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00:00At the beginning of the movie we see an experienced fisherman heading out to sea.
00:04Like thousands of times before he casts his net from the boat but something goes wrong
00:09and the net gets caught on something on the ocean floor.
00:12The fisherman dives down but he can't make it back to the surface as a huge school of
00:17fish surrounds him.
00:18Charlie, a lighthouse keeper calls his colleagues in Germany to discuss current affairs.
00:23She is interrupted by a signal on her monitor and rushes off to investigate.
00:27Charlie has to swim to the duty buoy to dive into the water and retrieve a sensor that
00:31somehow got tangled up in fishing nets.
00:34Strange things are also happening in Canada.
00:36Leon, a young whale researcher is called to Vancouver's city beach where a giant killer
00:42whale washed up a couple of hours ago.
00:44After examining the animal he heads to the fishing dock to find out who among the poachers
00:49caused serious cuts to the killer whale.
00:51An old fisherman takes Leon to his boat and shows him the bitten side of the vessel which
00:56was used to try and overturn the killer whale.
00:58Leon doesn't believe this story but the man is sure that the fisherman wouldn't lie to
01:02him and that they had to destroy the whale to save themselves.
01:06Charlie and her new friend launch a repaired sensor into the ocean tasked with tracking
01:10marine animal population.
01:12They notice methane ice fragments around the boat which often rise to the surface but today
01:17there are too many of them.
01:19Leon finally hears the whales and learns that they have been seen in various locations along
01:23the coast.
01:24Before heading out to sea he calls his girlfriend Lizzie who is already taking tourists on her
01:28boat to see killer whales in the wild.
01:31A giant whale appears next to Leon's boat.
01:34After freezing for a couple of minutes the giant disappears underwater but a whole pod
01:38of orcas takes its place.
01:40Lizzie takes the tourists onto the deck and everyone watches in awe as the whales appear.
01:45The humpback giant also appears next to the ship and the tourists are able to see it up
01:51The strange behavior of the whale pleases everyone except Leon who tries to warn his
01:55friend but is too late.
01:57The next trick of the whale hits the middle of the boat.
01:59Leon arrives at the scene of the accident and tries to save those who survived the hit
02:04but now a pod of orcas is hunting for the tourists.
02:07Leon is unable to save Lizzie.
02:09The action shifts to a French restaurant.
02:11After gathering fresh seafood at the market the chef plans to prepare lobsters but one
02:16of them shoots an unknown liquid into the man's face.
02:19After wiping his face the chef continues working but by evening he and two other cooks
02:24begin to feel ill.
02:26The chef passes away that same evening and the two young cooks are taken to the ICU waiting
02:31for the test results to determine what happened.
02:34At the same time a Norwegian ship in the sea lowers a camera to study an unusual phenomenon
02:40an invasion of ice worms.
02:41A few specimens are brought to the surface for study and the scientist finds a new peculiarity.
02:47These creatures have jaws and reproduce several times faster.
02:51A commission is formed and everyone agrees that they have discovered a new species of
02:55worms and bacteria.
02:57Leon talks to the owner of a fishing boat who was also a witness to the humpback whales
03:02attacking other boats the day before.
03:04In addition Leon is shown another anomaly.
03:07The bottom of the ship that returned from the sea is covered with a thick layer of mollusks
03:12which has never been seen before.
03:14A group of scientists launches a sampler onto the seafloor to check the soil where
03:18worms were found but due to a methane leak an explosion occurs.
03:22The ship manages to survive but the team is greatly frightened.
03:26The scientists are not only scared of the mistake during the operation but also the
03:30results of the test.
03:31In addition to the worms on the seafloor there are bacteria that eat ice and can reach the
03:36very bottom.
03:37Jess records a video message to Charlie when something strange suddenly happens and alarming
03:43readings appear on the monitors.
03:44The water under the ship starts boiling and something pulls it down into the depths.
03:49The action shifts to Venice.
03:51A young man in love reads poetry on a bridge when suddenly the book falls from his hands
03:56and ends up in the canal.
03:58The couple immediately forgets about the poetry book because before their eyes is an even
04:02stranger sight.
04:04Thousands of giant jellyfish rise to the surface.
04:07Analysis of the bacteria from the infected chef reveals a new strain that feeds on blood
04:13It turns out that several more people have died after visiting the restaurant on the
04:18Leon requests permission to perform an autopsy on the killer whale to find out how pollution
04:23affects whales and whether this could be related to changes in the behavior of these giants.
04:28There is nothing inside the whale that could scare the experts but Leon finds an unknown
04:33substance in its brain which is sent for analysis.
04:36Another victim of infection appears, a young man from a car wash.
04:40By putting together all the events the scientists understand that the bacteria spread from the
04:44restaurant through the water supply system.
04:46Leon is informed of new cases of whale attacks.
04:50Looking at the map the guy finds a pattern.
04:52All the changes occur with the whales during migration.
04:55To verify his suspicions the guy sails to the place where the whales are resting during
04:59their sleep.
05:00The dive almost ends in tragedy but Leon manages to install a camera on one of the whales and
05:05get out.
05:06The killer finds out that the Japanese have also found the worms but they are not in a
05:10hurry to report it to the world.
05:13Recordings from the cameras are checked in two laboratories at once.
05:16Leon's footage shows that the whale pod descended to the very bottom where they were met with
05:21strange glowing.
05:23Far from the events a new incident occurs on the coast.
05:26Hordes of crabs crawl out onto the streets of a small village.
05:30Another shot of the seabed finally lifts the veil of mystery.
05:33It turns out that one of the oil and gas companies was drilling ice in a forbidden
05:37place and damaged the seabed for several kilometers.
05:40Leon has to sneak through a fence to get to the guarded port area to collect a few more
05:45mussels for analysis from the ship but he is caught by security and arrested.
05:49In the morning Mr. Sato, the Japanese owner of the ship contacts Leon.
05:54He asks the guy not to trespass on his territory in this way again but promises to provide
05:59access to all materials for study.
06:01Charlie only now receives the message recorded by Jess a few minutes before the tragedy.
06:06When the emotions subside the girl manages to notice some peculiarities on the recording.
06:11For example a glow behind a porthole.
06:13Crabs are being delivered to the laboratory which have started to emerge on the surface
06:17in different parts of the world.
06:19As expected they too are filled with a strange substance that absorbs blood cells at an incredible
06:25Charlie is reviewing the video repeatedly not understanding what else is wrong with
06:30The girl's hearing catches a sound that is very similar to the sound from the deep
06:34sea recording.
06:35The girl contacts the laboratory and shows them a part of the recording that caught her
06:41But her stern boss Katarina rejects all the scientists' ideas considering the sound
06:46on different recordings to be just random noise.
06:49She orders Charlie to finish up the work and shut down the station for the winter without
06:53coming up with incredible theories.
06:55But after cooling down and carefully considering Charlie's words Katarina still decides to
07:00test this hypothesis.
07:02And a helicopter with a group of scientists and a deep water device arrives on the island.
07:07The device is delivered to the island by Sigur and after handing it over to Charlie he's
07:12about to leave.
07:13But at the same time emergency messages come to the scientists on the mainland.
07:17They are only able to reach Sigur and inform him that a terrifying tsunami is approaching
07:22the coast.
07:23Those who see it with their own eyes realize that there is no chance of survival.
07:27Sigur manages to warn Charlie and they leave.
07:30At the conference scientists give a report that the discovered bacteria intentionally
07:34infect humans and soon everyone will have to flee far away from water sources.
07:39Leon tries to warn his fisherman friends about this but none of them are ready to live on
07:43land, choosing to die in their familiar environment.
07:46Rahim meets Leon at the institute to participate in a scientific conference.
07:51The best minds gather to discuss what is happening and most agree that there is some
07:55force at work that wants to drive people out of the ocean.
07:59Only Katarina is against everyone else.
08:01She refuses to abandon the knowledge and convictions gained through years of experience so she
08:05orders the group to seek a logical explanation based on science.
08:10Despite objections from their mentor, the group of scientists presents their theory
08:14to the public, convincing the government that marine inhabitants infected with bacteria
08:19are intentionally attacking humans.
08:21They even give the new intelligence a name, the Ur.
08:24However, such a version only elicits irony from top officials who also suggest finding
08:29more scientific solutions to the problem than negotiating with an unknown intelligence.
08:35Astrophysicist Samantha Grove comes to the scientists' aid.
08:38Unlike politicians, she carefully studied the report and agrees that the strange sound
08:43on different recordings has all the characteristics of an unfamiliar world language.
08:48In addition, her team managed to capture the exact same signal from Antarctica.
08:53Another influential person, Japanese Mifuno, also believes in Sigur's theory and agrees
08:58to finance his venture, hoping it will help to save the world.
09:02Sigur assembles the team and informs them of the start of the mission.
09:06He suggests everyone think carefully and assess the risks and those willing to go all the
09:10way will be waiting for an expedition to the Arctic in 48 hours.
09:15The scientists go home to say goodbye to their loved ones and warn them of their departure.
09:19The relatives of many try to persuade them to stay, but everyone understands that this
09:24is their last chance to fix something.
09:26According to scientists' calculations, the largest accumulation of intelligent bacteria
09:30is located in one of the valleys in Antarctica, where they could have lived for millions of
09:35years prior.
09:36The company is preparing to establish contact, and everyone is playing their role while giving
09:41interviews to a young journalist.
09:43Finally, the equipment on the ship starts buzzing with interference, and the scientists
09:47prepare to capture a signal from the mysterious organism.
09:51Sarah, Mifuno's assistant, sits down next to Leon at the table and confesses to him
09:56that she would have never believed in their theory if it weren't for her boss, who has
10:00proven over many years that his intuition never fails.
10:03Samantha is devising a plan.
10:05She intends to add a sound of a human child's scream to the organism's audio signal and
10:10return the recording to the intelligence to show that they are ready to communicate.
10:14Charlie asks a colleague to take her with him in the diving apparatus to the bottom.
10:19The ship drops anchor and the scientists begin transmitting the sound message.
10:23Meanwhile, the daring couple gets into the capsule and prepares to dive to the depth.
10:28The whole team is eagerly awaiting any reaction, and finally movement appears on the radar
10:33and the sensors pick up a sound signal.
10:36The team from the capsule tries to contact the captain's bridge to report that there
10:40fans are malfunctioning and they are running out of oxygen, but communication is not working.
10:45The chief pilot, Luther, is ready to return, but Charlie notices a movement and turns off
10:50the lights, waiting to see what happens next.
10:52On the ship, they also notice something approaching.
10:55Sigur insists that the captain recall the submarine, but they can't reach the group.
11:00Luther doesn't want to risk anymore and he lifts the boat.
11:03On the ship, a hatch opens to receive the capsule into a special compartment.
11:08Charlie notices a strange glow appearing around them at that moment, but she doesn't
11:12tell anyone about it.
11:14Meanwhile, Samantha reports that they have managed to establish contact.
11:18The sound signal has returned and the child's cry has been altered as a sign that the bacteria
11:23understood the message from humans.
11:25Dr. Chase is looking for a way to cure those who have already been infected by the bacteria.
11:30Luther tells the journalist that he saw nothing at the depth, and everything Charlie saw was
11:35probably a figment of her imagination, just like the whole idea of intelligence.
11:39Nevertheless, Samantha tries to decipher the ERM messages to assemble them into a response
11:44signal that the intelligence will understand.
11:47While staying in the compartment with the capsule, the journalist notices a glow in
11:51the pool.
11:52The lights on the ship go out, and interference begins.
11:55When everything is restored, the captain sees the journalist's body, fallen, on the monitor.
12:00Chase tries to save the girl, and on her lips she notices a liquid resembling cerebrospinal
12:06Samantha tells the team and the captain that during the voltage surge there was a signal
12:10surge and it was so low that no one heard it.
12:13But most importantly, in the opinion of the astrophysicist, it originated from inside
12:18the ship.
12:19Charlie listens to what her colleagues are saying, but she never musters the courage
12:22to tell them that they brought the bacteria into the pool.
12:26Leon visits the girl, whose body has become covered in strange spots.
12:30The doctor asks the guy and Sarah for help.
12:32They must hold the girl while she takes a sample of the spinal fluid for analysis.
12:37The doctor tells the team about the results of the analysis.
12:40The substance previously found in marine creatures was discovered in Alicia's spinal cord.
12:45Chase believes that bacteria were attempting to merge with the girl's cells, and Charlie
12:50admits to seeing the glowing enter the ship with them.
12:53Samantha records a new message for the ER, this time including an audio image from the
12:59Charlie goes down to the sealed compartment without permission, and the pool starts glowing
13:04again, creating unusual shapes with the light.
13:07At that moment Samantha receives a response message from the entity, which also contains
13:11an image.
13:12Mr. Mifuno's helicopter lands on the ship, as he wants to be present for the opening.
13:17Sigur shows him the recording from the pool cameras and the image sent in response to
13:21Samantha's message.
13:23According to the astrophysicist, they have an image of the super ocean that's surrounded
13:27a supercontinent millions of years ago.
13:30According to the scientists, the ER reminded them that they were, are and will be on Earth
13:35much longer than humans, and all they want is for the oceans to be left alone and not
13:41But there's good news, since the entity is responding to messages, the team has a chance
13:45to negotiate and reach a ceasefire.
13:48In the meantime, Chase devises a drug that can destroy bacteria that consume blood cells.
13:53This news creates disagreement within the team.
13:56Mifuno plans to test the substance in the pool, and if it works, completely destroy
14:00the ER.
14:01Sigur disagrees with this, at least until they confirm that they cannot negotiate with
14:06the ER.
14:07Chase tries to take the middle ground, and suggests trying the drug in the pool, but
14:10not rushing to launch it into the open ocean.
14:13Everyone gathers to watch the experiment.
14:15Chase launches the drug into the water, which immediately begins to rise, emitting a terrible
14:19scream that shatters the glass.
14:21The captain is informed that nothing is working on the ship, and they are simply drifting
14:26in the waters of Antarctica.
14:27But worse, the ship is surrounded by icebergs.
14:30The vessel collides with an iceberg, but unexpectedly, a blue glow takes it somewhere else.
14:36The captain orders the engines to be started, to break free from the control of the ER.
14:40He also doesn't understand why they don't pour all the drug they have on board into
14:45the water.
14:46But Sigur tries to explain to the captain that everything that happened now is the price
14:50for his thoughtless experiment in the pool.
14:52No one in the world will manufacture enough of the substance to destroy ER worldwide.
14:58The only way out is to make a truce.
15:00While the team is deciding how to negotiate with the ER, the entity traps the ship between
15:04the icebergs.
15:05Charlie hurries to the capsule to descend and deliver Luther's body to ER as a sign
15:10of complete obedience.
15:12Once at depth, Charlie changes her plan.
15:14She injects leukocytes into her heart that can merge with ER, and opens the capsule door.
15:20The body falls under the control of ER, and the icebergs release the ship, while billions
15:24of lights envelop the girl underwater.
15:27Later, Charlie brings the ship to a deserted island.
15:30It opens its eyes and looks at the sky with glowing blue eyes.
15:34The series ends here.
15:36Please write in the comments what you think about this series.
