• 4 days ago
Ah, true love... Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the times it was clear that a TV couple was endgame. We may be spoiling some major plot points, so a spoiler alert is in effect.


00:00Is that bad?
00:03No, it's nice.
00:05Welcome to Miss Mojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the times it was clear
00:09that a TV couple was endgame. For this list, we'll be looking at live-action series only.
00:14Also, we may be spoiling some major plot points, so a spoiler alert is in effect.
00:19Oh, I stick out like a sore thumb.
00:22Next time, don't forget your jacket, new kid. You'll fit right in.
00:25Number 10, The Receipt, David Rose and Patrick Brewer from Schitt's Creek.
00:31David Rose certainly had a vision for the general store he wanted to open.
00:35Unfortunately, he had no real business savvy to make it happen.
00:38So when he meets Patrick Brewer to see about a business license,
00:42it's kind of shocking how much patience the latter has for David's eccentricity.
00:46It's like a place where people can come and get coffee or drinks,
00:50but it's not a coffee shop, nor is it a bar.
00:54Okay, so we're pretty clear on what it's not.
00:57The two become business partners, but it isn't until Patrick has their first receipt framed
01:02for David's birthday that we see the sparks really fly between both of them.
01:06It's one of the first times we've ever seen the normally materialistic David get sentimental.
01:11That's when we knew it was a sure thing.
01:14Oh, it's just the receipt from our first sale at the store.
01:18Um, this is not nothing.
01:22So thank you.
01:24Number 9, Carrie, You're the One, Carrie Bradshaw and Mr. Big from Sex and the City.
01:30Their relationship on the show started and ended like a modern day fairy tale.
01:34It'll be fun.
01:45Carrie Bradshaw's meet cute with her future husband on the streets of Manhattan
01:49is a classic moment from Sex and the City's very first episode.
01:53But you're not like that.
01:55Well, aren't you?
01:57Not a drop. Not even half a drop.
02:00However, anyone who sticks by the columnist through all her personal trials and tribulations
02:05finds out that the story doesn't end there.
02:07In fact, there are plenty of times Mr. Big seems like Mr. Big mistake.
02:11But it isn't until the series finale, where Big chases Carrie to Paris,
02:15that he finally makes the commitment she always needed from him.
02:19The big moment came late in the game, but as they say, better late than never.
02:23Carrie, you're the one.
02:26Kiss me a big cry, baby.
02:32Number 8. The First Meeting.
02:34Niles Crane and Daphne Moon from Frasier.
02:37So much of the comedy on this Cheers spin-off revolved around stuffy intellectuals
02:42being kind of hopeless when it comes to relationships.
02:44The brilliant but awkward Dr. Niles Crane was actually married
02:48when he met his brother's new lover.
02:51By the end of the series, of course, Daphne would be his wife.
02:54While it was clear it was love at first sight for Niles,
02:56Daphne was a little slower on the uptake.
02:59Frasier, she's phenomenal.
03:01It's a gift. Well, cheerio.
03:04Still, from that first meeting, Niles Crane and Daphne Moon
03:07seemed to have a lot in common.
03:09They had a lot in common.
03:11They had a lot in common.
03:13They had a lot in common.
03:15They had a lot in common.
03:17Well, cheerio.
03:19Still, from that first meeting, we knew this wouldn't fizzle out.
03:22It took years.
03:24But it made some great tension for several seasons
03:26and a super satisfying conclusion when they finally did get together.
03:30All right, let's go then.
03:35Fasten your seatbelt, Daphne.
03:37Fasten yours, Niles.
03:437. Luke Cleans Up
03:45Lorelai Gilmore and Luke Danes from Gilmore Girls.
03:48Any loyal fan knows that it took way too long
03:51for Lorelai Gilmore and Luke Danes to make things official.
03:54At first, the ruggedly handsome but disheveled diner owner
03:57is just that to Lorelai,
03:59the guy who pours her coffee.
04:01You have a problem.
04:02Yes, I do.
04:07You've got wings, baby.
04:09Towards the end of the pilot episode, however,
04:12she's stunned by how well he cleans up.
04:14He's traded in his denim and baseball cap
04:17for a nice shirt and slacks.
04:19Normally, Lorelai's a chatterbox.
04:21For the first time, she's speechless.
04:23That's quite a refined palate you've got there.
04:30Behold the healing powers of a bath.
04:33It would take Lorelai burning through several boyfriends
04:36and even a fiancé to finally see what was clear
04:39from the very first episode.
04:42What are you doing?
04:43Will you just stand still?
04:53Meredith Grey was stunned when she showed up
04:55to her first day as a surgical intern
04:57and realized her one-night stand from the night before
04:59was actually Dr. Derek Shepard, her superior.
05:03Dr. Shepard, we should pretend it never happened.
05:05What never happened?
05:06You sleeping with me last night?
05:07Or are you throwing me out this morning?
05:09Because both are fond memories I like to hold on to.
05:12By the end of the first season,
05:13Derek's wife has re-entered the picture
05:15and Meredith spends all season two avoiding him.
05:18Hi, I'm Anderson Shepard.
05:24And you must be the woman who's been screwing my husband.
05:27For a while, it actually seems like
05:29things might cool off between them.
05:31Then, during Seattle Grace Hospital's prom night,
05:34they can't contain their mutual infatuation anymore.
05:37You alright?
05:38Yeah, just hot and claustrophobic.
05:42You know what? There's a patient I've been going to check on.
05:44You know what? I'm just going to run and splash
05:46some cold water on my face.
05:47On the dance floor, they lock eyes over the shoulders
05:49of their respective partners.
05:51Next thing we know, they're sneaking into an exam room
05:53and proving that we were foolish to ever think it was over.
06:01When you look back, it's hard to imagine
06:03that it wasn't the writers' intention
06:05to show their cards from the jump.
06:07Early actors Zooey Deschanel and Jake Johnson
06:10had a little too much chemistry for their tastes.
06:12No, I don't think so.
06:14Hey, are you going to murder me
06:16because you're a stranger I met on the internet?
06:18Yes, I am.
06:19He says no.
06:20From the first episode, it's clear how much Nick is into Jess.
06:23They're still new roommates in the premiere,
06:25but the way Nick looks at her when she's
06:27around the corner all dolled up for her date
06:29speaks volumes.
06:33Thanks, coach.
06:35Like any good romance, this one took time to catch fire.
06:38But any lover of a good slow burn
06:40knew exactly what that look on Nick's face meant
06:42when they saw it.
06:44Yeah, we care about you.
06:46We like you.
06:54After nine long seasons of watching Ted Mosby
06:56tell his children the story of how he met
06:58and fell in love with their mother,
07:00the show pulls an infamous bait and switch.
07:03The woman your mother kills off the titular mother
07:05in the series finale.
07:06And I carried it with me when she got sick.
07:10Even then, in what can only be called
07:12the worst of times, all I could do
07:14was thank God.
07:15Ted's children help him realise that he's
07:17actually in love with Robin,
07:19the woman he was on again and off again with
07:21throughout the series.
07:22You mean to sit down and listen to this story
07:24about how you met Mom?
07:26Yet Mom is hardly in the story.
07:29This is a story about how you're totally
07:31in love with Aunt Robin.
07:32The very last shot shows him on her doorstep.
07:35But one thing's for sure,
07:36despite all their hemming and hawing
07:38over the show's run,
07:39you really didn't know Ted and Robin
07:41would be together for good
07:42until that very last scene.
07:56Number three, Teenage Dream.
07:58Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson from Glee.
08:01It's impossible to overstate the vice grip
08:03Glee had on all who watched it
08:05during its run.
08:06In the season two episode,
08:07the Dalton Academy Warblers'
08:09iconic rendition of Katy Perry's Teenage Dream
08:11cements the budding attraction
08:13between Kurt and Blaine.
08:14The Glee club here is kind of cool.
08:16The Warblers are like rock stars.
08:20Come on, I know a short tune.
08:24They've only just met,
08:25but it's too late to turn back now.
08:27The moment Blaine takes Kurt's hand
08:29and leads him through the school's hallways,
08:30birthed an army of teen viewers
08:32who would have threatened violence
08:34if the two didn't end up together.
08:44In spite of bumps in their road,
08:46Klain, as they were affectionately called,
08:48would be one of the show's
08:49longest lasting couples.
09:012. Mixed Berry Yogurt
09:03Jim Halpert and Pam Beasley
09:05from The Office
09:07A lot of shows use the mockumentary format.
09:09The Office itself is based on a British sitcom,
09:12but the American version really leans into
09:14the talking head interviews
09:15to give us a big picture view
09:17of what's really happening between co-workers,
09:19Jim Halpert and Pam Beasley.
09:21Yes, to them, their office banter
09:23isn't at all romantic,
09:24but we know Jim's into Pam
09:26as soon as he tells us
09:27her favourite flavour of yoghurt.
09:29All this useless information in my head,
09:32you know?
09:33Tonnage price of manila folders?
09:36Um, Pam's favourite flavour of yoghurt,
09:39which is mixed berry.
09:40And we know it's mutual as soon as Pam blushes
09:43when the documentary crew tells her.
09:45Jim said mixed berries?
09:48Oh, wow.
09:50Yeah, he's on to me.
09:53Thus begins an agonisingly precious slow burn
09:56that will carry us into the next
09:58several seasons of
09:59Will They or Won't They madness.
10:02Um, I have to go.
10:03I will.
10:07Listen, Jim...
10:09Before we continue,
10:10be sure to subscribe to our channel
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10:25Number one,
10:26when she gets off the plane.
10:28Ross Geller and Rachel Green from Friends.
10:30Look, there are a lot of moments we could put here.
10:33You could argue that the writing
10:34was on the wall for these two
10:35from the very first episode.
10:37But do you think it would be okay
10:38if I asked you out sometime, maybe?
10:46But after a literal decade of arguing
10:48about whether or not they were on a break,
10:49we finally get sweet, sweet confirmation
10:52that Ross and Rachel were forever.
10:55In the very last episode,
10:56Ross, realising he can't let Rachel move to Paris,
10:58tells her he loves her.
11:00Don't go.
11:03Please, please stay with me.
11:04I am so in love with you.
11:06Please don't go.
11:09Oh my God.
11:10She gets all the way to the plane,
11:11leaving us in awful suspense
11:13as to whether or not this couple
11:14will finally come to be.
11:16You, of course, know what happens next.
11:18Did she get off the plane?
11:19Did she get off the plane?
11:23I got off the plane.
11:30Did we miss your favourite TV couple?
11:32Let us know in the comments.
11:34And listen to me babble.
11:37Which will end
11:38in three, two, one.
11:41Do you agree with our picks?
11:42Check out this other recent clip from Ms Mojo.
11:44And be sure to subscribe and ring the bell
11:46to be notified about our latest videos.
