As UK foreign minister David Lammy visits China, Jack Perry, chairman of the 48 Group Club of British businesses working with China, offers some advice.
00:00I mean if you came to tea at my house, and I wasn't very nice to you. Would you come back? No
00:06So let's let's be honest about it. We haven't been
00:12With our manners for that China will be wanting to come and sit there and have tea with us and have discussions
00:18I mean, that's just simple. We need to show that we're willing to work with China
00:23It's inevitable that things will go wrong. That's okay those things happen
00:28But we need to be able to sit together and say we want to work with you
00:32That's okay, but the action from that is highly important and when let me comes back
00:38It's what happens after that which everyone will be looking at