• 2 days ago
00:00Alright, so let's talk about the 2020 Razer Blades. These are some of the most expensive gaming laptops on the market
00:06They are like the top tier premium stuff
00:09They are very expensive like way more than a lot of competitors that have like similar performance
00:14so because they're so expensive I want to do a
00:17Just a different kind of review not just a you know an overview of the products
00:21But I want to talk about the differences between the different models this year
00:23But I also want to talk about the why like why are they so expensive if there's a reason or a good reason
00:29at all now in front of me are the
00:322020 base model the advanced model as well as last year's advanced model if you follow my channel
00:38This is the device that I use the most of over the past few years like I use the 2018 then I switched over to
00:432019 model this was an imperfect machine, but I liked it enough
00:48They tweaked some stuff, but yeah, let's get in all right the base model starts at 1600 bucks
00:54But then it jumps up quite quickly to like
00:572600 bucks when you go up to the advanced model, and there's hardware configurations and components that only exist in one or the other
01:04So let's talk about the things that are in common between the two they both have that unibody construction to them
01:11And I think it's a feature that makes these devices
01:13More expensive than a lot of the competitors right off the rip like to manufacture this just costs more you have to mill out that
01:19Whole block of aluminum to fit the internals in there, and it just makes the device look nicer
01:23It's got this nice design aesthetic to it
01:25But it inherently costs more the base model and the advanced model have the exact same shape like they have the same footprint
01:32But the advanced model is a little bit thinner. It's like two millimeters thinner than the base model
01:37It's noticeable like if you pick it up, and you're feeling for it. You'll notice it right away. It is pretty obvious
01:43But it's not something that I think makes a big difference at least not to me
01:46The other thing you have to keep in mind is that the advanced model is actually a little bit heavier
01:51The cooling system in this one is a little bit more robust
01:53We'll get into it later, but because of the more complex thermal solution the advanced model is about a hundred grams heavier now this year
02:00They still have the black and white or silver models
02:03But you can no longer get this color as readily like you have to get an OLED panel to get the mercury white
02:09Which is a bit of a mess like I feel like one of the reasons why I was drawn to this device in the first
02:14Place was because of its color. It's still on you know. It's it's a well-made machine, but you now have this
02:20Very obvious almost obnoxious
02:23Snake logo up front which I don't love now you can skin it which I would anyways just to protect it and kind of get
02:29The fingerprints off of it, but come on razor
02:31I want to see the white again in a high refresh screen
02:35Another thing that's shared between the two devices this year both the base and advanced model is their newly updated
02:41Keyboard it's the same keyboard as last year, but the layout of the right shift key is
02:46Finally proper this is something I've complained about for years it is now in this
02:51Appropriate location I will say though for people that have never used a razor blade keyboard the spacing is very grid like and the keys
02:59Themselves are completely flat. There's no dish
03:01So it does take some time to get used to the whole kind of typing mechanics on this thing
03:05I do think that most people though if they pick this up as their regular laptop
03:08They'll learn to like it pretty quickly now the lighting on this keyboard is
03:13Phenomenal I'll be honest
03:14I don't care that much about lighting because you know once you've seen a brightly lit rainbow keyboard once you've seen them all
03:19But I think razor does it if not the best like top three of all laptop manufacturers when it comes to
03:25RGB lighting on the keyboards the advanced model is individually lit like you can change the colors of each key
03:31Individually to your heart's content the base model has just one color you can switch up all the colors
03:36But every key has to be the same color
03:38And it's also not as bright or as vibrant as the advanced model now to the left and right are the speakers
03:44They sound okay. I just feel like if razors charging this kind of money
03:47I would have liked to have seen better speakers like the advanced and base models have the same sounding speakers at least to me
03:54I don't know. Maybe it's like
03:57Maybe I go into laptop speakers too much
03:59But I feel like the company that lands on good
04:02Speakers on a gaming laptop is gonna win some amazing award. No one's doing it alright
04:07Let's talk about the screens. These are different. They've been upgraded this year
04:11So now we're moving on to stuff that is no longer in common between these two the advanced model has a 300 Hertz
04:18Fast refresh IPS panel it is very nice super fast for games good brightness and great color accuracy
04:24And I think this is one of the biggest advantages that razor has in terms of their displays
04:29They are able to maintain great color accuracy despite having high refresh screens and something that a lot of other gaming laptops kind of
04:36Waiver on like they'll have fast screens, but they just don't care as much about their color accuracy
04:41so I'm able to comfortably edit videos and work on like photos and thumbnails and stuff with the screen because I
04:48Can trust its color accuracy and the thing is even their base model also has great color accuracy on their high refresh screen
04:55But it's capped at 144 Hertz instead of the 300 Hertz panel on the advanced model
05:00So that's really the biggest difference between the screen and like kind of a gaming experience
05:04They both have 720p webcams
05:06But the advanced model has an infrared component to it so we can log in with face biometrics in Windows
05:12Hello, whereas the base model cannot do that. All right, let's talk about performance
05:16These machines have obviously very different performance because they are very different in pricing
05:22This machine the base model does not have access to the best of the best if you want like an 8 core CPU
05:28You have to go with the advanced models if you want our ticks super
05:31GPUs you have to go with the advanced models and I think the reason why they did that is because the cooling system in
05:36This one the advanced model is better
05:38It has a vapor chamber so it can remove heat more efficiently
05:42And that's why razor puts the 8 core CPU in
05:44This model and only a 6 core CPU in the unit without the vapor chamber. All right now performance between the two is
05:52Good, but not like amazing. There are devices out there that perform better both in terms of CPU and
05:58GPU performance than both of these but what razor does that is quite unique to their whole lineup is
06:04They balance that whole like noise level to performance to thinness of device
06:10Well, I think they do it better than most devices out there. They are able to make a
06:15Relatively high performance machine in you know a 18 or 19 millimeter package
06:21But their fan noise isn't crazy like it's loud, but it's not super loud
06:25There are devices that will hit 60 decibels in the same kind of form factor the
06:30Disadvantage to having a quieter system like this is that you don't get the max performance on the chip
06:36It's good, but it's not the best performer. Now. I do like the fact that razor doesn't run their system super hot
06:41They take a notch down in performance, but it's a little bit quieter
06:44It's a little bit cooler running than a lot of their competitors
06:47If you're into undervolting you can't do it
06:50Neither of them can be undervolted at least not from what I could see in either a throttle stop or XTU
06:54Last year's device was undervolted right out of the factory. So that was awesome
06:58You can't seem to do that on this year's 10th gen chips
07:02Ports, they're similar on both models. They have 3 USB-A, 1 USB-C and then another Thunderbolt 3 USB-C
07:08The base model has an Ethernet jack the advanced model does not but it does have an SD card slot
07:14Now in terms of charging so they both have a 230 watt AC adapter
07:19They have a custom AC adapter like 90% of the laptops review just use these generic
07:25AC adapters like from Ciccone or Delta
07:28These have their own like razor branded AC adapter that uses a proprietary plug
07:34But it's a braided cable and it's very fancy and I think that is one of the things that bumps up the cost of these
07:39Products now the advanced model also supports this year USB-C charging and it's a little bit complex
07:46You need a USB-C charger that can pump out 20 volts which isn't super common like a lot of the
07:51Laptop adapters can do it
07:53But the most I could feed into this system was around 60 watts
07:56Which isn't a lot like this system normally uses a 230 watt adapter
08:01So 60 is it's not enough to power the system fully
08:05So you cannot use a USB-C adapter to power this system and use it in its normal state
08:12It'll run on USB-C it just won't be full strength
08:16Let's take a look at the internals the advanced model has a vapor chamber that takes up a big portion of the inside and you
08:22Also have access to your RAM and Wi-Fi that are both replaceable same thing with the base model RAM Wi-Fi
08:29Replaceable the base model. However has two NVMe drives
08:33Whereas the advanced model only has one
08:35Which is a little strange like if you think about the people that are buying the 8 core CPU and the more powerful GPUs
08:41They could probably use more storage, but I think they just ran out of space
08:44So one SSD in here two in the base model now in terms of battery size. This is an 80 watt hour battery
08:51So this will get you five and a half hours
08:53I've ran my test a couple times same battery life three years in a row five and a half hours year on year on year
08:59This is a four hour battery slightly more than four, but the 56 watt hour battery
09:04It's a little short, but that's what you get. Okay
09:08That basically wraps up the review component
09:10I think it should be pretty clear at this point razors devices are they're just made differently
09:16They're not for everyone a little bit more expensive and a lot of times you're paying for stuff
09:19You don't really need like a fancy AC adapter
09:21But you are getting device that is not just a plastic device that just has a razor logo on it, right?
09:27I see a lot of people talking discord. Like why do you use a razor blade?
09:31There's stuff I like about it that being said I might be switching this year
09:35There are some devices on the horizon that I might be switching to but this is a solid device
09:39It's just a little bit expensive and as for whether or not this is like a good purchase for you
09:43I can't answer that
09:44You know
09:45You're you know your budgets and your your needs and what you want to do with your machine way more than I do
09:49I do think though that for the money. It's it's fair, especially if you get these things on sale now
09:56I do think that the 2019 models are a way better value and this is often the case with laptops in general
10:03But because of how little has changed coming into this year's 2020 models
10:08The 2019 models save you a good chunk of money with close performance and it still comes in mercury white if you're into that
10:15Okay. Hope you guys enjoyed this video thumbs if you liked it subs if you loved it. I'll see you guys next time
