Emmerdale 16th October 2024

  • 10 hours ago
Emmerdale 16th October 2024


00:00You can't just leave that there!
00:10What's going on?
00:12Did it even ring the bell?
00:15There you go.
00:16Another junk you've ordered.
00:17Well, it's not for me.
00:18It's got your name on it.
00:21What's in the box?
00:22My mother.
00:23What, so Debbie's not going to go?
00:24No, I know it's her choice, but...
00:25Sorry, what?
00:26Say that again?
00:27Kate, I can't hear you.
00:28Kate, I can't hear you.
00:49I can't hear you.
00:54He's gone.
00:56Debbie not coming back for the funeral?
01:00She's told Cain that she can't face it.
01:03She got so close to Zach while he was living there,
01:05she wants to remember him in her own way.
01:08Fair enough.
01:10Fair choice, right?
01:12It's hit her hard.
01:14Only now Cain's got to sort everything out,
01:16like he's not got enough on his plate.
01:19He's going to be even more upset
01:22when he finds out you put off your operation.
01:25Well, the hospital are very understanding
01:27and they'll do their best to find me a new date.
01:29We're lucky to get that on the size of the waiting list.
01:36What if...
01:37What if nothing comes up for ages?
01:41What's done is done.
01:43Cain is my priority right now and he...
01:46He's just lost his dad.
01:48We've all just lost the heart of this family.
01:53So once we've dealt with that,
01:55then we can deal with me.
02:02I always thought ashes came in an urn.
02:04Well, they do,
02:05if you want to invest in a decorative addition
02:07to your family mantelpiece.
02:08But I didn't.
02:09Could scatter her somewhere.
02:11What, the allotment?
02:12Think she'd make a good fertiliser?
02:14Well, you could do what they did with my mum.
02:16Throw her in a firework and shoot her off into space.
02:18If I thought there was any remnant of that woman up there
02:21spying on my every move, I'd never sleep again.
02:25Let's face it,
02:26I didn't care about her when she was alive.
02:28Why would I care what happens to her now?
02:30No reason I can think of.
02:34While I'm at case,
02:36I will do to you what you did to me all those years ago.
02:40The proper place for you
02:42is here.
02:44I've been out with the horses since first light.
02:47Couldn't sleep.
02:51Zack might have been an old rogue,
02:53but he was our old rogue.
02:55I'm going to miss him.
02:57Brought the mould with him, right?
03:00He knew more than anyone.
03:02Life goes on.
03:04And I've got a meeting in half an hour.
03:06Before you head off...
03:10I was so shaken up.
03:12About Zack.
03:14Things got a little heightened.
03:16And I was wrong to lean on you.
03:19Well, I'm glad you did.
03:23I got these this morning.
03:25The dingles.
03:26Wreath might have been more appropriate.
03:28For you.
03:31You can't have forgotten, surely?
03:34The day Harriet died.
03:36Otherwise known as our anniversary.
03:39Well, that day I married you.
03:41That's the happiest I've ever been.
03:44Then you went and threw it all away?
03:46Well, for what it's worth, my feelings towards you,
03:49they haven't changed.
03:59Do you want another coffee?
04:01No, I should get off. I need to catch up with Dawn.
04:04What, you two were actually speaking?
04:07Yeah, well, I spoke to her and she spoke back, so...
04:10It's a start, right?
04:14Happy anniversary.
04:26Hey, I was just, erm...
04:29I'm needed, we reckon, for the wake.
04:32No rush.
04:34And we haven't even got a date for the funeral yet, have we?
04:37Anyway, got to bring him back from Scotland first.
04:42I thought doing my sausage rolls, he loved them.
04:45Scotch eggs, he loved them and all.
04:49And we're never going to see him again, I can't bear it.
04:52Come here.
04:57I'm so sorry for your loss.
04:59Not half as much as we are.
05:04He was like a dad to me.
05:08My dad, his brother, honestly,
05:10he was a waste of space.
05:13Vicious and cruel and...
05:15well, drank himself to death in the end.
05:18Sounds hideous.
05:20Can I have a glass of white wine, please? Large.
05:24Yeah, Uncle Zach filled that dad-shaped gap.
05:30I always knew, no matter what,
05:34you know, he would always be there if something bad happened.
05:39That's what families do, right?
05:42Unless you happen to be my mother.
05:46I need to apologise.
05:50Sounds like she and your late father would have got on very well.
05:54Gosh, she was a hard woman.
06:00Do you know, she hated me so much,
06:02she couldn't even bring herself to tell me
06:04she was dying until it was too late.
06:07Yeah, but you got the call from the hospital, didn't you?
06:09That proves that she was thinking about you, right?
06:13She'd been on that ward for days, Chas.
06:14She didn't bother telling me.
06:15She only got the nurse to make that call
06:17when she knew it was too late,
06:19because she knew I'd want answers
06:21and she was determined to die without telling me them.
06:24Well, you know, sometimes when people have things on their mind
06:27before they pass, they talk to the nurses.
06:30Or someone else on the ward.
06:32You never knew my mother.
06:34She'll have died the same way she lived.
06:36Cursing me.
06:37Maybe not.
06:40And if it puts your mind at rest,
06:42or helps give you closure,
06:44it might be worth a call.
06:47Went to the bus stop first thing this morning.
06:50Left some flowers.
06:51Saw you had two.
06:53Two years since you went.
06:55Still miss her.
06:56Me and all.
06:58I wonder what she'd make a mess I've got myself into.
07:03Did you manage to speak to Kim?
07:05I couldn't. Not last night.
07:06She'd only just heard about Zak.
07:08She got a bit emotional.
07:10Didn't know they were close.
07:11Well, they weren't.
07:12But, in a way, they were.
07:14They're neighbours,
07:16allies, enemies,
07:18all of those things.
07:19I'm more of it, yes.
07:21And now he's gone.
07:23Everything looks the same.
07:25Something's missing.
07:28Look, I'll ask tonight.
07:30I'm not saying we're desperate,
07:31but I've only got that leftover casserole
07:33that Marlon brought round for the kids' tea.
07:35I'll sort, I promise.
07:37But, look,
07:38in the meantime,
07:40take this.
07:41Treat the kids to tea,
07:42or whatever you need the money for.
07:44I'll see you later.
07:54And just when you thought things couldn't get any worse,
07:56we're now accepting charity off your dad.
07:58I can't work, Billy.
08:00And your wages barely cover the cost of washing your gym kit,
08:02so if you've got any better ideas,
08:04let me know.
08:13Oh, hi.
08:14Excuse me.
08:17You might not remember me.
08:19My mother passed away on this ward not long ago.
08:21Ruby, isn't it?
08:23How are you doing?
08:24Yeah, good.
08:25How are you doing?
08:26Yeah, good.
08:29I was a bit emotional the last time we met.
08:31Grief hits people in different ways.
08:33How can I help?
08:38Well, the thing is, I was so distressed
08:40that I never thought to ask.
08:45I know you were with her at the time,
08:47and I was just wondering if
08:50there was anything she said about me.
08:53She talked about you.
08:54A lot.
08:57She hung on for as long as she could.
08:59Kept saying your husband promised you'd come see her.
09:02My husband?
09:03So, over her?
09:04Um, Cillian?
09:07That's right.
09:08Your mum called you from the ward when she was admitted,
09:11but she told me she ended up speaking to him.
09:15He never said.
09:16He came to see you the next day.
09:18Stayed a while.
09:20Maybe he'll be able to help you.
09:22Yeah, maybe he will.
09:24I've got to get on.
09:33Oh, we made it.
09:37We made it.
09:44You're back soon.
09:46I've been trying to call you all day.
09:48We didn't seem much like talking, did we, Sam?
09:50We didn't seem much like talking, did we, Sam?
09:52We just listened to music.
09:54Dad's favourites, all the way down.
09:56Why are you even back here?
09:57I thought you were staying with Dad and then travelling with the hearse.
10:00Well, that was the plan, but they couldn't ship until next week.
10:03So, er...
10:05We did it ourselves.
10:13What, you've just thrown Dad in the back of our manky van?
10:16We didn't have any choice. He left instructions.
10:18Yeah, in his wallet.
10:19Yeah, if he passed, he wanted to be buried as soon as.
10:22Within 48 hours.
10:24So that's what we're going to do.
10:36Mmm, the good stuff.
10:37What's brought this on?
10:39Well, as you so kindly brought me these,
10:42I thought I'd reciprocate.
10:49You know, not so long back,
10:51we'd have taken this upstairs.
10:59So, er...
11:00How's Dawn?
11:02Not so good.
11:03Billy's business, it doesn't even come close to bringing in enough money.
11:07A vanity project, Dad.
11:10If you've got a family,
11:12with Evan being so unwell,
11:13you need a proper job.
11:15Yeah, they've got stacks of bills.
11:17They still need to buy a car, feed the kids.
11:20They're struggling that badly?
11:22I've shoved them a few quid, but they need more.
11:25Now you've cleared out the joint account.
11:27You want me to give them money?
11:29No, I promised Dawn that I'd sort it out alone.
11:34So that's what this charm offensive's been about?
11:38So what then?
11:39A scheme dreamt up by you and your solicitor to extort more money out of me?
11:42No, I told you.
11:44Dawn's struggling.
11:45Yeah, and I've told Dawn I'm here for her,
11:48whatever she needs.
11:50So why did she ignore that and go straight to her feckless, useless father?
11:54Well, maybe she's got her pride.
11:56Well, something you're obviously not burdened with.
11:59I mean, using your grandchildren to extort cash.
12:02No, I swear, I'm not making this up.
12:04I meant every word.
12:05And so do I.
12:06So just to clear up any confusion,
12:09the Bank of Kim is closed to you permanently.
12:15They should keep us gone for a week or two.
12:18Yeah, and then we're right back to where we started.
12:20Yeah, well, you know I'm working on that.
12:22So am I.
12:24You know that cash that Dad gave us?
12:26That was kind of the first instalment.
12:29I've asked him to tap up Kim for a loan.
12:32It's if we don't owe enough.
12:34I know you're doing your best, but we need some cash from somewhere.
12:38Yeah, well, I got a new client booked in this afternoon.
12:41Big player.
12:43What, that gobby woman with the flash car?
12:46Yeah, her.
12:48She got her first session booked in.
12:50You know, if it goes well, she's got a lot of contacts.
12:52Could be a big earner for us.
12:56Well, you're going to have to impress her.
12:57We need her to sign up today.
12:59Is that you wishing me good luck?
13:02Yeah, loads of it.
13:05You've got this.
13:07You never let us down.
13:09I fished your mum out.
13:13So is he.
13:15Even I couldn't leave her swimming in bin juice.
13:19That's me thinking you hated her as much as I did.
13:23Well, you know I did.
13:32She made me choose.
13:35And I chose you.
13:37And I chose you.
13:39Gave up everything.
13:41And it was us against the universe.
13:46And we swore to each other we'd have nothing more to do with my family.
13:50Yeah, and we haven't.
13:53I get it.
13:56Now that she's gone, it's got you thinking, hasn't it?
14:01Yeah, it certainly has, yeah.
14:03About how, if I'd have known she was still alive and in the hospital,
14:08I could have visited her before it was too late and asked her some questions.
14:13No, trust me, if you'd gone,
14:16you'd have found her to be the same snotty, judgmental coward she always was.
14:20You seem pretty sure about that.
14:22I just know what she was like, that's all.
14:26Maybe it's for the best that you didn't see her.
14:33I saw Chas earlier.
14:37They were all terribly upset about Zak's death.
14:43At least Cain got to spend time with him before he passed.
14:49Yeah, but Zak and Cain, that was nothing like you and your mum.
14:54You hadn't spoken to your mum for years.
14:57It's like you hadn't spoken to Faith before she died.
15:00He didn't even know she was alive.
15:02But Cain did, and he kept her all to himself.
15:06But nobody kept you from your mum.
15:08It's just one of them things.
15:11Because to deny someone that,
15:14to not let them know that a parent is close to death,
15:20that's got to be one of the cruelest, most vindictive things someone can do
15:23to someone they love, hasn't it?
15:28I mean, you'd have to really hate a person to do that to them.
15:32Wouldn't you?
15:39Right, we're all here.
15:42Charity's going to be late.
15:43Moses hasn't taken things too well.
15:46Blizzard said they'd pass the news on to our Sompson.
15:50I wanted him to hear it from me.
15:52He'd be in bits.
15:58Sorry, I just drove mum down, but I can wait in the car if you like.
16:02Don't be daft.
16:03I'll get you both a drink.
16:04I wasn't expecting you back so soon.
16:06I tried to call-
16:07Oh, of course.
16:08Yeah, go on.
16:15I'm sorry.
16:17I'm sorry.
16:22No, we're all together.
16:26We'll raise our first glass.
16:28The first of many.
16:31To dad.
16:33To Zach.
16:35These are for you.
16:39Your father told me you asked him for a loan.
16:43Yeah, that's right.
16:45When I specifically told you to come to me.
16:49Well, just so you know,
16:51I'll be transferring a substantial amount into your account this afternoon.
16:57You do know it's going to be a while before we can even start to pay you back?
17:01You don't have to.
17:03You need to concentrate all your energy on Evan.
17:06Anything that takes your focus away from him is a waste of time.
17:11Thank you so much.
17:16I know.
17:18That you spoke to my mother on my phone.
17:23And I know.
17:25That you went to see her on her deathbed.
17:27Who even told you this?
17:28The nurse at the hospital.
17:29So before you start trying to deny it,
17:31she remembers your name.
17:40So I picked up a call on your phone and I spoke to Ellen.
17:44She said she wasn't so good,
17:45but I didn't know if she was telling the truth,
17:47so I wasn't going to let her anywhere near you.
17:49I wanted to check things out first.
17:52I wanted to get some answers from my mother before she died.
17:58You got all the answers that you needed years ago.
18:01How do you know what I needed?
18:03She owed me.
18:04And she knew she did.
18:05That's why she got the hospital to call me on the day she died.
18:08Because she didn't want to die with me on her conscience.
18:10Look, if I'd had any idea, you felt like this.
18:13But you didn't.
18:14So you did what you always do.
18:15You presumed you know me better than I know myself,
18:17and you made the decision for me.
18:19My one final chance to get some kind of closure,
18:22some kind of peace,
18:23and you cheated me out of it!
18:25You actually mansplained my own mother's death to me!
18:28Because I didn't want to see you upset.
18:30Well, that's worked out really well, hasn't it?
18:32Okay, right.
18:33So I made a bad call.
18:34I am really sorry.
18:35Sorry that you lied,
18:36or sorry that you've been found out.
18:38No, I didn't lie.
18:39I just didn't tell you the truth,
18:40and it was for all the right reasons.
18:42I love you.
18:43You know that I do.
18:44I was trying to do the right thing.
18:45Well, you can do it now.
18:46Get out!
18:47Okay, look, I get it.
18:48You're upset.
18:49No, you have lied to me for the last time, Caleb.
18:51I am done with you!
18:53For good this time, just go!
19:03He left us instructions in his wallet,
19:05and a letter for you.
19:07I'll read it later.
19:08Did he not leave one for me?
19:11No, because I...
19:14I didn't think he knew he was going to cark it when he did, you know?
19:23In the event of my passing,
19:26I, Zach Dingle...
19:34He says he wants to be buried here, at home.
19:38Strictly within 48 hours of his passing.
19:40Has he an outside?
19:42Of course he does.
19:44Where I was happiest.
19:47And this is in capitals.
19:51Not next to Shadrach.
19:54With a rowan tree planted at my head.
19:57So I'm not bothered by the witches.
19:59That'll be a crack at Nelly.
20:01And this is double underlined.
20:04Yes, this is double underlined.
20:08No vicar.
20:09No God.
20:11No tears.
20:15And then...
20:24Drum me through the village, one last time.
20:28Before you take me home.
20:31Then there's to be music,
20:34whiskey and dancing till dawn.
20:37The party to end all parties.
20:40Right, we can manage that.
20:42I don't want to leave him on his own, so I'll stop up with him tonight.
20:45We all will.
20:46I want us all ready by midday tomorrow.
20:49Then we can bury Dad the way he wanted.
20:53The way he lived.
21:05We are going to raise Mary Hell.