The Legend of Tarzan S01 Ep27 - Tarzan and the Return of La

  • 2 days ago
The disembodied spirit of La possesses Jane. How will Tarzan save his beloved?


00:00Oh, Daddy is going to be so pleased when he finds out we're holding a croquet tournament.
00:06Especially today, the anniversary of his legendary perfect game.
00:10Legendary? And yet, have you ever heard of it?
00:13No, but I'm not much of a sports fan. Too much competition.
00:17Play through, Tarzan.
00:18Whoa, nice shooting, Slim.
00:31Is that all right?
00:32Oh, not bad. For a beginner.
00:36Oh, oh, watch me.
00:37Tantor, your technique is all wrong.
01:05Um, the sun was in my eyes?
01:08Well, it would appear that we need more coconuts. I'll round some up.
01:11Now, remember, not a word to Daddy. This is a surprise.
01:15I'm not entirely comfortable with surprises. They tend to sneak up on you.
01:23I can't wait to see the look on Daddy's face. Oh, he would be so...
01:28Oh, you poor thing.
01:30Now, don't be afraid, little one. I just want to help.
01:34There, there. It's all right.
01:36Now, let's find out what the problem is, shall we?
01:51Be gone, beast. I am done with you.
02:09A mere cliff won't keep me from Opal.
02:17You weak, useless creature.
02:20You'll never make the journey to Opal by yourself.
02:23But with Tarzan's help, hmm, that's a different story.
02:31What's the deal? It's almost time to tee off.
02:34Gene's not back yet.
02:35Well, can't we start without her?
02:36Not unless you know the rules.
02:38Oh, we can make them up as we go, huh?
02:43Okay, first one to break a ball gets a hundred points.
02:48Tarzan, Turk, Tantor, what are we all up to today?
02:51Uh, nothing.
02:53Oh, nothing at all.
02:55Not a thing.
02:57Splendid. What's in the bag?
02:59Bag? What bag?
03:02Oh, uh, you mean this bag.
03:04It's, uh, well, these are, uh, nothing important.
03:08Right-o. So where's Jane?
03:10We were just wondering the same thing.
03:12Tarzan, darling.
03:15Jane, I was starting to worry.
03:17What are you assuming?
03:18Say, let's you and I go on a little outing.
03:21Just the two of us.
03:25Uh, I don't understand.
03:26I thought I was being crystal clear.
03:28You mean jungle picnic?
03:30But, Jane, it's time for the, uh, the...
03:34What are you talking about?
03:36What thing?
03:37You know, a croquet tournament.
03:41I've no time for games, Tarzan.
03:43Games, did you say?
03:45Am I missing something?
03:47Not a thing.
03:49Ridiculous buffoon.
03:51Come, Tarzan, we're going.
03:53Jane, why are you acting like this?
03:55Oh, Tarzan, you silly.
03:57I'm only teasing.
03:59Now come with me, please.
04:05Something is wrong.
04:06It certainly is.
04:08You don't care a whit about my feelings.
04:11Jane, wait.
04:12No, Tarzan, you stay.
04:14Play with your little friends.
04:19Stubborn man.
04:20Leaving me to make my way through the wilderness in his flimsy body.
04:24What have we here?
04:29Ah, Jane.
04:30As always, I am quite delighted to see you.
04:34And I you.
04:36You are?
04:37Why, of course, mister.
04:41Dumont, you look like a man who knows how to handle the jungle.
04:45Why, Jane, I thought you hadn't noticed.
04:48Oh, but I have.
04:50Say, would you mind doing me a tiny favor?
04:54For you?
04:58Now what do you suppose that's all about?
05:00I'd hate to conjecture, but it doesn't look good for our buddy Tarzan.
05:03Poor fellow, you think we should tell him?
05:04Are you kidding?
05:05I've seen Tarzan get mad.
05:06When he finds out, he's likely to go, well, ape.
05:09Good point.
05:10Mum's the word.
05:11Yeah, zip it up.
05:12Oh, you are so kind, monsieur Dumont.
05:15It is an honor, madame.
05:17But I must ask, why isn't Tarzan escorting you?
05:22He's busy.
05:23But I'm just happy to have a big, strong man like you to make sure I'm safe.
05:29Stay behind me, Jane.
05:30One never knows what dangers lurk out here in the jungle.
05:34Yes, one never knows.
05:38When I looked into Jane's eyes, I saw a different person.
05:42Ah, you're imagining it.
05:44Come on, join a game.
05:45Yeah, this croquet gave us fun.
05:48Did someone mention croquet?
05:50Not me.
05:52Never heard of it.
05:53You know, I was quite the croquet player in my time.
05:56Say, have I ever told you the tale of my perfect game?
06:00Brace yourself.
06:01Boring story at three o'clock.
06:03Something is wrong.
06:04I must find Jane.
06:06Oh, well, we'll come too.
06:08Right behind you.
06:09It was a glorious day on the lawn.
06:11My arch-rival, Philander, had jumped out to an early lead.
06:14But that day, my mammoth could do no wrong.
06:24Yugo Hooft, have you seen Jane?
06:26Well, Tarzan, I didn't see you there.
06:29No, no, I haven't seen Jane.
06:31Have you, Yugo?
06:32No, sir.
06:33And I didn't see her go off on a picnic with Dumas either.
06:37Which way did they go?
06:56Hang on, Jane.
06:59Here we go.
07:04Well, thank you, Mr. DeMond.
07:06I simply don't know what I'd do without you.
07:08Not at all.
07:09Well, this must be a very special place we are going.
07:14You have no idea.
07:20Did you hear something?
07:21No, keep moving.
07:22We're almost there.
07:25Did you hear something?
07:27No, keep moving.
07:28We're almost there.
07:32Shall we?
07:54Are you all right, Jane?
07:56You almost took a nasty tumble.
07:58Yes, quite nasty indeed.
08:12A word of advice, my young friend.
08:14One should sit on rocks, not under them.
08:17I was following...
08:19Jane did this!
08:20I was following...
08:22Jane did this to me!
08:25You'll find that your Jane was not your Jane.
08:28Rest, my friend.
08:29All will be explained soon.
08:33Oh, we have arrived!
08:35We have?
08:37Oh, isn't it glorious?
08:39I suppose, in an overgrown ruin sort of way.
08:43This was Opar, the Lost City.
08:46The realm of Queen La.
08:51Jane, sit.
08:52It's been a long journey.
08:59Please, I brought some very nice sandwiches.
09:07Pardon me?
09:09Oh, yes.
09:12What exactly am I looking for?
09:14Something very special.
09:22It smells bad, but heals well.
09:26I've seen you before.
09:28You're a Waziri elder.
09:30I prefer to think of myself as experienced.
09:33I am Usula.
09:34What are you doing so far from home?
09:38I have been pursuing an ancient spirit named La.
09:42Queen La?
09:43She's dead.
09:44No, La's body may be dust,
09:46but her spirit still lives.
09:48You speak in riddles.
09:50It makes me sound wise.
09:52I fear that the spirit of Queen La has possessed your Jane.
09:57When I looked into her eyes, I knew something was wrong.
10:02Yes! Give it to me!
10:05It's quite lovely, Jane.
10:07Now, let's commence our little repast.
10:09Not until we find the other half.
10:11Speak to me, my staff!
10:14Announce your presence!
10:16Madame, you need help.
10:18I shall find Tarzan at once and tell him where you are.
10:21Goodbye, Jane.
10:24You dare turn your back on Queen La?
10:29Ah, there it is.
11:08Ah, that is a considerable improvement.
11:11Now, kneel before your queen.
11:14Queen La, Queen of Okar!
11:26Yes, it is a tad run down, isn't it?
11:29But nothing that can't be fixed.
11:31Rise, my Okar!
11:45Oh, no!
12:00La's spirit can move between two creatures in contact.
12:03This is how she took your wife.
12:06How do you know so much about Queen La?
12:08La was once a waziri.
12:10Long, long ago, La used forbidden magic to immortalize her spirit.
12:15Since that time, the waziri have battled La.
12:18With her magic staff broken, her leopard men released, and Okar in ruins,
12:23La is weak. We can defeat La now.
12:26And save Jane.
12:27If only it were that easy, my friend.
12:30We must get to Okar before La regains her powers.
12:35Too late.
12:37A difficult task has just grown more difficult.
12:41We still have a chance. La thinks I'm dead.
12:44Then the element of surprise is ours.
12:49You see? Some magic here, a spell or two there,
12:53and Okar is once again the jungle's hidden treasure.
13:07Of course, there is the matter of pest control.
13:10Jane, how do we stop?
13:17Hold this!
13:19Tarzan, you know not what you have done.
13:22I won't let you kill Jane.
13:24Jane, it's me.
13:27Usula, didn't you tell him?
13:30Jane is gone, Tarzan. Gone forever.
13:34All there is now is La.
13:56Hardly seems like a fair fight, does it?
13:59Yes, I prefer it that way.
14:30Well played, Tarzan.
14:37We Waziri say there are times when a man must stand his ground and fight.
14:41This is not one of those times.
14:49Must I state the obvious?
14:52And don't come back until you've done it.
14:55Must I state the obvious? Go!
14:58And don't come back until Tarzan is dead.
15:49Stupid, even for a statue.
15:52What do we do now?
15:53You tell me. I had but one good plan.
15:55Your plan would have killed Jane.
15:57La will never release her.
15:59Tarzan, Jane is as good as dead.
16:03The best we can do is make sure La's villainy ends here.
16:07No. If someone must die to stop La, let it be me.
16:13Tarzan always makes things far more difficult than need be.
16:17But he can't hide forever.
16:19Once I give the statue warriors an order, they are relentless.
16:23Sooner or later, they'll find him.
16:26They can stop looking.
16:27Tarzan, you've come to me.
16:30Why, thank you. That saves me so much trouble.
16:34I won't let you have Jane.
16:36But I already have her, my dear.
16:39Now, would you rather be a gibbon or a jackal?
16:45Very well, I'll surprise you.
16:53Stop! What are you doing?
16:56But you'll kill us both!
16:59Jane is my only reason for living.
17:13Amazing. Such strength. Such agility.
17:18I should have taken Tarzan in the first place.
17:22I'm sorry it had to be like this, my friend.
17:30Now I see the plan. Tarzan wanted me to take his body.
17:35It might have worked, were I still in Jane's pathetic body.
17:39But Tarzan's senses are so honed.
17:42I'm completely aware of my surroundings.
17:45And now, the final tragic twist.
17:48I finish Tarzan's one true love with his own hands.
17:53Sorry, I'm not fond of tragedy.
17:55Ah, a chase. Charming.
18:16You can't run forever, Jane.
18:18You'll forgive me if I keep trying.
18:26Nowhere to run, Jane. You're trapped.
18:29Just like a rat.
18:36Stop! Put me down! I'm not Tarzan!
19:19It is you.
19:20Yes, it's me.
19:27Aye, Your Highness.
19:28You are going nowhere.
19:30Trapped like a rat, indeed.
19:33And you say this Queen La turned me into a monkey?
19:38A given, actually.
19:40Madame, the only way you could make a monkey out of me
19:43is by getting me to believe such an outlandish story.
19:56La's magics are dangerous, unpredictable forces.
20:04But excellent croquet mallets.
20:07But excellent croquet mallets.
20:11Good show, Suloc. Good show.
20:14Well done.
