Rebel Ridge 2024 action/thriller movie review netflix

  • 22 hours ago
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00:00Hello everyone, this is Paul Branson Reviews and so much more, or you can just simply call
00:06me Mr. Branson's World, I like that as well.
00:09Now today I'm going to talk about a movie called Rebel Ridge.
00:13This movie has been on Netflix, and it's fairly new, and I knew nothing about this film.
00:19I had a friend that mentioned it to me, and he wasn't sure if I'd like it or not, because
00:23I more like psychological thriller and horror movies, but I like almost anything if it's
00:28well done and well acted, I could really like a film.
00:32I thought this film was absolutely incredible, but what I did not know when I put it on was
00:40this was Aaron Pearce's first major role.
00:46So he's the star of this film, Aaron Pearce, he plays a man named Terry.
00:51Now there's some other actors in here that I won't mention, I will probably mention two
00:55more actors, but some other actors I looked at, and I want you to be surprised, because
01:00I was like, oh, yeah, these actors are older actors, and I don't recognize them, and then
01:05when I looked them up I'm going, of course, because the casting to this was incredible,
01:10the dialogue was incredible, the action sequences were fantastic, except for one scene that
01:17I kind of was like, meh, yeah, I can live with that, and then there was a few scenes
01:23that were a bit dark, but overall this film is getting really good reviews, like for example,
01:29it's getting 95% in Rotten Tomatoes, a 6.9 out of 10 on INBD, that I believe is kind
01:39of low for this film, because this film is absolutely an amazing movie.
01:43Aaron Pearce's first major role, he should get an Academy Award for this, this movie
01:47should have been in the theaters, not playing on Netflix.
01:51So before I get into it, I wasn't even going to watch this film, I saw the poster, and
01:56my friend said it was good, didn't read any reviews, didn't read anything, put on the
02:02trailer just a little bit, because I found the title, Rebel Ridge, I'm like, Rebel Ridge,
02:07that's a silly name for a movie, why should I watch a movie called Rebel Ridge, like,
02:12I want a name to a movie that would capture me, I just don't think that name did it, but
02:17again, I'm not sure what else you would name it, if you name it something else than I'm
02:20thinking, you'd give away something, but there's really not much to give away, but
02:24the fantastic thing about this movie, is Aaron Pearce, this is his first major role, he's
02:30also now going to be doing Green Lantern, he's going to be Green Lantern, James Gunn
02:36apparently is involved, but I'm not sure if this is a TV series, one part I read it was
02:40a TV series, another part I read it was a movie, I get confused, but he's going to be
02:46the next Green Lantern, so he does a major role of this movie, and then boom, he's right
02:51in the DC universe, and I think he would be an amazing, he's an amazing actor, he's an
02:56amazing actor, I think I saw him in something else, but it wasn't a major role, nothing
03:00like this, this was incredible, now picture this, you're riding your bike with your GPS,
03:06there's no cars around, you're listening to your music, and then you see this wonderful
03:10cinematography, and I mean fantastic, wonderful, insane, so people that worked on this should
03:16be really proud of themselves, and then right behind him is a police car, and it hits him,
03:22he gets down on the ground, he falls down on the ground, he pulls his gun out on him,
03:27the man has done nothing wrong, except riding his bike, now, and the conversation to this
03:34was absolutely incredible, he was calm, he was collective, the man, the guy who played
03:40Terry, Aaron Pierce, he was calm, he was collective, the dialogue in this was incredible, the police
03:48took his money, and searched him, there's a lot I'm not telling you, the money was his,
03:54he needs that money for something, that I'm not going to get into what it is, so now,
04:01he goes to a judge, or not a judge, he goes to a lawyer's office, a lawyer hears what
04:08he's saying, and this woman is fantastic, Anna Sophie Robb, now she played with The
04:15Rock in Return to Witch Mountain in 2009, and she hasn't really done much prior to that,
04:21I heard she went to university to get a degree in something, now she's this, she was a lawyer
04:26in this film, and she was incredible in this film as well, just incredible, told him what
04:31he could do, but he decides to go to the sheriff's office now, and ask for his money back, but
04:36in a very unique way, that the suspense, and the thrill in this movie is all there, all
04:45the way through, a two hour and ten minute film, or eleven minute film, and it keeps
04:50you at the edge of your seat, I couldn't get up and have popcorn, I'm figuring, I figured
04:55okay, I'll watch this for a little bit, I'm not probably going to get into it, I got so
04:59much into it, I didn't get my popcorn, I didn't get my popcorn, I didn't get a drink, I watched
05:04it all the way through, and I was like, wow, didn't put it on pause, because I didn't want
05:09the thrill to leave me, this should have been in the theatre, this should win Best Picture,
05:13he should win Best Award, so he walks into the police station, he meets this officer
05:18named Jessica, now, I can't say her actual actor's name, I wish I could, I have a pronunciation
05:25problem, but she was a wonderful actress too, he sits down, he says he's been robbed, and
05:31as soon as he says, he can't remember the badge number, she gets up and gets the sheriff,
05:36the sheriff comes in, and the conversation, and is there action in this? Yes, who is this
05:42guy? I'm not going to tell you, what did he need the money for? I'm not going to tell
05:45you, but let's just say, it's a fantastic movie, it's on Netflix now, you need to see
05:52it, and as you watch it, picture him as Green Lantern, because I, as soon as I read that,
05:58that he was going to be Green Lantern, after I watched this movie, and read a little bit
06:01about him, I was like, yes, his first major role, and then Green Lantern, he's on his
06:08way, and I can't see, it's going to be amazing to see what else he does, but the officer
06:13who played Jessica, she's an amazing actress as well, and even the sheriff, and some of
06:18the deputies, you will recognize them, if you look closely, I'm not going to tell you
06:22their names, I might put the names in the back there, so you might recognize some of
06:25them, but it's an amazing cast, and everyone should be proud of what they did. Now they
06:29had theme music in the background, that I thought was a little too much, here and there
06:35a little bit, because I was thinking, okay, it doesn't need to be in the whole film, or
06:39maybe it was just stuck in my head as I was watching the film, because it was good theme
06:43music, the whole thing was fantastic, I give it a 10 out of 10, and I don't take that lightly,
06:49it's a fantastic piece of work, and it must be seen, on Netflix, and if it's in the theater,
06:55playing in certain parts, see it, it's a fantastic movie, and great actors are in this film,
07:01everything about it, and everyone should be proud of themselves, of making such a fantastic
07:06piece of work. Alright, bye for now everyone, have an incredible day, check out my movie
07:10reviews, my food reviews, my tours, and much more, and I hear a bus behind me, oh, jeez,
07:15it's a truck, I never know what's behind me, I like doing reviews outside, I like doing
07:20my food reviews outside, and that's what I do, I want to be, I want to be in tune with
07:26nature, as I'm doing food reviews, and movie reviews outside, and I never know what's going
07:30to happen, have an incredible day, check out Rebel Ridge, it's worth your time, it's a
07:35fantastic piece of work, bye for now everyone, thank you for watching.
