Noah Assad Accepts the 10-Year Impact Award For Rimas Entertainment | Latin Music Power Players 2024

  • 2 hours ago
Noah Assad from Rimas Entertainment accepts the 10-Year Impact Award from Billboard’s Chief Content Officer of Latin Music and Billboard Español, Leila Cobo at Billboard’s Latin Music Power Players 2024.


00:00Now, our next award is NOT. It's not an award that is on our award list.
00:06So, allow me, I want to tell you a little story.
00:10I think it was eight years ago.
00:13Noah Asad called me, whom I didn't know.
00:18And he told me his name was Noah Asad. He told me a little bit about what he was doing.
00:21And he invited me to have lunch.
00:23And we went to Wynwood to have lunch.
00:25So, in English, very quickly, about eight years ago, I think this was.
00:28I got a call from this guy called Noah Asad, who I had maybe met briefly, but I really had no recollection of him.
00:35But he seemed to be doing interesting things, so we went out to lunch.
00:38He invited me to a great restaurant in Wynwood. I do remember that.
00:41And we had a great lunch.
00:43And I walked out of there, and I thought, wow, this guy is doing some really interesting things.
00:50And he's on to things that I hadn't thought about before.
00:52He was really working with YouTube.
00:55He was getting streams.
00:57He seemed to understand this new ecosystem.
01:01And about two years later, I interviewed Noah, who doesn't like to be interviewed, by the way.
01:05But I managed to interview him.
01:07And I remember I said, where do you see Rimas ten years from now?
01:13Y me dijo, I see it as a major label.
01:16Y han pasado diez años desde que se creó Rimas.
01:21Y Rimas creo que es mucho más que un major label.
01:24Por mucho tiempo nosotros veíamos a Noah como el manager de Bad Bunny.
01:29Pero ahora Rimas is a powerhouse que tiene a Bad Bunny,
01:33pero es un sello con grandes artistas como Eladio Carrión, como Arcángel.
01:38Tiene su management arm, que es Habibi, que lleva las carreras de Carol G,
01:43de Eladio, de Sebastián Yatra, entre otros.
01:47Tiene un touring division, tiene un publishing, tiene una fundación.
01:52Para nosotros en Billboard siempre hablamos del orgullo que nos da ver crecer a los artistas
01:59y acompañarlos en ese journey.
02:02Pero it's also been fantastic to watch a music company grow
02:09and to be part of their journey.
02:11And so today we are celebrating the ten years of Rimas,
02:15because it's been ten years since they founded,
02:17and we want to celebrate that with them.
02:20By the way, go see their panel tomorrow.
02:22But tonight we are celebrating you with the ten year Impact Award.
02:34And here to receive it, I hope, is the Rimas team.
02:38So, Noah, after being our Executive of the Year and our Latin Executive of the Year,
02:51today you have a ten year Impact Award.
02:55Thank you very much. I appreciate it.
02:57This is amazing. I can't see anybody.
03:00So this is perfect.
03:13Thank you, Billboard.
03:14Thank you for this recognition.
03:16I can't believe it's ten years.
03:18You know, I've sat down with a lot of you over the years
03:21and I'm just very grateful for being a part of this industry and the table.
03:27It's a great opportunity.
03:30No matter what venture we're working on, everyone's always so collaborative with us.
03:35But the good thing about Rimas, and I think the amazing thing and the unique thing about us,
03:40is that there are only three people here up today,
03:44but there's a lot of people from day one that have been our collaborators,
03:47our friends, and people that we trust.
03:50And I don't know what else I'm going to say.
03:56You know, just very grateful for this opportunity.
04:00And we're going to go pa' mas.
04:03This is just the introduction page. I said that last year.
04:05But I'm very grateful to work with my colleagues and friends.
04:08I work with them every day.
04:10The junior co-founder with me, Raymond,
04:12obviously worked every single day with us and Rimas from almost day one.
04:17Now he's doing his own thing. He's his own boss.
04:20I report to him.
04:22He tells me when I'm doing something wrong, running Habibi now.
04:25Jorge came in and organized all our companies as our COO.
04:29Because, you know, at the end of the day, I know I'm more of a creative type of person,
04:33not so formal in anything I do.
04:35You know, me gusta ir directo al grano, boom, boom, boom, close deals.
04:38They tell me when I can and can't.
04:40So, you know, very grateful for where we are, where we're going.
04:44And there's many more to come.
04:46Pero los voy a dejar a cada uno para que hablen.
05:00Nunca, la verdad, imaginamos todo lo que hemos hecho.
05:04Realmente han pasado diez años y parece que son tres segundos.
05:10Y, nada, realmente hacemos esto con mucha pasión.
05:13Y esto son el tipo de cosas que de vez en cuando está bien saber que estamos en el camino correcto.
05:23Pues yo soy el principal en la escuela.
05:25Básicamente, llevo un año y medio con Rimas.
05:29Y pasé toda mi carrera, más de 20 años, en marketing y publicidad.
05:34Y no me dio la gran oportunidad de trabajar con ellos y ayudarlos a desarrollar todos estos negocios.
05:41Y, pues, súper honrado de comenzar esta nueva década de Rimas y todos los años que vienen por delante.
05:50Muchas gracias.
05:57Buenas noches a todos.
05:58Súper feliz de estar acá con ustedes.
06:01Es mi primera vez.
06:02Son diez años, pero son diez años que hemos estado construyendo sueños, cumpliendo metas,
06:09acompañando a muchas personas a sus sueños a que se hagan realidad.
06:13Yo creo que eso es la satisfacción más linda que podemos tener nosotros, que trabajamos backstage.
06:18Que básicamente llevamos un mensaje, acompañamos a los artistas.
06:22Y para nosotros yo creo que es la satisfacción que nos ha llevado hasta aquí.
06:25Y sabemos que estos son los primeros diez años de una compañía que va a seguir creciendo.
06:31Porque lo más que amamos es seguir llevando nuestra cultura, nuestra lengua, hasta los confines de la tierra.
06:36Así que muchas gracias, Billboard, y muchas gracias a todos ustedes.
