• yesterday
Liam Payne died by an apparent suicide ... local law enforcement in Argentina now says the fall from his third-floor hotel room was intentional.


00:00The Liam Payne death at just 31 years old,
00:03the One Direction star,
00:06this has really shaken up a lot of people around the world,
00:10obviously his loved ones, family, and friends,
00:13but also fans,
00:15millions of One Direction fans around the world.
00:17We're gonna take you through the new details
00:19that we have reported on today,
00:23but the first thing is that there is now
00:26a police official in Argentina
00:30who has told the Associated Press
00:32that Liam Payne jumped to his death,
00:34so they are now saying that it was a suicide.
00:38We reported yesterday, obviously, that it was a fall.
00:41That was the big question, Charles.
00:42Was it intentional, or was it a terrible accident?
00:45Now, they are not saying yet why they're calling it,
00:50saying that he jumped.
00:51Right, how do they know that?
00:52Right, they have not said whether
00:54that's based on witnesses,
00:55or if there was a note left in his hotel room,
00:58or a surveillance video.
00:59They're not saying that.
01:00What we do know is an interaction,
01:02the interactions that he was having with hotel staffers
01:06in the moments before his death.
01:09What we're gonna play for you now is a 911 call.
01:12It is in Spanish, but we have it translated.
01:16But the 911 call made by a hotel staffer,
01:19this was really moments before the fall.
01:24This is what they were telling police
01:26about what they'd been observing with Liam that day,
01:30on Wednesday, in the hotel.
01:54I want to,
01:55I don't know if the guest is walking,
01:58but he's in a bed that had a balcony,
02:03and we're a bit afraid of anything
02:09that could cause some misfortunes.
02:11How long has he been here?
02:12Is it a house hotel?
02:14No, it's been here for two or three days.
02:16Wow, chilling to hear this hotel staffer
02:20referring to the balcony.
02:22totally Charles and that he was that worried that he was that concerned that
02:26something terrible could happen it paints a picture just how just how
02:30hectic and out-of-control things seemed inside that room yeah and what you heard
02:34the heard them also referring to him breaking things in the room clearly they
02:39were hearing that and there are photos from inside the room that you can see a
02:44TV monitor smashed and other items that were broken and left right I got that I
02:50got the feeling Charles and tell me if you think I'm wrong I got the film they
02:53didn't really the manager didn't really care about the room being you know
02:55messed up they were really concerned about right I think based on what they
03:00were hearing right they'd seen around the hotel that's what was the reason
03:04that they were were so concerned and that they were even thinking about the
03:09fact that he had this the balcony why they would make the they would actually
03:14think that he was going to do something I don't know if that's based on actual
03:18conversation someone in the hotel right with him did he say something to
03:22somebody it's a pretty drastic fact that they that they were that concerned and
03:26then that is apparently that is what happened according to police is really
03:31chilling and you know we again we don't know what led up to that what we do know
03:37is what some fans witnesses saw with Liam in the hotel lobby before he went
03:43up to his room and it does seem in line with him being upset that he would be
03:47breaking things right in the in his room yeah we had spoke to witnesses who told
03:52us he was breaking a laptop in the lobby that he was being very erratic and it
03:58just kind of painted a picture of like kind of a breakdown and like you guys
04:02had mentioned you know in this 911 call that we obtained the person did say that
04:08they believed he was under the influence and now we know that toxicology is
04:13pending a Buenos Aires police official spoke to the AP kind of like we also
04:18mentioned earlier as well and they say that the toxicology is pending so it'll
04:22be interesting to see you know what was in that when we get that back right but
04:27you know the autopsy is completed but as it is typical that it takes sometimes
04:31several weeks before they get the results of the toxicology to know what
04:35if anything was in his blood that's obviously incredibly important here
04:38right you know the the turn to this anger whatever it was that was upsetting
04:44him yesterday in the lobby is a stark difference from interactions that he was
04:49having with fans while he was down there with his girlfriend Kate Cassidy for a
04:54couple of weeks and we've seen videos of him you saw they're taking photos with
05:00fans there was one in particular that a fan posted we want to play this for you
05:04we don't know exactly the date that this happened but sometime recently while he
05:09was down there it's just interesting to hear what this fan was saying to him and
05:14heartbreaking to hear what the fan says yeah check this out
05:20thank you
05:29as you can see the fan right got up tattoos matching right how big of a fan
05:36you'd have to be of somebody to do that and and Liam I thought was so incredibly
05:39gracious to give that guy a hug just hear how important he is I mean the fan
05:43says to him he says you saved my life yeah it's so so heartbreaking and by the
05:48way a lot of people were wondering if his girlfriend Kate Cassidy was with him
05:52when all of this was happening and we've learned that she actually left just days
05:57before this horrible tragedy happened she actually posted a video leaving
06:02Argentina basically saying that she had only expected to be in Argentina for
06:07five days but ended up being there for a couple weeks and she joked about Liam in
06:12the in the video saying like oh you got my headrest I gotta buy a new one for
06:17the plane but yeah she was not there when all this had transpired and I'm
06:21sure she's feeling heartbroken absolutely heartbroken right she was
06:25back in Florida and there was something that happened yesterday that I think was
06:30confusing to a lot of fans around the time that we confirmed that that he had
06:34died there were posts going up on his social media posts that showed him with
06:40Kate obviously we now know Kate had actually gone home at that point so
06:45people were wondering like how are we seeing these images with the two of them
06:50together in in Argentina yet he is dead those it seems that those were scheduled
06:58posts right set it up beforehand right but it certainly was confusing and and
07:04upsetting I think the fans also to see that the fan reaction by the way has
07:08been intense there at the hotel in Buenos Aires there were vigils going on
07:14all night as fans gathered there trying to help each other through their grief
07:20at finding out that that Liam Payne at just 31 had died at this hotel yeah the
07:26tributes are coming in from all over the world and from a lot of very people you
07:29might not have expected Paris Hilton posted about it Ty Dolla $ign Zed who'd
07:33worked with him Rita Ora who did a song for you with him was performing in Japan
07:37and she tried to actually sing that song and then realized early on she couldn't
07:41Eric we have we have this this clip of Rita when she's on stage as you said
07:45trying to do the song that she done with Liam Payne
08:11and even do it very emotional yeah I haven't heard from any of the members of
08:22One Direction yet I'm sure they are working on a statement together and
08:25they're probably in shock like everyone but we have heard from some of their
08:27family Niall Horan's brother posted that he thought you know Liam was a good
08:31replacement for him as a brother in Niall's life and also Harry Styles's
08:35mother just posted a broken heart emoji and just said just a boy so people all
08:39around the world are just in shock and devastated yeah you know of course that
08:43everyone knows One Direction formed on X Factor with Simon Cowell 2010 and it's
08:49interesting Simon yesterday when the news broke was in the middle of a taping
08:54for Britain's Got Talent and was clearly distraught by this and actually they
09:00canceled the the taping for Britain's Got Talent so that everyone could have
09:06some time to react to this news and to begin mourning so we will see when the
09:13the band members actually release their statement when they start to obviously
09:17everyone's still just dealing with the fact that this happened yeah before they
09:22can actually say anything but Liam Payne dead at 31 just an incredible loss for
09:28the the industry and for his loved ones hi my name is Alyssa Diggs and I'm from
09:33Savannah Georgia and I just find the entire situation to be absolutely
09:37heartbreaking he was so young and he was such a talented artist and to be gone at
09:41only 31 it's just unimaginable and then to pass in such a horrific way I know he
09:47may have been going through some things and he seems to may have been a troubled
09:49young man but my heart just goes out to his loved ones and anyone who's had the
09:53pleasure of working with him because he's touched millions of lives people
09:56all over the world are being affected by his passing yes absolutely
10:01all said and deal
