eye on the time and hope the watch don't stop.
16:40Such a shame they wouldn't let Julie out as well.
16:43Yeah. Yeah.
16:45Something the matter, Julie?
16:47The night before I come out,
16:49me and Ju, we sort of had words.
16:52See, she didn't want me to go.
16:55Think she couldn't cope on her own.
16:57I think she was just scared.
16:59But she said some rotten things. Really hurt.
17:02Oh, dear, I'm sorry.
17:05Maybe I shouldn't have left her.
17:07Nonsense. You've got nothing to feel guilty about.
17:10Oh, Julie will be all right.
17:12She's still got lots of friends on G-Wing.
17:14Yeah. It's only for a couple of months.
17:17Of course. And let's face it,
17:19you've got a lot to take care of now.
17:21You can say that again.
17:23Do you want me to make myself scarce when he comes round?
17:26It's no trouble, really.
17:28No way.
17:30Tell you the truth, Mun, never mind the bricks,
17:33I'm shitting through their bloody semis.
17:52What are you doing?
17:54Don't tell me no-one's ever felt your arse before.
17:57A nice little one like that. It's begging for it.
18:00Yeah, well, next time knock or something first, yeah?
18:03Fair enough.
18:06Not knock. That's the way, Josh.
18:09Come on, leave it at it.
18:11It's all right. No-one's going to catch us.
18:13I'm not interested.
18:14I don't want hearts and flowers, Josh.
18:16Just a quick shag.
18:18You can do that, can't you?
18:20Of course I could, but I don't want to.
18:23You're way too old for me.
18:48You, ain't you?
18:54What the bloody hell's going on here?
18:56Nothing. Just having a laugh.
18:58She started it.
18:59Shut up, you liar.
19:00The both of you can shut up.
19:02You can shut up and clear this mess up.
19:04What's got into you?
19:06Worse than a bloody screw, man.
19:08Yeah, and you'll find out how much if you don't behave yourselves.
19:11I told you, no stepping out of line if we want to keep this set up sweet.
19:15Clear this up. Come on.
19:40She'll be coming round and that's it when she comes
19:43She'll be coming round and that's it
19:45Coming round and that's it
19:47Coming round and that's it when she comes
19:50She'll be wearing pink pyjamas when she comes
19:53So how come I never see you with any of the others?
19:55Come again?
19:56Well, it's like what you were saying earlier.
19:58I mean, you're a good-looking woman.
20:00You could have your pick in here, couldn't you?
20:02Could I?
20:04You got someone on the outside?
20:08What, no-one in here good enough for you, is that it?
20:12Look, who do you think you are? Jeremy bloody Paxman?
20:17It's just I suppose I can see why some women are up for it.
20:24It's not until you've been in a place like this
20:26that you wouldn't believe how much you could miss having a fella to hold you at night.
20:31Those shitty beds can be bloody empty some nights.
20:34And that very narrow they are.
20:37Now, don't go getting any ideas.
20:39Come on, you never know, you might like it.
20:41I said I was dying, not bloody desperate, right?
20:44Coming round and that's it
20:46Coming round and that's it
20:48Coming round and that's it when she comes
20:51Macbeth is one of Shakespeare's tragedies.
20:53Oh, what, you mean it ain't that good?
20:55No. No.
20:57A tragedy in the dramatic sense.
21:00Oh, I see.
21:02So what's that then?
21:04Well, a tragedy is a story about a great person
21:08who's destroyed by circumstances of their own creation.
21:14You see, Macbeth is a Scottish lord who encounters three witches.
21:19Now, these three witches prophesy that he's going to become king of Scotland.
21:23So, in order to fulfil the prophecy,
21:26Macbeth, egged on by his wife,
21:29murders the king, Duncan,
21:31but he ends up killed himself.
21:34Eh? You're giving away the ending now, aren't you?
21:40That's him.
21:56Are you all right?
21:59Are you all right? I'm fine.
22:02Here you are.
22:04Oh, cheers.
22:06Don't stand on the doorstep all night.
22:08You'd better come in, Trevor.
22:25Monica's my boss, actually.
22:27We're holiday reps,
22:29so we're out of the country most of the time.
22:32Oh. Where?
22:34Oh, you know, Spain, Portugal.
22:38Except lately,
22:41it's been places like, um, Belgium and Norway.
22:45Don't get so much of a tan, I'm afraid.
22:48No. No, you don't.
22:52I'm a mechanic.
22:54I always thought you'd do something like that.
22:57Always was good with a tool in his hands, was Trevor.
23:06So, um, where did you two meet?
23:13We were sweethearts.
23:15From third year at comp until...
23:18Our folks put a stop to things when they found out Julie was pregnant.
23:26If it hadn't been for them, me and Julie might have still been together.
23:33Well, I'll, um...
23:35I'll just go and see if I've switched off the...
23:39I'll just go and see if I've switched off the...
23:49That was a lovely thing to say.
23:53I meant it.
23:56So, what about you? Any...?
24:00I've got two kids, Dan and Sophie.
24:03But when me and Sue split up,
24:05she didn't want me having anything more to do with them.
24:08Well, I hope you didn't stand for that.
24:10Course not.
24:12It all went to court and everything.
24:14I didn't want it to.
24:16All that sort of stuff's no good for the kids, is it?
24:19But I wasn't gonna be denied my children.
24:21Good for you.
24:25I used to wonder, you know,
24:27about you and our kid.
24:30Oh, David's wonderful.
24:32He's dead bright and good-looking.
24:35That would be his mum's looks, then, not his dad's.
24:39I never thought you looked so bad.
24:48We don't want the screws back in!
24:50We don't want the screws back in!
24:52Keep the shitbags off the wing!
24:54Keep the shitbags off the wing!
24:56I hope you and your little mate have finished cleaning up near before playtime.
25:04Everything in order, sir.
25:09Where's the knife?
25:11What knife?
25:12The knife.
25:14The one that ain't bleeding there.
25:16Search me.
25:18Bloody hell.
25:19Is that little mate of yours?
25:21Stupid bitch.
25:27Julie, about tomorrow.
25:30Eddie's gonna be all right with the lad, isn't he?
25:32It was his idea.
25:34He kept going on at me. He's always wanted to meet you.
25:37It's the best 16th birthday present I could get him.
25:40So you'll come, see him in the play?
25:42It'll be such a surprise.
25:44I'd love to.
25:46Best be on my way, then.
25:54Look at you.
25:56Son of a big posh school.
25:58Living in this house.
26:00Your holiday raps must get paid by the coachload.
26:04You've done well for yourself, Julie.
26:06I'm really glad.
26:08Makes me feel like a real waster.
26:10No, you ain't.
26:12Well, you reckon.
26:14Anyway, better be off, then.
26:21See you tomorrow.
26:39Are you going to Scarborough Fair
26:45Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
26:52Remember me to one who lives there
27:03You can't do this.
27:05You got no right. You ain't a bloody screw.
27:07Shut up.
27:09She ain't had it. I'd have seen her, man.
27:16Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
27:21Lovely, yeah.
27:23Makes you think about all the people you're missing on the outside, doesn't it?
27:29Well, now, Julie's getting on in the big, wide world, eh?
27:32Fine, I suppose.
27:34And you're getting on all right without her, aren't you?
27:37Me? Yeah, spectacular, I am.
27:41No, you can't live in someone's shadow all your life, can you?
27:44You just wither up like an old pot plant.
27:49I used to have my own life, you know.
27:52Just realising now I'm getting it back, ain't I?
27:57Nicky, listen, I've got a problem.
28:00A big one.
28:04Once was a true love of mine
28:31You lot have a good time, why don't you?
28:34Enjoy yourselves, every bastard one of you.
28:37Just remember, it's me you've got to thank for it all. Me!
28:42Come on, what have you done with it?
28:44It's a fair cop.
28:46I was only going to chop up a couple of screws with it, no big deal.
28:49You stupid bitch.
28:52Catch that brain cell of yours and see if it still works.
28:55If that knife isn't back in the cabinet by tonight,
28:57when the governor checks the kitchen,
28:59we're all in deep shit and banged up till God knows when.
29:02I'm joking, I haven't got the bloody knife.
29:05Well, there's only one thing you can do.
29:07I'm joking, I haven't got the bloody knife.
29:10Well, there's only one thing you can do and that's search all the cells.
29:14We'll just have to keep the party going as long as we can.
29:27Have you got everything?
29:29Yeah. It's all lovely.
29:34Yes? Except what?
29:41I wished you was here.
29:43I could do with her to talk to you right now.
29:46No offence, Mon, I mean, you've been great.
29:48It's just... we're like sisters, me and her.
29:52It don't seem real with her not here.
29:55Won't I do as a temporary measure?
30:00Did Trevor live up to expectations?
30:04He was nice. Really nice.
30:07So are you.
30:09I'm a bleeding tart, is what I am, and a con.
30:12You were?
30:14Yeah. Well, what's this, then?
30:16Well, if he holds that against you, he's not worth it.
30:18Well, that's just it, innit? He don't know about it. He don't know nothing.
30:21Oh, Julie.
30:23I didn't want him doing a run-on after just meeting him again.
30:27You must be honest with him.
30:29I want him to meet David.
30:32And will you ask David to lie too?
30:36It's just what you would have said.
30:43How many screws does it take to change a lightbulb?
30:48One to take it out, a five to beat the shit out of it cos it went on the blink.
31:00Mr Fenner walks into a bar.
31:02He says to the barmaid,
31:04''Excuse me, love, can I have a pint of lager?''
31:06She said, ''Sorry, sir, we only do bottles.''
31:13Maybe we should call it a night now.
31:16You're just getting warmed up.
31:18That's what I'm afraid of.
31:20I'm afraid you might get wet.
31:40I need you, Guy!
31:42Go away.
31:44Just go away.
31:46Please, God, make her go away.
32:07You wanted me!
32:09You've got me!
32:11A saucepan handle and a cutlery knife covered in silver foil.
32:16Tape them together.
32:22And there you have it.
32:25What do you think this is, Bleeding Blue Peter?
32:28You got any better ideas?
32:40Hiya. Thanks for coming.
32:42What's up?
32:44I was surprised to get your phone call.
32:46Is it...? Is it David?
32:49Look, Trev, I ain't exactly been straight, were you?
32:53All that ology rep stuff, they're bollocks.
32:56I don't have no fancy job.
32:58Well, so what?
33:00I'm a flaming car mechanic.
33:02Truth is, me and Monica,
33:05we met inside.
33:09In prison.
33:11I'm out on a tag, see?
33:15Shocked you, didn't I?
33:17Oh, yeah. I suppose you have.
33:22So what did you do? Rob a bank?
33:27I'm a prostitute.
33:31A tart. I work with me mates,
33:33we screw the clients and we nick their wallets.
33:36I can't believe all this. I don't believe it.
33:39Well, you'd better have, cos it's the truth.
33:45That's how you feel, I understand.
33:48But David...
33:50he'd love to meet his dad.
34:09Morning. Morning. Morning.
34:11So, how's it been?
34:13So far, so good.
34:15See, if you trust them, they can take care of themselves pretty well.
34:18I have to admit, things have been running pretty smoothly.
34:21Well, let's not start talking ourselves out of our jobs.
34:24But you'd better be careful. Imagine what the press would say
34:27if they heard Larkhall was run better by the inmates than its officers.
34:30Don't worry, Simon, your secret's safe.
34:32And on the subject of secrets,
34:34just so there aren't any between us...
34:36What's this?
34:38It's my report to area management.
34:40It's your copy, in case there's anything you'd like to add.
34:43Thank you. Nothing too shocking, I hope.
34:46Well, I certainly think there'll be a few raised eyebrows
34:49on the outside over lifers waiting on Sylvia's party.
34:52And the discipline of officers that night, not brilliant.
34:55You have a point, of course.
34:58What about Jim?
35:00Well, the attack on Jim was obviously premeditated.
35:03I can't find any evidence against him.
35:05Excellent. I knew this investigation was in good hands.
35:09Now all we have to do is get this place back to normal.
35:12I've got things to get on with.
35:15Me too.
35:40Still gone.
35:41At least no-one's sussed the saucepan handle.
35:43They must be bloody blind or stupid.
35:45So what do we do now?
35:47We've already searched the cells. We're not the bloody DST.
35:50All we can do is hope someone's took it for a spot of whittling
35:53and they'll put it back before things get back to normal.
36:10Mrs Saunders?
36:11Who wants to know?
36:12My name's Meadows, David's English teacher.
36:14Oh. Lovely to meet you.
36:16I didn't think I'd recognise you.
36:18We see most of the other parents on a more regular basis.
36:24Oh, hello, my darling.
36:26Hey, happy birthday.
36:28I've only got a second or two. I've got to get backstage before curtain.
36:31I'm just going to wait to see you.
36:33Me neither. You look so grown up.
36:35Eva, I'm so proud of you.
36:37You look so grown up.
36:39Even with all your make-up on.
36:41I'll see you later, yeah.
36:42Yeah, you count on it.
36:43I've got your prezzie for you as well.
36:52He's a good lad.
36:53I know.
36:54You must see a lot of the world.
36:57In your business.
36:58Well, David tells me you're really in the UK.
37:02Well, that's right.
37:03In fact, we've just flown in from New York.
37:06A bit jet-lagged.
37:08I'm Mrs Saunders, PA, by the way.
37:10How do you do?
37:12Well, if you'll excuse us, I think we'd better find our seats.
37:15Yes, of course.
37:19Is Ann-Pat being honest?
37:21There are lies, and there are white lies.
37:27No Trevor, then?
37:31I'm sorry, that seat's taken.
37:37I really think we should tell Miss Betts about this knife.
37:40No-one's going to come after you with it.
37:42I mean, someone might do themselves harm.
37:45You know, I'd never forgive myself.
37:47If they were going to, they'd have done it by now.
37:50Well, not necessarily.
37:57I won't beat about the bush, Sylvia.
37:59And I'd be grateful if you'd be equally straightforward with me.
38:03The fact of the matter is that your protest on the wing
38:06has patently failed.
38:08Hm. That might be your impression.
38:10From what I've heard, the women are running the place.
38:13It's a recipe for disaster.
38:15Well, I have to admit that the longer this situation persists,
38:18the more likely disaster becomes.
38:20Which is why I was wondering if you and I
38:23might manage to negotiate some way forward.
38:26Such as?
38:28You lost your position on the wing,
38:30such as?
38:32You lost your pips recently.
38:34That was quite unfortunate, an experienced officer such as yourself.
38:38I felt I was a scapegoat, sir.
38:41Quite so.
38:53All right? Yeah.
39:01How long do you reckon this is going to go on with the screws-off sick?
39:04Not long enough.
39:07Ah, it's all a load of bollocks, mind.
39:10I mean, kicking up all this fuss because Cheryl's been put back on the wing.
39:14I can't say I blame them.
39:16I mean, which one of them wouldn't be left with her on their own again?
39:20Well, I've got nothing against Cheryl for opening Fenner up like a handbag.
39:24It was long overdue, if you ask me.
39:26Yeah, I'm no fan.
39:31It was expected, really.
39:34I mean, he's just another paid-up member of the all-men-are-bastards club.
39:40That's funny.
39:42Now I come to think of it, I've never been with a bloke
39:45who was straight down the middle decent.
39:48All of them were bastards.
39:50It doesn't stop me wanting one, though.
39:57just give me the knife.
40:00You what?
40:02You going soft in the head?
40:04I know you're going through a difficult time right now,
40:07but let me have the knife and I can help you.
40:09I'm not suicidal, you stupid carer. I just want a shag.
40:14And as far as helping me goes, darling,
40:17and as far as helping me goes, darling,
40:19you just haven't got the tackle.
40:24You want a bet?
40:28Stay you imperfect speakers. Tell me more.
40:31By Cynil's death, I know I am Thame of Glance.
40:34But how of Cawdor?
40:36The thane of Cawdor, a lord, a prosperous gentleman.
40:38Sorry, I'm late.
40:40To be king stands not within a prospect of belief,
40:42no more than to be Cawdor.
40:44Say from whence you owe this strange intelligence, or why.
40:47It's Ian.
40:49Upon this blasted heath you stop our way with such prosthetic greeting.
40:52Speak, I charge you.
41:03Here, he's an old mate of mine. He'll help you.
41:08What's he going to do?
41:10Whisper sweet nothings down the phone.
41:13I was after something a little bit more hands-on.
41:16He runs a male escort agency, very discreet.
41:19He's very sexy and very good, so I'm told.
41:24I look him up in three years' time.
41:26I've still got the urge.
41:28When was the last time you saw your solicitor?
41:32Months ago.
41:34Well, maybe it's time you got yourself a new one.
41:37Maybe you could find yourself someone fairly young,
41:40somebody up and coming, if you catch my drift.
41:45Of course.
41:47You get a private room when you see your brief.
41:52And this guy's briefs will be packing more than just his paperwork.
42:00Is this a dagger which I see before me,
42:03the handle toward my hand?
42:05Come, let me clutch thee.
42:10I have thee not, yet I see thee still.
42:13Art thou not fatal vision sensible?
42:17To feeling as to sight?
42:19Art thou but a dagger of the mind, a false creation,
42:23preceded by the heat-oppressed brain?
42:28Blood hath been shed here now.
42:30In the olden time, e'er she hath seen,
42:33in the olden time, e'er humane statute purged the gentle wheel.
42:38And since, too, murders have been performed too terrible for the ear,
42:42the time has been
42:44that when the brains were out, the man would die, and there an end.
42:49It will have blood, they say.
42:52Blood will have blood.
42:54Stones have been known to move, and trees to speak.
42:59Ogreries and understood relations,
43:01by maggot pies and chuffs,
43:05and looks,
43:07brought forth the secretest man of blood.
43:10Julie, wait a sec.
43:11Whatever's the matter?
43:13I've got to get back to Larkel.
43:15I've got to get back to Julie. She's in trouble, Mum.
43:18Who's Julie?
43:19I can't explain it. I just know I've got to get back to the prison.
43:22Will you give me a lift, please, Trev?
43:24The prison's behind you now, Julie. You've got to let it go.
43:27I wish I could.
43:28Look, maybe there's something for us, too.
43:32I ain't got time, Trev. I'm sorry.
43:57That must be as daft as you. Come on.
44:00Oh, thank you. Thank you, thank you.
44:21Harriet! Harriet, you've got to let me in!
44:24What's going on?
44:25You've got to let me in.
44:26You've got it the wrong way round. Everyone's trying to get out of here.
44:29My name is Julie Saunders. I'm a prisoner here.
44:32I'm out on a tag. I'm breaking the curfew.
44:35Please, you've got to let me in.
44:37If you want to give yourself up, use the cop shop or go back home with your friends.
44:40If you don't mind, love, my tea's getting cold.
44:43Why won't you listen to me?
45:13Can you hear me?
45:16Julie, darling, I'm back!
45:18It's all right, darling. Don't worry.
45:25No way! She's gone mental, man!
45:28Nice one, Julie!
45:45Stupid man!
45:50Julie, I'm here! Don't worry, mate!
45:53I told you she was a freak, didn't I?
46:22What are you doing here?
46:24Oh, sorry, miss.
46:26I was a bit peckish.
46:28Well, if pinching from the biscuit tin's all you can come up with over the past couple of days,
46:33I'll let it go, this once.
46:35Thank you, miss.
46:37I suppose you heard the commotion?
46:40Yes, miss.
46:42It seems Julie wasn't so keen on life on the outside, after all.
46:46First time anyone's ever tried to break into prison.
46:49Yes, miss.
46:53Night, Julie.