• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “Con l'idrogeno c'era un problema di costi.” Lo ha spiegato Francesco La Camera direttore generale dell'Agenzia internazionale per le energie rinnovabili al Venice Hydrogen Forum 2024 The Mediterranean Forum on Hydrogen. “Stanno diminuendo drasticamente e quindi pensiamo che in un paio di anni sarà già competitivo di per sé, però occorrono politiche che aiutino la domanda e gli investimenti.”


00:00There is a problem of costs, in the sense that the cost of hydrogen is given by the use of renewables, plus the cost of the electricians and then the cost of transport.
00:17We have seen that costs are decreasing dramatically, so we think that the currency is already being traded, that in a few years it is already competitive in itself.
00:27But there are also policies that help the demand, so the off-tech companies, to take the risk of investing, also because they are always in large quantities.
00:35Especially when we talk about these relations with Africa, we are talking about large quantities, because they have to be sold.
00:41And when they are sold, a demand arises. The demand must be helped by the policies that help the market to go in that direction.
