• 2 days ago
00:00Get away from me. Ah, hey guys
00:02I'm some a tech chap and this is the new red magic 7 from Nubia and right now this is
00:09The most powerful gaming phone in the world
00:14So I've actually teamed up with red magic for this video because I want to show you just what this can do
00:21Although of course as always all my opinions are my own
00:32To give you an idea of how fast this is let's bring in this guy last year's red magic phone
00:38Which is still incredibly powerful. You can hear the fan is already started wearing up snapdragon 888 16 gigs of RAM
00:45Not too shabby, but then we have the new one the 7
00:48This has the latest snapdragon 8 gen 1 up to 18 gigs of RAM and side-by-side in the 20-minute 3d mark wildlife extreme
00:56Stress benchmark which tests the graphics performance. The new phone is
01:0165% faster and in this test at least that's the difference of getting between 7 and 13 FPS or
01:0712 and 20 FPS in the Antutu benchmark
01:11The jump is only around 10% which is obviously not quite as impressive
01:15But for gamers it all adds up and so as you would expect this just breezed through everything
01:20I threw at it
01:21I fired up a bit of Genshin Impact naturally fully maxed out the settings and then I pulled out
01:26Redmagic's game menu which gives you access to a bunch of shortcuts and options one of which is the performance monitor
01:33So you can see we've now got the live FPS counter now Genshin is capped at 60 FPS sadly
01:38Although you can see it never drops below it goes between 60 and even 61
01:43This is as smooth as a baby's bum
01:45But then if we bring in last year's red magic phone again still very powerful
01:50But with the same settings you can see it actually fluctuates between 50 and 60
01:56Benchmarks are one thing, but we're seeing a real world difference here and for the gamer who buys gaming phones. This is a big deal
02:04Okay, so we've established this is a pretty quick phone and actually a solid upgrade even over last year's flagship gaming phones
02:11But there's something else I want to show you
02:13This now it's not a new feature having an inbuilt turbo fan
02:17Although this one actually is more efficient and more effective it goes up to 20,000 rpm plus of course
02:23We have the go faster RGB now actually one thing. I do want to show you first
02:27Listen to the difference. I'm going to turn the fan on here
02:31Put up to the mic you can just about hear it when you're gaming if you've got the volume on you can't really but yes
02:36You can hit the fan now. Let's bring in the red magic 6
02:43You hear that difference, it's a lot whinier a lot noisier
02:47Apparently they've added a new metal plate inside to reduce the volume of the fan and the pitch is just way less annoying
02:52Although I should say this fan is only on the supernova model of the red magic 7
02:57There's also pulsar and obsidian versions with slightly different designs
03:00although red magic do sell external fans that you can clip on if you do fancy one of those versions and
03:06Also, this fan is just part of their new ice 8.0 cooling system
03:10Which gives us better airflow more conductive materials more efficient heat sinks. Anyway, why am I talking about this?
03:16Well, let's see how this compares to a regular flagship phone a non gaming phone if you will
03:23But still with a snapdragon 8 gen 1 and just look at this again in that 20 minute stress test from 3d mark
03:30we're looking at a
03:3198.9% stability versus
03:3463% on a non gaming competitor without a dedicated fan or this fancy cooling system
03:40And you can see from the graph the regular phone has to keep throttling down to keep cool
03:44Whereas the red magic 7 it doesn't break a sweat
03:47which is exactly what you want to see on a gaming phone where you might be playing for hours and hours on end and
03:53If you're thinking whoa, hold on Tom, you said this was the fastest gaming phone in the world. What about the iPhone?
03:59I mean, that's pretty powerful with a 15 chip
04:01Well, yes, of course it is
04:02But I ran the same test again on the iPhone 13 pro max and while we did actually see a higher peak score on the iPhone
04:09Even that throttles and actually for 19 of the 20 loops. It's actually slower than the red magic
04:16What else well as I think any good gaming phone should have we have these?
04:22Shoulder triggers which you can assign to controls in your game
04:25You just turn it on and then drag the L and R triggers over the virtual buttons
04:29You want them to control and that's it and it makes such a big difference to making mobile games feel more like proper console games
04:36Then we have the 165 Hertz refresh rate, which is still a bit overkill
04:41I mean, there's only a handful of games that even hit 144, but you have the option
04:45It's feature proof and even on menus and just generally using the phone and browsing the web. It makes everything feel ridiculously quick
04:53Especially with the 720 Hertz touch response rate. So the instant you press that screen it reacts
04:59The red magic 7 also supports what they call 4d vibration
05:03So in games that support it like pub G, you can get a more immersive haptic feedback
05:09Then of course we have the new chip
05:11We have more and faster RAM an improved cooling system and then there's some of red magic's own secret sauce some of their own
05:18Hardware and technologies that boost and stabilize your frame rate even further beyond just what that already very capable
05:24Snapdragon chip can do you'll also notice we have this little guy on the side
05:29Welcome to the game space and in here you can tinker with your settings for each game like maxing out that 720 Hertz sampling rate
05:36Which is particularly helpful in twitchy multiplayer games. You can adjust the performance and actually even add plugins
05:42This is actually a new feature to mod your games and there's a whole plug-in library. You can browse
05:47It's definitely worth exploring and then there's some nice extras like we get a headphone jack dual speakers three mics
05:54So if you're streaming from this or recording a gameplay your voice still sounds good
05:57And also we get Wi-Fi 6 e support. Although, of course you do still need a compatible router
06:02There does seem to be one downgrade though coming from this guy which had a
06:075050 milliamp hour battery in the seven
06:10We only have a forty five hundred million power battery
06:13Which isn't the biggest considering we have a six point eight inch screen
06:17And of course it is a gaming phone and playing Genshin
06:20Which of course is a very demanding game and with 50% brightness at 120 FPS and the medium sort of balanced performance mode
06:26I only got about two and a half hours of
06:29Gameplay from this your mileage may vary and of course it all comes down to what game you're playing and how demanding it is
06:35But I had hoped we see a longer battery life
06:37I just don't think forty five hundred milliamps is quite big enough
06:41And I also did notice despite the fan going it did get quite toasty near the top of the phone
06:46There is a sort of anti-sweat anti-fingerprint coating on the back
06:50So you're not gonna get all gross, but it did make my palms quite warm
06:54So that's my main criticism
06:56But I tell you what I do like the software and it's actually quite refreshing not to see a ton of bloatware or pre-installed apps
07:03Anything I had to change was the default browser
07:05We're getting Android 12 with red magic's OS 5.0 on top and this latest version has refreshed some of the design
07:11Including the gaming menus and I can tell you with that 165 Hertz refresh the whole thing just feels incredibly responsive
07:19Now as for the camera well
07:21You kind of know how it goes on these gaming phones
07:23It is a bit of an afterthought it's still a solid setup
07:26We get a triple lens system main an ultra-wide and a telephoto and in good light, you know
07:31It does the job but realistically if you're gonna be buying this it's for the gaming merits and not necessarily the camera performance
07:38But as I say, it still does a decent job. I
07:42Do like the look of this thing though
07:44It is undoubtedly a gaming phone and we even have some of the key specs written on the back
07:48Which is quite a nice touch. It is all glass and we have an aluminium frame
07:52But really the impressive design elements are on the inside with that ice cooling system
07:57this is the first proper gaming phone of
08:002022 and it's the one to beat and although the battery and the cameras aren't its strongest suit
08:05The performance is top-notch and it is definitely worth considering
08:09But what do you reckon? Would you be tempted to buy this? Do you buy gaming phones?
08:13Let me know in the comments below and also let me know what you're playing at the moment
08:17I'm always open to some new suggestions
08:19Thank you so much for watching guys, and I'll see you next time right here on the tech chat
