• 2 days ago
This World Is Not Real (2024) EP 5 ENG SUB


00:30当记忆像碎片一样消失 I will be attracted by you
00:34我依旧会被你吸引 I will be attracted by you
00:37在无处落脚的人海里 In the endless sea of people
00:41你的降临是岛屿是陆地 Your landing is the land of the island
00:45是直到你的位置却装作不在意 It's just that I don't care about your position
00:50满身伤痍却只字不提 I miss you but I can't stop
01:01灵魂摆渡之南洋传说 The Legend of Nanyang
01:09这是林总最看重的东西 This is the most important thing for Mr. Lin
01:11不好意思我们不是故意的 Sorry we didn't mean to
01:13登登 是我不小心跟登登无关 Dengdeng, it's my fault, it's none of his business
01:17公司禁止携带宠物公司禁止携带宠物 The company forbids the carrying of pets
01:19秦总新来的不知道秦总新来的不知道 Mr. Qin's new pet is not known
01:20登登你也不知道吗 Dengdeng, you don't know either?
01:22我今天早上刚捡的 I just picked it this morning
01:24不知道它会跑进林总办公室 I didn't know it would go into Mr. Lin's office
01:27但是那个脚边上写的好像是我们家写谁的名字会影响他摔碎的结果 Mr. Qin, but it looks like it's our family's name on the wallpaper
01:30会影响他摔碎的结果 Mr. Qin, but it looks like it's our family's name on the wallpaper
01:33秦总 我查了一圈也没有看到你的信息 Mr. Qin, I've looked around but I haven't seen your information
01:38游戏界里根本没有你的名字 There's no name for you in the gaming world
01:40我 I
01:45我有写着还需要你批准吗 Do I need your approval to sign my name?
01:47对不起林总 我不是这个意思 Sorry Mr. Lin, I didn't mean to
01:57对不起林总 I'm sorry Mr. Lin
01:58没事 我来收拾 It's okay. I'll clean it up
02:05林总 您别生气 Mr. Lin, don't be angry
02:08秦总确实是不小心的 Mr. Qin was careless
02:10我现在叫保洁来处理 I'll get the cleaner to take care of it
02:12你们都出去吧 You all go out
02:16走吧走吧 Let's go
02:27林总 Mr. Lin
02:28林总 我真的干不了辅导 Mr. Lin, I really can't be a supervisor
02:53林总 我真的干不了辅导 Mr. Lin, I really can't be a supervisor
02:57我只是一个游戏设计师而已 I'm just a game designer
03:00要不然您还是把我交给研发团队 Otherwise, you can leave me to the R&D team
03:02或者兼程普通员工都可以 Or you can be a regular employee
03:04他们不服你 They don't accept you
03:05是因为不知道你的潜力 Because they don't know your potential
03:09那您怎么那么确定我就一定有潜力呢 Why are you so sure that I must have potential?
03:13因为你是我零显看中的人 Because you are the one I care about
03:28别看了 Don't look at it
03:30那奖杯我有很多备份 I have a lot of copies of that trophy
03:33是跟我有同名的设计师吗 Is there a designer with the same name as me?
03:37没有 No
03:39那设计师是你 That designer is you
03:42是我 It's me
03:43这个还能提前预知的吗 Can this be predicted in advance?
03:45林总 我真的做梦都不敢想象 Mr. Lin, I really can't imagine
03:47有一天我能获得梓潼世界的最佳设计师奖 One day I can get the best designer award in Zitong
03:51你有这个实力 You have this ability
03:52否则你不会在这里 Otherwise, you wouldn't be here
03:58你以后会明白我说的话的 You'll understand what I'm saying in the future
04:00这家伙怎么又敢说我听不懂的话 Why is this guy saying things I don't understand again?
04:03他不应该叫零显 He shouldn't be called Lin Xian
04:05应该叫林冠 He should be called Lin Guan
04:07谢谢林总的夸奖 Thank you for your compliment, Mr. Lin
04:09那是不是意味着我跟... Does that mean I...
04:10陪我出去走走吧 Let's go for a walk
04:13可是现在是上班时间 But it's time to go to work
04:15走吧 Let's go
04:16边走边聊聊千万之灵 Let's chat as we walk
04:28三年了 It's been three years
04:31他们之间一直存在感应 There's a connection between them
04:33你突破不了防火墙你怎么知道 You can't break through the firewall. How would I know?
04:36看到路边那辆商务车了吗 Did you see the business car by the roadside?
04:38打开后备箱 Open the trunk
04:40拿出里面的盒子 Take out the box inside
04:44这是什么 What's this?
04:45一个小程序 A small program
04:47把它接入千万之灵的数据库 Connect it to the database in Ten Thousand and One Nights
04:49其他的事情 You don't need to worry about anything else
04:58你知道千万之灵是款什么游戏吗 Do you know what game is Ten Thousand and One Nights?
05:02不知道 I don't know
05:04那你为什么想参与 Then why do you want to participate?
05:06这么说可能有点自恋 I'm a little narcissistic
05:09因为我冥冥中觉得我跟他很熟悉 Because I think I'm familiar with him
05:13而且这个项目也只有我才能来完成 And I'm the only one who can complete this project
05:19确实自恋 You're narcissistic
05:27老样子香草味来了两个 It's the same. Two herbs
05:30没想到他也喜欢香草味 I didn't expect him to like herbs
05:39谢谢 Thank you
05:40两个都是你的 Both are yours
05:42我不喜欢香草味 I don't like herbs
05:45他怎么会知道我每次都要吃两个呢 How does he know I eat two herbs every time?
05:49你要不要尝一下味道真的很不错 Do you want to try it? It tastes really good
05:58我的爱慷慨 My love is generous
06:01跨过时空的爱 Across time and space
06:04可惜我们的爱太灿烂 It's a pity that our love is too brilliant
06:08却散得快 But it's broken
06:11爱像小孩般期待 Love is like a child looking forward to
06:14你不是不要吗 Didn't you say you didn't want it?
06:17我没说我不要 I didn't say I didn't want it
06:20谢谢 Thank you
06:27女士 点首歌吗 Miss, would you like to order a song?
06:29不用了 谢谢 No, thanks
06:30乐器俱乐部的Pink黄昏 Pink Twilight by Le Qi Club
06:32好的 Okay
06:33谢谢 Thank you
06:34你也喜欢这首歌吗 Do you like this song, too?
06:36这个乐队是我最喜欢的乐队 This band is my favorite band
06:40我记得我大学的时候 I remember when I was in college
06:41天天追着他们的宣言到处跑 I chased them around every day
06:44算了 只是一个无聊的爱好而已 Forget it. It's just a boring hobby
06:47你说吧 我想听 You say it. I want to hear it
06:50我当时没日没夜地写程序 I wrote the program day and night
06:53就是为了攒钱去看他们的现场 Just to save money to go to their show
06:56记得有一次我在现场门口看到有黄牛在倒票 I remember once I saw a yellow bull at the door of the scene
07:00我一冲动上去跟他们理论 I rushed up to argue with them
07:03结果被撞到撞到了后脑勺 As a result, I was hit on the back of the head
07:07我爸在路上挤得突发心脏病 My dad had a sudden heart attack on the road
07:09他差点救 He was almost saved
07:13所以很长一段时间我很自责 So for a long time, I was very self-conscious
07:15以后再也不敢听他们的歌 I don't dare to listen to their songs anymore
07:19你父亲现在还好吗 How is your father doing now?
07:21手术好多了 现在在老家养着呢 The surgery is much better. He is being raised in his hometown now
07:25不过我比较担心晴天 But I'm more worried about Qingtian
07:27他跟我爸有一样的问题 He has the same problem as my dad
07:30心脏有时间隔绝了怎么办 What if there is a time gap in the heart?
07:36一定会好的 It will be fine
07:39谢谢你的安慰 Thank you for your comfort
07:41我刚帮你预约了一个全国心脏病最好的专家徐医生 I just made an appointment with Dr. Xu, the best cardiologist in the country
07:45下周二安排晴天去华西医院检查一下吧 Next Tuesday, I will arrange a day off to go to the Western Hospital for a check-up
07:49真的吗 Really?
07:51谢谢你林总 我一定会好好工作的 Thank you, Mr. Lin. I will definitely work hard
08:15林总 Mr. Lin
08:28人呢 Where is he?
08:31林总 马上检查交互数据接口 Mr. Lin, check the data interface immediately
08:35好的 林总 Okay, Mr. Lin
08:45林总 Mr. Lin
09:02因为你是我零星看重的人 Because you are someone I value
09:15天使 不搭讪招呼就走了 Angel, you left without saying hello
09:46天使不搭讪招呼就走了 Angel, you left without saying hello
09:49天使不搭讪招呼就走了 Angel, you left without saying hello
09:52天使不搭讪招呼就走了 Angel, you left without saying hello
09:55天使不搭讪招呼就走了 Angel, you left without saying hello
09:58天使不搭讪招呼就走了 Angel, you left without saying hello
10:01天使不搭讪招呼就走了 Angel, you left without saying hello
10:04天使不搭讪招呼就走了 Angel, you left without saying hello
10:07天使不搭讪招呼就走了 Angel, you left without saying hello
10:10天使不搭讪招呼就走了 Angel, you left without saying hello
10:12天使不搭讪招呼就走了 Angel, you left without saying hello
10:15天使不搭讪招呼就走了 Angel, you left without saying hello
10:18天使不搭讪招呼就走了 Angel, you left without saying hello
10:21天使不搭讪招呼就走了 Angel, you left without saying hello
10:24天使不搭讪招呼就走了 Angel, you left without saying hello
10:27天使不搭讪招呼就走了 Angel, you left without saying hello
10:30天使不搭讪招呼就走了 Angel, you left without saying hello
10:33天使不搭讪招呼就走了 Angel, you left without saying hello
10:36天使不搭讪招呼就走了 Angel, you left without saying hello
10:39天使不搭讪招呼就走了 Angel, you left without saying hello