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(Adnkronos) - E' stato inaugurato dal Ministro delle Imprese e del Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso, il nuovo Simulation Center dell'Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma durante l'apertura dell'anno accademico 2024-25. La struttura, progettata interamente in Italia, ospita la prima sala immersiva multisensoriale d'Europa, che simula situazioni cliniche e di emergenza attraverso effetti visivi, olfattivi e fisici per offrire una formazione all'avanguardia a studenti e ricercatori. “Il Simulation Center è uno strumento fondamentale che oggi un'Università moderna deve avere per erogare una didattica sempre più esperienziale, innovativa e basata sulla ricerca” ha sottolineato il prof. Eugenio Guglielmelli, Rettore UCBM.


00:00The new Simulation Center of the Università Campus Biomedico di Roma was inaugurated by the Minister of Enterprise of Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso, during the opening of the academic year 2024-2025.
00:17The unique structure in central-southern Italy hosts the first multi-sensory immersive room in Europe, designed entirely in Italy, which simulates clinical and emergency situations through visual, olfactory and physical effects, to offer a cutting-edge training to students and researchers.
00:36The Simulation Center is a fundamental tool that today a modern university must have to offer an increasingly experiential, innovative and research-based teaching, underlined by Professor Eugenio Guglielmelli, Head of the Campus.
00:51It is a fundamental day to continue to invest in the growth of our Ateneo, these themes of innovative teaching based on research.
00:59So having a space now in our Simulation Center is fundamental because all these solutions, even more innovative for advanced therapies and also in long-term medicine, we also simulate not only hospital environments, but also for possible home assistance, for longevity, long-term health, will really be a fundamental lever to address in the right way
01:24also the application of innovative solutions together with young researchers and all our research groups.
01:31The ceremony was attended by the President of the National Research Council, Maria Chiara Carrozza, who gave a lecture to Magistralis, and the President of the Lazio Region, Francesco Rocca.
01:42The Simulation Center, with its more than 400 square meters of space, is designed to promote research and innovation in the health and sustainability sectors.
01:53The investments of many multinationals made in these months in Italy, in the field of life sciences, biotechnologies and pharmaceuticals, make us understand how we are at the forefront and we have an ecosystem that is extremely favorable to the development of what is really needed by man to improve his quality of life.
02:15In the first nine months of this year, we have also made over 9 billion investments in microelectronics, on what is then the chip, the semiconductor, what is at the center of green technology and digital technology, because we know how to think about the future, perhaps more than others.
02:33The center will offer the students the opportunity to conduct advanced simulations in realistic clinical scenarios.
02:41The spaces reproduce hospital and home environments, equipped with cutting-edge technologies, interactive mannequins and a simulated operating room to train doctors, nurses and researchers.
02:52The structures of the Simulation Center will also provide companies and research centers for the development of new medical and technological devices, reinforcing once again the role of the Campus Biomedical University as a hub of innovation and research.
