• 5 days ago
Lady Waltham has a grudge against Tarzan: the late Clayton was her brother, and she wants revenge.


00:00Tell me more about Tarzan. You want to know about Tarzan? It'll cost you.
00:17What do you want to know? Is he really as savage as they say? Aye, m'lady. He's every bit as savage as the fiercest ape. It's all in the eyes. Cold-blooded and hungry like a beast.
00:35Now, when I get to the jungle, how will I recognize him? Depends. On what? Oh, for heaven's sake, on what? How will I recognize him? And on what does it depend? Depends on how many other long-haired blokes and loincloths is swinging through the trees.
01:02But be warned, m'lady. I'd take care if I was you. He's not a bloke you want to underestimate. My friend, it is Tarzan who should not underestimate me.
01:18There, all done.
01:37Ha ha! You little... Gotcha! Ha ha! Sorry about that, old chap. I should have been a bit more careful about my landing.
01:57Oh, daddy, you've been chasing that mosquito for hours. I do believe he's becoming your white whale. White whale, yes, indeed. It doesn't look like a whale. Oh, no, you misunderstand me. I was referring to Moby Dick, the whale in this book. You see, Captain Ahab loses his leg to the white whale and becomes so intent on revenge that his hatred becomes an obsession.
02:24Obsessed with hatred? Yes, and in the book, Ahab's hatred costs him his life. Incoming! Looks like daddy's obsession cost him his beakers. Oh, dear. Oh, look at this mess. Oh, he got me again. You may have won the battle, my friend, but you haven't won the war.
02:48He won the battle, father. Let's just leave it at that, shall we? Now, what do you say we go to the trading post and get you some new beakers? Splendid idea. And perhaps some calamine lotion as well? Anything else? There is one other thing. I'll need a guide on this safari. I've heard of a man named Tarzan who's perfectly suited for the job.
03:13Tarzan? A safari guide? I'm sorry, madame, Tarzan will not help you shoot animals. Monsieur, the only thing I plan to shoot animals with is this. Ah, a photographic safari, is it? Perhaps Tarzan could be persuaded to help after all. Everything you see, I built myself.
03:39It really isn't, sir. Indeed. Before I came along, there was nothing here but wild, savage jungle. Is that him?
03:54Ah, yes. I suppose you'd like to be introduced? Look out!
04:09Take this!
04:32Are you alright?
04:33Would you look at this mess? It looks like an elephant stampede came through here!
04:38Why are you always so quick to blame elephants?
04:42I call them like I see them. Good heavens!
04:46I say, is everyone alright?
04:48Not to worry. We're all quite safe. Thanks to our dashing hero. Tarzan, is it?
04:55Oh, Tarzan, my friend. Thank you once again. Ironically, Lady Waltham and I were just looking for you. Lady Waltham has travelled all the way here for a photographic safari.
05:06Oh, photography! How interesting! I'm a bit of an artist myself, you know.
05:11Really? How fascinating.
05:13She personally requested you as her guide.
05:18Tarzan is the best guide in the jungle. He'll give you an excellent tour.
05:21Oh, I know. He came highly recommended.
05:24What do you want to see?
05:26I don't know. Everything.
05:37It's... it's... so beautiful.
05:43Oh, Africa. I can see why my brother loved it so.
05:47Is something wrong?
05:49No, nothing. Nothing at all. In fact, this is all going exactly as I'd hoped.
05:56Ah, nothing like a brand new set of test tubes.
06:04Of course, you old soldiers are just as welcome to stay.
06:08You don't mean to offend...
06:10Oh, it is good to have a trunk.
06:15A peanut! Someone's a mind reader.
06:22What? A magical moving peanut? Even more delicious.
06:32Oh, it's...
06:33A magical moving peanut? Even more delicious.
06:44Why do I always get the brown ones?
06:46Aren't there any red ones left in there?
06:49Hey, who ate all the red ones?
07:03Tell me, Tarzan, living in the jungle must be quite an extraordinary experience.
07:08The adventure, the excitement, living by the brutal laws of the jungle.
07:12Brutal laws of the jungle?
07:14Hmm, you know. Survival of the fittest, an eye for an eye, that sort of thing.
07:18An eye for an eye?
07:21Revenge. Oh, you must have learned all about that from the animals.
07:28Revenge. Oh, you must have learned all about that from the animals.
07:33Animals don't understand revenge. Only humans do.
07:37Of course. And we are humans, aren't we?
07:44Tarzan, don't you think we should take a little break?
07:47It's tea time, you know.
07:49Surely Jane must have taught you all about tea.
07:51Yes. Jane likes tea.
07:53Well, naturally. She's English.
07:55I say, why don't we collect her and all take tea together?
08:08Jane, are you here?
08:13Is something wrong?
08:15Jane's gone.
08:17Yes. And I'm afraid she's in grave danger.
08:20How do you know?
08:22Because I put her there. Or rather, my valet did.
08:24He's also kidnapped the professor and your animal friends.
08:27That elephant and the gorilla.
08:29But why?
08:31An eye for an eye, Tarzan.
08:33You killed someone who was very close to me.
08:36What? I have never killed anyone.
08:39Oh, come now. Think back.
08:41Jane and the professor didn't come to Africa alone, did they?
08:53Clayton, don't!
09:03You knew Clayton?
09:05He was my brother.
09:07And you killed him.
09:13I didn't kill Clayton.
09:15It was an accident.
09:18You know, during all those wretched months following Clayton's death,
09:21my only comfort was planning your demise.
09:24Right now, somewhere out there in your lovely jungle,
09:27each member of your family is in a trap.
09:30If you hurry, you might be able to save most of them.
09:37Your fight is with me, not my family.
09:40Let them go.
09:42Oh, but the point is to make you suffer.
09:45The way I suffered.
09:46Right, well, we really should wrap up this conversation
09:49because, frankly, Tarzan,
09:51time is of the essence.
09:54Tell me where they are.
09:56Kill me and they die, too.
09:58I'll deal with you later.
10:00Oh, and one more thing.
10:02Just to make the game even more interesting.
10:08This is...
10:09Poison? Yes.
10:11Oh, and the antidote is over there.
10:13Oh, over there.
10:15A place I've christened Clayton's Peak.
10:18Now, you can either save yourself or save your family.
10:21It is very doubtful you could do both.
10:24So, you see, you have a choice.
10:26Suffer the way I did
10:28or suffer the way my brother did.
10:30I think it's quite fair, really.
10:32This solves nothing.
10:34Tick-tock, tick-tock.
10:41I don't know whose idea of a joke this is,
10:44but I am not laughing.
10:46Do I look like a mess to you?
10:48Hey, you, move it!
10:53Listen, buddy.
10:55You gotta believe me.
10:57There's a whole body attached to this head.
11:01Help me!
11:03Somebody help me!
11:08Have you ever had a...
11:10We're awfully hairy, you know.
11:13It's about time.
11:17Do you know where the others are?
11:19Others? I'm not the only one.
11:42Oh, you're a lifesaver, B...
11:52Oh, I should have known better.
11:56Mother taught me three basic lessons.
11:59Look both ways before crossing a plain.
12:01Don't slope your river water
12:02and never follow a stray speeder.
12:09All in all, it's not the worst way to go.
12:12Being torn apart by angry crocodiles,
12:14it's... it's kind of macho.
12:17What am I saying?
12:19Help! Help!
12:32Get him off me!
12:34They're eating me alive!
12:35They're tearing me limb from limb!
12:37Tantor, you're okay.
12:39You're safe now.
12:42Oh, thank goodness you're here.
12:44Because I really need to share my feelings right about now.
12:47I'm sorry, Tantor.
12:49I have to find the others.
12:53Whoa, whoa, whoa.
12:55Tarzan, are you feeling okay?
12:57Time's running out.
13:06Even poisoned, he moves quickly and efficiently.
13:08I've never seen anything like him.
13:10He is a remarkable man.
13:14He isn't a man.
13:16He's a monster!
13:18A savage, deadly monster!
13:20Yes, ma'am.
13:21A monster.
13:24You'd do well not to forget that, Hodson.
13:26My brother did.
13:27And it cost him his life.
13:28Well, this is a bit of a spot now, isn't it?
13:36I'm afraid I'm done for this time.
13:39No Tarzan to save me now.
13:41Besides, I'm probably just an annoyance.
13:43The meddling father-in-law.
13:48I knew you'd make it in time.
13:50I never doubted you for a moment.
13:52Don't worry.
13:53I'll have you free in a...
13:55Tarzan, what's the matter?
13:56I do believe our hero is starting to feel the poison.
13:59It won't be long now, Tarzan.
14:02This won't bring your brother back.
14:04And it won't make you feel any better.
14:06Well, thank you for your concern.
14:08But let me be the judge of that.
14:15Tarzan, this boat is about to fall.
14:17Get out of the way!
14:20He's stronger than I'd anticipated.
14:21He's stronger than I'd anticipated.
14:36Distilled Jane, Tarzan.
14:38And of course, the poison.
14:40You're not that fast.
14:51Stay here.
14:53Yes, yes, don't worry about me.
14:55You go find Jane.
14:57Do you know where she is?
14:59I wish I did.
15:01I have to find her
15:03before it's too late.
15:05Good luck, Tarzan.
15:06I'm sure you'll succeed.
15:08You always do.
15:48Hurry, the tide is coming in fast!
15:59Oh, well done.
16:01You've almost saved them all.
16:03Good show.
16:05But can you save yourself?
16:08Let's face it.
16:10You have no more than a few precious minutes of life left.
16:13But there it is, Tarzan.
16:15Clayton's peak and the antidote.
16:17All you have to do is go and get it.
16:18Oh, but then Jane would die.
16:21Oh, dear. Tough choice.
16:23No choice at all.
17:28Tarzan, what's wrong?
17:33I'll be back.
17:40You're a tough one, all right.
17:42Too bad it's all for naught, Tarzan.
17:45What with the antidote being right here in my hand.
18:04What are you doing?
18:06Saving you.
18:56You saved me.
19:06You're not the monster I thought you were.
19:08Get away from him!
19:13Now, don't you worry.
19:15Everything's going to be all right.
19:30Daddy, he's waking up.
19:34What happened?
19:36You're getting better, that's what happened.
19:38You're going to make a full recovery.
19:40You're going to be all right.
19:42But the poison?
19:44Someone gave you the antidote in time.
19:51You would have sacrificed yourself to save me.
19:54I now know you couldn't have killed Clayton.
19:57And if I hadn't been so wrapped up in my own hatred,
19:59I would have seen that.
20:01There are no words to express how sorry I am.
20:08Those words will do just fine.
