• 2 days ago
Imaginez-vous sur le Titanic alors qu'il coulait—les survivants l'ont décrit comme à la fois surréaliste et terrifiant. Ils voyaient le chaos tout autour d'eux, avec des gens se précipitant vers les canots de sauvetage et le navire basculant à un angle fou. La nuit était glaciale, et la seule lumière provenait des étoiles et des fusées éclairantes du navire. Certains survivants se rappellent avoir entendu l'orchestre du navire jouer de la musique, essayant de calmer tout le monde. Alors que le Titanic se cassait en deux et commençait à couler dans l'océan sombre, beaucoup ont vu la grande poupe se dresser avant de disparaître sous l'eau. C'était une scène obsédante, comme quelque chose sorti d'un cauchemar. Animation créée par Sympa. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Musique par Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com Pour ne rien perdre de Sympa, abonnez-vous!: https://goo.gl/6E4Xna​ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nos réseaux sociaux : Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sympasympacom/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sympa.officiel/ Stock de fichiers (photos, vidéos et autres): https://www.depositphotos.com https://www.shutterstock.com https://www.eastnews.ru ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Si tu en veux encore plus, fais un tour ici: http://sympa-sympa.com


00:00Iceberg, right in front of you!
00:04The Titanic hits the ice and the water quickly infiltrates.
00:07Third class passengers are trapped
00:10and there are not enough lifeboats to save everyone.
00:14Panic spreads.
00:15Violins play a funeral melody.
00:17Then, the ship finally sinks.
00:20Of course, we all know this iconic scene from the movie Titanic.
00:24But what if we told you that Hollywood didn't reveal everything to us?
00:27To know the true story of this icy night of 1912,
00:31we have to go back a little.
00:35The watchman shouts,
00:37Iceberg, right in front of you!
00:39This part is, in fact, in line with reality.
00:42Around midnight,
00:44Frederic Fleet sees a dark mass,
00:47darker than the sea,
00:48right in front of the ship.
00:50As he approaches it, he recognizes an iceberg.
00:53We immediately reverse
00:55and the Titanic makes a sudden turn.
00:58Rather than hitting it hard,
01:00the boat rubs against the side of the iceberg,
01:02scattering pieces of ice on the front deck.
01:05If you remember, in the movie,
01:06Jack and Rose share a romantic moment
01:09just before the ship is shaken by the impact of the iceberg.
01:13Everything seems to shake,
01:14like during a slight earthquake.
01:17Some passengers have actually seen such a shake,
01:20but believe Frank Prentiss,
01:22a survivor of the Titanic,
01:24things didn't quite go that way.
01:28According to him,
01:29the shock was not so brutal
01:31and was more like a sudden braking in a car.
01:34The ship stopped,
01:36and that's about it.
01:37Some passengers were even awakened by the collision,
01:40proof that the impact was not as violent as one might think.
01:44Mr. Prentiss, intrigued by the situation,
01:46left his cabin to go to the deck.
01:49Once there,
01:50he saw only a little ice scattered on the surface,
01:53far from the massive iceberg that Jack and Rose were looking at.
01:57we now know that the real damage
01:59occurred under the floating line,
02:01where a split of the iceberg opened a 90-meter gap
02:05in the ship's hull.
02:07When the crew seized the extent of the damage,
02:09they immediately began to issue distress calls
02:12to the surrounding ships to ask for their help.
02:15In a scene from the movie,
02:16the radio operator informs the captain
02:18that only one ship is nearby,
02:20the RMS Carpathia,
02:22which will eventually rescue many passengers.
02:25But in reality,
02:26several ships were in the vicinity.
02:28It is now assumed that the SS Californian
02:31was only about 37 kilometers from the Titanic.
02:34This ship could potentially have assisted the shipwreck,
02:37or at least see the distress rockets illuminate the sky.
02:41And yet,
02:42for reasons that still escape us,
02:44no attempt to assist has been made.
02:48Let's go back to our story.
02:50At this stage,
02:51it has become imperative to leave the ship.
02:53One hour less than a quarter,
02:55the first rescue channel, number 7,
02:57has been launched.
02:59As shown in the film,
03:00women and children were asked to board first.
03:04in reality,
03:05several women were reluctant,
03:07and some even refused to board.
03:10Mr. Prentice explained that this reluctance
03:12was mainly due to two factors.
03:15On the one hand,
03:16the height at which the channels were located,
03:18a free fall of 20 meters that frightened the passengers.
03:21On the other hand,
03:22many women did not believe that the Titanic,
03:25described as insubmersible,
03:26could really sink.
03:28The idea of ​​evacuating on board a channel
03:30seemed to them to be clearly overshadowed.
03:33This state of mind could explain
03:34why Eloise Smith,
03:36a first-class passenger,
03:37reported that at first,
03:39neither panic nor chaos prevailed.
03:41Other survivors have confirmed
03:43that no woman or child cried.
03:47a source of concern for the crew was very real.
03:50The fear that the rescue channels
03:51would give way under too heavy a weight.
03:54This is one of the advanced explanations
03:56to justify why the first rescue channels
03:58left with so few passengers on board.
04:01Channel number 7, for example,
04:03only carried 27 people,
04:05although it was able to accommodate up to 65.
04:08The Titanic had a total of 20 rescue channels,
04:12capable of carrying
04:13nearly half of the 2,200 people
04:15on board that night.
04:17However, this did not happen.
04:20And it is now clear that the passengers
04:22ignored that there would not be enough room
04:25for everyone.
04:27While the women took their places
04:28calmly in the first channels,
04:30the musicians headed towards the bridge
04:32to play in the sole purpose
04:33of calming the passengers.
04:35This fact is well known.
04:36But some survivors have claimed
04:38to have never seen or heard the musicians.
04:41Not a single violinist in sight.
04:44However, it should not be concluded
04:45that Hollywood has deceived you.
04:47The musicians did play
04:49for more than two hours
04:50after the collision with the iceberg.
04:53Perhaps these passengers
04:54were simply too panicked
04:56to notice the music,
04:57or that the orchestra started playing
04:59later than we imagined.
05:03Now let's move on to the question
05:04of the terrible treatment
05:06reserved for third-class passengers.
05:08The film depicts the crew
05:10as merciless,
05:11locking the most disadvantaged
05:12under the bridge,
05:13thus depriving them of any chance
05:14to access the canals
05:15and save their lives.
05:18the official investigation
05:19on the disaster
05:20concluded that
05:21this was not entirely accurate.
05:24fewer third-class passengers
05:25survived compared
05:26to those of the upper classes,
05:28but other factors
05:29also played a role.
05:31Many third-class passengers
05:32hesitated to abandon the ship,
05:34preferring to cling
05:35to their personal effects
05:37and encounter more difficulties
05:39to climb back from their cabin,
05:41located at the ends of the ship.
05:46Some survivors testified
05:47that they were not locked up,
05:49quite the opposite.
05:50Mrs. Georges Wabi,
05:51a third-class Lebanese
05:54said that when the incident
05:55was declared,
05:56some brave members of the crew
05:58and first-class passengers
06:00helped her climb the upper bridge
06:02and board a lifeboat.
06:07At first,
06:08the Titanic was sinking
06:10compartment by compartment.
06:12Passengers observed
06:13the rising of the water
06:14and perceived cracks
06:15and detonations.
06:17a big
06:19was heard.
06:20Some claimed
06:21that it was
06:22a single explosion,
06:23while others
06:24described a series
06:25of small explosions,
06:26thinking that it was
06:27the tiles
06:28collapsing one by one.
06:29Another group
06:30only perceived
06:31a deaf rumble.
06:34the stories
06:35about the sounds
06:36are diverse,
06:37but the reality
06:38is undeniable.
06:39At 2.18 a.m.,
06:40the lights of the Titanic
06:41went out,
06:42plunging the ship
06:43into total darkness.
06:44While the bow
06:45was sinking more,
06:46the stern was
06:47standing up
06:48out of the water,
06:49exerting a considerable
06:50pressure on the center
06:51of the ship
06:52and thus causing
06:53its rupture.
06:54In the film
06:55by James Cameron,
06:56this moment is represented
06:57in an absolutely
06:58dramatic way,
06:59with the ship
07:00sinking almost
07:02But in reality,
07:03the rupture
07:04probably took place
07:05from a much
07:06more moderate angle,
07:07probably just below
07:08the floating line.
07:10the inclination
07:11was sufficient
07:12so that the passengers
07:13could no longer
07:14stand up
07:15and be precipitated
07:16in the water.
07:17It is interesting
07:18to note
07:19that it was only
07:20in 1985,
07:21after the discovery
07:22of the wreck,
07:23that the rupture
07:24of the Titanic
07:25in two
07:26was confirmed.
07:27Until then,
07:28the stories
07:29of the survivors
07:31but at least
07:32eight of them
07:33claimed to have
07:34seen the ship
07:36One person,
07:37a first-class
07:39had described
07:40this event
07:41as a clear slice
07:42of the Titanic,
07:43as made by a knife.
07:45a small group
07:46of witnesses
07:47argued that the Titanic
07:48had sunk
07:49in one block.
07:50At the time,
07:51this version
07:52was more widely
07:54because many
07:55refused to admit
07:56that a ship
07:57allegedly indestructible
07:58could have
07:59broken in two.
08:01these contradictory
08:03What we do not
08:04know is that
08:05the Titanic
08:07in one block.
08:08The Titanic
08:10in one block.
08:11The Titanic
08:13in one block.
08:14The Titanic
08:16in one block.
08:17The Titanic
08:19in one block.
08:20The Titanic
08:22in one block.
08:23The Titanic
08:25in one block.
08:26The Titanic
08:28in one block.
08:29The Titanic
08:31in one block.
08:32The Titanic
08:34in one block.
08:35The Titanic
08:37in one block.
08:38The Titanic
08:40in one block.
08:41The Titanic
08:43in one block.
08:44The Titanic
08:46in one block.
08:47The Titanic
08:49in one block.
08:50The Titanic
08:52in one block.
08:53The Titanic
08:55in one block.
08:56The Titanic
08:58in one block.
08:59The Titanic
09:01in one block.
