• 2 days ago
HALCON NEGRO Pelicula Completa en español latino HD
00:00:00Hola que tal mis amigos de Hola Estudios TV, les saluda Karen Duarte y quiero pedirles que me acompañen a ver nuestra siguiente película titulada El Alcohol Negro
00:00:08bajo la producción de Paco Saldana con la dirección de Omar Saldana. Espero que la disfruten, que dejen sus comentarios, sus likes y activen la campanita porque yo les voy a traer más estrellas.
00:00:30El Alcohol Negro
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00:16:10El Alcohol Negro
00:16:20El Alcohol Negro
00:16:30El Alcohol Negro
00:16:40Hola, hola, hola, chulada.
00:16:43¿Por qué tan sola?
00:16:44Mejor sola que mal acompañada.
00:16:46¿Usted y yo nos podríamos tomar un vinito aquí?
00:16:49No, gracias, no tomo. Así estoy bien.
00:16:52Oiga, reina, usted y yo ando una vueltecita aquí por el pueblo.
00:16:57¿Dónde se llega?
00:16:58No me interesa, ya te lo dije, déjame en paz.
00:17:01Que te la sigas pasando bien.
00:17:03Mi lobo, esta vieja va a ser mía o me dejo de llamar Ernesto.
00:17:14Y el pueblo entero supieran que somos los Calavera.
00:17:18No, mi lobo, esto no nos conviene.
00:17:22Ya no podríamos andar por el pueblo como nuestra casa.
00:17:25Más vale llevárnosla tranquila.
00:17:29Entiendo muy bien, tienes toda la razón.
00:17:33Pero por cierto, acuérdense que le tenemos que ir a cobrar a mi futuro suegro.
00:17:39Vamos a ver al pinche viejo cascarrabia.
00:17:58Ya está por demás. Decirte a qué venimos.
00:18:28¿Qué tal silencio? Un gusto salvarte.
00:18:57Dejese de pendejadas.
00:18:59Esa no es manera de hablarle a uno.
00:19:02Tenga su dinero y lárguese.
00:19:14Este es el momento, carnal.
00:20:35Pero no se salvarán de la muerte.
00:20:43Tengo que encontrarlos.
00:20:50Muchachos, al parecer esta temporada la cosecha promete mucho.
00:20:54Y de serlo así, tendremos buenos beneficios.
00:20:58Y recuerden, que si yo gano, ganan también ustedes.
00:21:01Qué bueno, patrón. Estas tierras siempre han sido fieles a usted.
00:21:04Siempre con usted, patrón.
00:21:06Es cierto. Estas tierras siempre han sido el sustento de todos ustedes y de nosotros.
00:21:11Desde mis abuelos y mis padres, aquí nacieron y aquí murieron.
00:21:33¡Buenas, buenas!
00:21:34¿Qué tienes de buenas, cabrones?
00:21:37¡Ni se te ocurra, mugroso, porque aquí te mueres!
00:21:41¿Ya tienen este choco?
00:21:43¿Hasta cuándo van a dejar de chingarme, mendigas ratas?
00:21:46¡Hasta quemarte de tu mugroso pueblo!
00:21:51Por lo mientras estamos muy a gusto aquí.
00:21:54Su gente ha sido muy generosa y gentil con nosotros.
00:21:58Así es de que nos vas a tener que aguantar un poquito más.
00:22:01¿Cómo ves?
00:22:02Por cierto, viejo.
00:22:04¿Ya le habló bien a ese hijo de mí?
00:22:05Cuídate de mi hija, imbécil.
00:22:07Ella nunca será tuya.
00:22:09Lo peor de todo es que se le traiciona con hilo.
00:22:13Pero como sagro.
00:22:15¡Vengan y lárguense!
00:22:18No quiero volveros a ver por aquí en mi rancho.
00:22:21No, mi amigo.
00:22:22No, sino antes decirte que la cuota ya subió el 15%.
00:22:27Y para el próximo mes queremos nuestro dinero.
00:22:29O te pierdes a las consecuencias.
00:22:32¡Vámonos, muchachos!
00:22:33Sí, viejo.
00:22:34¡Vámonos, muchachos!
00:23:02Tenemos que seguir uniendo fuerzas en contra de los calaveras
00:23:06para erradicar y exterminarlos de forma definitiva
00:23:09y nuestras familias y pueblo podamos vivir en paz como antes.
00:23:13Será una batalla donde podemos morir en la raya.
00:23:17Con tal de defender lo nuestro.
00:23:20Pero no hay otro camino.
00:23:22Ya una vez hubo un grupo de policías comunitarios que se unió para hacerles frente
00:23:27pero perecieron en el intento.
00:23:29Así que hay que trabajar mucho porque el Grupo Unido debe vencer el mal.
00:23:34Y a cualquier grupo de malditos que pueda presentarse en un futuro.
00:23:39¡Viva el Grupo Unido!
00:23:51Buenas, señores.
00:23:53¡Arriba las manos, cabrona!
00:23:55¿Qué haces aquí?
00:23:56¿Qué quieres?
00:23:57Vengo en son de paz. Quiero hablar con ustedes.
00:24:00Date la vuelta, cabrona. Quiero ver si traes armas.
00:24:04Les digo que vengo en son de paz.
00:24:06Permítanme cinco minutos.
00:24:08Está bien, señores. Vamos a escucharla.
00:24:10A ver qué tiene que decirnos.
00:24:12¿Puedo saber la causa de tu atrevimiento?
00:24:15Cuando bien sabemos que toda tu corporación,
00:24:18sobre todo el comandante y tú,
00:24:20están coludidos con los calaveras.
00:24:22Este punto es el que me trae hasta aquí.
00:24:24Aunque no lo crean, quiero unirme a su causa.
00:24:27Acabar con los calaveras.
00:24:31¿Te das cuenta de lo que nos estás diciendo?
00:24:33Por supuesto.
00:24:35He llegado al límite de aguantar tantas injusticias crueles
00:24:38y muy graves al lado del comandante,
00:24:40el que es un maldito,
00:24:41al que solo le importa el dinero que le proporcionan los calaveras.
00:24:47Realmente todo este tiempo he sufrido lo que vive nuestro pueblo.
00:24:50Y haberme tenido que aguantar a fin de conservar mi trabajo
00:24:53y sacar adelante a mis viejos.
00:24:56Pero hoy me he armado de valor.
00:24:59Y por eso estoy aquí.
00:25:01Porque quiero ayudarles si ustedes me lo permiten.
00:25:04¿Cómo sabemos que realmente es cierto todo lo que nos dices?
00:25:07Solo les pido una oportunidad para que vean el grado de mi verdad.
00:25:11Está bien, vamos a confiar en ti,
00:25:13puesto que ocupamos apoyo para hacerles frente.
00:25:17Miren, he pensado en un plan
00:25:20para ir acabando de uno en uno con los calaveras.
00:25:23Para que al final tengamos éxito.
00:25:51Más de un millón de calaveras han desaparecido.
00:25:55La mayoría de ellas han desaparecido.
00:25:58La mayoría de ellas han desaparecido.
00:26:01La mayoría de ellas han desaparecido.
00:26:04La mayoría de ellas han desaparecido.
00:26:07La mayoría de ellas han desaparecido.
00:26:10La mayoría de ellas han desaparecido.
00:26:13La mayoría de ellas han desaparecido.
00:26:16La mayoría de ellas han desaparecido.
00:26:19La mayoría de ellas han desaparecido.
00:26:22La mayoría de ellas han desaparecido.
00:26:25La mayoría de ellas han desaparecido.
00:26:28La mayoría de ellas han desaparecido.
00:26:31La mayoría de ellas han desaparecido.
00:26:34La mayoría de ellas han desaparecido.
00:26:37La mayoría de ellas han desaparecido.
00:26:40La mayoría de ellas han desaparecido.
00:26:43La mayoría de ellas han desaparecido.
00:26:46La mayoría de ellas han desaparecido.
00:26:49La mayoría de ellas han desaparecido.
00:26:52Senovio, a pesar de haber sufrido tanto,
00:26:55quiero mucho a estas tierras, a mi gente.
00:27:02Senovio, a ti no te voy a ocultar lo que pienso hacer.
00:27:06¿A qué te refieres con eso?
00:27:09Voy a acabar con esa banda de mercenarios
00:27:11que aquejan a toda mi gente.
00:27:13Ahora sí te volviste loco, hijo.
00:27:16Mira que decir eso.
00:27:18Esto no se puede quedar así.
00:27:20Además, no les tengo miedo.
00:27:22Es muy peligroso eso, Darío.
00:27:25Son muy malos, y no quiero que te pase nada malo.
00:27:28Ya lo verás que todo va a salir bien.
00:27:30No te preocupes.
00:27:32Créeme que si yo tuviera las fuerzas suficientes,
00:27:35ya los hubiera enfrentado.
00:27:37¿Pero por qué estás tan seguro tú
00:27:39de hacerles frente? ¿Y tú solo?
00:27:42Voy a confesarte algo muy delicado.
00:27:45Eres como mi padre, y me veo la obligación de contártelo.
00:27:52Además, si muero en el intento,
00:27:55no quiero irme sin antes desahogarlo.
00:28:00Senovio, soy un ejecutor a sueldo.
00:28:03¿Cómo dices? ¿Escuché bien?
00:28:07Así como lo oyes, estoy metido en la mafia hasta el tope.
00:28:11He matado mucha gente.
00:28:13Por eso todos los privilegios de los que he venido gozando.
00:28:17Cuando dejé este hogar a mi familia,
00:28:19en busca de ser alguien en esta vida,
00:28:21llegué a la capital del estado,
00:28:24y fue en ese entonces cuando se me presentó la oportunidad
00:28:27de ganar mucho dinero rápido.
00:28:29Era tanta mi frustración de no ser nadie,
00:28:32y que en ese momento mi madre ocupaba una medicina muy costosa,
00:28:35así que me decidí y le entré,
00:28:37empezando con pequeños compradores y cantidades.
00:28:42Por ende, el negocio conllevaba que mi familia viviera decentemente.
00:28:46Eso realmente me hacía sentir muy bien.
00:28:50Pero el precio fue mayor.
00:28:52Me obligaron a despacharme a los que me iban asignando,
00:28:55principalmente del gobierno.
00:28:58Todo eso iba en contra de mis principios,
00:29:00pero sobre todo porque ya no podía salirme de todo esto.
00:29:04Me vi obligado a usar un vestuario especial,
00:29:07que protegiera mi identidad y vida,
00:29:09contra los contras cuando hacía los trabajos sucios.
00:29:13Y así, de esa manera es a lo que le debo lo que soy ahora.
00:29:17No me esperaba que me salieras con todo esto,
00:29:20pero a estas alturas ya decidiste lo que tienes que hacer.
00:29:24Solo me queda pedirle a Dios para que acabes con ellos.
00:29:29Solo un favor, Darío.
00:29:31Claro, dime.
00:29:32Haz que sufran esos cabrones para que paguen.
00:29:35De eso se va a tratar.
00:29:37De que mueran cruelmente como los perros que son.
00:29:41Por cierto, tengo el dato de su próxima extorsión.
00:29:45Se trata de un conocido mío.
00:29:47Mañana van a pedirle plaza.
00:29:50Pues ahora sí.
00:29:52Su fin ha llegado, Calaveras.
00:29:54El halcón negro será su terror.
00:29:57¿Me agrada ese alias?
00:30:00Haciendo honor y alusión a mi ave favorita de buena suerte.
00:30:20Perro, cabrones.
00:30:21Néstor, como ya bien lo sabes,
00:30:23el sapo y yo tenemos un asunto pendiente con unas pieles
00:30:27a la salida del pueblo.
00:30:29Y pues de aquí, nosotros nos desafanamos.
00:30:33Ya que no quieres ir con nosotros.
00:30:35Nada de eso, mis compas.
00:30:37Lo que pasa es que yo también tengo un asunto con una pielecita por ahí.
00:30:43Ah, qué, mi Néstor.
00:30:44¿Cuándo dejarás de ser tan cabrón?
00:30:46Ni que fuera gripa, mi compa.
00:30:48Usted sabe que eso no se quita.
00:30:50Además, los quiero al ratito en la casa, bien descansados.
00:30:54Hasta pronto, mi Néstor.
00:30:57¡Al cine pasadito, viejón!
00:31:16¡Ey, ustedes!
00:31:29¿Y tú quién cabrones eres, cabrón?
00:31:32Falcón Negro.
00:31:36Si nada de lo que me pides, cabrón, me iré muy lejos.
00:31:39Me iré muy lejos, pero no le jales.
00:32:51These cabrones from the M.R. and El Zapo,
00:32:55who don't report,
00:32:58don't even mess with them.
00:33:00I already told you, dad.
00:33:01The safest thing is that they are with some girls out there.
00:33:04They must be very drunk and high.
00:33:07They also have the right to have fun.
00:33:09You are right, kids.
00:33:11It's just that I worry too much about things.
00:33:14But you know what?
00:33:16We are exposed to having many enemies,
00:33:19here and anywhere.
00:33:21Well, yes, Calavera.
00:33:23But we can't be prey to fear.
00:33:25And less us.
00:33:32The commander is out there.
00:33:34And the very cynical one says he's coming for his money.
00:33:37You're always so reckless.
00:33:39Tell him to come in.
00:33:41As you wish.
00:33:56Hello, Calavera.
00:33:59To what do we owe the honor of your visit, commander?
00:34:02Please, Calavera.
00:34:04Of course.
00:34:05I'm coming for my money.
00:34:08I was just kidding, commander.
00:34:14Give it to Lobo.
00:34:21Well deserved, Calisto.
00:34:26It's a pleasure to work for you.
00:34:29Although things have been very critical lately.
00:34:32The people are joining forces,
00:34:34forming a movement of community policemen.
00:34:37They call themselves the United Group.
00:34:40Besides, you know what?
00:34:42They came to complain to me.
00:34:44I don't know what to say.
00:34:46And do whatever you want.
00:34:48Fuck it!
00:34:49You know what's going on.
00:34:52Fuck it!
00:34:53Fuck you.
00:34:54You know what's good for you.
00:34:56Well, I mean, if you want to keep living.
00:35:02Well, then.
00:35:04Don't go.
00:35:06Have a few drinks here with us.
00:35:09What else would I want, Calavera?
00:35:11Unfortunately, I'm on duty.
00:35:14Besides, I don't want to give more than to the locals.
00:35:19I don't want bad feelings.
00:35:22Take care.
00:35:23Have a good day.
00:35:26Excuse me, gentlemen.
00:35:36Well, dad.
00:35:38I also have a pending matter with some girls out there.
00:35:41I had already stayed.
00:35:43Nestor, let Lobo or Perico accompany you.
00:35:47It's not necessary, dad.
00:35:48Without the mountain pass, I don't run any kind of danger.
00:35:52Well, my rooster.
00:35:53Well, have a good time and have a lot of fun.
00:35:56And if you behave badly.
00:35:58Invite me, bastard.
00:35:59Of course, my wolf.
00:36:00Take care, brother.
00:36:19What are you doing here?
00:36:21I'm here to see you.
00:36:23What are you doing here?
00:36:25I'm here to see you.
00:36:27What are you doing here?
00:36:29I'm here to see you.
00:36:31What are you doing here?
00:36:33I'm here to see you.
00:36:35What are you doing here?
00:36:37I'm here to see you.
00:36:39What are you doing here?
00:36:41I'm here to see you.
00:36:43What are you doing here?
00:36:45What are you doing here?
00:36:47I'm here to see you.
00:36:49What are you doing here?
00:36:51I'm here to see you.
00:36:53What are you doing here?
00:36:55I'm here to see you.
00:36:57What are you doing here?
00:36:59I'm here to see you.
00:37:01What are you doing here?
00:37:03I'm here to see you.
00:37:05What are you doing here?
00:37:07I'm here to see you.
00:37:09What are you doing here?
00:37:11I'm here to see you.
00:37:13What are you doing here?
00:37:15I'm here to see you.
00:37:17What are you doing here?
00:37:19I'm here to see you.
00:37:21What are you doing here?
00:37:23I'm here to see you.
00:37:25What are you doing here?
00:37:27I'm here to see you.
00:37:29What are you doing here?
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00:37:35I'm here to see you.
00:37:37What are you doing here?
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00:37:41What are you doing here?
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00:37:45What are you doing here?
00:37:47I'm here to see you.
00:37:49What are you doing here?
00:37:51I'm here to see you.
00:37:53What are you doing here?
00:37:55I'm here to see you.
00:37:57What are you doing here?
00:37:59I'm here to see you.
00:38:01What are you doing here?
00:38:03I'm here to see you.
00:38:05What are you doing here?
00:38:07I'm here to see you.
00:38:09What are you doing here?
00:38:11I'm here to see you.
00:38:13What are you doing here?
00:38:15I'm here to see you.
00:38:17What are you doing here?
00:38:19I'm here to see you.
00:38:21What are you doing here?
00:38:23I'm here to see you.
00:38:25What are you doing here?
00:38:27I'm here to see you.
00:38:29What are you doing here?
00:38:31I'm here to see you.
00:38:33What are you doing here?
00:38:35I'm here to see you.
00:38:37What are you doing here?
00:38:39I'm here to see you.
00:38:41What are you doing here?
00:38:43I'm here to see you.
00:38:45What are you doing here?
00:38:47I'm here to see you.
00:38:49What are you doing here?
00:38:51I'm here to see you.
00:38:53What are you doing here?
00:38:55I'm here to see you.
00:38:57What are you doing here?
00:38:59I'm here to see you.
00:39:01What are you doing here?
00:39:03I'm here to see you.
00:39:05What are you doing here?
00:39:07I'm here to see you.
00:39:09What are you doing here?
00:39:11I'm here to see you.
00:39:13What are you doing here?
00:39:15I'm here to see you.
00:39:17What are you doing here?
00:39:19I'm here to see you.
00:39:21What are you doing here?
00:39:23I'm here to see you.
00:39:25What are you doing here?
00:39:27I'm here to see you.
00:39:29What are you doing here?
00:39:31I'm here to see you.
00:39:33What are you doing here?
00:39:35I'm here to see you.
00:39:37What are you doing here?
00:39:39I'm here to see you.
00:39:41What are you doing here?
00:39:43I'm here to see you.
00:39:45What are you doing here?
00:39:47I'm here to see you.
00:39:49What are you doing here?
00:39:51I'm here to see you.
00:39:53What are you doing here?
00:39:55I'm here to see you.
00:39:57What are you doing here?
00:39:59I'm here to see you.
00:40:01What are you doing here?
00:40:03I'm here to see you.
00:40:05What are you doing here?
00:40:07I'm here to see you.
00:40:09What are you doing here?
00:40:11I'm here to see you.
00:40:13What are you doing here?
00:40:15I'm here to see you.
00:40:17What are you doing here?
00:40:19I'm here to see you.
00:40:21What are you doing here?
00:40:23I'm here to see you.
00:40:25What are you doing here?
00:40:27I'm here to see you.
00:40:29I don't know what the hell could have happened.
00:40:33I really have no idea,
00:40:35but for now,
00:40:37let's forget about this problem for a while
00:40:39and let's toast.
00:40:41You know what, daughter?
00:40:43I owe it all to the teachings
00:40:45when I was in the army.
00:40:47Those were the days,
00:40:49they were awesome.
00:40:51But you know what?
00:40:53You're also a badass
00:40:55for what we're doing.
00:40:57Besides being so beautiful.
00:40:59And you know what?
00:41:01I'm so happy to have you with me
00:41:03because I love you so much, daughter.
00:41:05Son of a tiger,
00:41:07I'll never leave you.
00:41:09We'll be together until death.
00:41:11Yes, daughter.
00:41:19What's up, assholes?
00:41:21Why are you here?
00:41:23What we're going to tell you is very serious.
00:41:25Whatever it is,
00:41:27let it go already.
00:41:33They killed Nestor.
00:41:35What are you saying?
00:41:37No, it can't be.
00:41:39What you just heard.
00:41:41They killed your son.
00:41:43No, it can't be.
00:41:49Who was it?
00:41:51We don't know yet,
00:41:53but I guess
00:41:55it was the same people
00:41:57who killed RM and Zapo.
00:41:59Calixto and his people
00:42:01found his body
00:42:03in very bad condition.
00:42:09Damn it!
00:42:13Why did you let them kill you
00:42:15so easily, Nestor?
00:42:19You were my strength.
00:42:21You were everything to me.
00:42:31No, you son of a bitch!
00:42:33Damn it!
00:42:51Damn it!
00:42:59You know what?
00:43:01Prepare everything
00:43:03for his funeral.
00:43:05Yes, sir.
00:43:07And be very discreet.
00:43:09As you wish.
00:43:11Right away, Cadavera.
00:43:17Oh, brother.
00:43:19I could never tell you
00:43:21how much I love you.
00:43:23Don't worry, Nestor.
00:43:25I'll avenge your death
00:43:27so you can rest in peace.
00:43:31Damn murderer!
00:43:49Nicole, thank you very much
00:43:51for accepting my invitation.
00:43:53It's a real pleasure.
00:43:55Besides, how could I not
00:43:57talk to a good friend like you again?
00:43:59It's been a long time
00:44:01since I heard from you.
00:44:03I'm very glad you're well.
00:44:05Thank you very much, Nicole.
00:44:07You're so kind.
00:44:09You know, you're more beautiful
00:44:11than I thought you were.
00:44:15Thank you, Dario.
00:44:17You too.
00:44:19Don't stay behind.
00:44:21You look great.
00:44:23What are you doing to me, Nicole?
00:44:25Coming to you is an honor.
00:44:27You know, I...
00:44:29I've always liked you
00:44:31since we were kids.
00:44:33Now that I see you again,
00:44:35I'm convinced I really love you.
00:44:37Dario, I don't know what to tell you.
00:44:39I'd like you to give me
00:44:41a chance to get to know you
00:44:43or rather,
00:44:45to start a formal relationship with me.
00:44:47Isn't that too soon?
00:44:49I'm convinced you're the one
00:44:51I've always loved.
00:44:53Don't you like me at all?
00:44:55Of course I like you, Dario.
00:44:57Otherwise, I wouldn't be here.
00:44:59Besides, I must confess
00:45:01I've liked you a lot since the past.
00:45:03So, what's the problem?
00:45:05Would you really like that?
00:45:07With all my heart,
00:45:09what are you saying?
00:45:13I don't know.
00:45:15I don't know.
00:45:41Would you like something to drink, Father?
00:45:43I'd rather be alone.
00:45:45I understand.
00:45:47I know how much you wanted to go out.
00:45:49If you need anything,
00:45:51I'll be right here.
00:46:13I'll be right here.
00:46:35Commandant of Calixto,
00:46:37do you read me?
00:46:41Are you daring to confront us?
00:46:43I don't know yet, Calavera.
00:46:45But you'll see
00:46:47how soon it will be.
00:46:49I can imagine.
00:46:51You must have a clue.
00:46:53And you know why?
00:46:55I'm going to kill him
00:46:57like a dog,
00:46:59or whoever the hell you are!
00:47:03I'm also very worried.
00:47:05I'm going to be a part of all this.
00:47:13I have no idea
00:47:15who is confronting us.
00:47:19I can't even imagine
00:47:21a brave man
00:47:23daring to confront us.
00:47:25Is there someone out there?
00:47:27At the very least,
00:47:29let her go!
00:47:31Nestor has always been
00:47:33obsessed with Don Camilo's daughter.
00:47:35He loved that girl very much.
00:47:37But she always rejected him.
00:47:39You know what, Wolf?
00:47:41I think
00:47:43that's the key.
00:47:45We have to pay her a visit.
00:47:49We'll take advantage of it.
00:48:09We have to find out
00:48:11something about all this.
00:48:15And I hope it won't take long.
00:48:27Hello, Captain.
00:48:29Hi, handsome.
00:48:31This is Agent Tania.
00:48:33How are you, Captain?
00:48:35I'm fine.
00:48:37This is Agent Tania.
00:48:39How are you?
00:48:41This is a true miracle.
00:48:43Tell me,
00:48:45what do we owe the honor of your call?
00:48:47I just wanted to contact you.
00:48:49This call is more than a business call.
00:48:51It's to confess that I haven't stopped thinking about you.
00:48:53I confess that I'm very attracted
00:48:55to your personality
00:48:57and your way of being.
00:48:59Really, beautiful?
00:49:01I can't believe it.
00:49:03How is it possible
00:49:05for someone as beautiful and handsome as you
00:49:07to tell me those things?
00:49:09It really makes me feel like a real turkey.
00:49:11I understand.
00:49:13But I would like
00:49:15to see us talk
00:49:17for a long time, you and me, alone.
00:49:19What do you think?
00:49:23Don't say anything else.
00:49:25See you there.
00:49:27See you soon. Bye.
00:49:31Can you tell me who it was?
00:49:33This is Agent Tania,
00:49:35and I'm going to see her,
00:49:37but not exactly in a business plan.
00:49:39That's right.
00:49:41My future muse is waiting for me.
00:49:43See you in a bit.
00:49:53I'm glad you answered.
00:49:55I'm calling you because apparently
00:49:57there's going to be a four on our side.
00:49:59My instinct as a woman tells me.
00:50:01Who could it be?
00:50:25Hi, handsome.
00:50:27I'm glad you came.
00:50:29Come on, take a shower with me.
00:50:59Don't move.
00:51:03Hands up, bastard!
00:51:05Don't try anything.
00:51:09Don't move, bastard.
00:51:11You're out of luck, bastard.
00:52:45You're going to pay for this very expensively.
00:52:57Finally, hit it man, hurry up!
00:53:27Oh my god!
00:53:47Get out of the car!
00:53:50Get out of the car!
00:53:53Get out of the car!
00:53:57Get out of the car!
00:54:01Get out of the car!
00:54:04Get out of the car!
00:54:27Get out of the car!
00:54:29Get out of the car!
00:54:53Get out of the car!
00:54:56Get out of the car!
00:54:59Get out of the car!
00:55:02Get out of the car!
00:55:05Get out of the car!
00:55:08Get out of the car!
00:55:14What do you want? Please don't hurt me!
00:55:18Calm down.
00:55:19Calm down.
00:55:27Calm down.
00:55:29Calm down.
00:55:31Let's say I want to ask you a few questions.
00:55:36I know who you are.
00:55:38I know who you are.
00:55:41I was pretending to be you.
00:55:44And of course, if you're hot.
00:55:50What can you tell me about his death?
00:55:54I don't know what you're talking about.
00:55:56I didn't even know he was dead.
00:55:58And tell me everything you know!
00:56:00You should know about the causes of my son's death.
00:56:04I already told you I don't know anything!
00:56:09The only thing I can tell you is that I'm not interested in your son.
00:56:13You're a bastard!
00:56:15Let me go!
00:56:16Get out of my clothes! You have a visitor.
00:56:19It's the commander.
00:56:21And it's something very serious.
00:56:23Stay and take care of her.
00:56:25I'll be right back to finish what I started.
00:56:28I'm going with my friend.
00:56:44Don't you dare scream.
00:56:47Because it will be of no use to you.
00:56:49For your information, the commander is one of us.
00:56:53As you see.
00:57:03Sorry, skull.
00:57:05For coming without warning you at this time.
00:57:08But it's something very important that I have to tell you.
00:57:11Well, what are you waiting for to let her go?
00:57:14You have murdered your daughter Cassandra.
00:57:19What are you saying, bastard?
00:57:21Is this a joke?
00:57:23It's not a joke.
00:57:25It was a confrontation between my people Perico and Cassandra.
00:57:30And some of the group that are also dead.
00:57:33Unfortunately, you can't do anything for your daughter.
00:57:37Order the wolf to lower the body of the truck.
00:57:45Yes, skull.
00:57:47Come here. Do what you have to do.
00:58:13I love you.
00:58:44I need your help, please.
00:58:53Answer, dad.
00:59:09Yes, hello, Nicole, love.
00:59:10Dario, my love.
00:59:12The skulls have kidnapped me.
00:59:14Help me, please.
00:59:16What are you saying?
00:59:18It can not be. Where are you?
00:59:48Why did you do this to me, Nicole?
00:59:53I love you very much.
01:00:04First a story, now your design.
01:00:41Do you think you are very smart?
01:00:43Right now I'm going for the keys.
01:00:54Well, skull.
01:00:56I'm going to retire.
01:00:58This damn traitor left you there.
01:01:01Do whatever you want with her.
01:01:03A death with him is what he deserves.
01:01:09You have work for tomorrow.
01:01:11Go preparing your people.
01:01:13In the course of the day,
01:01:15I'll call you to give you instructions.
01:01:20In advance.
01:01:24Believe me, I did what I could in La Habanacera.
01:01:31That bitch was in the house of David.
01:01:34And she locked herself with security.
01:01:36But don't worry.
01:01:44And those are the only signs I could see?
01:01:47Well, I came in shock, out of fear.
01:01:49And I couldn't see where we were coming from.
01:01:51Don't worry, my love.
01:01:53It won't be difficult for me to get to that place.
01:01:55I know this town very well.
01:02:01I have to hang up. I love you.
01:02:03And I love you. I'm going there.
01:02:06I love you too.
01:02:36I love you too.
01:02:46Wolf, take care of burying her body.
01:02:49And bury this bitch alive.
01:02:52When you return,
01:02:54I'll give you instructions on why we leave this region
01:02:57as soon as we give Christiana's grave to my daughter.
01:03:01Yes, Calavera.
01:03:04As you wish.
01:03:06I love you.
01:03:36I love you too.
01:04:06I love you too.
01:04:36I love you too.
01:05:06I love you too.
01:05:37I love you.
01:05:39I love you too.
01:05:41I love you too.
01:05:43I love you too.
01:05:45I love you too.
01:05:47I love you too.
01:05:48I love you.
01:06:06Hey, you!
01:06:07It was you, you bastard.
01:06:09You damn bastards!
01:06:11She had no fault!
01:06:13You're going to pay for this!
01:06:15You're going to pay for this!
01:06:16Go ahead, cabrón!
01:06:46You're going to be okay. I'm taking you to the hospital.
01:07:16You're going to be okay.
01:07:46You're going to be okay.
01:08:06You're going to be okay.
01:08:36You're going to be okay.
01:08:56You're going to be okay.
01:09:16You're going to be okay.
01:09:46You're going to be okay.
01:10:15You're going to be okay.
01:10:25You're going to be okay.
01:10:35You're going to be okay.
01:10:55You're going to be okay.
01:11:05You're going to be okay.
01:11:15You're going to be okay.
01:11:35You're going to be okay.
01:11:55You're going to be okay.
01:12:19You're going to be okay.
01:12:29You're going to be okay.
01:12:39You're going to be okay.
01:12:59You're going to be okay.
01:13:09You're going to be okay.
01:13:19You're going to be okay.
01:13:29You're going to be okay.
01:13:39You're going to be okay.
01:13:49You're going to be okay.
01:13:59You're going to be okay.
01:14:27You're going to be okay.
01:14:37You're going to be okay.
01:14:47You're going to be okay.
01:15:07You're going to be okay.
01:15:27You're going to be okay.
01:15:37You're going to be okay.
01:15:47You're going to be okay.
01:15:57You're going to be okay.
01:16:07You're going to be okay.
01:16:17You're going to be okay.
01:16:27You're going to be okay.
01:16:37You're going to be okay.
01:16:47You're going to be okay.
01:16:57You're going to be okay.
01:17:07You're going to be okay.
01:17:17You're going to be okay.
01:17:27You're going to be okay.
01:17:37You're going to be okay.
01:17:47You're going to be okay.
01:17:57You're going to be okay.
01:18:07You're going to be okay.
01:18:17You're going to be okay.
01:18:27You're going to be okay.
01:18:37You're going to be okay.
01:18:47You're going to be okay.
01:18:57You're going to be okay.
01:19:07You're going to be okay.
01:19:17You're going to be okay.
01:19:27You're going to be okay.
01:19:37You're going to be okay.
01:19:47You're going to be okay.
01:19:57You're going to be okay.
01:20:07You're going to be okay.
01:20:17You're going to be okay.
01:20:27You're going to be okay.
01:20:37You're going to be okay.
01:20:47You're going to be okay.
01:20:57You're going to be okay.
01:21:07You're going to be okay.
01:21:17You're going to be okay.
01:21:27You're going to be okay.
01:21:37You're going to be okay.
01:21:47You're going to be okay.
01:21:57You're going to be okay.
01:22:07You're going to be okay.
01:22:17You're going to be okay.
01:22:27You're going to be okay.
01:22:37You're going to be okay.
01:22:47You're going to be okay.
01:22:57You're going to be okay.
01:23:07You're going to be okay.
01:23:17You're going to be okay.
01:23:27You're going to be okay.
