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00:00A man is running through a dark forest in Ireland.
00:11He seems frightened despite constantly encountering signs with the words point of no return in
00:15various numbers, indicating either directions or distances to something.
00:19However he fails to escape, darkness quickly envelops the surroundings, a flock of birds
00:24flies overhead, and he falls into a pit.
00:26In the next moment an invisible force grabs him and drags him away.
00:30Elsewhere in the country lives an artist named Mina who works in a pet store.
00:34One day her boss asks her to deliver a rare parrot to a zoo in a neighboring city and
00:39Mina agrees.
00:40She takes the bird home for the night.
00:42There she tells the parrot that her mother died 15 years ago.
00:45Suddenly the bird starts to respond.
00:47In the evening Mina puts on a wig and goes to a bar where she introduces herself to a
00:52guy with a fictitious name claiming to be a ballerina.
00:55In the morning Mina apologizes to the parrot for her behavior, saying the real her would
01:00probably not be liked.
01:02Finally the pair set off on their journey.
01:04On the way her sister Lucy calls, reminding her that she has family and nieces who love
01:09and await her.
01:10Mina continues driving and eventually ends up on a road leading into an old dark forest.
01:14Unexpectedly the car breaks down and stalls and the connection also mysteriously cuts
01:20Taking the parrot's cage, Mina steps onto the road to seek help, but the forest is dark
01:24and empty.
01:25When she returns to where she left the car, the road is deserted.
01:29Mina continues to wander through the quickly darkening area, talking to the bird to keep
01:33herself cheerful and suggesting they name it Darwin.
01:36Suddenly she notices a woman running past and decides to follow her.
01:39Mina catches up with her near a small forest cabin and the woman, opening the door, orders
01:44her to come inside quickly if she wants to live.
01:47Naturally Mina rushes into the cabin.
01:49The elderly woman is named Madeline.
01:51She has been living here for some time with two other young people, Ciara and Daniel.
01:56She immediately orders Mina to stand in front of a mirror because the watchers cannot enter
02:00inside but observe from outside, coming every night after sunset.
02:05Standing by the mirror, Mina suddenly hears sounds like applause.
02:08Madeline confirms her suspicions.
02:10The watchers are applauding the appearance of a new object.
02:13In the morning, Mina announces that she intends to leave.
02:16Although the others assure her it's impossible, she heads into the forest.
02:20Madeline catches up with her, explaining that the forest causes hallucinations.
02:24But it is possible to survive here.
02:26The signs scattered throughout the forest mark the boundary from which a person can
02:30reach the cabin before dark.
02:31But if you go beyond the boundary, there will be no way back.
02:34They were made by a man named The Professor, but where he is now, no one knows.
02:39That night, Daniel puts on a show for the watchers, presenting them with the newcomer,
02:43but they ask her to behave as usual.
02:45Meanwhile, Ciara turns on the music and dances, as she does every evening.
02:49Mina, on the other hand, finds discs with recordings of Love Search TV shows.
02:53In the morning, she and Ciara go to gather medicinal herbs, because her missing husband
02:58asked the girl to take care of Daniel.
03:00Then the man went to search for a way out and disappeared.
03:02Ciara explains that recently they found strange burrows scattered throughout the forest.
03:07That's where the watchers go during daylight hours.
03:10She believes she has been in the cabin for almost five months.
03:13Later, Madeline announces the safety rules.
03:16Never leave at night.
03:17Never open the doors for anyone.
03:18Always try to stay in the light.
03:20Strange life begins with entirely identical days.
03:23Mina watches endless shows and often stands staring into the mirror.
03:27One day she knocks on it, and immediately there is a knock on the door.
03:31Madeline orders everyone to freeze and everything stops.
03:33The next day she and Daniel go hunting.
03:35The boy tells her that Madeline used to work at the university, so she considers herself
03:40a know-it-all.
03:41But she has been living here the longest.
03:43Daniel himself has been in the cabin for eight months, but has never seen anyone.
03:47After listening to the boy, Mina convinces Daniel to help her explore a burrow.
03:51Using a rope, Mina descends, explores it, and finds old items, newspapers, toys, pieces
03:57of electronics, and an old bicycle, which she ties to the rope and sends up.
04:01But then strange sounds, similar to those heard at night outside the cabin walls, echo
04:06from the darkness.
04:07Mina screams and the rope falls at her feet.
04:10Climbing out into the light, Mina leaves the dangerous place, and they calmly examine the
04:15With the bicycle, it might be possible to escape from here, but Madeline has a rather
04:19strange reaction to this.
04:21Meanwhile, Daniel manages to assemble a surveillance system from the found pieces of electronics
04:26and installs a camera by the door.
04:28At night, everything goes as usual.
04:30Ciara dances when there is a knock on the door, and Daniel suggests that a person has
04:35Madeline forbids opening it, but they hear the voice of Ciara's husband.
04:39Ciara tries to prove that it is John by asking him what book she is reading, but he does
04:43not answer.
04:44Although they bought this book together on his advice, the man begs to be saved from
04:49Ciara asks to look into the camera, but when he leans towards it, something drags him into
04:53the forest.
04:54Immediately, there is a knock on the mirror, stronger than ever before.
04:58Madeline stands in front of the people, as if shielding them, and the knocking stops.
05:02In the morning, Madeline throws the bicycle into the burrow, demanding that they no longer
05:07break the rules.
05:08Later, Mina recalls her sister and mother, who invited the girls for a car ride.
05:13The weather was beautiful, and Mina opened the window.
05:15Her mother asked her to close it because the wind was bothering her, but Mina did not listen,
05:20mimicking her mother, who got distracted from the road, and the tragedy happened, for which
05:25Mina still feels guilty.
05:27Winter soon arrived.
05:28The days grew shorter, the nights colder, and food became increasingly scarce.
05:33Quarrels began to flare up among the cabin's inhabitants.
05:36One day, Ciara left for the forest.
05:39Mina caught up with her, and she confessed that she felt John was real.
05:43She runs to the house from where Daniel's screams are heard, angry with Madeline and
05:46Mina, refusing to let them inside.
05:49The women hide under a tree and soon see lanky, spider-like monsters emerging from the forest,
05:54approaching the cabin window, and making terrible, shrill noises.
05:57The watchers stare at Daniel and Ciara while Mina and Madeline wait for them to leave so
06:02they can return to the cabin.
06:04When they do, the women rush to the door and beg to be let in.
06:07Daniel refuses, and then Mina tells him about her guilt towards her mother.
06:11He asks him to understand that he will suffer all his life, realizing that he is responsible
06:16for the death of people.
06:17The doors open.
06:18The four of them immediately stand in front of the mirror, hoping to convince the watchers
06:22that they are in place.
06:24Madeline admits that she tried to protect them from certain things.
06:28She used to teach history and mythology, and unlike them, came here voluntarily.
06:33Only here did she realize how dangerous this place was.
06:37Once she hunted alone and saw herself at sunset.
06:40Not an exact copy, but very similar.
06:42The watchers are an ancient species with many names, changelings, winged ones, fairies.
06:48They study people to impersonate them, and they will never let them leave.
06:53Knocks and the voices of the cabin's inhabitants are heard outside.
06:56Then Daniel finds a hatch in the floor, which they didn't even know existed.
07:00Descending, they discover a well-fortified and equipped living space filled with food
07:05and equipment.
07:06Dina turns on an old computer, and a video recording shows the face of the professor,
07:11whose real name was Rory Kilmartin.
07:13He was the first to study the watchers and tried to learn about their origins.
07:17In 1979, the scientist found this place, which he called Wonderland.
07:22Every evening, the watchers came to his window and studied him.
07:26For many years before this, the professor's colleagues laughed at him, not believing his
07:31Then he built this bunker, using the labor of men from nearby remote villages.
07:36He chose the lonely or those with bad habits, so that their disappearance would not attract
07:40much attention, as every evening he convinced them to have dinner outdoors.
07:45Hiding inside, he watched the watchers deal with them.
07:48Thus, this bunker was built on blood.
07:51One day, a watcher appeared before him in the form of a girl with red hair.
07:55She was very different from the others, as if she were unique and looked curious and
08:00That's when he realized that if he unlocked the secrets of the fairies, he might even
08:04conquer death.
08:06He did the impossible, lured this girl into a cage and began experiments on communication,
08:11trying to befriend her.
08:12She changed form, sometimes turning into a frightening creature with long arms, but seemed
08:17to listen to him.
08:18Gradually, she became close and understandable to him.
08:21But now the professor realized he had achieved nothing significant and was ready to end his
08:27He hit a boat by the river, and this is the only way out.
08:30Just follow the birds.
08:31He asks the survivor to go to his university office and destroy all the documents found
08:36And now he will go to her and stay here forever.
08:38In the last recording, they see Kilmartin climbing up, gunshots are heard, and then
08:43all is quiet.
08:44Realizing that this is their last night in the forest, Sierra turns on the music and
08:48invites Daniel to dance, but he seems upset about leaving.
08:51He says his family is dysfunctional and he has nowhere to return to.
08:55Then the girl offers to let him stay with her for a while until they find him a good
08:59occupation and place to live, as they have become good friends.
09:03In the morning, the group sets out to escape, guided by the signs and Mina's parrot, whom
09:07she asks to lead them.
09:09Soon they reach a massive stone disk in the ground, covering the entrance to a huge tunnel.
09:14Madeline explains that this is where the last representatives of the ancient fairy race
09:17were locked up, who were once very friendly with humans.
09:21After many centuries, they managed to surface, but now the friendship has turned into hatred.
09:26They stay here because they are held by magic, so they need to run far away.
09:30They walk all day.
09:32Dusk falls, but there is no river or boat in sight.
09:35It starts raining and they fall into despair when they see huge flocks of birds flying
09:39in one direction.
09:41They run after them and reach the river.
09:43The women rush to the boat when Daniel hears screams behind him and sees John.
09:47He returns for him, rejoicing that the man survived, but it turns out to be a changeling.
09:53The women scream, begging Daniel to run, but he doesn't hear and dies at the hands
09:58of the Watcher, who then takes on his form while Madeline, Mina, and Ciara sail down
10:02the river.
10:03The women wake up in the boat and see that they have returned to civilization.
10:07They stop a bus and ride to the city, listening to music and only now realizing that it's
10:13Later, Mina goes to the university where Kilmartin worked, posing as his niece to enter his office
10:18and fulfill his last request.
10:20There she finds more documents, photos, and a recording in which he discusses the fairies
10:25and the fact that there are still half-blood children in the world.
10:29Mina finds a stack of photos and, looking at them, seems very surprised.
10:34In the evening, Mina goes to Ciara's house, showing a photo of Madeline from the professor's
10:38belongings, explaining that it is his wife who died several years ago.
10:42So the Madeline they lived with in the cabin was a special fairy capable of moving during
10:46the day.
10:47It was she whom Kilmartin caught.
10:49He couldn't kill her and she took on Madeline's form to return to civilization.
10:53Then a car pulls up to the house and the real Ciara gets out while the one she's talking
10:58to is actually a fairy.
11:00Realizing she has been exposed, the fairy knocks Mina out and changes shape again, turning
11:05into Daniel.
11:06They just want to live like other species, but due to human hatred, they are forced to
11:10stay underground.
11:12The fairy turns in to Kilmartin and goes to Mina.
11:15In the house, the fairy transforms into her and prepares to kill the girl.
11:19But Mina says that there are others like her somewhere because she is half-human and
11:23acknowledges that it was unfair of humans to banish the fairies from their world.
11:27The fairy softens and spreads her wings, admitting that Mina might be right, and she flies away.
11:33Mina revives Ciara.
11:35Later she reunites with her twin sister Lucy, finally forgiving herself for their mother's
11:40She tells her about her experience, admitting that she still sees Madeline appearing in
11:44the forms of other people.
11:46Her nieces arrive to show Mina a drawing of her and Darwin, whom she still keeps as a pet.
11:51Meanwhile, outside, a girl with red hair appears, looking at their apartment windows and taking
11:55on the form of a girl with a strange face.
11:58This is probably not a horror movie, but rather a scary bedtime story when a child doesn't
12:02want to sleep and asks for something frightening.
12:05Everything builds up slowly and tastefully, but the ending unfolds somewhat mundanely,
12:10although mysteriously.
