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Episod 717 My #QuranTime 2.0 Jumaat 29 November 2024 Surah Al-Taubah (9: 121-122) Halaman 206

Antara perkara penting yang dapat kita ambil dari Surah Al-Taubah ayat 121-122 halaman 206 ini adalah:
* Balasan bagi setiap pengorbanan menuju medan peperangan (121)
* Strategi bagi orang beriman untuk kelangsungan agama dan kepentingan ilmu (122)

Tindakan yang boleh dilaksanakan daripada ayat 121-122 halaman 206:
* Berinfak di jalan Allah sama ada sedikit atau pun banyak (121)
* Tingkatkan institusi pendidikan agar ilmu dapat disebarkan dengan baik (122)
* Tuntut ilmu agama dan bertanggungjawab menyampaikannya kepada masyarakat (122)

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My #QuranTime
World #QuranHour


00:18So that's a tour and a keimanan and you get a cigar and Iman baggies as a wrong yellow
00:24Sentiasa ingin berinfar pada jalan allah subhanahu wa ta'ala pada jalan kebaikan
00:30Sedikit ataupun banyak ianya diangkat di dalam surah at-taubah. Mari sama-sama kita ikuti diskusi ini dalam episode kali ini
01:42Salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu
01:44Alhamdulillah wasalamu ala rasulullah wa ala alihi wa man wala
01:47Shadalah ilahe lallah shayadahna muhammadana abduhu wa rasuluh. Allahumma salli ala sayyidina muhammadin wa ala alihi
01:53wa sahbihi ajma'in amma ba'du
01:55Bagaimana khabar? Tuan dan Puan yang dirahmati Allah sekalian. Kita bertemu dalam my Quran time sekali lagi pada hari ini untuk sama-sama kita membincangkan dua ayat
02:03Ayat 121 dan 122 daripada surah at-taubah bersama al-Fadl ustaz Tirmidhi Ali. Bagaimana khabar Ustaz?
02:10Baik alhamdulillah. Sehat-sehat
02:12Alhamdulillah saatnya kita hari ini teruskan pengajian kita bersama tetamu rakan sahabat
02:17Ya alhamdulillah kita sangat-sangat mengaluh-ngaluhkan kedatangan di studio kita untuk sesi siaran my Quran time
02:26Yang pertama, ahlan-ahlan kepada rumah ngaji perak. Yang mana satu ini?
02:32Oh mashaAllah
02:46Dan kita ada lagi kumpulan lain Ustaz?
02:48Khususnya daripada surah An-Nur Taman Kasih. Tak lain tak bukan Kajang
02:54Kajang, dekat dengan kita
02:56Bagaimana khabar orang Kajang? Sehat?
02:58Alhamdulillah, sehat
02:59Oke semua?
03:00Oke, alhamdulillah
03:02Di rumah ngaji itu mesti kuat. Biasanya kalau macam itu
03:05Simpan suara
03:06Simpan suara
03:07Dan juga kepada grup istri khawamah yang bersama pada hari ini saatnya
03:10Ada kumpulan lain?
03:11Ada lagi
03:12Ada lagi, yang ini panjang sikit
03:13Last kita beritahu ya
03:14Daripada persatuan pesara pegawai perkhidmatan pendidikan cawangan gombak baharu
03:22Gombak saatnya
03:23Jadi kita ada gombak, kajang dan juga perak
03:27Mana satu itu?
03:28Ramai-ramai itulah yang tangan itu
03:30Jadi alhamdulillah dan juga kepada grup istri khawamah yang bersama di studio dan juga yang berada di rumah
03:35Sama-sama kita doakan agar Allah membekalkan ilmu penuh hikmah kepada kita dengan doa
03:40Subhanakallah ilma lana illa ma'allamtana innaka antal alimul hakim rabbi zidni ilma
03:48Amin ya rabbal alamin
03:49Kita saksikan apakah ringkasan bagi dua ayat pada hari ini
03:52Pada ayat yang ke-121
03:54Balasan bagi setiap pengorbanan menuju medan peperangan
03:58Dan seterusnya daripada ayat 122
04:01Strategi bagi orang beriman untuk kelangsungan agama dan kepentingan ilmu pengetahuan
04:07Mari sama-sama kita membaca dua ayat ini dipimpin Al-Fadlul Susten Mizzi
04:12Jom sama-sama kita fokus pada dua ayat sambungan daripada ayat 120 semalam tadi
04:19Ini dua ayat 121
04:21Dan 122
04:23Sama dengan penonton di studio dan di rumah dimana saja kita berada
04:27Jom sama-sama kita dengarkan terlebih dahulu kita hayati bacaan
04:32Perkataan demi perkataan
04:34Ayat demi ayat
04:35Untuk sama-sama kita memahami tadabburnya insyaAllah
04:38Audhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim
04:41وَلَا يُنفِقُونَ نَفَقَةً صَغِيرَةً وَلَا كَبِيرَةً وَلَا يَقْطَعُونَ وَادِيًا
05:05وَلَا يَقْطَعُونَ وَادِيًا إِلَّا كُتِبَ لَهُمْ لِيَجْزِيَهُمُ اللَّهُ أَحْسَنَ مَا كَانُوا يَعْمَلُونَ
05:36وَمَا كَانَ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ لِيَنْفِرُوا كَافَّةً
05:54فَلَوْ لَا نَفَرَ مِنْ كُلِّ فِرْقَةٍ مِنْهُمْ طَائِفَةٌ لِيَتَفَقَهُوا فِي الدِّينِ وَلِيُنذِرُوا قَوْمَهُمْ
06:24إِذَا رَجَعُوا إِلَيْهِمْ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَحْذَرُونَ
06:49As-salamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
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10:55As-salamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
10:56As-salamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
10:57As-salamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
10:58As-salamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
10:59As-salamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
11:00As-salamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
11:01As-salamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
11:03As-salamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
11:04As-salamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
11:05As-salamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
11:06As-salamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
11:07As-salamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
11:08As-salamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
11:09As-salamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
11:10As-salamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
11:11As-salamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
11:12As-salamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
11:13As-salamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
11:15As-salamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
11:16As-salamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
11:17As-salamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
11:18As-salamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
11:19As-salamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
11:20As-salamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
11:21As-salamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
11:22As-salamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
11:23As-salamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
11:24As-salamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
11:25As-salamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
11:42In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
12:12In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
12:42In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
13:00In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
13:12In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
13:42In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
14:12In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
14:42In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
14:52In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
15:06In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
15:22In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
15:52In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
16:02In this struggle in life, if you read B, B, C, D, E, A, A, A, B, C, D, Allah answers with A. Allah does not answer with B, C. Why? Because the term is Ahsan Maqanu Ya Malun.
16:15So, what is the effect on us? We must continue to improve our reading, improve our understanding.
16:21Because if we improve our reading, in the end we get A, just one A.
16:25Everyone else reads C, D, E, E, Allah answers with A. Understanding.
16:29If all this time we read C, D, E, what does Surah Al-Tawbah mean? I don't know.
16:34It's F, right?
16:35Then we learn My Quran Time, we learn from Ustaz, we learn this and that, we continue to learn.
16:40If ever in our life we get A, just once, Ustaz, then Allah says,
16:46Allah will answer with the grade A just now.
16:48But we don't know when we get this A.
16:50That is why we continue to practice.
16:52We continue to make sure that at least once in our life we get an A in all our actions.
17:00Whether it's when we talk about doing good deeds, fighting to repel oppression.
17:07Maybe there are times when we don't care.
17:09There are times when we are busy fighting for justice, just like how the Prophet peace be upon him was willing to fight.
17:16But hopefully, at least once in our life we get an A.
17:20When we look at oppression, we will rebuke it.
17:24More than that, if we say that many Muslims, all of them, do they need to go to war?
17:32The verse number 122 gives guidance.
17:35We will read it together with Ustaz Tirmiz.
17:45We will read it together with Ustaz Tirmiz.
18:15We will read it together with Ustaz Tirmiz.
18:42Surah Allah Al-Nazim, verse number 122.
18:44Allah says,
18:45وَمَكَانَ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ
18:46It is not suitable for all believers,
18:49لِيَنْفِرُوا كَافَةً
18:51i.e. to go to war with full force.
18:54So in the context of this verse number 122,
18:56if there are many believers,
18:58it is not suitable for everyone to go to war.
19:02But in the context of this previous verse,
19:04verse number 120,
19:06when there are not many Muslims,
19:08all of them need to go to war with Prophet Muhammad SAW.
19:15So what needs to be done for a part of the believers?
19:20فَلَوْلَنَفَرَ مِنْ كُلِّ فِرْقَةٍ مِنْهُمْ
19:24طَعِفَةٌ لِيَتَفَقَّهُ فِي الدِّينِ
19:27i.e. there needs to be a group of believers,
19:32to agree on religion.
19:34Not just to learn religion,
19:37but to agree.
19:39To agree means to deepen one's understanding of religion.
19:43Not just to learn from ordinary courses,
19:45but to agree to learn religion
19:49until one understands it,
19:51so that one can explain it to the public.
19:55So this is one of the importance of knowledge.
19:59For example, those of you who are at home,
20:01maybe you are in a studio,
20:03maybe you are a representative for a family,
20:06or for a part of the community.
20:08Some people say that they used to watch My Quran Time during PKP.
20:12A lot of people can watch it.
20:13But now, only a part of it,
20:15because others are busy fighting.
20:17Fighting to work, to do this, to do that, and so on.
20:21But what is implemented in this verse 122?
20:24There must be a group of people who learn,
20:29or in a company, there must be an R&D unit
20:33that conducts research.
20:36Because there is a reason that Allah stated at the end of verse 122.
20:41So this is a reminder to us.
20:45Don't all of you work,
20:47all of you are busy working in a company,
20:50or in a country,
20:52all of you become leaders,
20:53do this, do that, do this project, and so on.
20:55There is no group that is placed as a R&D unit
21:01that learns religion,
21:03and their job is to teach back to those who are busy.
21:09Because when people are busy,
21:11they may not have time to learn,
21:13and in the end, they are left out of understanding religion.
21:17In the context of the Prophet's time,
21:19they went to war,
21:20did not have time to learn.
21:21So when they reached their homes or their respective countries,
21:24they were reminded by those who were involved in religion.
21:29This brings us to the word of choice in this episode.
21:32Let's watch.
21:34liyajizyahumullahu ahsanama kanu ya'malun
21:37liyajizyahum is from the word jaza,
21:40which means reward.
21:41It is mentioned 118 times in the Quran.
21:43It appears in Surah Al-An'am,
21:45in Surah Yunus,
21:47in Surah An-Nahl,
21:48to tell us that all good things
21:53will be returned to us by Allah.
21:57But when it comes to goodness or good deeds,
22:00it is not just about doing good deeds,
22:04just to do good deeds,
22:06but we have to choose.
22:07If doing good deeds is to support the struggle of religion,
22:12that is more important than just doing good deeds.
22:19So there are categories of good deeds in life that we need to prioritize.
22:25Hopefully, Allah will reward us in the best way.
22:29We will be rewarded in the best way by seeing our grades,
22:33which we discussed earlier.
22:34If we do B, B, B, B,
22:36and in life we have achieved A,
22:38because you have learned knowledge,
22:40then Allah will reward you with A.
22:42Allah will not reward you with B.
22:44And if A is always A,
22:47firdawsil a'la inshallah.
22:49We will take a short break.
22:50This is My Quran Time.
22:51Quran, Salat, and Fahadah.
23:16Salat and Fahadah.
23:46Salat and Fahadah.
24:16Salat and Fahadah.
24:46We'll be back on earth.
24:47All the signs that are not in the Quran.
24:51Maybe it's an experience.
24:53That's what people say.
24:55They talk about their experiences.
24:56But we don't know.
24:57Their experiences are based on trees that have been cut down.
25:00It's complicated.
25:01Some people say,
25:02I hang a towel on the ground.
25:06Tomorrow morning, I look up.
25:08Maybe it's complicated.
25:09We don't know.
25:10They think it's the same ground.
25:11They hang it and look up.
25:13That's one of the beliefs that people believe.
25:16That's a sign of Al-Qadar.
25:18But it's not.
25:19It's not a sign of Al-Qadar.
25:20Maybe it's a different experience.
25:43Salat and Fahadah.
26:13Salat and Fahadah.
26:45We're back on My Quran Time.
26:47Quran, Salat and Infah.
26:50We just listened to the recitation of Tadabbur.
26:52From verse 121 to verse 122.
26:58We're going to delve into our recitation today.
27:03Certain sentences.
27:05Verses that we can memorize.
27:07Verses that we can correct.
27:11Once again, I'd like to welcome you to the studio for our My Quran Time broadcast.
27:17From Rumah Ngaji Perak.
27:19Second, from Surah Nur, Taman Kasih Kajang.
27:22Third, from Pesara Association, Pegawai Perkhidmatan Pendidikan Cawangan Gombak Baru.
27:28Our studio today is Istiqom.
27:32Always with us.
27:35We'd like to invite anyone to come to our studio for the My Quran Time broadcast.
27:44You can do so.
27:46You can contact the number displayed here.
27:49You can WhatsApp us.
27:51WhatsApp us at 094443635.
27:57For the details of how to come here.
28:00It'll be fun.
28:01You can get to know each other.
28:04Wherever we are.
28:05We'd like to look at verse 122.
28:19Let's look at our screen.
28:20Look at the next verse.
28:34Many names.
28:35One, two.
28:50The first one.
28:54The word Firqah.
28:55Is it thick or thin?
28:59The previous one was underlined.
29:02Is it thick or thin?
29:04It's thin.
29:07Like we read Fir'aun.
29:12It's thin.
29:14But here, why do we read it thick?
29:17Because after the word Roy, there's a letter.
29:22Or we say Isti'alak.
29:24Which is thick.
29:26Which is above.
29:27That's why it's read thick.
29:29It doesn't follow the original form.
29:30The original form.
29:32Before coming down.
29:33It's thin.
29:36But here, there's an exception.
29:38Because after the word Roy, there's a letter.
29:42Which is above.
29:43If you want to read it thin, it's hard.
29:45It's hard to get the letter.
29:47That's why it's read Firqah.
29:49It's easier, right?
29:51Say it.
29:53It's read thick.
30:09One, two, start.
30:21What is the letter?
30:22What is the letter?
30:27Say it.
30:29It's thin, right?
30:33Don't read it thick.
30:34The locals, we say, Fir'aun.
30:35That's not allowed.
30:36It's not Say.
30:37That, let it be.
30:39Can't be.
30:40No sound.
30:41The way.
30:49Arab young Tulin young Farsi and Abilah so fast if I say of Sahul Arab Nabi sallallahu
30:56alaihi wa sallam and kita chuba ikut diru supaya bacaan kita
31:03I'm gonna be by a shell la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la
31:58so our auto dipanjangkan D'Adamat a deliver muck Alif to burthamahamsa
32:05Adam such to perkataan level cool demag wah jeep de Baja Kittubah sempat
32:115 minhum ta'ifah
32:17minhum ta'ifah
32:23how do we open our mouth?
32:25on the letter isti'alak
32:27the thick one
32:28then there is the letter alif
32:30that follows it
32:32then alif mat is
32:34follow the previous letter
32:36you can't read it with thin
32:37you can read it with thick
32:41not ta'ifah
32:43read it with thick
32:46don't round your mouth
32:49minhum ta'ifah
32:51don't be like that
32:53don't be like that
32:56not like that
32:57or ta'ifah
32:58too much
33:00the thick voice comes from inside
33:03the base of our tongue is raised
33:05minhum ta'ifah
33:08minhum ta'ifah
33:10minhum ta'ifah
33:15yes, good
33:17the second sentence
33:20liyatafakkahu fiddini
33:24wa liyunziru qawmahum
33:31liyatafakkahu fiddini wa liyunziru qawmahum
33:40liyatafakkahu fiddini wa liyunziru qawmahum
33:50liyatafakkahu fiddini wa liyunziru qawmahum
34:16we read from the beginning
34:18falaw la nafara wa ma kanal mu'minu
34:21wa ma kanal mu'minun liyanfiru kaaf
34:33wa ma kanal mu'minun liyanfiru kaaf
34:44the kaaf is long
34:46there must be six movements
34:48falaw la nafara min kulli firqatin minhum ta'ifa
35:14liyatafakkahu fiddini wa liyunziru qawmahum
35:44wa liyunziru qawmahum
35:49idha raja'u ilayhim la'allahum yahzaroon
36:18that's how the recitation of Tajweed is defined
36:22by the previous scholars
36:24easy recitation
36:26soft recitation
36:28sweet recitation
36:29recitation of Tajweed is actually not difficult
36:31when we read Tajweed
36:33the character of makhraj, the attributes of letters, and the law of law, the way of speaking, and so on
36:37makes it easy for us to say the letters
36:39if we learn to say the letters more difficultly
36:41maybe there is a little problem there
36:45hopefully we can read the Quran better
36:47see you in a while
36:48My Quran Time
36:49Quran, Salat, Imfah
37:15Quran, Salat, Imfah
37:17Quran, Salat, Imfah
37:19Quran, Salat, Imfah
37:21Quran, Salat, Imfah
37:23Quran, Salat, Imfah
37:25Quran, Salat, Imfah
37:27Quran, Salat, Imfah
37:29Quran, Salat, Imfah
37:31Quran, Salat, Imfah
37:33Quran, Salat, Imfah
37:35Quran, Salat, Imfah
37:37Quran, Salat, Imfah
37:39Quran, Salat, Imfah
37:41Quran, Salat, Imfah
37:43Quran, Salat, Imfah
37:45Quran, Salat, Imfah
37:47Quran, Salat, Imfah
37:49Quran, Salat, Imfah
37:51Quran, Salat, Imfah
37:53Quran, Salat, Imfah
37:55Quran, Salat, Imfah
37:57Quran, Salat, Imfah
37:59Quran, Salat, Imfah
38:01Quran, Salat, Imfah
38:03Quran, Salat, Imfah
38:05Quran, Salat, Imfah
38:07Quran, Salat, Imfah
38:09Quran, Salat, Imfah
38:11Quran, Salat, Imfah
40:07to the religion, not only to learn, but also to deepen the depths of the religion
40:13and of course it is related to the Qur'an itself,
40:16like you who are at home, who are in the studio today.
40:20This is the class of Tafakkur Fiddin.
40:22And Tafakkur Fiddin has a big function in a group of people who are believers.
40:29Let's read verse 122 again for us to understand
40:33and what is the duty for an organization, for a country
40:39when it comes to the struggle on the path of Allah SWT.
40:43Verse 122 together with Ustaz Timizzi.
41:03Verse 122
41:33Sadaqallahul Azeem.
41:48Sadaqallahul Azeem.
41:49This verse 122 explains a big value in a country, country or organization,
41:56even in a family, which is the division of duties.
41:59There are those who work, who fight in the battlefield,
42:03there are those who work to find projects in an organization
42:08or those who lead a country.
42:10And at the same time, there needs to be a group called Tafakkur Fiddin.
42:16What is the duty of Tafakkur Fiddin?
42:19When you have learned the religion,
42:21when you have learned the Qur'an from one page to another,
42:25is it necessary to teach one page at a time to our friends, for example?
42:31Or in an organization, let's say there is a group of trainers,
42:36or maybe in the R&D research level,
42:39is it necessary to teach one page at a time?
42:43Apparently, Allah states in this verse 122,
42:46بَلِيُنذِرُ قَوْمَهُمْ إِذَا رَجَعُوا إِلَيْهِمْ
42:50i.e. to remind their people when they return to them.
42:57لَعَلَّهُمْ يَهْذَرُونَ
42:58So this is the objective of Tafakkur Fiddin.
43:00Ladies and gentlemen who are at home,
43:02who are in the studio,
43:03when we learn the Qur'an cover to cover,
43:05from one page to another,
43:06we deepen the religion.
43:07One is, don't keep it to yourself.
43:10Don't keep it to yourself.
43:11Some say, I just want to learn by myself, Ustaz.
43:13Why? Because I don't understand.
43:15I want to understand by myself.
43:16Actually, when we start Tafakkur Fiddin,
43:19there is a bigger responsibility,
43:21which is,
43:22وَلِيُنذِرُ قَوْمَهُمْ
43:24i.e. to give a warning to the people.
43:26It means to give a warning to,
43:29maybe in an organization,
43:31to the staff,
43:33or in the family.
43:34Maybe the others didn't have time to listen to my Qur'an time,
43:37to learn from one class to another.
43:40Therefore, those who learn this,
43:41need to remind the family members.
43:44What is the effect if it is not carried out like that?
43:48The society will be filled with hypocrisy and disbelief.
43:51As we have seen before,
43:54they easily become,
43:55the Bedouins easily become hypocrites,
43:57because of what?
43:58Because they are far from the Messenger,
44:00far from the source of knowledge,
44:02which gives benefit.
44:04So, in this matter,
44:05those who learn religion,
44:07those who deepen these religious classes,
44:09need to remind,
44:11don't do this to the family members.
44:13In the company,
44:14actually the boss,
44:15or my team,
44:17need to do this, this, this.
44:19Because the Qur'an says this, this, this.
44:21This is a big task that needs to be carried out.
44:25اِذَا رَجَعُوا إِلَيْهِمْ لَا اللَّهُمْ يَحْذَرُونَ
44:28So that they are careful,
44:29they protect themselves from being deprived,
44:32or broken by the rules,
44:34in their true fighting,
44:39or whatever,
44:40for those who are at war,
44:42and doing jihad,
44:43فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ
44:44And from this verse,
44:45we know that
44:46this is a big system.
44:48There are those who fight,
44:49there are those who learn.
44:51But it is also an important value,
44:53if we are always working,
44:55working, working,
44:56managing the house,
44:57house, house,
44:58a mother for example,
44:59a mother needs to take a break,
45:01needs to take time
45:02and also for
45:04فِي الدِّينِ
45:05needs to learn a little,
45:06take a chance.
45:07And if the husband cannot teach,
45:09he is allowed to go study,
45:12that is also something that needs to be done.
45:15A staff for example,
45:16in a company,
45:17needs to have time to be trained.
45:20if someone wants to remind,
45:23someone wants to remind,
45:24but there is no time to listen,
45:27how is the reminder going to be given?
45:29You have learned from the Quran Time,
45:31then you want to remind,
45:34if there is no time to remind,
45:37then the reminder does not happen.
45:40we can arrange,
45:41either formally,
45:42or while eating,
45:44while walking in the car,
45:46we can discuss,
45:48or if there are things that are wrong,
45:51or need to be reminded,
45:52it is the responsibility of who?
45:54The person who is given space by Allah
45:57for تَفَكُحُ
45:58فِي الدِّينِ
45:59This brings us to our resolution this time.
46:01Let us see.
46:02The first is,
46:04we make an infaq on the path of Allah,
46:06whether it is a little or a lot.
46:08That is what we learn from verse 121.
46:12Because that is a sign that we are a person who does good deeds,
46:16and wants to distance himself from the attribute of nifaq,
46:20the attribute of hypocrisy in the Quran.
46:22The second is,
46:23to improve the educational institutions,
46:24so that knowledge can be spread well.
46:27this تَفَكُحُ
46:28فِي الدِّينِ
46:29needs to be made as an objective,
46:32and no matter how much we learn,
46:34it must be brought to the understanding of ad-din,
46:38which is religion,
46:39in the jurisprudence,
46:41in accounting,
46:42in everything that is implemented.
46:45The third is,
46:46to demand religious knowledge,
46:47and the responsibility is to convey it to the community.
46:49Of course,
46:50this is the responsibility of those who learn religion formally.
46:53If you say,
46:54ladies and gentlemen,
46:55students of this Quran Time,
46:58there is a big message in this verse 122.
47:02We do not want to make other people also know how to cover-to-cover.
47:06But at least,
47:07we give a reminder,
47:08this is okay to do,
47:10this is not okay to do,
47:11Allah says like this,
47:12in this surah,
47:13Allah says like this.
47:14This is one of the tasks for people who are given the space to deepen their religion.
47:21Do not keep it to yourself.
47:23We pray to Allah SWT,
47:24we are able to continue to convey it.
47:28At the end,
47:29we pray together with Fadhil Ustaz Tirmizi.
47:53O Allah,
47:54please purify our hearts,
47:55O Allah,
47:56from the attributes of hypocrisy,
47:57make us hypocrites,
47:58O Allah.
47:59Make us people who are always strong to demand knowledge,
48:01O Allah.
48:02Always seek the truth,
48:03O Allah.
48:04And give us understanding,
48:05O Allah.
48:06Make us people who always convey knowledge,
48:08convey the truth,
48:09O Allah.
48:10Make us people who are successful,
48:11people who believe,
48:12people who are righteous,
48:13O Allah.
48:14And peace and blessings be upon Muhammad.
48:17And praise be to Allah,
48:18the Lord of the worlds.
48:21O Lord of the worlds.
48:22That concludes our prayer for today.
48:24May Allah continue to provide us with knowledge full of wisdom.
48:27And don't forget to join us in the movement of Al-Quran.
48:30This is an opportunity for you to contribute.
48:32A little or a lot,
48:34there is no problem.
48:35That is what we learned in the previous verse.
48:39this is a struggle that gives benefits,
48:41fights for justice,
48:43elevates Al-Quran itself.
48:46And you can contact the number on the screen
48:48to hold programs
48:50in mosques,
48:51in organizations,
48:52so that we can convey
48:54a warning,
48:55a reminder to organizations,
48:58to leaders,
48:59because we want the best
49:01for our country,
49:02our country,
49:03and our family,
49:04God willing.
49:06we will continue to deepen
49:07the verses from Surah Tawbah
49:08in the last page
49:09of the upcoming episode,
49:11My Quran Time,
49:12Quran Salat Imfah.
49:13God willing.
49:20Surah Tawbah
49:50Quran Salat Imfah
50:12Quran Salat Imfah
