La promesa - Temporada 3 - Ep 443

  • 13 hours ago


00:03The wheels have the radios destroyed.
00:06Man, between the ones that are broken,
00:08the ones that are rusty, and the ones that are missing,
00:11it would be convenient for you to buy some new ones.
00:15These will do.
00:17I'll build some new radios
00:18with the rods of some umbrellas.
00:21Oh, well, look.
00:22There are old umbrellas in the attic.
00:24They'll do just fine.
00:26I'll go look for them later.
00:27When I'm done with this, I'll get on with something else.
00:29Of course. You have work to do.
00:32The chain is full of robin.
00:35I've seen it.
00:36I'll try to save it by putting it in gasoline.
00:38You're going to have work for several days.
00:40You're going to be entertained with that bike of yours.
00:42I don't think I'll finish it in a couple of weeks.
00:45Wow. I was hoping to learn how to ride very soon.
00:49Santo, couldn't you help him?
00:51Uh, no.
00:52I don't even touch that chain for all the gold in the world.
00:56Don't worry, Maria.
00:57This is sewing and singing.
00:59As soon as I put it in gasoline, I'll rub it with a brush.
01:02Oh, well, look. I can help you with that.
01:03You don't need a lot of knowledge.
01:05And you get on with the rays and the rods of the umbrellas.
01:09Are you sure you want to take care of this?
01:10Look, if you help me with the saddle, I'm happy, huh?
01:14I don't want to get you in trouble.
01:15Well, I got in because I want to.
01:17Besides, we'll get him out of a dead rat and
01:19the sooner we start, the sooner we're going to ride the bike.
01:22Of course.
01:25What are you doing, looking at this junk?
01:27As soon as Mrs. Arco sees us, she's going to be happy that today she's in a dog mood.
01:30As if that were a novelty.
01:34It will be better if we go back to work as soon as possible.
01:40I'm going to work too.
01:42And I'm going to take this to the cupboard.
01:46Marcelo, wait.
01:49I have to talk to you.
01:51What's wrong?
01:53Marcelino is a journalist.
01:55I don't understand.
01:57What came out in today's newspaper? Are you looking for a capture?
02:02And apart from the photograph, did the newspaper say anything else?
02:05No, I don't know. I haven't been able to see it well.
02:07Have the gentlemen seen it?
02:08I don't know.
02:10But if they haven't seen it, they won't take long to do it.
02:12Your face occupied almost the entire page.
02:15We have to destroy that page anyway.
02:17You know that. If I'm not lost, Teresa ...
02:19And not just that newspaper.
02:21There is also another copy.
02:23Yes, another.
02:24The one that the mayor archives.
02:26But Don Rómulo is under arrest.
02:27But Mr. Pellicer will do it.
02:28And what do we do?
02:29I don't know.
02:34I guess we have to wait.
02:36Wait until tonight so that the mayor archives the newspaper
02:40and tomorrow destroy the page with the photograph.
02:42And what do the gentlemen have?
02:44Watch what they do to him.
02:47And pray that no one sees the photograph.
02:50I don't see Rómulo in a bad mood.
02:52But that place is not a place for a man of his age.
02:56Will we ever stop talking?
02:58Bad things are coming, Cruz.
03:00Yes, I know.
03:01But everything will change.
03:03At the moment, what we have to do is everything possible to keep him free.
03:07Well, but without making too much noise, Alonso.
03:10We are not going to create an unnecessary scandal for a mayor.
03:13Well, if you have to make noise, it will be done.
03:15For what?
03:18For what?
03:20Has so many calls and so many telegrams been useful?
03:23Everything we have moved to free Manuel?
03:25The truth is that no.
03:26We would bother important people.
03:28And all for an employee.
03:31Rómulo has been faithful to us for many years.
03:33You yourself have admitted it.
03:34Well, more faithful to you than to me.
03:37I'm glad you played with my supposed death.
03:39We needed discretion.
03:42At the cost of hiding it from me, right?
03:44It seems that you are taking pleasure in deceiving me.
03:46It was the only way to save Pia, and you know it.
03:49Brave excuse.
03:51You already have a very bad idea, Alonso.
03:52It's not an excuse.
03:53They are facts, Cruz.
03:55By the way, since Pia is safe, I don't want her back here.
04:00And why is that?
04:02Because I, who am the lady of this house, have decided so.
04:06That is not a reason.
04:07And she needs to work.
04:09It has already become clear to me that you do not need me to protect the interests of that woman,
04:13so mind your own business.
04:16Luz, don't be unfair.
04:18I've already told you that we needed to be very discreet.
04:21Sure. And since I'm a gossip and a gossip,
04:23you have to leave me alone, right?
04:24It's not that.
04:25Then what is it?
04:26You have to understand the situation of that poor woman.
04:29Her life and that of her son were in danger.
04:31I understand that perfectly, Alonso.
04:33What doesn't fit in my head is that you leave me aside as if I were a plague.
04:37So you know what I'm telling you?
04:39Then you decide, but now I'm going to decide.
04:41Pia is not coming back.
04:43I see that this is not against Pia, but against me.
04:46It could be.
04:47And now she's going to pay so that you can punish me.
04:50So maybe you'll think twice before cheating on me again.
05:06What's up?
05:08Where are you taking me?
05:09Where no one can hear us.
05:13What do you want?
05:15What's wrong with you?
05:16What's wrong with me?
05:18And you're going to act like a fool.
05:20I don't know what you're talking about, really.
05:22Telling Mrs. Candela and Mrs. Simona who I am.
05:25They know.
05:27Lope, what are you saying? But you told them yourself.
05:29Yes, yes, but I thought they hadn't believed it.
05:31Ah, now you're telling people I'm Duques' daughter to see if they believe it or not.
05:34No, no, no, it wasn't like that.
05:36Let's see, they began to realize that you were getting very serious when your mother came.
05:39And they started asking me a lot of questions.
05:40Well, it was enough not to answer.
05:42Don't you know how to be quiet or what's wrong with you?
05:43Yes, I know, Vera.
05:47But in the end it is true that I escaped.
05:49But I assure you that I thought they hadn't believed it, but they did start laughing.
05:52I'm laughing a lot with all this.
05:54Vera, I did it to get out of the way, I promise you.
05:58I thought they had taken it as a joke.
06:00And now what do I do, Lope?
06:01Eh? What do I do?
06:02Well, what we're going to do is talk to them so that they don't say anything.
06:06The voice is going to run and the whole palace will find out.
06:08No, that's not going to happen, I promise you.
06:10Don't you know Mrs. Candela and Mrs. Simona or what?
06:12They will tell everything that happens in the kitchens.
06:14Well, I'm going to talk to them.
06:16They are trustworthy and if we tell them that it is a secret, they will not open their mouths.
06:19That's what I told you, look.
06:22I can't trust you anymore.
06:25I'm sorry to receive you like this, sir, in these conditions.
06:31It is the same cell in which you visited me recently.
06:36I bring you a book.
06:37Ah, thank you very much, sir.
06:40I know better than anyone that the hours in this place can be very long.
06:45I'm sorry.
06:47I'm sorry.
06:49I'm sorry.
06:51I'm sorry.
06:52I know better than anyone that the hours in this place can seem eternal.
06:56Who was going to tell us a few weeks ago that we were going to stay in such a hotel?
07:05You're missing a blanket.
07:07Don't you have anything else to warm up?
07:09That's what there is, sir.
07:12At least I see you have hot coffee to warm up.
07:14Well, yes, achikoria, but still hot.
07:22They gave me coffee and didn't let me die of cold.
07:27But at least they have allowed me to stay alone in the cell.
07:32The sergeant told me that they didn't make distinctions between people here.
07:35That you are being tortured.
07:36I'm not going to allow something like that.
07:37I'm going to talk to him right now.
07:38I thank you, sir, but you'd better not.
07:40How am I not going to do it?
07:42I'm not going to allow something like that.
07:43No, listen to me.
07:45Sergeant Burlina is very much his own and if he pressures him,
07:48well, maybe instead of improving things, he makes them worse.
07:52That man has not been able to take the measure yet.
07:56Of course, he has a peculiar character.
08:00I assure you that when they told me that they were setting me free
08:02because they had found the real murderer,
08:04at no time did I imagine that they were referring to you.
08:06I didn't imagine either that I was going to end up here.
08:12Why did he say that you were the one who killed Gregorio?
08:17The important thing is that you are free and can continue with your life.
08:22Your life also matters.
08:23I don't have a wife who is waiting for me to marry me.
08:26In fact, no one is waiting for me.
08:28Don't say that.
08:31In the promise, there are many people waiting for you.
08:33They can continue without me.
08:34I have already lived most of my life.
08:36It is unfair that it prevents you from enjoying your best years.
08:40You didn't kill him, did you?
08:43Look, that doesn't matter now.
08:45The important thing is that you are out.
08:47But how is it going to matter?
08:49Mr. Baeza, I will not allow the rest of your life to pass between bars just to get rid of me.
08:53I'm older.
08:54Let's say this is like an early retirement.
09:01You can try to take away all the importance you want, but it won't convince me.
09:05This is a real disaster and I will not allow it.
09:07But you are innocent.
09:09It is unfair that you are locked up.
09:10The point here is not that they lock up an innocent or another,
09:13but that they lock up the real murderer and we are neither.
09:16Well, in a way, I do have some guilt.
09:21For God's sake, Mr. Baeza.
09:22You won't go back with the scoundrel who allowed me to get involved in this matter.
09:25But it's the truth.
09:26No, it's not.
09:27I got involved because I wanted to.
09:28I should have prevented it.
09:33That doesn't justify locking me up and it doesn't justify locking you up either.
09:38I assure you that I will do everything to get you out of here.
09:40I don't think it's going to be easy.
09:43Well, no.
09:46And even less after your recklessness, to put it mildly.
09:51But I promise you.
09:53Mr. Baeza, I'm going to deal with the murderer.
09:55And you won't have any other choice but to set him free.
09:57I appreciate it, sir.
09:58But why don't you let him be?
10:00Isn't he old enough with his marriage?
10:04Yes, I am.
10:07But why would I marry Hanna knowing that you are taking my place?
10:10But I do this well.
10:14I know.
10:16But I also know that it's something I can't allow.
10:37Mrs. Petra?
10:38Don't you have any manners, María Fernández?
10:41Excuse me.
10:43Come in.
10:46May I?
10:47Come in.
10:50And now talk.
10:52How about Mrs. Pia not going to work at La Promesa again?
10:56That is a decision that Mrs. Marquesa has made, who is in charge of this house.
11:01And you haven't said anything?
11:03I tried to mediate, María.
11:05But Mrs. Marquesa insisted that she doesn't want her back here.
11:08And how come she doesn't want to give you a job?
11:10With how good she is?
11:13Pia is going to have to look for a job elsewhere, María.
11:16No one is going to give a woman a job with a little child.
11:19Even if she presents herself as a poor widow, it hurts her.
11:24The widow of a criminal?
11:26That only makes things worse.
11:28She can always leave her son to the woman who raised him.
11:31And shut up, she's a mother.
11:33And separate her from her son?
11:34What solutions you have brought!
11:39María Fernández, Pia's life is not my problem.
11:42This is a decision of Mrs. Marquesa and there is nothing else to talk about.
11:45And what was Mrs. Marquesa thinking?
11:47She has no humanity at all.
11:50Have a little respect when you talk about Mrs. Marquesa.
11:53The one who doesn't respect us is us.
11:55Otherwise, she would leave Mrs. Pia on the street.
11:58Mrs. Marquesa is the owner of this house, María.
12:00And therefore, it is she who decides who works and who does not here.
12:04So be very careful with what you say or you will end up on the street like Pia.
12:09You are having a good time with this whole matter, right?
12:12What do you mean?
12:14Because you are enjoying seeing Mrs. Pia on the street,
12:16without a job and without a place to die.
12:21You have entered through that door saying nonsense and from what I see you are going to leave like this.
12:24No, they are nonsense.
12:25Here everyone knows that you are the one who does not want to have Mrs. Pia close.
12:29That is not true.
12:31Come on, Mrs. Petra.
12:34You can think whatever you want, but now get out of here.
12:37I know I'm leaving, but first I'm going to tell you one thing.
12:41You may be enjoying seeing Mrs. Pia suffer,
12:44but one day you will be the one who suffers.
12:49I have not done anything else in this life other than suffer, ignorant.
12:54And now out of my sight.
12:59Come on.
13:01And close the door.
13:16Romulo is still resigned to his fate.
13:18Willing to remain locked up as long as I remain free.
13:21He plans to go with his principles to the end without caring about the consequences.
13:25We have to do something for him, father.
13:27It does not look good, Manuel.
13:29He has been accused of a very serious crime.
13:31It will be difficult for him to remain free.
13:33I know.
13:35I think what prevails is to get him to renounce his confession.
13:40That would only serve to lock you up again, son.
13:43I do not care.
13:44It does not matter? How is it going to matter?
13:46But we will do everything that is in our hands.
13:50Father, I would have to see how they have it in that cell.
13:52He doesn't even have a sad blanket to cover himself from the cold that he does there.
13:55We will try to improve his conditions.
13:58That is not enough.
13:59We must find the real murderer of Gregorio.
14:04And as soon as possible.
14:06I promise you that I will do everything I can.
14:14I thank you.
14:19Now, if you allow me, I'm going to the service area.
14:23I want to give you memories from Don Rómulo.
14:27Wait, Manuel.
14:29I just remembered that we have received a letter for you.
14:33A letter?
14:39Does it have the seal of the women's marquises?
14:41Yes, we have seen that.
14:42It has seemed strange to us that they write to you and not to us.
14:45We have good friendship with them.
14:54Yes, it is strange.
14:56In fact, I think that in my life I have received a letter from the marquises.
14:59Is it because of your detention?
15:01They know that you have been in the barracks.
15:04No, mother, it is not that.
15:06In fact, it is not even from the marquises, it is from Jacobo, his son.
15:09Your running mate from when you were a vagabond.
15:12Yes, that one.
15:14And what does it say?
15:16Does he know anything about the detention?
15:18No, mother.
15:21He writes to me because he has just arrived in Spain after a while living abroad
15:24and it seems that he wants to celebrate a snack in his palace with his lifelong friends.
15:30Well, it seems to me a magnificent opportunity to show that in the house of Luján everything is great.
15:39Please, mother, don't go on like that.
15:41Your mother is right.
15:43If someone has heard the rumor that you were detained, he will see that everything has been in vain.
15:49You know what?
15:51They are right.
15:52Yes, it will be a snack with trusted friends, there will not be many people.
15:58I think it's a wise decision on your part, son.
16:01It's time for you to go out a little more, to get some fresh air.
16:05And if along the way you meet a young woman, the better.
16:09Actually, I don't need to meet any young woman, I already know one.
16:12And I think it's the right time for Hanna to accompany me.
16:17But what are you saying?
16:19That it is the perfect time to introduce Hanna to society.
16:21Let's see, Manuel.
16:23How to introduce her to society?
16:25You can't go to the Palace of the Ships accompanied by a maid.
16:28And what do you want?
16:30To see how they take her to the service rooms?
16:32Enough, Manuel.
16:34We've come this far with this meme.
16:36You know what?
16:38This letter has been sent to me, not to you.
16:40So, I think I'm going to invite whoever I like.
16:44See you later.
16:51Come on, man, we were almost there.
17:06Is this all the luggage you have?
17:08Yes, I'm just wearing some clothes.
17:11And are you sure you won't be short?
17:13You yourself told me that the trip would take you several days.
17:17Are you sure you have written everything down?
17:19Yes, Mr. Arcos.
17:21I have reviewed several times the list that Mr. Baeza dictated to me.
17:23Very well, then leave now.
17:25And one thing, I don't want you to entertain yourself too much.
17:28I'll go straight to do the messages and once I'm done, I'll be back.
17:31I hope so.
17:33Don't be hasty and you'll be whining around there.
17:36Don't worry, it will be going and coming back.
17:42Why are you dressed like that?
17:44Mr. Baeza left me some errands.
17:47And what exactly did he order you to do?
17:50To go pick up some things for the Marquis.
17:53First to Puebla de Tera and then to Villalquín.
17:56How strange that he didn't tell me anything.
17:58Well, you already know that Mr. Baeza doesn't always report everything to you or me.
18:05Come on, boy, leave now.
18:07I see that you are going to lose your management.
18:10Yes, Mr. Arcos.
18:12See you later.
18:17See you later.
18:42I have found Mr. Rómulo with great strength and more courage than I expected.
18:45And won't he be disappointed with what he confessed?
18:49It seems not.
18:52I just can't imagine that man killing anyone.
18:56Neither you nor anyone who knows him, Curro.
18:59And I assure you that I will not allow him to be convicted for a crime he did not commit just to save me.
19:03I see.
19:05And that sergeant, you've given him the list, he doesn't realize that.
19:09You have to think that, after all, he is a civilian guard.
19:12And he has a duty.
19:13He cannot invalidate a testimony just because he has a palpitation.
19:17Mr. Baeza has declared himself guilty and that is the only thing that matters.
19:21And what are we going to do?
19:23Why can't we keep our arms crossed?
19:25I gave you my word that I'm not going to do it.
19:27But Mr. Rómulo wants us to move on with our lives and you know what?
19:32I think he's right.
19:34We can't be complaining all the time.
19:36I see.
19:38So that's precisely why, to honor Mr. Baeza's wish,
19:44I have a plan for the two of us.
19:49Hanna, I'm going to introduce you to my friends.
19:53It's time to introduce you to society.
20:08You are very quiet today, miss.
20:10It seems to me.
20:12I have little to tell.
20:15There is always something to tell.
20:17Another thing is that you don't feel like talking to me.
20:22No, that's not it, Simona.
20:24I don't want to bore you by talking about me and Pelayo.
20:27You never bore me.
20:29Talk to me about the count or whatever you want.
20:32I'm here to listen to you.
20:34I'm not here to listen to you.
20:35I'm here to listen to you.
20:37About the count.
20:40Well, I haven't seen him in days.
20:43Neither for dinner nor dinner?
20:46Not even for that.
20:49The house is big, but I don't know if it's big enough.
20:53It's clear that he's running away from me so I don't have to give him an answer.
20:57Well, if that man is doing that, he's not very brave.
21:00One thing is to have doubts and another is to run away that way.
21:05No, he's behaving like a coward.
21:08And time goes by.
21:11And soon I won't be able to hide my belly.
21:14Yes, and not just the belly.
21:17Then the dizziness, the suffocations, the cravings ...
21:20I know, I know.
21:22And as the Marquise is,
21:24surely it is one of the first to realize.
21:27For example,
21:29That's why, if Pelayo doesn't do anything, I'll have to move the stake.
21:34And what are you going to do, Miss?
21:36I'm going to ask him to break his promise.
21:40Miss, if he does that,
21:43that man will never want to be the father of the child.
21:46That's what I'm getting at with his silence.
21:49And if Pelayo doesn't speak, I'll have to do it for him.
21:52Yeah, but think that if he does,
21:55what happened to this man is over.
21:56Dalí, as he is praying,
21:58I think it's all over and more than over.
22:01Yes, he has had plenty of time to think about it and make a decision.
22:06And I'm not going to give him another day.
22:10And what are you going to do?
22:12Take care of your son alone?
22:15I have no choice.
22:19But you know what that will cost you?
22:23Yes, I have already thought about it.
22:24Rumors all over the country, that they look down on me wherever I go,
22:28that Cruz takes the opportunity to get me in trouble and ...
22:32a great disgust for my father.
22:35And you still want to do it?
22:38Well, no, I don't want to, Simona, of course not.
22:42But it's what I have to do.
22:44Do you see another solution?
22:47No, no.
22:49And I'm no one to give advice.
22:52But I'll just tell you one thing.
22:54Hurries are bad advisers.
22:58But you yourself have said that Perallo has had enough time.
23:01Yes, yes, I'm sorry if I repeat myself.
23:04But think, he is asking the count
23:08to be the father of a creature that is not his son.
23:16Okay, I'll think about it before I take that step.
23:24Hanna, it's not going to be a gala dinner or anything like that.
23:28Just a snack with Jacobo and my friends.
23:31Manuel, let's see, I don't know them anymore.
23:34But I've only heard of them once.
23:36That's precisely why the time has come for you to meet my fiancée, don't you think?
23:42I don't know.
23:48My love, what are you afraid of?
23:50I don't know.
23:52My love, what are you afraid of?
23:55They are trustworthy people, they will treat you with the same affection they treat me with.
24:01Yes, but they will be used to talking to dukes and marquises, not just anyone.
24:06You are not just anyone.
24:08That's what I think.
24:10Besides, you have a lot more class than many noble daughters I know.
24:17What if I'm not up to it?
24:18It's a meeting of friends, you don't have to be up to it.
24:21We just have to go there and enjoy it.
24:24Yeah, but surely you want to talk about your things and I'm not going to have anything to contribute.
24:29Let's see, Hanna.
24:31For example, now.
24:33Don't you have anything to contribute when we talk about him and me?
24:35That's it.
24:37Many times it makes more sense what you say than what comes out of our mouths.
24:40It's not the same with you.
24:42I know you very well.
24:44And you will meet my friends.
24:47And you will like them very much, you'll see.
24:50They will like a maid very much.
24:55They will like a maid who saved my life from a fatal accident.
25:00A maid who assisted a doctor in an operation.
25:04Has there been a death?
25:06And a maid who knows all kinds of herbs and has lived this life more than many of the roosters out there.
25:14Besides, nothing would happen if you were a simple maid.
25:19But you are much more than that.
25:24Much more.
25:27Maybe I'm a maid, but I'm very well accompanied.
25:49What brings you here so late?
25:51I've been busy with some affairs in Lujan.
25:54How did the dress test go?
25:56Good, good.
25:58Have you had time to send the telegram to your friend from Guidiriz?
26:01Yes, I did.
26:03So I hope that colonist Abate Farias talks to him about our wedding today.
26:07How good.
26:09I would be delighted.
26:10Well, let's see what my friend has to tell us.
26:13I feel that everything is finally going well.
26:17You look happy, yes.
26:19I have reasons.
26:23And this is one of them.
26:27What is it?
26:28Open it.
26:29And this date?
26:31I don't know.
26:33That's right, the date of our wedding.
26:36In two months we will be husband and wife.
26:41But is that final?
26:43What's wrong?
26:45It seems like you're suddenly not happy that we're getting married.
26:48Yes, yes.
26:50I don't know.
26:52I don't know.
26:54I don't know.
26:56I don't know.
26:58I don't know.
27:00Yes, you are happy that we're getting married.
27:02Yes, yes.
27:03But well, there are two months left.
27:05I don't know, I'm a little dizzy.
27:07Don't worry.
27:08Two months is a long time to be here.
27:10But you are nervous for a twenty-year-old when the day approaches.
27:13No, no.
27:15It's just that we have little time left.
27:17But everything is in place.
27:19The banquet is ready.
27:21You are going to talk to your friend from Guidiriz
27:23and you already have proof of the dress.
27:25Yes, but there are many things to prepare.
27:26that was yet to be decided, is the date.
27:28And it's already been done.
27:30It's already been done for you.
27:32Because you haven't consulted me.
27:34Didn't I consult you on the wedding menu?
27:35No, but this is different.
27:37I had to take the date to the flight.
27:39I found out by chance
27:41that there was a gap in the Cathedral of Seville.
27:44And of course, I rushed to book it.
27:47In the Cathedral of Seville?
27:49On the main altar.
27:51How will you understand? I couldn't let this opportunity pass.
27:54Of course. Not everyone gets married in the Cathedral.
27:57No. In fact, very few people.
28:00And between them, you and me.
28:09Well, Manuel is determined that I have to meet his friends.
28:13And what does he complain about?
28:14That he's great? That he wants to show off as a bride?
28:16And you're going to meet very important people.
28:18Teresa, I don't measure people's importance based on their titles.
28:21You're right.
28:22One is no more for inheriting a title or a family farm.
28:25Well, more than important, I wanted to say interesting.
28:28And I'm sure Don Manuel's friends are.
28:30What luck you've had, Pajara.
28:33Luck? Well, I don't see luck anywhere.
28:35What do you mean?
28:36You're going to attend a postman's dinner
28:38and you're going to eat the best sweets.
28:40And you're going to find out about the gossip about the nobles.
28:43I don't know.
28:44Woman, why are you so cross?
28:46Well, because until now I had gone to this kind of party
28:49as a servant and not as a guest.
28:51Let's see, don't turn around anymore.
28:53You've told us that there won't be so many people at that meeting, right?
28:57No, Manuel has promised me that there wouldn't be more than six people, so ...
29:00Well, I hope it's a normal dinner.
29:02Well, you better not oppose it.
29:04It will be the best situation for Manuel to introduce you to society.
29:07With few and good friends.
29:09At an informal meeting.
29:10That's what my guest was already thinking.
29:12Yeah, but ...
29:14I don't know, I think everyone is going to be aware of how I speak, of what I say ...
29:17Oh, it seems to me that you are giving yourself a lot of importance, you.
29:20Those people will have something better to do than to be aware of you.
29:23I say, and more if there is a good condom.
29:25Well, I don't think so, María, because I am the fiancée of his friend.
29:28And I am a maid.
29:30So they will want to see how I speak, how I take the blankets,
29:32if I behave well, badly ...
29:35Or rather, they will be talking about their things.
29:38Which is what you do when you get together with good friends.
29:40Of course, that's how it will be, because a snack is not enough.
29:43I wish they had invited you to a dance in a palace.
29:46What are you saying, María, for God's sake?
29:48Yes, like in the fairy tales.
29:49And so I would have something else to tell us.
29:51Well, I'm not going to go to those things.
29:53Well, over time you will have to attend that kind of dances,
29:56parties and events.
29:57So go getting the idea.
29:59Because it is the life of the nobles and you are going to be one of them.
30:02So try to have as much fun as you can.
30:05And get rid of that Moinanda face, that anyone would change for you.
30:08So enjoy and don't overwhelm yourself.
30:17When you have something to tell me, Mr. Pellicero, do it before.
30:21It's very late and I should be in bed.
30:25What do you want?
30:27We have to square the shifts for tomorrow.
30:30I already did my job.
30:32And I have squared the shifts of the maids.
30:34Have you left any available in case I need any reinforcement?
30:37As always, Mr. Pellicero.
30:39The shifts that worry me the most are those of food and dinner.
30:43But if you look at the shifts well, you will see that at that time there are always two free maids.
30:49Marcelo is still very green and I am worried that he will make a mistake.
30:53Well, if he is not able to assume even the slightest responsibility,
30:58we should put him on the street, don't you think?
31:00It's not that either.
31:02The boy is already starting to carry out his tasks with ease.
31:04You just have to be a little more patient.
31:06And we can always keep throwing some of the available maids.
31:10Well then, I'm going to rest.
31:12Wait, Mrs. Petra.
31:16Do you know when my son will return?
31:18I imagine it will take several days because the orders of the Marquis were from different towns.
31:26I see.
31:29You know, I am still very surprised that Mr. Baeza did not inform me of that trip.
31:36Well, if you miss him so much, why don't you visit him in the barracks and ask him?
31:41His maids were very clear about us.
31:44We have to focus on getting the job done and that his absence is not noticed.
31:51And that is why I left early.
31:53Precisely to meet Mr. Baeza's maids.
31:57And now, if you don't mind, I'm leaving. I'm very busy.
32:00Yes, I realize that you are always very busy.
32:04And not only with your tasks.
32:07What do you mean, Mr. Pellicer?
32:09Come on, Mrs. Arcos. We have already talked about this matter.
32:12It is very clear that your only intention is to put me in trouble with my son.
32:16And that takes your time.
32:18Come on, Mr. Pellicer.
32:20When Santos came to this house, his relationship was already quite bad.
32:24And you have made it worse.
32:27Blame me if that is your wish.
32:30But don't fool me anymore, Mr. Pellicer.
32:33But don't fool me anymore, Mr. Pellicer.
32:35This is only your responsibility.
32:38And now, if you don't mind, I'm going to rest.
32:50Have a good rest.
33:03Good morning.
33:20Good morning.
33:21Good morning.
33:28Here I bring you your breakfast.
33:32I suppose you are used to something more succulent.
33:36But here we cannot afford many expenses.
33:39I'm already living it, yes.
33:41Would you leave a relative of yours without a blanket in a place as cold as this?
33:46No relative of mine claims to have killed anyone.
33:52It has been a bad night.
33:56The truth is that these beds are not the most comfortable.
34:00They say that hard mattresses are good for the back.
34:03That's what they say.
34:05But I prefer my wool mattress.
34:07Although you have no choice but to get used to what there is.
34:10Yes, that's what I propose, because I see that this is going to take a long time.
34:15You know, recently I went through the promise and talked to one of the servants.
34:21And for what? If you can find out if you have already found the culprit.
34:24Let's say there are still some loose ends to be resolved.
34:30For example, the whole issue of the false death of Mrs. Adarre.
34:34I already told you the reason why that false was set up.
34:37Let's say I have reached a dead end.
34:40So I have decided to start again from the beginning to see what escapes me.
34:45You have not reached any dead end.
34:47You have here the homicide.
34:51I imagine your job is to doubt.
34:55That's right.
34:57To contrast testimonies.
34:59Look for contradictions.
35:01Have you found it?
35:03Not for the moment.
35:05I was talking about the death of Mrs. Adarre.
35:08With the ladies Expósito and Fernández.
35:12They would not tell you anything different from what I already told you.
35:15Your testimonies coincide exactly with his.
35:18The truth has a way.
35:19Yes, it may also be that you tell them what they have to tell.
35:23After all, those women are your subordinates.
35:25What would I do with something like that?
35:27That's what I would have to find out if I found out that they were lying to me.
35:33I think you're wasting your time.
35:35In any case, it's my time.
35:43Now I would like to ask you about another matter.
35:46The death of Mr. Castillo.
35:47We have already talked enough about that subject.
35:49Come on, Mr. Baeza.
35:50Don't be so protestant.
35:51Do you have anything better to do here than talk?
35:54Ask yourself what you want to know.
35:56How exactly did the death occur?
35:58I already told you, from a shot in the chest.
36:00Did you do it with the gun that Mr. Manuel was carrying?
36:02No, I did it with a particular weapon of mine.
36:05A weapon that I had kept in a drawer for ten years.
36:08Can you tell me why a mayor has a gun?
36:12Because you never know.
36:14Where is that weapon now?
36:16I got rid of it, I threw it away.
36:18Where? I need to find it.
36:20I don't remember, but maybe I could point it out on a map.
36:24I'll bring you one right away.
36:48The more I think about it, the more I can't figure it out.
36:52Mr. Baeza killed someone. It's impossible.
36:55But he was getting pale.
36:57When he went to the kitchen, he didn't surprise us.
36:59A rabbit was crying.
37:00No, he wasn't.
37:02But it's clear.
37:03Because he said he killed Gregorio.
37:06To save Mr. Manuel.
37:08What a man.
37:09Well, I think that when the river sounds, it brings water.
37:13And it seems to me that in this case it brings a lot.
37:15Why do you say that, Mrs. Petra?
37:18Because no one confesses to a crime as big as this one.
37:23Just because.
37:25Are you calling Mr. Baeza a murderer?
37:27No, I haven't said that much.
37:29But I don't defend him like others do.
37:32And what do you base yourself on to say that?
37:35In my instincts, Mrs. García, I don't usually fail.
37:38In your instincts, she says.
37:39It's a shame the judges don't sentence you for your instincts.
37:43Did I tell you a lie?
37:45María is right.
37:47A murder is something very serious.
37:49You have to have proof to accuse someone.
37:53And what greater proof than a confession.
37:55But that was to free Mr. Manuel.
37:57To get him out of the dungeon.
37:59Of course.
38:00Time will tell.
38:03Are you also a fortune teller?
38:05With the witch I wouldn't be surprised.
38:07No, María Fernández.
38:09I only have two fingers up.
38:11And if a king recognizes his guilt,
38:14I wouldn't be able to defend him.
38:19María Fernández.
38:21I just received a complaint from the Count of Ayala.
38:23Apparently, your room wasn't made in time or to your liking.
38:27Why are you telling me?
38:29Didn't you have to make that room?
38:31I think it was like that yesterday.
38:33No, not today.
38:34Today I had to make, according to the quadrant,
38:36the room of Miss Catalina and Miss Martina.
38:38But not that one.
38:40So who hasn't made the room of the count as it was due?
38:42I haven't either.
38:44Neither have I.
38:46Mrs. Arcos, you should know.
38:50Well, right now I don't remember
38:52the maid assigning that room to him.
38:55But in any case, the Count of Ayala
38:57should have spoken to me if he has a complaint
38:59about any maid and not with you.
39:02The count will complain to whoever he wants, Mrs. Arcos.
39:05You should know how things work around here
39:07after having worked so many years on this.
39:10Don't give me that look, Mr. Pellicer.
39:12It's not my fault.
39:14No? Then whose fault is it?
39:16Because you're responsible for making the maid's rooms.
39:19And if there's a room that hasn't been put in that quadrant
39:21to clean it, it's your fault.
39:23The rooms were all assigned, as always.
39:26And there must have been another maid
39:28who hasn't read the quadrant properly.
39:30I see.
39:31You, as always, are blaming others, aren't you?
39:35Let's see if you start at once
39:37taking responsibility for your own mistakes.
39:39But how dare you?
39:44If it's already difficult for a relationship to work,
39:46imagine everyone around you talking about you.
39:49Let's see.
39:51It's normal for people to talk about a relationship
39:53as peculiar as Jara and Manuel's.
39:56And especially at the beginning.
39:58A noble with a maid.
40:00You always have to talk about that.
40:03And how's your sister doing?
40:06She's strong. She'll hold on.
40:09You should too.
40:11Nothing on her side.
40:13She has more arrests.
40:15And nothing is going to spoil her.
40:18She has character, yes.
40:21So, do you think that wedding will go ahead?
40:25Because of what's in store for them, yes.
40:28Another thing is what my uncles, the Marquises, are trying to do.
40:31And what can they do?
40:33Everything in their power to cancel the wedding.
40:35I assure you.
40:37I hate social norms.
40:39Manuel is a man of law and order,
40:41and he should be able to do whatever he wants.
40:43Yeah, but I think my aunt has...
40:45Do you want to play badminton?
40:47I want a rematch for the defeat the other day.
40:51I'm still tired.
40:53The game we played yesterday left me exhausted.
40:55Yes, me too.
40:57It was very tough.
40:59Did you play yesterday?
41:01Because I didn't know anything.
41:05Because it was late.
41:07Yes, I don't know. Maybe we forgot to tell you.
41:10I thought that when you told me that you couldn't come with us
41:13to the wedding dress test, it was because of something...
41:17Well, it wasn't that important.
41:22But it was fun, right, Curro?
41:32Girls jumped between Mr. Pellicer
41:35and María Mandrajo.
41:38Because it's known that the room of Count Ayala wasn't made.
41:41And whose fault was it?
41:43Well, I imagine it was María Mandrajo's,
41:45because she wouldn't do well on the board.
41:47Although that woman won't admit she was wrong in life.
41:49Well, no, that never happened in this house,
41:51nor will it happen now.
41:53You know what?
41:54Be very clear that she's not going to pay with us.
41:56It's better not to cross paths with her what's left of the day.
41:59It's better that she doesn't cross paths with me.
42:01Because in the end I'm not going to contain myself and I'm going to end up telling her
42:03four things about Doña Pia.
42:05No, no.
42:06What is least convenient for you now is to have her with her.
42:10You're right.
42:14You have to be focused on the snack with Don Manuel's friends.
42:18María, I promise I don't stop thinking about that.
42:20But I've gotten into a mess that ...
42:22Come on, woman. I did invite you because I love you.
42:25Yeah, but sometimes we do things for the people who love us the most,
42:28that ... that hurt us.
42:31Well, I don't think this is one of them.
42:33That it's going to hurt you to meet Don Manuel's friends, let's see.
42:36Well, I don't know, María.
42:38But maybe I'll get my foot in or say something I shouldn't and put it in the wrong place.
42:41No, I don't think that will happen.
42:43Besides, Don Manuel is very proud of you.
42:45I wish I could be just as proud that he is proud of me.
42:48But what are you saying, Hanna? For God's sake.
42:50Well, of course you have to be.
42:52If you are beautiful, smart and forward-thinking.
42:57María, but ... I'm still afraid of being with those people.
43:01I'm sure that even if they are people, they are good people,
43:03that for some reason they are Don Manuel's friends.
43:05I don't know, María.
43:06And that's it. You're looking for trouble, Panoy.
43:10Maybe it's true.
43:12Of course it's true.
43:14Don Manuel wants you to know his world because he's in love with you.
43:19And not everyone is that lucky.
43:21Why do you say that?
43:23For nothing.
43:24No, no, I know you.
43:26The other day you told me that you had a good time with Salvador, right?
43:31Yes, it was not bad.
43:34Are you sure?
43:37Yes, well, I don't go up much.
43:39But ... I don't know.
43:42I don't know what?
43:44You haven't argued with him and you haven't told me.
43:49No, Hanna, that ...
43:53That the joy we felt before, Salvador and I being together, was gone.
43:59Well, it was just a meeting.
44:01Maybe he was tired or ...
44:03Or were you?
44:05I don't know.
44:07I'm not talking about that.
44:09If Salvador and I don't want that, sure.
44:12But ...
44:15I don't know. The same is not like before.
44:18I don't know.
44:31And how was the dress test?
44:33Did your mother stay happy?
44:37I had to do some retouching, but ...
44:39But yes.
44:40Well, it always happens.
44:43Will there be more tests or is this the last one?
44:47I think one or two more.
44:51I'm sure your mother was very happy to have shared a moment like that with you.
44:55Although, well ...
44:56In this case it was ...
44:58The other way around.
45:01Why? What do you mean?
45:04That it is natural for the mother to accompany the daughter to do the bride's dress test.
45:10Yeah, but as you know, my father died, so my mother stayed widowed.
45:15Yes, a misfortune.
45:19But hey, you got through it and that's what matters.
45:23I'm sure your mother loves that you are helping her with everything.
45:34Martina, is something wrong?
45:36What could happen to me?
45:39I don't know, you seem pretty cold to me.
45:49Actually, it's just that ...
45:52I'm worried about Kurt.
45:56About Kurt?
45:58Yes, I notice it ...
46:02I don't know, I notice it distant, with me.
46:06Well, I understand that it is normal for me to be agitated,
46:10I understand that it is normal for me to be agitated,
46:13with all the problems I must have on top,
46:17because of the memories of everything that happened to me in the war ...
46:20Yes, not only that.
46:22What do you mean, not only that?
46:24No, of course, what he has here in the promise is not something trivial either.
46:29Are you talking in general or are you referring to something specific?
46:33Come on Martina, Kurt has already told me about Hanna.
46:40I admit that I was stunned when he confessed to me that Hanna is his sister.
46:48I don't know if I'll be able to forgive you.
46:50Vera, you've been lying to me for months.
46:54And I forgave you.
46:55Lope, the last thing I expected at this moment is for you to blame me for this now.
46:58No, Vera, I'm not blaming you for anything, really.
47:01I defended my life, that's why I didn't tell you.
47:03Because I was afraid that all this would come to light and look where you were.
47:06I should never have told you.
47:08That's over.
47:09That's still going on.
47:11I can't get it out of my head.
47:15And since Matilde arrived, all it does is remind me of all that.
47:21And haven't you thought that it's time for Matilde to go back home?
47:24I understand that it was a decision of Mrs. Marquesa,
47:26not to work here at the palace again.
47:29But if you could mediate with her ...
47:31Unfortunately, I'm afraid I can't do anything about it.
47:34Your condition as a mother, widow ...
47:37I am aware that it will be difficult for her to find a job.
47:40Perhaps we are condemning her to indigence, sir.
47:43We have brought you some dresses for you to choose from.
47:45Oh! Is that so?
47:51We would have loved to call the fashion designer, but there was no time.
47:54So you're going to have to choose between one of my sister Leonor's dresses.
47:57But you're going to look like a glove.
47:59They are beautiful.
48:01But what the hell does that woman have in her head?
48:03You have not respected me, she has slept with the first one who passed.
48:06Why don't you tell me all this on your way to your room?
48:10And without raising your voice.
48:12Leave me alone.
48:14I'm not for your advice to calm down and think things over calmly.
48:18I don't want to.
48:19But sir ...
48:20I said leave me alone!
48:21It's true that I love him, but ...
48:24I don't really know who he is.
48:27What do you mean?
48:29I don't know him.
48:31The only references I have of him are because he was a friend of Cruz.
48:34Yeah ...
48:36It's not a baggage of precisely trust.
48:39Leave us alone until we call you.
48:44No, I didn't ask you to take the newspaper.
48:49Of course not, sir.
48:50Why are you so interested in taking it?
