Emmerdale 15th October 2024

  • 9 hours ago
Emmerdale 15th October 2024


00:00I know it's a shock.
00:10When did it happen?
00:14Just over an hour ago. Debbie said he'd been out poaching.
00:19But he was getting better. I mean, I know he wasn't 100 per cent. I saw him this morning.
00:27He promised to take it easy.
00:30You know what Zak's like.
00:35Why don't you sit down, darling?
00:38Was he at home?
00:42Apparently he told Debbie that it was the best morning ever.
00:47And then he nodded off in his chair with a big grin on his face and...
00:54Then she went to wake him. She couldn't.
00:58Come on! What are you doing up there?
01:00Yeah, I'm coming. One minute.
01:02Are you sure about this?
01:04She needs to be outside, Lydia. In fresh air.
01:06Yeah, but she's been through so much recently. If she wants to stay indoors...
01:11It's not healthy.
01:12You can't force her to go out.
01:14I'm just worried about her.
01:19I'm here. Happy now?
01:21I will be once you get your coat on.
01:23And you might want to put a sturdy pair of shoes on her now.
01:26What for?
01:27You'll find out soon enough.
01:30I think he wants to surprise you, lovey.
01:31I don't like surprises.
01:33Well, you're going to love this one. I promise.
01:37Cain, I'm so, so sorry.
01:53I thought he was getting better.
01:55So did we.
01:57Is he OK?
01:58He's in a bit of shock.
02:00Just needs some space.
02:03Yeah, so, er, you told him?
02:06Told him what?
02:08About your operation being tomorrow.
02:10No, I didn't get a chance.
02:12Well, you are going to, yeah.
02:13Matty, will you keep your voice down, please?
02:15Oh, come on, Mum. You have to.
02:17No, I don't have to. He needs me right now.
02:19Yeah, and you need this operation.
02:20Well, I'll just have to have it at another time, so just shut up.
02:23I can't believe you're even thinking about putting it off.
02:27Well, I have to.
02:28Look, he is my husband.
02:30And his father has just died.
02:34How can I risk him losing me a day later?
02:36Surely you can understand that.
02:39And you are aware that if you don't go into hospital tomorrow,
02:41you'll go to the back of the queue?
02:43Then so be it.
02:45Mum, if you told him, he'd insist that you went in.
02:47Yes, well, I am not telling him.
02:50Matty, he can't deal with this right now.
02:52Look at him, he's a mess.
02:53And he needs me to be strong to just...
02:58Dad's favourite place, this?
03:01I know.
03:02Used to bring us all here.
03:04Me, you, Butch.
03:06He's even managed to drag Arkane along.
03:09It's not quite like the great outdoors, you'd say.
03:13When you want to get your life back on track.
03:15Remind yourself of who you really are.
03:17The amount of times I've heard him say that.
03:19I know.
03:21It's like a broken record when he gets going.
03:24I bet he says that to Debbie and Jack now.
03:30Yeah, this looks like a good spot.
03:33Good spot for what?
03:36Snaring what, rabbits?
03:40For what?
03:42Where you going?
03:43Wishing well.
03:44I need to start telling the family I'm going to see Belle and Simon, then our chads.
03:49Well, can't you just ring them?
03:51Can't do it over the phone.
03:53Well, do you want me to do it?
03:55No, no, it needs to come from me.
03:57Dad, you're back.
03:59Hey, what are you doing home?
04:01School round you, I've got a bellyache.
04:03Oh, yeah, right, sorry.
04:05Right, I'll see you later.
04:09Right, sorry.
04:10Right, I'll get going, I'll call you in a bit.
04:13What's happened?
04:15Come here.
04:19I need to go out now.
04:22I'll tell you when I come back, OK?
04:25Good lad.
04:29I love you, kid.
04:31Don't you ever forget that, alright?
04:35That was weird.
04:37What's going on?
04:39Let's get you sorted.
04:43Right, this bit's a bit tricky.
04:46But when you get the knack, it's easy.
04:49Do you want to have a go?
04:51No, I'm good, I'll just watch.
04:53Should have brought a few tinnies with us.
04:55It's what me and my dad used to do.
04:57And then he'd start cracking terrible knock-knock jokes.
05:00Mike, I'll see him next week.
05:03Mike, I'll see him next week.
05:05Yeah, he'll love that.
05:07I've been meaning to go up and see him for ages.
05:09Yeah, I need to tell him everything that's been going on,
05:12but I just feel like he'll be disappointed in me.
05:16Give over, he'd never be that.
05:18No, I know, but...
05:20..he's raised me better than to put up with what I have.
05:23Tom walking all over me,
05:25and then me trying to stand up for myself,
05:27but he just grounds me down till I'm nothing.
05:31You will never be nothing, do you hear me?
05:35You're the one bright spark in this family, remember?
05:38I've got to take responsibility.
05:40No, you don't.
05:42Tom's a bully.
05:44He's controlled you, kept you away from your family.
05:46He's the one who needs to take responsibility.
05:48I really feel like I've let him down.
05:50Don't be daft, you could never let your dad down.
05:53Him and Lisa were made up when you came along.
05:56I were in Ireland, and I come back and there you were.
06:00Dad said it was the best Christmas day ever.
06:03Trust me to miss it.
06:08What are you doing?
06:10I don't want to kill these rabbits.
06:12Well, if we don't, a fox or some other animal will.
06:15It's nature.
06:17A circle of life, as me dad says.
06:20Sometimes beautiful, sometimes ugly.
06:27Let's get going.
06:29Tomorrow, see if we've snared out.
06:40Do you remember the time mum and his mummy took us once before?
06:43Yeah, so we went anywhere in first aid.
06:45Yeah, and Diane would have been serving.
06:47So we got Terry's bag and downed it in a wannit.
06:51What are you doing here?
06:55Bloody night.
06:57I was waiting for you two to get back.
07:27I'm so sorry.
07:29I'm so sorry.
07:31I'm so sorry.
07:33I'm so sorry.
07:35I'm so sorry.
07:37I'm so sorry.
07:39I'm so sorry.
07:41I'm so sorry.
07:43I'm so sorry.
07:45I'm so sorry.
07:47I'm so sorry.
07:49I'm so sorry.
07:51I'm so sorry.
07:53I'm so sorry.
07:55I'm so sorry.
07:57I'm so sorry.
07:59I'm so sorry.
08:01I'm so sorry.
08:03I'm so sorry.
08:05I'm so sorry.
08:07I'm so sorry.
08:09I'm so sorry.
08:11I'm so sorry.
08:13I'm so sorry.
08:15I'm so sorry.
08:17I'm so sorry.
08:19I'm so sorry.
08:21I'm so sorry.
08:23I'm so sorry.
08:25I'm so sorry.
08:27I'm so sorry.
08:29I'm so sorry.
08:31I'm so sorry.
08:33I'm so sorry.
08:35I'm so sorry.
08:37I'm so sorry.
08:39I'm so sorry.
08:41I'm so sorry.
08:43I'm so sorry.
08:45I'm so sorry.
08:47I'm so sorry.
08:49I'm so sorry.
08:51I'm so sorry.
08:53I'm so sorry.
08:55I'm so sorry.
08:57I'm so sorry.
08:59I'm so sorry.
09:01I'm so sorry.
09:03I'm so sorry.
09:05I'm so sorry.
09:07I'm so sorry.
09:09I'm so sorry.
09:11I'm so sorry.
09:13I'm so sorry.
09:15I'm so sorry.
09:17I'm so sorry.
09:19I'm sorry.
09:25I only spoke to him a couple of days ago.
09:27And he...
09:29He said he was on the med.
09:31Where's Noah?
09:33He's on a course in Sheffield.
09:35He said he's on his way there.
09:37Do you give this to Sam for me?
09:39Ask him how he is.
09:41Why isn't she picking up?
09:45Who is it you're trying to call?
09:47I mean, he should be an absolute mess if he was the one that found him.
09:51Can't get hold of Ryan, either.
09:53Look, I'm gonna get off.
09:55Ain't girl working?
09:56Oh, yeah.
09:57So, stay. She'll be able to manage.
09:59No, my love, I really need to go.
10:04Just pick up, please.
10:08Yeah, I'm gonna ask her for a loan.
10:10I know she'd happily let me starve on the streets,
10:13but she won't let you and the kids go without.
10:17I'm gonna have to go down.
10:19I'll call you back in.
10:24I, er...
10:25I need to ask you something.
10:29I've had Lydia on the phone.
10:32Oh, yeah?
10:35Zak's gone.
10:38Passed away this morning.
10:40Oh, hey.
10:42Bless you. Come here.
10:57You OK?
11:00What's happened?
11:03Come on, you can tell me.
11:08Uncle Zak.
11:11What about him?
11:26I'm so, so sorry.
11:33Come on, let me walk you back to the pub.
11:36I can't deal with that.
11:38Not yet, anyway.
11:39I should be with the others, but I couldn't deal with that either.
11:43Let's go for a walk.
11:45Liam, I'm sure you've got
11:47much more interesting things to be doing
11:49than looking after me. I'm fine.
11:51I'm not taking no for an answer.
11:53Well, you're gonna have to this time, OK?
11:55Well, I'm not.
11:56You're overruled.
11:57Come on.
12:08Yeah, we're fine.
12:09We're all up at wishing well together.
12:12I just wish you could be with us, Deb.
12:15Where's Belle?
12:19I didn't realise she weren't here.
12:21I haven't seen her for a while, actually.
12:24Maybe I should go out and look for her.
12:26No, no.
12:27You stay here.
12:28Are you sure?
12:29Honestly, I really don't...
12:31Listen, I'm gonna have to get off.
12:33I told Mary I'd be off in an hour.
12:35I need to tell April and Leo.
12:37OK, lovey.
12:40Seems unreal, doesn't it?
12:42Him and Lisa were so kind to me.
12:54I kept on saying I'd get up and then I didn't.
12:58I said the same a hundred times.
13:00I'm just lucky I went up when I did.
13:05How's Belle?
13:06What about her?
13:08She's not here.
13:09So where is she?
13:11I don't know.
13:13I don't know how I'm gonna tell Aaron.
13:15Was he not up at wishing well with you?
13:17No, he's away.
13:18Another scrap trip.
13:21Chas, all he's gonna want to do is support you.
13:23I know.
13:26But he's gonna be devastated.
13:29Uncle Zak was always the one that we went to when we were in trouble.
13:33And as you know, my Aaron gets in more trouble than most.
13:37Yeah, well...
13:38Zak was a very special person.
13:41Do you mind if we sit down?
13:43No, no, not at all.
13:51I don't know why, but I'm suddenly exhausted.
13:56Well, perfectly normal under the circumstances.
14:00Don't you dare go all doctor-y on me.
14:04You know, I've hardly ever seen my family.
14:08Don't really get on.
14:09But you, Dingle's?
14:11You're close.
14:12You've never experienced Dingle Court, have you?
14:15No, but I've heard about it.
14:19He was so fierce when he was young.
14:22You should have known him back then.
14:27You'd dare.
14:29You'd dare defy the Dingle Court and God help you.
14:32And I say, you'd think before you talked back to him.
14:34Oh, I did.
14:35But we respected him, you know.
14:38No matter what, we respected him
14:40because he was the head of the family and that was that.
14:45Like a dad to me.
14:54Look like someone's wondering where you are.
14:59What did you do that for?
15:02I'm not leaving you on your own.
15:03I'm fine.
15:04No, you're not.
15:06Ella's waiting for you.
15:09I want to be with you.
15:12Right, Liam.
15:14I think you should go.
15:27You sure you're going to be okay?
15:36I'm sorry.
15:45Thanks for the chat.
15:47I really appreciate it.
16:04You okay?
16:06Not really, no.
16:09I want my dad.
16:11I want him.
16:15We all do.
16:18It's going to be okay.
16:21I promise you.
16:23And we remember.
16:24And me.
16:30What happens now?
16:32I'm going to go back to Aberdeen later.
16:35I'm going to bring him home.
16:38At least he's with mum now.
16:41Unlike Lisa.
16:44He died peacefully.
16:46I so took him for granted.
16:49I really felt like he was going to be here forever.
16:54We all did.
16:57Thanks, lads.
16:58Thanks, lads.
17:00Are you sinking?
17:02He's out with Sam.
17:03Looking for Belle.
17:04Oh, dear.
17:05No, it's fine.
17:06I stuck my head out the door.
17:08They're just over in one of the fields.
17:10It's probably what they need.
17:13They're certainly going to need each other now.
17:20Just in time for a drink, eh?
17:22Not for me, Tar.
17:23I'm driving up to Aberdeen in a bit.
17:25Belle, come on.
17:26Sit down.
17:28How was the snaring?
17:33Seems like ages ago now.
17:36Well, a lot's happened since then.
17:40When was the last time I took our Belle out snaring?
17:43I don't know. Let me have a think.
17:45The answer's never.
17:47But earlier I got this really strong feeling that I had to.
17:50Why was that, then?
17:52I think my dad wanted me to.
17:55And I know it sounds daft,
17:57but he were there with us today.
17:59I know it.
18:02stranger things have happened.
18:07I'm going to have to ring the prison in a bit.
18:10Ask them if they'll let Samson know his grandad's died.
18:14And have someone who's not family tell him?
18:16I've got no choice, have I?
18:18He needs to know today.
18:22I suppose.
18:24I suppose.
18:29Zak knew exactly what was important in life.
18:36For him, they came first and they came last.
18:40He put family above everything.
18:44Well, you can't go wrong with that philosophy.
18:47We could all learn a lesson from that.
18:51He was never considered a bright man.
18:54When, in fact,
18:57he was one of the brightest men I knew.
19:04He sure as hell knew how to get what he wanted.
19:07Be it legal or illegal.
19:11I admired him for that.
19:18What was it you wanted?
19:19What was it you wanted to ask me?
19:21Oh, it...
19:22It don't matter.
19:23It was something to note.
19:27Come here.
19:36You alright?
19:38You'd better hurry.
19:44This is a sad day.
19:49Are you gonna be okay?
19:52Are you sure you want to do this?
19:55More than anything I've ever done.
20:07They're beautiful.
20:09We're so sorry.
20:11My sincere condolences.
20:19Come on.
20:30Safe journey, mate.
20:33She'll be getting off.
20:34Love you.
20:36Drive carefully.
20:44Bring him home safely.
20:49I will.
21:10Tomorrow night.