• 1 hour ago
Dorama en Español Latino
01:26Guerrero del Destino
01:30Chapter 30
01:34¿De qué tipo?
01:36¿Conoces al Clan de los Humanos?
01:37Tienen flores en primavera y nieve en invierno.
01:40Y tiene una ciudad llamada Capital Sagrada, con edificios muy altos.
01:44Y también tiene tiendas, con cosas divertidas.
01:47¿Capital Sagrada?
01:49Creo que he escuchado a Shodufu hablar de eso.
01:53¿Conoces a Shodufu?
01:55Bueno, no solo lo conozco, sino que...
02:00Ustedes quieren saber quién soy, ¿cierto?
02:03¡Ja! Pues no se los diré.
02:05Ni siquiera los conozco.
02:06Además, no se salvarán.
02:08Lo que voy a hacer es ponerlos a los dos en el horno
02:11y usarlos en píldoras mágicas.
02:20Yurong, el niño actúa raro.
02:22Yo no creo que sea un humano.
02:24Tal vez sea en realidad un duende o algo así.
02:27Tenemos que escapar ahora.
02:29De lo contrario, seremos las píldoras de ese niño.
02:34Oye, niño. ¿Ese es el horno de píldoras de Shodufu?
02:37Por supuesto que no.
02:39Pero sí lo tengo.
02:41Entonces lo que dijiste era mentira.
02:43Están buscando el horno de las píldoras.
02:45¿Y entonces sabes dónde está el horno?
02:48Ese horno es...
02:50astuto e inteligente.
02:52Muy inteligente.
02:53¿Cómo pueden pensar que ese tonto horno
02:56es el horno que están buscando?
02:59Así que lo has visto.
03:00No solo lo he visto.
03:02En realidad, yo...
03:05¿Otra vez quieres que te dé información?
03:07Ya no hablaré.
03:10Yerba Shang Tsung.
03:12Peony Ayinkyani.
03:15Body de Julio.
03:19Aunque si...
03:20Los humanos están llenos de inmundicia...
03:24Debería ponerme Kenshi para eliminar el olor.
03:28Tu preparación está mal.
03:30¿Por qué lo estaría?
03:31El body es de naturaleza caliente.
03:33Si pones mucho, podrías arruinarlo.
03:36Claro que no.
03:37Los humanos son malos.
03:38Y solo con mucho body de Julio
03:40podré eliminar todo ese horrible olor.
03:42Pero aún así...
03:43La yerba de Shang Tsung
03:45es de temperatura fría.
03:46Entonces será opuesto al body de Julio.
03:48Así que...
03:49¿Sabes de Herbolaria?
03:51Solo un poco.
03:52¿Solo un poco?
03:53¿En serio?
03:54Entonces no sabes.
03:57Yo sé todo sobre la Herbolaria.
03:59Aunque la yerba Shang Tsung
04:01va en contra de la naturaleza del body de Julio.
04:04El body solo necesita la yerba Shang Tsung
04:06para controlar la potencia.
04:08Si no, las píldoras serían incomibles.
04:10El mink no solo elimina el olor.
04:12También tiene otros efectos
04:13que no creo que sepas.
04:14¿Qué efectos?
04:15La potencia del mink es aguda.
04:17Si las hierbas juntas,
04:18destruirás el efecto relajante de la raíz yin-kyan.
04:24Eso sí tiene sentido.
04:27No te preocupes.
04:28El mundo es grande.
04:29No puedes saberlo todo.
04:31Yo sé todo lo que se necesita.
04:33Si yo...
04:34te mostrara algunas hierbas,
04:36no creo que las reconocerías.
04:38¿Algo así?
04:39Las hierbas...
04:40no creo que las reconocerías.
04:43Hagamos una apuesta.
04:45Si no puedes reconocer las hierbas que te traiga,
04:48nos dejarás ir.
04:50¿Es en serio?
04:51Entrarás a un callejón sin salida.
04:54Si logras reconocerlas,
04:56dejaré que nos refines como quieras.
04:58Y nuestras píldoras serán muy poderosas.
05:13No nos espíes.
05:14Le enseñaré a conseguir hierbas.
05:16No debes escuchar.
05:17No lo haré.
05:24Yo necesito que...
05:27Oye, entonces necesito que busques algo...
05:34Busques algo de ese color, por favor.
05:36Sí, todo va a salir bien.
05:37Sí, en plan.
05:42No me sigas.
05:43¿Está claro?
06:00Aquí tienes.
06:01Mírala bien.
06:02¿Y eso qué es?
06:03¿Tiene un olor a quemado y salado?
06:05No lo sé.
06:06Tú debes identificarlo.
06:08Estas cosas asquerosas son...
06:10¿Las hierbas de las que hablas?
06:14Espero no quieran envenenarme con esto.
06:16Soy resistente a los venenos.
06:18No somos malos como tú.
06:21Recuerda que si pierdes,
06:22nos dejarás ir de aquí.
06:24Esto es extraño.
06:26¿Por qué huele a patas de pollo?
06:28Y también un poco a picante.
06:34¡Esto sabe horrible!
06:36¿Qué es esa asquerosidad?
06:38Tiene pimienta de cong y ansi picante.
06:40Claro que no, niño.
06:42¿Puedes reconocer estas hierbas?
06:44Esto no es una hierba.
06:45No me engañas.
06:47Admite que perdiste.
06:49Y entonces te diré.
06:53Oye, pequeño.
06:54¿Tienes alguna idea?
06:57Oye, pequeño.
06:59Tú nos diste tu palabra.
07:01El cielo te castigará si no lo haces.
07:03¡Si es una mentira!
07:04¡Lo pagarán caro!
07:06Una vez que nos liberes,
07:07te diremos qué tipo de hierba es.
07:15Muy bien.
07:16Eres libre.
07:17Ahora dígame qué hierba es.
07:18Bueno, se llama...
07:25¿Eso cura enfermedades?
07:27En realidad,
07:28solo cura una enfermedad.
07:30Pero es muy efectiva.
07:31¿Qué enfermedad cura esta medicina tan asquerosa?
07:34La del hambre.
07:36Es solo un juego.
07:38¡Me están mintiendo!
07:39No, claro que no.
07:40En verdad cura el hambre.
07:42Ustedes en verdad son astutos.
07:46Oye, niño.
07:48Se ve que eres amable,
07:51e inocente.
07:53Claro que sí.
07:54Es más que un ser omnipotente.
07:57estás familiarizado
07:59con el pico de la caldera.
08:00Si algo deben saber,
08:02es que mientras estén en el pico,
08:04podré localizarlos fácilmente.
08:07Seguro lo harás.
08:08A excepción del horno de píldoras de Shodufu.
08:11Seguro encuentras cualquier cosa.
08:13¿Quién te dijo esa tontería?
08:15¡Humanos tontos les mostraré!
08:21¡Miren esto!
08:25¿Qué estás haciendo?
08:27¿No lo entiendes?
08:28Él es quien cuida el horno.
08:30En los antiguos libros leí
08:32que utilizan un hechizo
08:33para suprimir a los gremlins.
08:35Así que lo dejé encerrado
08:36para que no pudiera salir.
08:38¡Déjenme salir!
08:41¡Ya basta!
08:42¡Déjenme salir!
08:43¡Déjenme salir!
08:55Sabe agria.
08:56¿Y esa astringente?
08:58Ese sabor...
08:59A juzgar por las hojas,
09:01debe ser la hierba yuyan.
09:08Huele esto.
09:09Huele bien, ¿no?
09:11Es ninshue.
09:12En esta temporada
09:13emite un aroma fuerte.
09:15¿Y esta es medicinal?
09:17Sí, sí lo es.
09:18Enriquece la sangre
09:19y mejora el espíritu.
09:21Nos la llevaremos.
09:23Seguiré buscando.
09:29¿Por qué no puedo olerla?
09:53¿Qué es eso?
10:23¡Chengxin! ¡Chengxin!
10:54¿Qué tonto eres?
10:55¿Cómo es que ese olor
10:56no te despertó?
10:58Por favor,
10:59no lo menciones.
11:01Ya entendí.
11:02No quieres que Yaurong lo sepa.
11:05¿qué es lo que en realidad le escondes?
11:07¿Tienes miedo a que se enfade por algo?
11:09¿O no quieres que sepa
11:10que perdiste el olfato?
11:24El horno es muy hermoso
11:26y espiritual.
11:28No debemos hacer ruido.
11:30Sí, por supuesto.
11:32Ya que tú sabes todo,
11:34supongo que sabes
11:35cómo iniciar el fuego.
11:36Sí, claro que lo sé.
11:37No se lo preguntes.
11:39No lo sabe.
11:41Oigan, deténganse.
11:42Claro que sé cómo hacerlo.
11:44Para un horno espiritual como yo,
11:46el fuego no se debe activar.
11:47Se necesita la sangre refinada
11:49del dragón y el fénix.
11:50Solo así se iniciará el fuego.
11:53¿Sangre de dragón y fénix?
12:07Por fin ver el horno.
12:12¿estás aquí?
12:23Yaurong, no.
12:28¿Por qué lo hiciste?
12:30El horno pudo haber mentido.
12:32Sabes bien
12:33que perder tu sangre es peligroso.
12:36Claro que lo sé, Shenzhen.
12:41Una vez que la pierdas,
12:43¿cómo vas a vivir?
12:45¿Cómo vas a vivir?
12:47¿Cómo vas a vivir?
12:50Una vez que la pierdas,
12:53no podrás entrenar
12:55por la gran causa.
12:57Pero creo que...
13:01al final valdrá la pena.
13:08Sé perfecto
13:10lo pacífico y alegre que es
13:12cuando se entrena.
13:14Esa sensación no se puede reemplazar con nada.
13:18No quiero que la dejes de sentir.
13:21¿Entonces solo veo morir a quien amo y ya?
13:24¿Quién te dijo que lo haré?
13:26Te debilitas cada día que pasa.
13:29¿Crees que no lo he visto?
13:33Shenzhen, dime algo.
13:35Si no hacemos la medicina,
13:38¿cuántos días nos quedan?
13:41Cien días.
13:43Mil días.
13:44Diez mil días.
13:45Yo, Shenzhen,
13:46no me rendiré ni por un segundo.
13:53Y yo siempre estaré a tu lado.
13:56No importa lo que elijas.
14:40Yorong, dime, ¿estás bien?
14:55¿Por qué lo hiciste?
14:56Aún no estás recuperada.
14:57Usar tu sangre de Fénix
14:59podría causarte una condena eterna.
15:01Tengo que salvar a Shenzhen.
15:03No tengo opción.
15:05La sangre de Fénix y dragón
15:07enciende en el horno.
15:10Él mató a Guan Feibai,
15:11y aún así sacrificas tu vida.
15:14¿Lo asesinó?
15:17Así es.
15:19Cuando lo vi,
15:21Feibai ya estaba muerto.
15:27¡Alejate de ella!
15:29Shenzhen, ¿qué estás haciendo?
15:31Él solo vino a salvarme.
15:34Vi con mis propios ojos cuando atacó a Qiyan.
15:37Casi mata a una de sus compañeras.
15:39Con lo que hizo,
15:40¿cómo podría ayudarte?
15:43Es cierto.
15:45Fue en el Jardín Xiu.
15:47Fue culpa del Clan Demonio.
15:50Ellos controlaron mi mente en ese momento.
15:54No era yo mismo.
15:56Lo siento, no lo apuñalé a propósito.
15:58Han usado mi cuerpo por la fuerza,
16:00pero lo he controlado,
16:02dejando mi mente despejada.
16:04Y cuando desperté,
16:06había olvidado todo lo que sucedió.
16:16Lo siento, Shenzhen.
16:17Pero en ese momento,
16:18no era yo mismo.
16:20Lo siento, pero ya no creo en ti.
16:22Muchas cosas extrañas están pasando en el Jardín.
16:25Y si estás del lado del Clan Demonio,
16:27mucha gente morirá.
16:29¿Qiushan, en verdad apuñalaste a Qiyan?
16:32Es que yo no...
16:34Recuerdo haberlo hecho.
16:36Solo recuerdo por partes.
16:38A mis ojos parecían...
16:40unos demonios.
16:42¡Todos lucen como demonios!
16:44¿Y finges ser buen hombre con ella?
16:47¿Culpando a los demonios por tus errores?
16:49Eres un hipócrita.
16:52Entonces, en ese caso...
16:55¡Ya no tendré que fingir contigo!
17:00Este es territorio de los demonios.
17:02No quiero que se hagan daño.
17:04Actuarían como ellos.
17:06Si lo hizo Shenzhen o lo hiciste tú,
17:08al salir de aquí,
17:10descubriremos toda la verdad.
17:24Dice que soy un espía de los demonios
17:26y que maté a Wanfei Bai.
17:28No le crees, ¿verdad?
17:30Claro que no.
17:32Confías mucho en mí.
17:34Ni siquiera lo pensaste.
17:35No tendría por qué.
17:37Confío en ti.
17:40Y en cuanto a Qiushan...
17:43¿También confías en él?
17:45Tú y yo hemos visto ilusiones.
17:47A veces lo que ves...
17:49puede que no sea cierto.
17:53Sé que esto es difícil para ti.
17:55Si le crees a Qiushan,
17:57sospecharás de mí.
17:59Al no saber la verdad,
18:01es difícil saber quién tiene la razón.
18:03Pero por ahora,
18:05confiaré en los dos.
18:07No dejaré que los demonios ganen.
18:13Ahora entiendo por qué la gente te llama santa.
18:18¿Porque soy ingenua?
18:21Claro que no.
18:23Es porque eres muy sabia.
18:25Te prometo...
18:27que cuando salgamos de este lugar,
18:29llegando a la capital,
18:31te prometo que buscaré la verdad
18:33sobre Qiushan y yo,
18:35y te diré.
18:51¿Quién es?
18:53¿Quién es?
18:55¿Quién es?
18:57¿Quién es?
18:59¿Quién es?
19:01¿Quién es?
19:03¿Quién es?
19:05¿Quién es?
19:07¿Quién es?
19:09¿Quién es?
19:11¿Quién es?
19:13¿Quién es?
19:15¿Quién es?
19:17¿Quién es?
19:19¿Quién es?
19:35¿Qué haces?
19:44¿Cómo te atreves a beber mi sangre?
19:46La Emperatriz me tiene prisionera.
19:48It's a horrible place, and she used your blood to lock me up, and leave me there alone, that's why I hate her!
19:54Besides, trying a little bit of your blood isn't a big deal.
19:56Do you know how important this blood is?
19:58Oh, I don't care.
19:59Spit it out.
20:00I'm not doing it!
20:18Yurong, what's going on? Are you okay?
20:26I got exhausted when I got here.
20:30The whole trip was exhausting.
20:33This isn't because of the trip, and you know it.
20:34It's because you have an excessive bleeding.
20:37Again, I was trying to get your blood out of Fenix.
20:40Please, lower your voice.
20:41I don't want Shansheng to hear.
20:43Yurong, you could die because of that!
20:47How can you not be worried about something like that?
20:49You've always been very smart.
20:51Why are you being so stupid now?
20:53You already did it once.
20:54If you do it again, you could die.
20:57Is it really worth it?
20:58If you could decide between living in pain or dying happy, what would you do?
21:11This is what I want to do.
21:17Even if I die before he does, I know I'll feel less pain.
21:25I've already decided.
21:27If Shansheng dies, I'll die with him.
21:46If that's the case, then I'll save Shansheng.
21:51I won't let you die.
21:53If the oven needs blood, I'll give it to it.
21:57And why would you do it?
22:01Don't you really understand that I...
22:04would sacrifice my life for you?
22:09I still don't know if it will be easy to get out of this place.
22:12I have a question...
22:14that I want you to answer.
22:19In your life...
22:21have you done anything that you regret?
22:26Anything that I regret?
22:41I didn't know it was you!
22:44You were mistaken.
22:46I don't blame you.
22:47Salvation is near.
22:54When I hurt...
22:57Kiyan in the garden...
23:00that's what I regret the most...
23:03having done so far.
23:07I feel like the worst person.
23:11Do you believe me?
23:13Of course I do.
23:19We've all done something terrible.
23:21You must choose what to do.
23:23Some choose to keep making mistakes.
23:28the difference between a demon and us.
23:31Besides, at that moment...
23:33you weren't yourself.
23:36In your eyes...
23:39do you see a demon or a human?
23:42In my eyes...
23:45I see you as someone superior.
23:47Someone who cares...
23:50always for me, who's always by my side...
23:55and never complains about anything.
23:57You're someone who inspires me with loyalty.
24:01So many years...
24:04and I didn't know you thought that of me.
24:07I thought you hadn't noticed.
24:09Qiushan Jun...
24:12I'm sorry...
24:15but I'll never be able to give you what you need.
24:19Please stop trying.
24:22Your future is not on my side.
24:41Mr. Jin, isn't Your Highness eating?
24:44She's worried about Shang Cheng.
24:46We can't blame her for that.
24:48I'm afraid there's bad news.
24:51Of course not.
24:52He's very smart. I know he'll be back.
24:57Your Highness,
24:58the Lord and the Saint have disappeared into demon territory
25:01and they haven't sent any signal.
25:03They're in a place that's very dangerous.
25:06If she's worried, she won't help.
25:09Why don't you...
25:11Eat something first.
25:13It's delicious.
25:15That's enough. I said I'm not hungry.
25:18I don't care if they're in the most dangerous place.
25:20I'll be the one to find them.
25:25I need to go with the demons.
25:28Your Highness, don't do anything stupid.
25:31When she was in the capital,
25:32Black Cloak wanted to kill her.
25:34If she goes to her territory,
25:35she'll be eaten by the tiger.
25:38I'm the tiger, not the sheep.
25:40Besides, something must have happened to my master.
25:44He hasn't sent any signal,
25:46so I have to go save him.
26:06Your Highness! Your Highness!
26:09Please don't go, Your Highness.
26:10Do whatever you want, quickly. I have things to do.
26:13Your Highness,
26:14are you really going to go to the demon territory?
26:17I can't find another solution.
26:19Don't worry, I'll be back with good news.
26:21I don't know. I won't be calm if you go alone.
26:24Don't worry.
26:26I have tools here.
26:28Then General Jin knows that you...
26:32He doesn't know anything.
26:41What if someone tries to kill her?
26:44Shang Guan!
26:46What's going on?
26:47I'm glad you're here.
26:48Her Highness just went to the demon territory.
26:51She didn't let me follow her.
26:52If I'm here, I won't know what's going on with her.
26:54The demon territory is so big.
26:56What if she meets someone who loves her?
27:00They're cruel. You can hurt her.
27:02If we can't help her, what am I supposed to do now?
27:06What are you talking about?
27:07She's not as bad as you think.
27:11Remember that Lulua is the daughter of Emperor Bai.
27:14She's very bold.
27:17It can't be. We have to go help her.
27:21Hey, I have an idea.
27:23First, I'll help Her Highness.
27:24You stay here.
27:25When it's time, come get us.
27:28Okay. Be careful.
27:29See you.
27:58The snake bit you.
28:01Didn't you feel it when it bit you?
28:03My death is near.
28:04That will make me lose my five senses.
28:06And my connections with the outside world.
28:08When I die, I'll leave Yurong.
28:10Because I know that she intends to die if I fail to save myself.
28:15If I can't do everything,
28:17I won't be able to save her.
28:19I won't be able to save her.
28:21I won't be able to save her.
28:23I won't be able to save her.
28:25If I can't do everything to get out of this place,
28:27and save her.
28:29Don't worry.
28:31I'll do everything to make it happen the way you want.
28:37By the way, I need to ask you something.
28:40Do you want to know what happened at the Garden Show?
28:42I don't have an explanation for that.
28:44I'm just telling you
28:46that the man who did all those things
28:50wasn't the real me.
28:52I understand.
28:55This is demonic territory.
28:57We don't have to argue.
28:59When we're in the capital, we'll talk.
29:01I also want to ask you something.
29:05The Empress said we should look for the Star Map.
29:07You don't seem worried.
29:11Yes, I found it.
29:13You found it?
29:15I need it to change my destiny.
29:18You could tell me how I know it.
29:20I'd like to show it to you,
29:22but it's not a real map.
29:25It doesn't exist in my spirit.
29:28Don't worry.
29:30I'm glad you found it.
30:07Stop controlling me!
30:10Do you really think you can get rid of my control?
30:16As for the map, it's impossible to use it.
30:18That map
30:20only exists in Shang Cheng's mind.
30:22You could kill me.
30:25What if you wanted to do it now?
30:27It's possible.
30:29Based on Shang Cheng's ability,
30:31I could have memorized the Star Map
30:33and return it to its place.
30:35Are you sure you won't give it to me?
30:37I probably won't do it right now.
30:39But what if there's a life at stake?
30:41What are you talking about?
30:43What are you plotting?
32:18I have now generated my star for you.
32:20I hope this is worth it.
32:46It was the only black one.
32:48It's getting closer.
32:52Take the army to the peak of the furnace of Píldoras.
32:55Shang Cheng, Yurong and Qishan Jun have the furnace.
32:59The blood of the dragon and the phoenix will become the best Píldora in the world.
33:04If we tell your people that they are here, they will come to rescue them.
33:08It will be the perfect opportunity to eradicate the elites of the human clan.
33:12Qishan Jun.
33:15Are you really willing to die for them?
33:22Here. Be careful.
33:25What do you see?
33:27The furnace lately has an aura.
33:29How beautiful. It seems that we are in it.
33:32How did I not notice it before?
33:34Our trade with the demons has always been disconcerting and very hasty.
33:41If it weren't for the flames that rise today,
33:45if it weren't for the flames that rise today,
33:49we probably wouldn't even go through there.
33:52Besides, that doesn't look like a fire.
33:55Xodofu left his furnace.
33:57Although I doubt he will continue in that place.
34:00If the demon clan arrives first, something bad will happen.
34:06It doesn't matter how much we try.
34:08We won't be able to cross the barrier.
34:11All our traces have been exposed.
34:13And the demons will arrive at any moment.
34:15Your black tunic will not spare our lives.
34:18It would be better if I were here and fight alone.
34:22I don't know if we have a chance if we fight from here.
34:25I'll look for another place to see if I can find weak points.
34:51What a surprise!
34:53What are you doing in the land of demons?
34:56It's cute, don't you think?
34:57Why do you always come to the place where I am?
34:59It's because you are weaker than Yurong.
35:02I can kill you too!
35:26Damn it!
35:34Shengsheng suffered to get to the oven.
35:37Let's see how far they can get.
35:40You disobeyed me. What are you doing here?
35:42Didn't I tell you to stay in the academy?
35:44How was I going to let him enter Demon Land alone?
35:48Then we'll rescue him together.
35:52If it weren't for him, my arm wouldn't be okay.
35:55So, of course I'll help you rescue him.
35:58It's just that I don't know where to start looking.
36:02I heard something happened to the oven.
36:05We should look there.
36:07I haven't seen the Master in years. I miss him.
36:11Yes, I miss him too.
36:14Thanks to him, I've been able to get closer to my dream of being a great warrior.
36:20Your Highness, you know he was an ordinary boy who only dreamed of becoming a hero.
36:27It was the only thing he wanted to achieve.
36:30People laughed at me, so I thank you.
36:34I thank the Master and 36 who have helped me so, so, so much.
36:40So I hope that if one day I return to my clan again, my parents will see who I am.
36:48Your Highness, thank you.
37:04Thank you, Your Highness.
38:34Your Highness.
38:37I just saw the star formation and I found Yurong's whereabouts.
38:43That's great news, don't you think?
38:45Right now she's in the Pill Oven.
38:48Her star is faint. She must be in danger there.
38:52It will be difficult for her to return.
38:55Safe and sound.
38:57I'd like to go to that place to save Yurong.
39:02There is no one better than you to handle it.
39:05Thank you, Your Highness. I will do everything I can to return safely with Yurong.
39:10Be very careful.
39:13Hurry up.
39:16Who is it?
39:17It's me.
39:22Come in.
39:25It's late. It's not convenient for us to be in the same room.
39:28Let's talk here.
39:30I'm sorry, Your Highness.
39:32It's fine.
39:34I'm sorry, Your Highness.
39:36It's fine.
39:38It's fine.
39:40It's fine.
39:42I'm sorry, Your Highness.
39:43Let's talk here.
39:47If you come at this time, it's because you're in a hurry.
39:52I'll go to the Demons' territory to look for Yurong.
39:55That's very dangerous. You can't go without being prepared.
39:58I know.
40:00But I was ordered to.
40:03Even if I weren't ordered, I would not hesitate to help her because she is my best friend.
40:08It's just...
40:09I'm here to tell you.
40:11Ronghi Shansheng, I'm sure they're still alive.
40:15If I don't survive...
40:17Don't say nonsense.
40:19If I say you'll come back, then that will happen.
40:23See you.
40:24Wait, don't go yet. Why do you want to leave me?
40:29I'll go with you.
40:31What are you saying?
40:32Do you think I'd leave you alone?
40:41Shansheng, don't you feel like it's too hot here?
41:09Soon you'll feel like a roasted duck if you don't leave this place.
41:16I've tried everything I could think of.
41:19Do you know how to get out of here?
41:21I must confess that this formation confuses me a lot.
41:24But I'm more afraid of the confinement, look at this.
41:27Come on, back, back, back.
41:39Calm down, I've seen this barrier.
42:00She can't restrict your soul.
42:02Better go.
42:04Why should I do it?
42:05I won't move from here, I won't do it.
42:07Who do you think I am?
42:09Now I have Yurong.
42:12You can go.
42:13I don't want to take care of anyone else.
42:15Shansheng, what are you talking about?
42:18You're a burden to me.
42:20You go your way and I'll go mine.
42:24So you want me to go just because you say so?
42:27I won't do it!
43:15Are you crazy?
43:17Listen to me, if you leave me now,
43:21I'll never look for you again!
43:25Shansheng, I'm talking to you!
43:29Do you have to carry so many things?
43:32Do you carry more things than a woman?
43:35Moyu, I know we're not going on vacation, they're all my inventions.
43:38This will serve us.
43:39And what are they?
43:51Yurong, are you hot?
43:54A little.
43:58Just calm down.
44:04Dublado en Olimpia, México.
