• 2 days ago


00:00Hey, how's it going? Dave2D here. This is a video about the Note 8, and it's a video
00:08that I didn't really want to make in the beginning. I kind of wanted to skip the whole
00:11Note 8 thing because I'm not super interested in the phone personally, but as a YouTuber
00:16who genuinely gives a sh** about my audience and I want you guys to make good purchase
00:19decisions, I felt like I had to do this video. Let's talk about the S8 first, the Galaxy
00:24S8. This is a phone that I would consider to be one of the best phones of 2017. The
00:29hardware on this thing is so good that anytime anyone does a video about any phone in 2017,
00:36someone's going to bring up the fact that this thing has better hardware for a similar
00:39price or better hardware for a cheaper price. It's got the best hardware in the business
00:44in terms of features and specs and all that stuff. The Note 8 is a variant of the S8 in
00:51the sense that it has a lot of the same features, but they've added a few things. It has extra
00:55RAM, a bigger screen, but the two most important differences are the S Pen and a new camera.
01:00And for the people that aren't aware about what these features are, the S Pen is a stylus
01:05for the Note series of phones from Samsung that allow you to kind of draw and write and
01:09annotate things on the phone screen, which is really cool. It's not for everyone, but
01:13it's a really neat feature. And the new thing for the Note 8 this year are the dual cameras.
01:18So there's one regular lens, one zoom lens, and both of them with optical image stabilization.
01:23And I think that's a first in this industry, having both lenses with hardware image stabilization.
01:29There are some other software tweaks like App Air, which lets you quick launch two apps
01:33into a split screen. That's pretty cool. And there's some tweaks for the S Pen that allow
01:36you to write on the screen. And then that animated version of what you just wrote will
01:40appear on someone else's phone. But the two main headlining features are the existence
01:44of the S Pen and the two lenses for the camera that both have optical image stabilization.
01:50The screen is larger by 0.1 inches. It is noticeable if you kind of stick them beside
01:54each other and compare the two, but I mean, don't make that be the reason why you purchased
01:58the Note 8. It is bigger, but it's not significant. The extra RAM on here, the extra two gigs
02:03of RAM, so this thing's got six gigs of RAM. I want to say that it doesn't matter, but
02:07for some people, especially if you load a lot of games at once and you have them concurrently
02:11playing, it can make a difference. But for most people, the extra two gigs of RAM will
02:15not make a difference at all. The camera on the S8 Plus was already amazing. It's
02:20one of the best smartphone cameras on the market. This new dual lens camera on the Note
02:248 is more for depth effects and portrait modes and just kind of zoom photography. It is a
02:28zoom lens, and the idea of a secondary zoom lens is cool. I mean, it's extra utility when
02:33you want to use it, and it gives you the ability to take some shots that you couldn't do before.
02:37But unless you're a very particular type of user and you're hardcore into photography,
02:42you probably won't use it that much. I mean, you think you will, and you want to use it
02:45a lot, but you probably won't. That's just the nature of any of the secondary lenses
02:49on these cameras. And the same kind of thing goes for the S Pen. Samsung's pen is literally
02:54the best stylist on the market for any kind of phone, and I mean, it feels really good.
02:58The texture is cool. It's not like plastic on glass. It feels not like paper, but it
03:02feels nice, and the implementation is done really well. It's instant, it's cool, and
03:07I think a lot of people love the idea of it, but they don't use it that often because it's
03:11not that useful. Now, there are some people who are just absolutely fans of the Galaxy
03:15Note line, and for them, the S Pen is crucial for their everyday workflow, but I think for
03:20most people, it's not. And if you're one of those people, I mean, if you're one of those
03:24hardcore Galaxy Note people, this video is not for you. You're already going to purchase
03:28this phone even before the event even launched. You wanted this phone since the Note 7 exploded.
03:33But for the people that are kind of on the fence and are curious about this phone, this
03:36video is more for you. Okay, so we have great hardware in the Note 8, and it's got some
03:40extra features over the S8 Plus that are optional. So, what's the problem, right? The
03:45problem is the price. On Amazon right now, or Best Buy, the S8 Plus goes for $675. It's
03:52not a cheap phone by any means, but it's a very reasonably priced phone, and you're getting
03:56a lot of good hardware for the money. This phone starts off contract at $930, up to $960,
04:03depending on who you purchased it from, which is a lot of money. It's like, what, $250,
04:08$260 more than the S8 Plus? Like, that's a lot of money. And what are you getting for
04:14it? Well, you're getting a few more features, but remember, the S8 Plus is already packed
04:18to the gills with amazing features. The Note 8 has a couple more, but it has a smaller
04:22battery life, and I don't know, I think for most people, it's just not worth the difference
04:26in price. So, what's going on here? Maybe Samsung needs to recoup the costs from the
04:31Note 7 issues. Maybe they want to keep their prices high to remain competitive, at least
04:35financially or visually, with Apple. I'm not sure what it is, but whatever the reason
04:40is for the high price, consumers get screwed. Whoever's buying this thing at full retail
04:43price for $930 or $950, that's just not cool. The other thing that kills me is the marketing.
04:51So Samsung invited a lot of YouTubers out to their Samsung event in New York City the
04:56other day, and they invited me. Thank you, Samsung, for inviting me. I couldn't go, I
04:59was super busy with work, but the thing that kind of makes it weird is that the sheer number
05:04of YouTubers out there at the event means that there's going to be a lot of reviews
05:08about this phone. And I think for the most part, people are going to be kind of glazing
05:12over the issue of the price because, I mean, this is a very, very expensive phone. So,
05:18there's nothing wrong with this phone. I won't need to reiterate the fact that this is a
05:21great phone. The Note 8 has fantastic hardware, but it's really overpriced. So, if you're
05:26going to purchase this thing, make sure you're buying it for the right reasons. Make sure
05:30you're doing your research and understanding the two main features that are on this phone
05:34are things that you would actually use, and not just things that look cool because the
05:37marketing is done well. Okay, hope you guys enjoyed this video. Thumbs if you liked it,
05:41subs if you loved it. See you guys next time.