• 10 hours ago


00:00What's up guys today? I'm going to be answering a question that I get quite a bit
00:04Do I need to upgrade my phone? When should I upgrade?
00:08My phone, so that's always been a very interesting question to me especially for a channel like this
00:14So these are typically coming from and that's why I have these phones here
00:19the Galaxy Note 9 users
00:22You know the S9 plus and S9 users the S10 users as well, too
00:28You know pretty much anybody with kind of you know older phone in this range here, so always a lot of questions
00:35Well should I upgrade now or should I upgrade?
00:37So I say use the phone until you feel like you actually really need to upgrade so I think that's always
00:44Sort of a thing in the especially here in the USA where you know you always have the latest thing and people always kind of
00:51Have to have the latest phone and stuff, but even if you're still rocking a galaxy
00:56S10 here
00:58This is still an amazing phone guys. This is still a really good phone, and yes, it's not getting software updates
01:04It's not getting security patches or anything like that and a lot of people
01:08You know ask me because they really don't want to give up the SD card support
01:12They don't want to give up the headphone jack on here
01:14And it's pretty much the same thing like with a note 10 plus and the the note 9 they don't want to give up the SD
01:20Card support or the headphone jack or something like that, and I would say that
01:24If the phone still works it works
01:26I would say use the phone my thing is that if you feel like you don't really need to upgrade I say use the phone
01:32until it stops working guys and
01:35What's interesting about these?
01:37Flagship phones is that they still pretty much perform?
01:41You know really well in 2024 even if we take a phone like the note 10 plus it can still it feels
01:49Pretty modern even though. It's not on the current version of Android. It still feels really modern compared to a galaxy
01:56S24 ultra here it can still play games really well
02:00HDR 60 for pub G and you'd be surprised even the note 9 which is on a much older software
02:06It's I believe the last update it might have been Android 10 for this phone, and I'll launch pub G
02:13For you guys, but this phone even still does a pretty good job
02:16It still takes pictures pretty well as well too, so I would say guys. There's no real rush to
02:23to upgrade if you don't really feel the need to especially if you know that you're gonna be losing features that
02:30You you know you won't be able to find
02:33These days and a lot of phones because say for instance like something like the the note 10 plus the s24
02:40Does not have SD card support
02:42and then if we take something like the s10 plus the s24 ultra or you know a lot of the
02:49Modern phones don't have a headphone jack you would probably have to go with something like a Sony Xperia phone
02:54Those are really great phones that I will look into if you're really like a die-hard headphone person
02:59And then also guys I've done a ton of videos on the LG v60 as well, too
03:04If you guys want to check out the v60 videos if you go on YouTube
03:08So if you guys go on YouTube and type Matthews tech LG v60 you will see a ton of comparisons with the v60
03:15I really like this phone if the last major was update was Android 13
03:19So it's not really that far behind
03:21When it comes to software and then also you have the headphone jack for the quad deck
03:25You also do have the dual screen case as well, too
03:29And yeah, it's a very power user phone the SD card is there as well, too
03:34Like I said, I would recommend that phone for people who are really die-hard
03:39You know, you got to have an SD card. You got to have a headphone jack
03:42I will get that phone or I would look into the Sony Xperia phones
03:46Those are gonna be up definitely a lot more expensive though the LG phone, you know the v60
03:52It's like you can find it for 150 bucks
03:55basically, so
03:56definitely, I will look into that and
03:59For those who are not so much into, you know, the headphone jack in the SD card support
04:04So if I have the note 9 and the note 10 plus, you know
04:10The s10 any s10 series phone and stuff like that
04:13I would definitely look at if you don't care about the SD card support
04:18I would definitely get the galaxy s21 ultra or the s22
04:24Ultra those are two amazing phones that you guys should look at
04:28Because they are going to feel a lot more modern like you're gonna get more bang for your buck
04:33If you go with those phones, I wouldn't necessarily go with
04:37You know a much more expensive phone like an s24 s23
04:41Ultra stuff like that. You still get essentially the same, you know
04:47The same feeling if you go with like an s22 ultra s23 ultra so definitely
04:52Keep that into consideration as well, too
04:56But yes, if you feel like you don't if you feel like your phone's working perfectly fine, so that's why I brought
05:02PUBG up here and we'll start it just like something like the note 9 which is which is really old
05:09You know, it still performs really well
05:12So there's no reason to actually give up though the phone for the most part and you could say well security reasons
05:19Most people actually get hacked through phishing
05:22Scams and stuff like that when it comes to like actually getting hacked. They're not really getting hacked as long as your apps are updated
05:28I wouldn't really worry about it
05:30Because you guys gotta remember Android is always being updated for hacks
05:33So if someone really wants to hack you they'll hack you right because you can't really like if someone like legit out to get you
05:40Because you got to remember every month. There's a new security hole that they're patching. So the there's never really like a
05:48There's no such thing in my it to me as a really secure phone
05:51There's no no such thing as an unhackable kind of thing or something. That's really like, you know what I mean?
05:56so I would say and it rarely happens where people who don't run the latest version of Android or
06:02Getting security patches actually gets hacked and I would like to know like in your like I guarantee like just let me know in
06:08The comments anybody has anybody actually been hacked running a you know, older version of Android stuff like that
06:15I think it's very rare
06:16Like I said, a lot of the hacks and stuff come from like phishing scams people sending like fake emails fake phone calls
06:24Stuff like that fake text messages
06:27But you can see now we're not the best settings on here on the note 9, but you see it still plays really well
06:34I think these are the best settings but and also guys check out the the photo quality
06:39That's why I said it has to be impressive to you like personally
06:44So even just looking at the the note 10 the note 9's photos here
06:50Video still is pretty solid on here. Look at the pictures on here as well, too
06:56Still really good detail there. It takes really good pictures
07:01Outdoors now this phone like indoors. Yeah, you'll notice a big difference between
07:06You know the s24, but here we go. This is a picture all taken today
07:13Of my cat here still very crispy very good photos
07:16That's why I said these phones still perform really good, you know good lighting, but if you take it out and put it in low-light
07:22Yeah, the pictures will get soft and that's where like the new phones will come
07:25But if you're not somebody who takes like a lot of low-light photos, then you probably don't need to upgrade. I did like a full
07:33You know review of the note 10 plus, you know, I took it on a trip with me and the camera still look really good
07:41It's a very impressive phone here, so I feel like if the phone still works and you're still satisfied with the phone
07:48I would say don't upgrade don't upgrade until you see something with these newer phones
07:53That's very impressive
07:54Like for instance a lot of the people a lot of people were impressed with the galaxy AI
08:00Features that the newer phones have if that's something that's impressive to you
08:04Then that's your reason to upgrade
08:06but if you don't see like an actual difference in or just a big enough difference in camera quality or
08:13Whatever features they're trying to convince you to to upgrade to if you don't see a big difference. I would say don't
08:20Don't upgrade so that's just my you know, two cents in the whole thing got a lot of comments like that
08:26So I don't want to ignore them. So I just want to put this video out for you guys
08:30So be sure to let me know what you guys think
