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El Ángel de Aurora Capitulo 58 Completo HD
El Ángel de Aurora Capitulo 59 Completo HD
El Ángel de Aurora Capitulo 60 Completo HD
El Ángel de Aurora Capitulo 58 Completo HD
00:00And with that, we'll be right back.
00:36Y ahora que ya tienes la información
00:38que tanto necesitabas,
00:40yo voy a estar esperando a ver en qué me beneficia a mí.
00:45Pero por el momento...
00:46¿Por qué nunca me dijiste nada de eso, Teté?
00:49Si no es porque veo el apellido de Edgar,
00:51jamás me hubiera imaginado.
00:53No seas ridícula, Patricia.
00:55¿Tú crees que esto es un drama
00:57del que estabas acostumbrada en tus telenovelas?
01:00¿Cómo por qué podría interesarme a mí
01:02de que mi hijo tuviese una media hermana?
01:04Mira, Pina.
01:05No me llamo Pina.
01:06Ay, bueno, Teté.
01:09Sí sabes que a Edgar no le conviene
01:12que la gente sepa su parentesco contigo, ¿no?
01:16Imagínate que Demián y Isabel
01:19se enteraran de que el asistente
01:21del presidente del corporativo Campero
01:23es hijo de una...
01:24Ay, Patricia.
01:28Estás atrasada en noticias.
01:30¿Quién crees que le hace los mandados
01:32y los encargos a Demián?
01:34Sabe perfectamente que soy la madre de Edgar.
01:38Mira qué liberado resultó Demián.
01:41Bueno, estoy segura de que no sabes
01:43de que Demián casi se casa con Briana.
01:45Demián está comprometido con Elena Morrita.
01:47Estás muy atrasada en noticias, fíjate.
01:50Ya rompieron su compromiso.
01:52Y Briana está muy bien posicionada.
01:55Pues yo creo que te gustaría tener
01:57algo mejor para tu hijo.
02:00¿Tú quieres algo?
02:03A ver, ¿qué necesitas?
02:06Que me ayudes a darle un escarmiento
02:08a una persona que me ha hecho mucho daño.
02:11Déjame adivinar quién es.
02:13La señora Campero.
02:14No, no, ella no.
02:16Es un hombre.
02:17Bueno, un imbécil que me ha pretendido
02:20que no se está casado.
02:22Y solamente quiero que le des un pequeño susto.
02:27No, no, es que yo soy a la que más miedo le da
02:29que Jess se dé cuenta que le falta un documento.
02:31Nadie entra tanto a su oficina como yo.
02:34Cass, por eso tenemos que armar otro plan
02:35para volver a entrar.
02:37Les prometo que voy a hallar una forma de lograrlo.
02:42Gracias, Cass.
02:50Chale, qué bonito.
02:53¿Qué tranza, Lázara, tienes hambre?
02:58Te amará, ¿eh?
02:59Cuida la casa, mami, ¿eh?
03:01Ahorita regreso.
03:04Ahorita regreso.
03:12¿Qué hubo, les borrito?
03:15Nos volvemos a encontrar.
03:22Me urge cambiarme de ropa porque al lugar que vamos a ir
03:25así no podemos ir.
03:28Ay, hasta que los veo felices, enamorados, contentos.
03:32Ven, dormir juntos ayuda para sus respectivos traumas, ¿no?
03:40Estar con tu hermana me ha ayudado.
03:43Y hoy estamos más unidos que nunca.
03:47Nos acabamos de casar.
03:56Buenas tardes.
03:57Hola, ¿qué tal? Caballero, bienvenido.
03:59¿Cuál es su nombre?
04:00Antonio Murrieta.
04:02No tengo equipaje, pero tengo reservación.
04:04Sí, sin problema, ahorita lo busco.
04:09Diana, hija.
04:12Hola, mi amor.
04:14¿Dónde está Elena? Necesito hablar con ella.
04:26Una gaviota de plata se descuelga del ocaso.
04:30A veces una vela, altas, altas estrellas.
04:38O la cruz negra de un barco, solo.
04:42A veces amanezco y hasta mi alma está húmeda.
04:46Suena, resuena el mar lejano.
04:50Este es un puerto.
04:53Aquí te amo.
04:57Dicen que no hay peor desgracia para un padre que enterrar a un hijo.
05:01Hoy, con este dolor, no paro de pensar que hubiera preferido ser yo el que se fue.
05:08No digas eso, por favor.
05:11Papá, tú fuiste el único que me entendió de verdad.
05:15Yo no sabía cuánto te necesité de verdad hasta que volví a verte.
05:20Pero la vida no me permitió despedirme de ti.
05:24Te pido perdón.
05:26Pido perdón por no ser un mejor hijo, por no cuidarte más,
05:31por no llegar a tiempo para decirte que no te fueras.
05:36Y es que sin ti mi vida está incompleta.
05:40Ningún hijo tendría que despedirse de un padre en una urna.
05:48Adiós, papá.
05:57¿Le faltó tiempo para estar con él para que se sintiera orgulloso de mí?
06:03Él ya estaba orgulloso de ti.
06:06Siempre supo que eras un gran hombre.
06:09Fuerte, capaz, inteligente.
06:13Tu visión ha hecho crecer a la empresa, Demian,
06:16y todos se sienten muy protegidos por ti.
06:20¿De verdad crees eso de mí, Elena?
06:22¿O solamente cuando éramos novios?
06:25No, lo sigo pensando, Demian.
06:29De cuando recuerdo todo lo que hemos pasado juntos,
06:32entiendo que lo único que has hecho es cuidarme.
06:39Yo sé que te puedo cuidar a ti, Elena.
06:41Te puedo cuidar.
06:47Yo sé que te puedo cuidar a ti, Elena.
06:49Te puedo cuidar toda la vida, si tú me lo permites.
07:04Me gustaría decirles que la vida no se acaba cuando me vaya.
07:10Porque cada vez que vengan a este lugar
07:13escucharán mi voz junto a las olas del mar.
07:19Hijo, mi ángel,
07:25hay algo que te quiero decir.
07:29Ojalá puedas perdonarme algún día
07:33por no haber sido la madre que Diosito quería para ti.
08:03Mira, morrito.
08:05Yo, como dice la canción, ya lo pasado, pasado.
08:08Para mí ya no hay bronca entre tú y yo.
08:11Y yo vengo en son de paz.
08:13¿Ah, sí?
08:14¿Y como por qué te voy a creer
08:16si te encanta dar puñaladas por la espalda?
08:20El diablo vendiendo estampitas.
08:24El traidor eres tú, mi morro.
08:27Me robaste mi lana y me dejaste en la vilchilla.
08:30¿Y si me fui del barrio?
08:33Nada más es porque Waui y el Bumpy me pueden meter en problemas.
08:37A ver, bueno, ya.
08:38Déjate de rollos, Pintas.
08:41¿Qué quieres?
08:43Para que veas que no hay fijón,
08:45te traigo un bise.
08:49Dinero llama dinero.
08:52Y al Pintas le está regresando el varo, morrito.
08:58Vamos a hacer negocio
09:00ahora que ya eres un amoroso padre de familia.
09:09No entiendo por qué te urge tanto ver a Elena.
09:12Porque tengo que preguntarle algo.
09:14O sea, ¿veniste hasta Acapulco para preguntarle algo?
09:17¿No le podías hablar por teléfono?
09:21No, no, esto es importante.
09:24¿O la veniste a vigilar para que no vea a Ángel?
09:27No, claro que no.
09:29Yo ya no quiero controlar más la vida de Elena.
09:31Por cierto, ¿dónde están Ángel y su familia?
09:33Se quedaron en la playa.
09:34Yo ya me quería bañar y descansar.
09:38La verdad es que el viaje en autobús fue mucho para mí.
09:42¿Y las cenizas de Fabricio las esparcieron?
09:45Seguro sí.
09:47Antonio, dime la verdad.
09:49¿A qué viniste?
09:56No puedo creer que una mujer así de hermosa sea mi esposa.
10:01Pues es que tienes mucha suerte, mi amor.
10:04Oye, mi vida, ya sé dónde quiero ir.
10:06¿A una playa desierta en una isla perdida en la mitad del mar?
10:10¿O a una cabaña en un bosque lejano?
10:13Eh, no.
10:14No, no, mi amor.
10:15Es un lugar al que siempre he querido ir.
10:18Y tiene todo para una padeja que quiere festejar.
10:22Pero, mi vida, te tienes que cambiar de ropa.
10:24Así no puedes ir.
10:26¡Que vivan los novios!
10:29¿Ya se van de luna de miel?
10:31Bueno, pues no es una luna de miel como tal.
10:35Quiero ir a Xochimilco.
10:44¿En serio?
10:47Ay, Aurora, ya.
10:48No seas ridícula, por el amor de Dios.
10:51Cúmprate un...
10:53Cúmprate un boleto a Grecia, no sé.
10:56Ya déjate las estupideces, hermano.
11:00Donde tú quieras, mi amor.
11:02Ahí vamos.
11:03Ay, perdón, pero es que...
11:06No, bueno, qué bueno que encontraste por fin alguien que...
11:10Que soporta tus gustos extraños.
11:14Sí, no, pues no como Antonio, que...
11:17¿Ya lo sabe?
11:20¿Qué le han dicho?
11:23Como ir a tomar la noticia.
11:28¿Qué, pues, mi pinta?
11:30¿Viste al morro?
11:33Aguanten las carnitas y no se coman las tostadas,
11:36que se les quita el hambre.
11:38Sí, lo vi.
11:39Lo que importa es que vuelva a confiar en mí
11:41y que no ande abriendo la boca,
11:44especialmente con el ángel ese.
11:46¿De qué hablas?
11:48Ya se enterarán de eso.
11:50Pero según lo que me dijo el morro,
11:52anda detrás de la mamá del Rolas.
11:54No entiendo ni más.
11:56No sabemos qué traza con él y con sus negocios.
11:59Nos la va a pagar.
12:00Sí, por su culpa no pudimos con el encargo
12:02de echarnos al ángel.
12:03Perdimos lana.
12:04Y ahora resulta que los que tenemos que huir
12:06somos nosotros, no manches.
12:08Les estoy diciendo que la cosa es calmada.
12:13Ese pobre diablo
12:16ya es carne de presidio.
12:21¿Cómo te sientes?
12:25A pesar de todo, creo que estoy en paz.
12:29Elena, te agradezco mucho por que estés aquí.
12:33¿A qué hora quieres regresar?
12:38Elena, nos vamos a quedar aquí navegando por días.
12:42Y es que ya me di cuenta.
12:44Estar flotando en el mar a tu lado
12:46es lo que yo necesito para estar en calma.
12:50Yo siento lo mismo.
12:53Las preocupaciones se quedan en tierra firme.
12:56Y nos quedamos con la gente que de verdad importa, ¿no?
13:02Elena, yo quisiera convertir este día
13:06que ha sido muy triste en el día más feliz.
13:11Acompáñanos, vamos arriba.
13:22¿Qué es esto?
13:25Esto es una sorpresa. Es para ti.
13:28¡Ay, qué increíble!
13:33Oye, ¿me perdonas?
13:37Por mi comentario sobre Antonio.
13:41Fue una bromita.
13:43Y sí me gustaría que estén alerta,
13:45porque ya ves que le encanta meterse
13:47entre Julio César y tú.
13:50Pues sí.
13:51Gracias por tu preocupación, Isabel.
13:54¿Y no tienes otras cosas
13:56por las cuales estar más preocupada como tu hijo?
13:59Lo debiste haber acompañado a dejar las cenizas de su papá.
14:04Mi hijo está perfectamente bien.
14:07Él iba a la playa con Elena para volver a conquistarla.
14:10Yo no tenía nada que hacer ahí.
14:12Tu hijo está sufriendo.
14:14Necesita el apoyo de su mamá.
14:16Lo que necesitaba era deshacerse del estorbo de su papá.
14:20Ahora ya no tiene a nadie encima,
14:22haciéndose la víctima e impidiendo su felicidad.
14:27Estoy listo. ¿Nos vamos?
14:29¡Ay, qué guapo!
14:31Sí, mi amor.
14:32Vámonos. Vámonos, vámonos.
14:34Julio César, dile algo a tu esposa.
14:36Que se controle.
14:37Porque se pone muy insolente.
14:41Ella no necesita que nadie la controle.
14:44Entonces no sabes en lo que te metiste.
14:48Ay, es bromita.
14:49Adiós, Isabel.
14:51Ya, váyanse.
14:52Ah, pero antes de que se me olvide.
14:55Si no han decidido dónde van a vivir,
14:58quiero que sepan que en esta casa son bienvenidos.
15:02Y si quieres te puedes traer a tu hijo.
15:05No sé.
15:07Ay, vamos, vámonos, vámonos, vámonos.
15:19Qué bonito lugar, hijo.
15:21Gracias por traerme.
15:23No me des las gracias.
15:25La mamá le voy a pedir un favor.
15:28No vuelva a decir que usted no es la mamá que merezco.
15:32Al contrario.
15:34Yo soy el que...
15:35Pues no está a la altura de una mamá como usted.
15:41Gracias por todo lo que han hecho por mí.
15:44Se han partido el lomo todos los días de su vida
15:46para que no me falte nada.
15:49Me han dado todo.
15:51Y ahora yo quiero regresarle un poquito a usted.
15:55Ay, mi hijo.
15:58Mi hijo.
16:00Mi ángel.
16:01Ay, mamá.
16:03Dios y San Juditas
16:07me hicieron el milagro de traerte a mis brazos.
16:12Y ahora
16:14otra vez pido un milagro
16:16para seguir vivas.
16:19Yo le doy muchas gracias por que esté aquí en nuestro abrazo.
16:24Pasa que Arias y Nuestra Ma
16:26la amo.
16:27La amo tanto.
16:28Y yo a ti, Angela.
16:31Con todo mi alma.
16:48La presidenta quiere dar resultados en los primeros 100 días.
16:51Aquí debatimos los diferentes puntos de vista.
16:53Habrá que ceñirse a los hechos.
16:55Temas de interés común con diversas posturas.
16:58El problema principal es Interlink.
17:00Tercer grado.
17:01Miércoles al terminar en punto con Enrique Acevedo.
17:05Con las estrellas.
17:16No puedo creer.
17:18¡Es el Chavo!
17:19¡Soy tu fan!
17:21Porque sabemos hacerte reír.
17:23Estreno en las estrellas este miércoles.
17:25Y disponible en VX.
17:27Cuando das todo por los demás.
17:29Arriesgas tu vida para salvar a los demás.
17:32No revelas tu identidad.
17:33Si no eres un superhéroe, no sé qué sea.
17:35Pero no puedes hacer más por los demás.
17:37Tú eres justa.
17:38Tú la puedes encontrar.
17:39Tú lo puedes todo, ¿no?
17:40El dolor solo puede afrontarse.
17:42Si te llega a pasar algo, me muero.
17:44Sin miedo a la verdad.
17:45Este sábado 11 de la noche.
17:47Pase lo que pase.
17:48¿Qué es este video?
17:49¿Por qué Rodrigo hizo eso, mamá?
17:51¡Estamos hablando de un asesinato!
17:53Mi amor, hablé con Martín y me explicó que no va a poder.
17:55No te vuelvas a acercar a mi hijo.
17:56Todo encuentra su lugar.
17:58¿Damele me va a denunciar?
17:59Damele con mi corazón roto puede hacer cualquier cosa.
18:01Quiero que seas mi novia.
18:03El precio de amarte.
18:04Últimas semanas.
18:059.30 de la noche.
18:07El Dicho.
18:08No es solo un menú y café.
18:09Son historias de vida que te ayudarán a obrar de buena fe.
18:13Tu vida es un desastre porque tú así lo decidiste.
18:17Entonces las cosas ya están muy claras contigo.
18:19Sigue adelante, pero no sigas quejándote.
18:21Te juro que te voy a ayudar.
18:23Como dice el Dicho.
18:24Historias que conectan contigo.
18:44Por las estrellas.
18:47Mi amor.
18:48¿Ya comprobaste que soy el papá de tu bebé?
18:51Si te interpones entre Federico y yo, vas a tener que atenerte a las consecuencias.
18:56Mi amor siempre le perteneció a Renata.
18:58Te vas a arrepentir, Federico.
19:01¡Renata, no!
19:04¡Es una asesina!
19:05Lunes a viernes, 6.30 de la tarde.
19:07Ella no necesita que la presente.
19:09Yo soy Leonor San José.
19:10Por las buenas es despiadada.
19:12La San José no nos dejamos caer tan fácilmente.
19:15Y por las malas es una auténtica villana.
19:17Hace 30 años le perdoné la vida, pero ten por seguro que esta vez no me detendré.
19:22Conócela en Amor Amargo. Inicia 4 de noviembre, 6.30 de la tarde.
19:36¡Es él!
19:37No puedo creer.
19:38¡Es el Chavo!
19:39¡Soy tu fan!
19:41Porque sabemos hacerte reír.
19:43Estreno en las estrellas este miércoles y disponible en VIX.
20:11El análisis para entender qué hay detrás de cada acontecimiento en México y en el mundo.
20:17Con todo el entretenimiento, el deporte y el clima.
20:21Despierta, un noticiero de NMAS.
20:23Lunes a viernes, 7 a 9 de la mañana, con las estrellas.
20:27El Centro de Educación Artística te invita a la Convocatoria Juvenil 2024.
20:45Busca las bases en lasestrellas.tv.te
20:51Te esperamos. Esta es tu oportunidad.
20:55Televisa Univision
20:58Estos invitados convertirán la vecindad en una pachanga.
21:01¡Ya llegó la fiesta!
21:03Total, ¿qué puede pasar?
21:06¿Les aguantarán el paso?
21:07¿A poco hoy también quieren que haya fiesta?
21:09Hasta que este cuerpo aguante, papá.
21:12En Bola de Loco sabemos hacerte reír.
21:15Viernes al terminar el noti.
21:17Dicen que el trabajo forma el carácter.
21:20Pedro me dijo que don Arturo es costurero.
21:22Desastre y diseñador de modas.
21:24Ahora sí tengo trabajo.
21:26Hombre, ¿me crees que esto de la chamba es agotador?
21:28¿Cuánto pretendes cobrarme?
21:30Eh, dos mil cien.
21:31¿Te doy cien?
21:32¿Va a querer factura?
21:33En Vecinos sabemos hacerte reír.
21:35Este domingo, 5.30 de la tarde.
21:37Cuando das todo por los demás.
21:39Arriesgas tu vida para salvar a los demás.
21:42No revelas tu identidad.
21:43Si no eres un superhéroe, no sé qué sea.
21:45Pero no puedes hacer más por los demás.
21:47Tú eres tú. Tú la puedes encontrar. Tú lo puedes todo, ¿no?
21:50El dolor solo puede afrontarse.
21:52Y te llegará a pasar algo mejor.
21:54Sin miedo a la verdad.
21:56Este sábado, 11 de la noche.
21:58¿Quién es la señora García?
22:00Ella es nuestra mamá.
22:02Y solo quiere lo mejor para nosotras.
22:05Sí, a su manera.
22:08Mira el tamaño de esa mansión.
22:10¿Hasta dónde llegarías por el amor a tus hijas?
22:13Las hijas de la señora García.
22:15Inicia 11 de noviembre, 9.30 de la noche.
22:18Mi amor.
22:19¿Ya comprobaste que soy el papá de tu bebé?
22:22Si te interpones entre Federico y yo,
22:24vas a tener que atenerte a las consecuencias.
22:27Mi amor siempre le perteneció a Renata.
22:29Te vas a arrepentir, Federico.
22:32¡Renata, no!
22:34¡Eres una asesina!
22:36Lunes a viernes, 6.30 de la tarde.
22:38La suerte volverá a sonreírles.
22:40¡Volvió a ganar!
22:41¿En serio? ¿Ganó la lotería, soy grito?
22:43Menos al compañito.
22:45Tú te lo pierdes.
22:47Ay, pero pues no era un no, no, así no, no, así que digamos, uy.
22:50No, no, no, no, este chamaco no es mío.
22:52En Chócalas con Paquito, sabemos hacerte reír.
22:55Este domingo, 7.30 de la noche.
22:57Parece que Rafael va mejorando.
22:59¡Mi primera venta!
23:01Pero su jefa es exigente.
23:03Medina no se confía porque vendió un auto porque necesitamos más.
23:06Y sus compañeros lo apoyarán.
23:08No debería de ser tan exigente con el señor Medina, es el primer 10.
23:12Hasta que el dinero no se para.
23:14Lunes a viernes a las 2.30 por las estrellas.
23:18Tenía que dejar de huir, enfrentar mis miedos para que no me lastimara.
23:22Qué triste, ¿no?
23:24Un infortunado accidente.
23:26Y no pude más.
23:27Prepárate para historias que te rasgarán el corazón junto a unas estelares mujeres asesinas.
23:33A partir del 26 de octubre, con las estrellas.
23:36Yo solo me estaba protegiendo.
23:38Finaliza tu día bien informado.
23:41Y lo más destacado del día a día.
23:44Con color, con regresos, con caras nuevas.
23:46Y sobre todo con la tarea de tener la experiencia de Javier Aguirre.
23:49Entra en Contacto Deportivo.
23:52Martes, jueves y viernes a las 11.30 de la noche.
23:56Con las estrellas.
23:58Urge a alguien que sustituya a Toña.
24:01Yo no puedo estar haciendo las labores del hogar.
24:03Entonces consigue a alguien que nos vaya a ayudar.
24:06¿Leandra, Alessandra?
24:08¿Quieres comerme?
24:10Si quieres algo de comer.
24:11¡Mira mi zanahoria, Brian!
24:13En 40 y 20, sabemos hacerte reír.
24:15Este jueves al terminar el NOTI.
24:17Su carta de presentación.
24:19Yo vine a saludarlos, a ver cómo están.
24:21No tiene comparación.
24:22¿Cómo me lo presentó el doctor?
24:23Pues ahí le hacemos lo que podemos.
24:25El sábado, Cantibia se une a los tres mosqueteros.
24:27Es mucho honor para vos.
24:29Digo, para mí.
24:30Y el domingo es el Señor Doctor.
24:32Muy bien, me parece muy bien.
24:34Por las estrellas.
24:35Y que se arranquen a la hora que quieran.
24:38Abraham impide que un delincuente asalte a Giovanna.
24:41El amor nace entre ambos hasta el día en que Giovanna
24:44comienza a demostrar su verdadera personalidad.
24:47Ella es controladora y obsesiva.
24:49Abraham se arrepentirá de haber sido aquel día
24:52el héroe.
24:54La Rosa de Guadalupe.
24:56Capítulo de Estreno.
25:11Fuiste el suspiro que entró, revolcó al corazón
25:19Y seguiste avanzando por todo mi cuerpo
25:26Y no dejas de irme
25:31Y aquí sigo pensándote
25:36No sé si voy a acostumbrarme, no
25:44Tú y yo somos de almas tan iguales
25:49Que lograron encontrarse
25:55Escribiendo un nuevo verso
26:00Y es que somos auroras en el cielo
26:05Iluminando los momentos
26:11En un mundo paralelo
26:17Sé que existe ese lugar
26:21Donde podamos
26:28De nuevo
26:35Capítulo de Estreno.
27:06Forgive me.
27:08You don't know how much I suffer being away from you.
27:12Without feeling your lips, your skin.
27:16Do you miss me so much that you're going to take my sister to Acapulco?
27:20Can she be by your side without being in danger?
27:24What are you thinking, Angel?
27:29Elena, boss, who else?
27:38Elena, you are the only person who has been there for me.
27:44In the good, in the bad and in the worst.
27:48No one has given me what you have given me.
27:52And I thank you, I thank you very much.
27:54Thank you for not letting me fall.
27:57For sharing your light with me.
28:01You are still the perfect woman for me.
28:11Demian, what is this?
28:15That ring was always yours.
28:17No one else's.
28:20Elena, do you want to marry me?
28:27You don't have to answer me now.
28:29I can wait for your answer at the end of this trip, yes?
28:33And I promise you, I will accept what you decide.
28:37Think about it.
28:51Only you heal my pain.
28:54You light my passion.
28:58Only you heal my pain.
29:02Do you want to come?
29:03No, no, thank you, no.
29:05Can I ask you a favor?
29:06Yes, of course.
29:07Don't tell them I'm here, okay?
29:09You don't want to tell me you came,
29:11nor do you want them to know what you're doing here?
29:14Why so much mystery?
29:17I already told you, honey, there's no mystery.
29:20I just want to talk to your sister.
29:22Okay, fine.
29:26Mr. Murrieta?
29:29Mr. Murrieta, your room is ready.
29:31Thank you, thank you.
29:34Aurora has already left.
29:41Mrs. Patricia, I have orders not to let her in.
29:48Let the lady in.
29:50Come in.
29:55Do you want cookies?
29:56Or are you on a diet, as always?
29:59Bring us cookies and coffee to the library.
30:01Yes, ma'am.
30:02You didn't tell me where you went, huh?
30:04I had some things to do at home, but everything is fine.
30:08Come in.
30:10Hey, you made me very worried.
30:15Do you think they want to hurt Aurora?
30:21And it's no use being married to Julio Cesar.
30:24What do you mean, married?
30:26Oh, yes, they went to the civil registry and got married.
30:28So she went out with his wife?
30:30Yes, because your plan was as useless as you.
30:33Well, maybe not.
30:37Maybe your fear that something will happen to Aurora
30:41will come true.
30:53Everything is delicious.
30:56This chef is a genius.
30:59He was working for five years in the best restaurant in Galicia.
31:07You're fooling yourself, Elena.
31:09Or is he trying to get back with you?
31:12Elena is a friend of mine and my family.
31:14She's cool and that's it.
31:16I don't know what I'm doing here.
31:21Are you okay?
31:24Sorry, I remembered someone.
31:27Would you like to share with me who?
31:30I was thinking of Angel.
31:34I was thinking of how little he fought for me.
31:38And the way he went away just because my dad asked him to.
31:43Well, we don't know if he asked for it or if they negotiated it.
31:50What could they have negotiated?
31:53Look, I don't want to accuse your dad of something I don't know, Elena.
31:59But I think it's very strange that he had money to bring his whole family,
32:04Adriana, the baby, on vacation to the beach.
32:08But you offered him a loan, didn't you?
32:10Well, yes.
32:13In theory, it was for his mother's health.
32:15Honestly, I don't understand his logic of thinking.
32:19No, he wouldn't be able to.
32:23Or would he?
32:27Do you think we should forget about it for now?
32:30What I celebrate, Elena, and what I like, is that you already know who Angel is.
32:37Oh, son!
32:38Take that face off!
32:40Enough, mom.
32:41I'm sorry.
32:42I don't want to ruin their vacation, but you know how it is with love.
32:46Do you think Elena is going to come back with Demian?
32:50God knows.
32:51They've had a fight, haven't they?
32:53At least she's with a good man who's helped us.
32:56Oh, yes.
32:58A very good person, that Demian Morga.
33:01And if not, what reason does he have to have helped us?
33:04Mom, forget about it.
33:06But why doesn't my son enjoy it?
33:08I just hope you haven't done something you might regret later.
33:13Bon appetit, family!
33:15Oh, thank you.
33:19Adriana, look what I found for you.
33:21Let's see.
33:22A conchita? Thank you very much.
33:24It's very pretty.
33:26And the other one is for us to be friends?
33:29No, it's for Elena.
33:34There's food for everyone.
33:35You can take whatever you want.
33:36It's very tasty.
33:37Do you want a taco?
33:39It's delicious.
33:41My love, Xochimilco means a field of flowers in water.
33:45I love it.
33:46I love Xochimilco.
33:47That's why I wanted to come and celebrate here with you.
33:51It's a place that's full of life, of so many colors.
33:57It reminds me of the flowers where I was born.
34:00It reminds me of the flowers where I was born.
34:03It reminds me of the flowers where I was born.
34:08It reminds me of the flowers where I was born.
34:12Do you miss it?
34:15Yes, yes, yes.
34:17I left my land with a lot of pain.
34:20I miss it with all my heart.
34:23Please, give me this one.
34:24Of course.
34:33Oh, look, I didn't even send it.
34:37This is destiny.
34:39This is destiny.
34:44Don't do that, you're scaring me.
34:46I'm sorry.
34:48It wasn't my intention.
34:54You know what?
34:56I'm glad you're here.
34:58I feel very lonely in this house.
35:01That's why I came.
35:02To keep you company.
35:08And you heard the news of the day.
35:13Your dad and Aurora got married.
35:21As you can hear.
35:23No wonder he wanted to send me abroad.
35:25He wanted to stay with his new wife.
35:28Yes, but I'm not going to let you go.
35:31I can't believe my dad is doing this to me.
35:34But it's not just your dad.
35:37It's Aurora too.
35:40She's the one who wants to separate them.
35:43She won't be able to.
35:44I separated them first.
35:51You really had a wonderful idea.
35:55We needed something simple, romantic.
35:59Now it's my turn to make our honeymoon a surprise.
36:07I love you.
36:31I wish I could always feel this peace when I'm with you.
36:35And so will my beautiful and beloved wife.
36:40I will make sure that all your sorrows and sorrows
36:44fade away.
36:46You're already doing it?
36:48I love you.
36:50I love you too.
36:52I love you too.
37:03No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
37:06Come on, come on.
37:07No, no.
37:09No, my love.
37:11I think that practice is reserved for newlyweds
37:15under 40 years old.
37:18My love, thank you for the intention,
37:20but don't blame me.
37:22It's okay.
37:23And who are these suitcases from?
37:25They're mine.
37:27I already found out that you got married.
37:31Even if you didn't believe it.
37:33I'm very happy for you.
37:35You have my blessing.
37:36And thank you for inviting me, Dad.
37:38Why are your suitcases here?
37:40Because our boy decided to come and live in this house.
37:48The new Bonafont Torchata is ready to drink.
37:51It's as good as at home and I'm sure you're going to love it.
37:54And it has the flavor that goes with everything.
37:56So try it.
37:58In those mornings that we run,
38:00my mom always gives me a Danone Kids that I love.
38:02With vitamin C and D that help strengthen my defenses.
38:05Danone, 50 years nourishing your mornings.
38:08Urge someone to replace Toña.
38:11I can't be doing the chores at home.
38:13Then get someone to help us.
38:17Leandra, Alessandra.
38:19Do you want to eat me?
38:21If you want something to eat.
38:22I want a carrot, Brian.
38:24In 40 and 20, we know how to make you laugh.
38:27This Thursday at the end of the Noti.
38:31It's like I didn't want to.
38:35It was unintentionally wanting.
38:38The last thing you lose is the belly, Mr. Esperanza.
38:42El Chavo está de vuelta.
38:44Porque sabemos hacerte reír.
38:45De lunes a viernes con las estrellas.
38:47Y disponible en VIX.
38:49They say that work shapes character.
38:51Pedro told me that Mr. Arturo is a costume designer.
38:53A fashion designer.
38:55Now I do have a job.
38:57Man, I think this job thing is exhausting.
38:59How much do you intend to charge me?
39:02I'll give you 100.
39:03Is Arturo going to want it?
39:04In Vecinos, we know how to make you laugh.
39:06This Sunday, 5.30 pm.
39:08Your business card.
39:10I came to say hello, to see how you are.
39:11There's no comparison.
39:12How did the doctor prescribe it?
39:14We do what we can.
39:15On Saturday, Cantibla joins the Three Musketeers.
39:18It's a great honor for you.
39:19I mean, for me.
39:20And on Sunday, it's Mr. Doctor.
39:22Very good.
39:23I think it's very good.
39:24For the stars.
39:26And let it start whenever you want.
39:28Whatever happens.
39:30What is this video?
39:31Why did Rodrigo do that?
39:32Mom, we're talking about a murder.
39:34Honey, I talked to Martin and he explained to me that he can't...
39:36Don't come near my son again.
39:38Everything finds its place.
39:40Are you going to report me?
39:41Tamela with a broken heart can do anything.
39:43I want you to be my girlfriend.
39:45El Precio de Amarte.
39:46Last weeks.
39:479.30 pm.
40:10On TV.
40:12We're waiting for you.
40:13This is your chance.
40:14Televisa Univision.
40:15She doesn't need to be present.
40:16I am Leonor San Jose.
40:17For the good things, she's ruthless.
40:18We don't let ourselves fall so easily.
40:19And for the bad things, she's a real villain.
40:20I forgave her life 30 years ago, but I'm sure this time I won't stop.
40:21Meet her in Amor Amargo.
40:22It starts November 4th, 6.30 pm.
40:23When you give everything for love.
40:24When you give everything for love.
40:25When you give everything for love.
40:26When you give everything for love.
40:27When you give everything for love.
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45:15When you give everything for love.
45:16When you give everything for love.
45:17When you give everything for love.
45:18When you give everything for love.
45:19When you give everything for love.
45:22Madam, splendid Ida.
45:23For God's sake, say something.
45:24Excuse me.
45:27I'm looking for my daughter Miss Elena Moretta.
45:32Has she returned?
45:33No sir.
45:34Since she left at the yacht with Mr. Morgan She hasn't returned.
45:37Thank you, thank you.
45:40What are you doing here?
45:44I have something very important to tell you.
45:48When you returned in prison
45:49I didn't know you'd be here.
45:51Yes, sorry.
45:53Can you wait for me a bit?
45:58Why are you here?
45:59Why do you insist on getting in my life all the time, Dad?
46:02Let me live.
46:03Hey, hey, hey.
46:04I'm not getting in your life, honey.
46:05I just want to talk to you.
46:07Tell you something important, please.
46:09If you want...
46:10Come with me to my room.
46:12It's something very quick.
46:13Let's go.
46:15Son, you can't move into this house in such a hurry.
46:19It's not right.
46:20Dad, Isabel told me you got married for El Civil.
46:23That means that Aurora is going to move in, right?
46:26By the way, thank you for being part of her union.
46:29Luis Alberto, this was a last-minute decision.
46:32We didn't have anything planned,
46:34and we're also going to have the religious wedding.
46:37And you're going to invite us to that?
46:40I don't know if she's available for the day of her wedding.
46:43But think of my move as a student exchange.
46:45Aurora is moving in with you, and I'm moving in with her.
46:48I understand.
46:50It's not the right way.
46:51It's not like you're moving in with a college classmate.
46:55I told him that, but your son is very stubborn.
46:59Listen, Luis Alberto.
47:01It's best if you listen to your dad and go back to him.
47:04And the truth is, we don't know where we're going to live yet.
47:08That's right.
47:09It seems like you're going to move in with me.
47:12It seems like you just want to take me to the country.
47:15What's going on is that you want to keep me tied up,
47:18without freedom.
47:19I'll do whatever you say when you say it.
47:22And you just want to manipulate him to keep him away from me.
47:26You feel like you're the owner of our lives.
47:28Okay, okay, that's enough, right?
47:32Listen, Luis Alberto.
47:33You're the one who's stuck with having your dad
47:36like this, between the sword and the wall,
47:38behaving like that.
47:40Hey, Aurora.
47:42You're not my mother for you to talk to me like that.
47:44No, I'm not.
47:46But how dare you manipulate your dad like that?
47:49All you're doing is breaking the relationship
47:52between you two more and more.
48:01I just wanted to see you.
48:03Oh, really?
48:04Don't tell me.
48:06I don't talk to you that much.
48:09I'll talk to you later.
48:10I'll leave you with your family.
48:13Mr. Demian, can I talk to you?
48:19Of course.
48:20Ms. Victoria, please tell me how I can help you.
48:23I need you to tell me the truth.
48:25Why did you get my son out of jail?
48:29What did you two do?
48:31Your dad spent two years praying
48:33for you to wake up from a coma,
48:35feeling guilty for all the misfortunes
48:37that came his way.
48:40But what?
48:41You don't care?
48:43Doesn't it hurt, Luis Alberto?
48:45Since you woke up instead of getting close to him,
48:49all you do is fight and argue with him.
48:53What's wrong with that?
48:54Look, sis, it's not because you got married
48:56to Julio César at a young age.
48:58It's because you don't know what you're talking about.
49:01You can't have a secret wedding.
49:03You can treat him like his mother.
49:06That's not right.
49:08Please, Isabel, don't meddle.
49:10All you've done is make things worse.
49:13You've tried to get a young man
49:16who's practically twice your age involved.
49:18Yes, well, Luis Alberto,
49:21what do you want out of your life?
49:23To live in this house just to sleep with a woman
49:26who's much older than you?
49:28To be with a woman older than what you call freedom?
49:31Do I have to be disrespected?
49:34Unlike you, Isabel, I don't go around with...
49:40You're going to put up with me if I say things to your face.
49:43Is it enough that you think you can insult me
49:46and that I can't say anything?
49:48You're not going to say anything, Dad.
49:50Are you going to let him talk to me like that?
49:52He's not saying anything that you shouldn't learn to understand.
49:57Luis Alberto, your bags.
50:08I'm going to walk you out.
50:12Oh, it's about a work deal.
50:17Employee, boss.
50:19No, that's not what I mean.
50:20What I want to know is why...
50:22Boss, boss, boss.
50:24We've already talked about this.
50:25Don't bother Mr. Demian.
50:27Mrs. Victoria, how about we go somewhere
50:30and talk to Solas?
50:32Come on, bro. What do you mean?
50:34You're not going to talk to the boss alone.
50:36Besides, we're not even in jail.
50:38Angel Santos, don't talk to Mr. Demian like that.
50:42He's done so much for us.
50:44Don't worry, Angel.
50:46I just want to talk about something personal.
50:51Let me talk to your mom, please.
50:55Just don't go overboard, okay?
51:00Will you come with me, ma'am?
51:01Yes, of course.
51:06Your son has to learn to deal with frustration on his own.
51:12I know you want to protect him,
51:14but don't let him manipulate you.
51:18I know.
51:22You and I need to talk.
51:33What's that? Why do you have that picture?
51:36Why do you have it?
51:37Because it's Angel when he was a kid.
51:43Are you sure this kid is Angel?
51:45Yes, that kid is Angel.
51:48Dad, are you okay? What's wrong?
51:53Did Angel give you this picture?
51:55No, his mom gave it to me.
52:01But why, Dad? What's wrong with the picture?
52:04Oh, my God. It can't be.
52:09It's Gabriel?
52:11It's Gabriel?
52:42I don't know if my son has a grudge against Elena.
52:48I got so worked up and it was just a coincidence.
52:54I'm sorry.
52:55I don't understand what my fiancée has to do with this.
53:00Your fiancée?
53:01My fiancée.
53:02So, Elena and you...
53:05Yes, I already told you.
53:08Unfortunately, Elena and I had a little fight
53:10in our relationship.
53:12But that's all.
53:13And I assure you, Mrs. Victoria,
53:15the only thing that brought us back together
53:17was our love, the chemistry,
53:18the connection that we have, she and I.
53:23Look, your dad died of a disease that is silent.
53:29A disease that is not spoken about.
53:34And it affected me a lot not being able to help him.
53:37Yes, I heard. I'm very sorry.
53:40May God have your dad in the Holy Glory.
53:45Seeing a father suffer or a mother is something...
53:48It's something hard and it's something I can't stand.
53:50And that's why, from my best intentions,
53:53I want to do everything in my power
53:54so that you are well.
53:56Young Demian, you are a good boy.
54:00I'm sure your dad will take care of you from heaven.
54:04God will pay you for everything you do for me.
54:08I appreciate it.
54:10I also want you to be very clear
54:11that I am receiving my reward in life.
54:14Because I have the fortune to help you
54:16and I also have the fortune to be by the side of the woman I love.
54:24No, it's nothing, daughter. It's nothing.
54:27Don't lie to me.
54:28No, no, no, honey.
54:29I just found this photo in the living room,
54:31under the table.
54:33It must have fallen out of my book when I left the house.
54:36But why did you bring it?
54:37Well, for nothing.
54:39Actually, honey, I'm very sorry
54:43how things have been between us lately.
54:47I haven't been able to be at peace
54:49since the hearing we had.
54:51You're lying to me.
54:52No, no, honey, I'm not lying to you.
54:55But I'm going to tell you why I'm here.
54:59I'm going to look for Angel's dad.
55:03Don't be stupid, Yesabel.
55:05You turned Luis Alberto's head on fire
55:07to make his dad angry.
55:09And you're the one who wants them to fight.
55:11No, Yesabel, that's not true.
55:13I was very calm at home, getting ready to sleep,
55:16and that kid came home with his two suitcases
55:18and he was furious
55:20because you got married behind everyone's backs.
55:23Yesabel, you're not going to ruin this day with your intrigues.
55:26But what I least want is to ruin your day.
55:28On the contrary.
55:30I'm the happiest you've been married.
55:35And that you've overcome your past traumas.
55:38I don't believe you.
55:41I don't care.
55:43What do you want me to tell you?
55:45You've already found your happiness.
55:49I'm looking for mine.
55:51And you're coincidentally looking for happiness
55:53with the son of the man I married.
55:56And you know what?
55:58I'm also a searcher for young men
56:01to fulfill my desires.
56:04I'm the businesswoman who doesn't know how to behave,
56:07who doesn't know...
56:10Is that it?
56:11Is that how you like it?
56:12Is that what you want to show me?
56:14No, you already know that.
56:18But every day I'm more convinced that you're angry with me.
56:23That you want my life to continue being a tragedy.
56:27If I wanted your life to be a tragedy...
56:31I would have already achieved it.
56:34I don't doubt it, you know.
56:37Just be careful, because you want to ruin my happiness,
56:42you're not only going to ruin your son's life.
56:49Did you come to Acapulco just to bother Mr. Pascual
56:53with another one of your absurd ideas, Dad?
56:56Do you really want to ruin their weekend?
56:58No, of course not.
57:00Mom, I mean...
57:03Yes, yes, they're conjectures.
57:05It's not worth stressing about.
57:08It's good to be here now that you're resting.
57:11Sorry, I don't know what I was thinking.
57:13Tomorrow morning I'll go back to the city.
57:16I hope you're not hiding anything from me.
57:17No, dear, of course not.
57:20And yes, it's true.
57:22The photo is an excuse to give it to you.
57:25To make peace with you.
57:29By the way, is everything okay with Demian?
57:32Did they leave Fabrizio's ashes at sea?
57:37Before you ask anything else,
57:39I want you to know that I've decided
57:42to continue my relationship with him.
57:44And I'm leaving because he's waiting for me.
57:47I'm not going to meddle anymore.
57:49In fact, I had promised you, I'm not going to meddle in your life.
57:52So, say goodbye to Demian and see you tomorrow.
57:59Yes, goodbye.
58:03The one who seeks to appease her desire to be a mother
58:06with a little boy on the street.
58:09And now with Luis Alberto.
58:12You're tired of hurting me with the same thing, aren't you?
58:17It stopped being interesting to me what you think of me.
58:21Well, it still hurts for me that you throw up
58:23in my face how terrible a mother I've been.
58:27Because at least I have,
58:28I have had the joy of being a mother.
58:32Someday I will have the joy of embracing my son.
58:35And I will tell him how much I have sought him,
58:39how much I have loved him, how much I have needed him.
58:42Because I have never stopped being a mother.
58:47Your son is dying.
58:51He is alive and he knows it.
58:54And he will always be.
58:56Because as long as I live,
58:58my son lives in me.
59:13Do you love Angel?
59:15With all my heart.
59:17I know you can make her forget Elena.
59:21I finally find you, Pascual.
59:27Don't take my son away from me, Mr. Antonio.
