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00:00While hiding from the police, a man fell into a river and, after getting out, discovered he
00:04had developed frightening superpowers. His physical strength and regeneration
00:07abilities had increased to astonishing levels.
00:16A middle-aged man runs through the streets of Rome, having just stolen a watch and now being
00:20chased by the police. In a bid to escape, he heads toward a river, breaks a lock,
00:24and hides on an abandoned barge, but the police quickly surrounded the barge from both sides.
00:28Without hesitation, the man slips into the water, and the police lose sight of him and leave.
00:32As he climbs out of the water, he stumbles upon barrels marked with chemical hazard symbols.
00:37In an attempt to push one of the barrels away, he accidentally breaks the lid and falls inside.
00:41With great effort, he manages to crawl out onto the shore, feeling nauseous and covered in
00:45chemicals. Struggling to get home, he barely makes it to the toilet and vomits black liquid.
00:50Exhausted, he goes to bed and eventually falls asleep.
00:53On the news, there's a report about a terrorist attack in the city.
00:56The next morning, the man wakes up feeling completely healthy. After washing up, he has
01:00breakfast and heads over to his neighbor's house, only to find he's not home. Deciding to search
01:04for him, he ends up at a property guarded by fierce dogs. He learns that Sergio is busy and
01:09decides to wait for him. Meanwhile, a group of criminals is meeting with their boss, who wants
01:13to involve them in a shady deal with some Neapolitans. Despite their initial plans to rob
01:17armored trucks, the boss disregards their opinions and orders Sergio to go to the airport to pick up
01:22the goods. They find out that their new contact is Nuncia and that they have a week to sell a
01:26kilo of drugs. They also need to attend a woman's birthday party today. Rico refuses to take part in
01:31the drug deal and heads to the party instead. Their conversation is interrupted by a guy
01:35arriving with the boss's requested package. The boss unwraps it and finds a white hard drive
01:39instead of the black one he asked for. Furious, he yells, and one of the men decides to leave,
01:44unwilling to deal with the drugs. Since the robbery plan was his idea, he takes it with him.
01:48Fabio, however, is displeased and, from behind, hits the man with a hard drive, smashing his skull.
01:54Afterward, Sergio goes outside and sends one of the men to clean up the boss's room while he heads
01:59to meet Enzo, who is bringing him stolen watches for sale. After receiving the money, the man
02:03leaves. Sergio, smoking a cigarette and noticing some dog feces, remembers he still needs to
02:08retrieve the goods from the drug couriers. He pauses for a moment and calls out to Enzo.
02:12The men show up at Sergio's place to grab things for their meeting with the couriers.
02:16While they're there, Enzo meets Sergio's daughter, Alessia. She seems really unsettled,
02:21glued to the anime steel jeeg and linking everything around her to the show.
02:24As they head out to meet the couriers, Sergio apologizes for his daughter's behavior and
02:28explains that she's been struggling since her mother passed away. The men arrive at the airport,
02:32where there's a heavy police presence because of recent terrorist attacks.
02:35Two black guys approach their car, one of whom looks in really bad shape.
02:39Despite this, Sergio tells them to get in. They all drive to a construction site.
02:43The courier asks if they can take his brother to the hospital first,
02:46but Sergio insists that they need to secure the drugs before dealing with any medical issues.
02:50When they reach the 9th floor, Sergio discovers that one of the men is dead.
02:54He decides to cut open the body to retrieve the drug packets, but the brother vehemently protests,
02:58insisting that it would violate their traditions and anger the spirits of their ancestors.
03:02Sergio ignores him and, with a knife in hand, moves toward the corpse.
03:06Just then, his phone rings, distracting him. Seizing the moment, the brother grabs Sergio's
03:10gun and shoots him. Enzo, stunned and in agony, stumbles backward and falls from the 9th floor.
03:16Some time later, Enzo wakes up on the pavement, confused about how he ended up there.
03:20He runs away from the construction site.
03:22Meanwhile, the gang is at a club celebrating Nuncia's birthday, with Fabio performing on
03:26stage. As Fabio is in the middle of his act, Rico gets a call with some troubling news.
03:31After the performance, Rico is informed that Sergio is missing. A woman then approaches them,
03:35and Fabio reassures her that the drugs are secure and everything is under control.
03:39When Enzo gets back home, he runs into Alessia in the hallway. She asks where her dad is and why
03:44he isn't with him, mentioning that he promised her a princess dress. Enzo tells her he doesn't know.
03:48Once inside his place, Enzo takes a look at his shoulder wound from the bullet and takes care of
03:52it. He then settles down to eat while watching an erotic film. Alessia's constant crying and
03:57banging on the door, demanding to know where her father is, gets to him. In a fit of frustration,
04:01he punches the door, and to his shock, he breaks right through it.
04:05Surprised by his sudden strength, he starts experimenting, easily lifting a wardrobe and
04:09tearing a heavy radiator in half. Seeing the potential of his newfound strength, Enzo puts
04:13on a disguise and heads out to rob an ATM. After some effort, he manages to rip the machine out of
04:18the wall and carries it home on his shoulders. At his apartment, he tears the ATM apart to
04:22retrieve the cash. He then goes out for groceries, hanging up some money that was stained with ink
04:26bombs to dry. After picking up some medicine, he decides to treat his wound but is surprised to
04:31find that it has completely healed. Suddenly, he hears Alessia screaming. He rushes into the
04:35hallway to see her surrounded by Fabio's gang. Fabio is trying to find out where her father is,
04:40but Alessia can only speculate that he might have been taken by Queen Himiko, the Fire Emperor,
04:44or Minister Emizo. Fabio realizes she's not making sense and that she might be unstable.
04:49Enzo decides to slip downstairs. Alessia notices him but he gestures for her to stay quiet.
04:54He sneaks past her and out of the building, while the gang drags Alessia back into the apartment.
04:58Inside, they plan to search for hidden drugs, but their plans are interrupted when a masked man
05:03suddenly bursts through the window. The gang attacks him, but he takes them all down.
05:06Holding one of the criminals by the head, Enzo demands they let Alessia go. Fabio insists they
05:11release his guy first. Enzo throws the man to the floor, and the criminal releases Alessia but,
05:16as a final act of defiance, stabs Enzo in the foot. After the gang leaves, Enzo removes his
05:21shoe and discovers that his toe has been severed. He returns to his apartment and uses a bandage to
05:25reattach it. Alessia follows him and calls him Hiroshi, the superhero, urging him to use his
05:30power for good instead of robbing. Enzo, however, is uninterested and irritated by her. She also
05:35shares disturbing stories about her psychiatrist, who took her and other patients to the pool and
05:39photographed them naked. Annoyed by her constant rambling about anime and her past, Enzo gives her
05:44some food and sends her to bed, explaining that if she goes back home, Fabio will return and kill
05:48her. After dinner, Alessia falls asleep on the adjacent bed, but Enzo can't sleep. Her exposed
05:53chest catches his eye, and he gets up to take a cigarette. As he searches his jacket pocket for a
05:58lighter, he finds a glasses case that he had picked up when he accidentally dropped Sergio's
06:02package. Opening the case, he discovers a detailed robbery plan for an armored truck.
06:06In the morning, Enzo wakes up to the sounds of an erotic film and sees Alessia watching him.
06:10He turns off the phone and asks if she has any friends or relatives. She says she has none and
06:15mentions that when her father was in prison, she was in a boarding school in Copranica.
06:18He tells her to get ready because it'll take her there. During their conversation,
06:22he removes the bandage from his toe. Although the wound has healed, the toe hasn't reattached
06:26and falls off again. Enzo drops Alessia off at the boarding school. She's clearly unhappy and
06:31reluctant to stay. He reassures her it will only be for one day, but she's skeptical, recalling
06:35how her father made similar promises and ended up disappearing for two months. Enzo tries to
06:40cheer her up by suggesting she join the other kids working on a paper mache project, but she
06:44declines, saying she's not done with her own project yet. She promises to give him the finished
06:48piece as a gift. Before he leaves, Alessia asks him to promise he'll come back for her and give
06:53her a day of darkness and a princess dress. In the car, Fabio and his crew are watching a viral
06:57video of the ATM heist. Fabio realizes that the person in the video is the same one who interrupted
07:02them at Sergio's place. As they watch, Rico is outside talking to his informant. When he returns,
07:08he confirms the time and route of the armored truck, which on Fridays carries supermarket
07:11revenue totaling about 200,000 euros. However, their usual contact who disables the GPS is
07:17unavailable until the end of the month. Fabio is frustrated since the heist is scheduled for
07:21tomorrow. He wishes they knew the identity of the person in the video to recruit him. Rico suggests
07:26they need to handle Nuncia first, but Fabio brushes it off, saying he has nothing to discuss with her
07:31and doesn't want to look foolish in front of the Neapolitans. Rico is puzzled by Fabio's motives,
07:35and Fabio admits he wants to make a big impact and become famous. Back at his hideout, Fabio
07:40finds Nuncia's men waiting. They've discovered Sergio's dead body and demand payment for the
07:44goods. Fabio explains that they've been deceived and needs time to sort things out. He promises
07:48that if Nuncia is patient, he'll have the money by the following evening. The group leaves,
07:53satisfied with this assurance. Meanwhile, Enzo is preparing for the heist, meticulously studying the
07:58armored truck's route. He turns on Steel Jig on the TV as part of his preparation. The next day,
08:03Fabio's gang sets up an ambush at a spot they know the truck will pass. Fabio orders his men to shoot
08:08to kill if necessary. As the truck approaches, they spot it and get ready to execute the heist.
08:12At that moment, Enzo, positioned on a bridge above the road, starts hurling large boulders
08:17at the truck. Once the truck is forced to stop, he leaps onto it, throws the drivers out of the cab,
08:22and pries open the doors with his bare hands to grab the money. Fabio, furious that Enzo is
08:26stealing the money right under their noses, begins shooting at him from a distance. Enzo,
08:30with a bag of euros in hand, makes a hasty escape as Fabio's men calm him down and lead him away.
08:35With the money from the heist, Enzo buys new appliances and stocks up on a mountain of food
08:39for his home. He sets up the projector and settles comfortably on the couch, ready for a quiet
08:44evening. Just as he's about to start dinner, there's a knock at the door. Peering out the
08:47window, he sees a police car. Cautiously opening the door, he finds two police officers standing
08:52with Alessia. They explain they found her wandering the streets, and she directed them
08:56to his address. After thanking the officers, Enzo closes the door. Once Alessia is inside,
09:01she immediately notices the boxes of food and new appliances and assumes he's robbed another ATM.
09:06Enzo, irritated, starts scolding her for bringing the police, but Alessia is unfazed. Instead,
09:11she presents him with a handmade gift and asks him to wear it whenever he turns into a superhero.
09:16Annoyed, Enzo tells her she can't stay and plans to return her to the orphanage.
09:20Alessia then spots a collection of her favorite anime on the shelf and suggests they watch it
09:24together. At the same time, Nunzia's men are waiting on site for Fabio with the money,
09:28but he never shows up. Instead, Fabio sits in his car, observing them from a distance.
09:33Back at Enzo's apartment, while they're watching the cartoon, Alessia suddenly takes his hand.
09:37Enzo moves closer, but Alessia begins to have an uncontrollable fit, pleading with him not to do
09:41this and to let her go. He manages to calm her down, but she continues to talk about her father
09:46and begs him to save him. The next day, Fabio sees two guys spray-painting graffiti. After
09:51chasing them off, he examines the artwork and notices they've painted a figure from the ATM
09:55video. Meanwhile, Enzo takes Alessia to an amusement park and heads to the monster cave,
10:00but Alessia is disappointed because she wanted to visit the fire cave. To distract her, Enzo
10:04suggests a ride on the Ferris wheel. Although the ride isn't operational, he manually starts
10:08the wheel without electricity. Back at his headquarters, Fabio meets with Rico. Rico
10:13informs him that he's updated Nunzia on the situation and is heading to Marcello to borrow
10:17money. Fabio is displeased with Rico's approach and suggests they should find a supervillain and
10:21reclaim the money stolen from the armored truck. Rico is not interested, so Fabio decides to
10:26proceed his way. As soon as Rico leaves the room, Fabio orders one of his men to release the dogs.
10:31Unaware of the impending danger, Rico steps outside and is immediately attacked by the
10:35unleashed dogs. Meanwhile, Fabio sits by the window, listening to the screams from outside
10:40with grim satisfaction. Enzo and Alessia arrived at the mall, having visited several stores without
10:45finding the perfect princess dress. While walking around, Alessia tried to convince Enzo that saving
10:49people was his true calling. Suddenly, she spotted the dress in a display window. Enzo suggested she
10:54try it on, and after she changed, she peeked out of the fitting room and called him over.
10:58She placed his hand on her heart and told him that whenever he was near, it felt like her heart was
11:02about to leap out of her chest. She then awkwardly kissed him, and, overwhelmed by emotions, Enzo
11:08returned the kiss. They lost control, and despite her pleas for him to stop because it hurt, Enzo
11:12became intimate with her. After leaving the store in the princess dress, Alessia was visibly upset.
11:17She confronted Enzo, saying he should be ashamed because his mission was to save her father and
11:21humanity. Enzo, struggling with the situation, finally confessed that Sergio was dead. Alessia,
11:27unable to accept the harsh truth, burst into tears and ran away. Meanwhile, in his office, Fabio,
11:32irritated by the news coverage of terrorists and the supervillain who stole the ATM,
11:36was frustrated that someone else was getting the spotlight. He called for Tazzina and instructed
11:40him to contact Marcello. Alessia ran to a tram stop and got on a tram, but just as it was about
11:45to leave, it suddenly stopped. Enzo was holding it back with his superhuman strength. He lifted the
11:50tram off the rails, entered, and approached Alessia. He apologized for his behavior, promised
11:55to take care of her, and offered to take her to her father. As he carried her out of the tram,
11:59he noticed that people around them were filming him. They were soon distracted by a distant
12:03explosion. Fabio met with Marcello and borrowed the money, promising to repay it in two weeks
12:07with interest. Satisfied with the agreement, Marcello, who is transgender, suggested they have
12:12sex, and Fabio agreed. Their intimate moment was abruptly interrupted when Nuncia's men dragged
12:17them out of the car. Fabio pleaded for his life, saying he had the money and was ready to give it
12:21up. Despite his pleas, the woman among Nuncia's men shot Marcello and threatened to set Fabio on
12:26fire with gasoline. Terrified, Fabio was relieved when they revealed it was just a scare. Suddenly,
12:31Marcello, who had regained consciousness, killed Nuncia's men, but the woman managed to escape.
12:36Realizing his situation was dire, Fabio, in a fit of rage, killed Marcello. Meanwhile, Enzo took
12:42Alessia to the morgue to say goodbye to her father. Back at his headquarters, Fabio found
12:46his dead dogs outside and his injured men inside. The TV was still on, showing news coverage of
12:51Enzo Cecchetti, the man with super strength, which caught Fabio's attention. Turning around,
12:56he saw Tazzina, the only one who had managed to avoid capture. After calming Tazzina, Fabio
13:01shared his plan. Enzo, having taken Alessia to a hotel to stay hidden, was in their room when Fabio
13:06burst in. Fabio shot Enzo with a tranquilizer, causing him to pass out. When Enzo woke up,
13:11he was tied to the bed with duct tape from neck to toes. He begged Fabio to leave Alessia alone
13:16and offered all his money in exchange for her safety. But Fabio wasn't interested in money,
13:20he wanted to know the source of Enzo's strength. He theorized that with such power, they could
13:24achieve something grand, like blowing up the Olympics to gain worldwide notoriety. Enzo
13:28admitted he didn't know the origin of his strength, prompting Fabio to order Tazzina to harm Alessia.
13:33At this point, Enzo decided to reveal everything. He led Fabio to the riverbank near the barge
13:37where he had gained his powers. Enzo explained that his abilities began after falling into the
13:41water. Fabio was not satisfied with this explanation and demanded Enzo get into the
13:46water to prove it. Meanwhile, Alessia, left in the van, managed to retrieve a needle from her
13:50bag and stab Tazzina in the neck. A car was speeding along the waterfront when Fabio realized
13:55it was Nunzia's crew. As they opened fire, Alessia stumbled out of the van and was caught in the
13:59crossfire. Enzo rushed to her, but before he could fully react, Nunzia approached the wounded Fabio
14:04and set him on fire. Fabio, engulfed in flames, fell into the river. With her final words,
14:09Alessia urged Enzo to save people and complete his mission. As she passed away, Enzo held her close,
14:15sobbing uncontrollably. The next morning, a mangled figure emerged from the river.
14:19In the car, Fabio applied makeup and donned a wig, transforming his appearance. He then headed
14:23to Nunzia's house. Once there, he turned on the music, recorded a video, and proceeded to kill
14:28everyone in the house one by one. After the massacre, he found a room filled with weapons.
14:33Enzo was wandering along the highway when a police car spotted him. They decided to turn
14:37around to verify his identity. The car behind them, not noticing the police car had stopped,
14:41crashed into it at full speed. The police car flipped several times and caught fire.
14:45Enzo rushed to help, ripping open the trunk and pulling out a child, whom he handed back to her
14:50mother. As he did so, he saw on a nearby food trucks TV that a terrorist had killed Nunzia's
14:55family and promised to stage a massive explosion. Enzo realized that the terrorist was Fabio and
14:59remembered the mention of a stadium. He took a motorcycle from a bystander and headed to
15:03the stadium. At the stadium, Fabio, disguised as a homeless person, had knocked out all the
15:08paramedics, stolen an ambulance, and planted explosives inside. Enzo arrived, moved a
15:12barrier aside, and sneaked onto the premises. A fierce battle ensued between him and Fabio,
15:17with their superhuman strength causing columns to crumble and walls to break.
15:20The police arrived but were unable to capture Fabio, who escaped. Enzo followed, discovering
15:25the bomb planted in the ambulance. As people began evacuating the stadium, Enzo jumped into
15:30the car and sped away, but the police stopped him. Realizing the danger if the bomb exploded
15:34near them, Enzo grabbed the explosive device and pushed the ambulance toward the police.
15:38He swerved onto the sidewalk and ran as fast as he could toward the river.
15:41With minutes left before the explosion, Fabio attacked him on the bridge and knocked the
15:45bomb from his hands. Despite his injuries, Enzo managed to get up and, in a final act of bravery,
15:50grabbed Fabio and leapt into the water with him. Moments later, there was a massive underwater
15:54explosion. The blast drenched everyone nearby, and the force of the explosion hurled Fabio's
15:59severed head out of the water. The news reported on Enzo's heroic act. Whether he was truly a hero
16:04was open to debate, but the public saw him as one, perhaps because they were in desperate need of
16:08heroes. Unfortunately, this hero was no longer with them. Amidst the city, atop the Colosseum,
16:13a solitary figure stood, Enzo, now wearing the steel jeeg mask given to him by Alessia.
16:18What do you think, if Alessia hadn't died, would he have become a superhero or would
16:22he have continued stealing? Share your thoughts in the comments down below,
16:25give us a thumbs up, and subscribe to the channel. See you in the next video.
