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Hello and welcome! Here you will find a diverse selection of movies in English and Spanish. Enjoy the cinema and let yourself be carried away by its magic.
00:00:30No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
00:01:00no, no,
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00:04:00Come on
00:04:09Yeah, kind of make a guy wanna puke
00:04:30Much Nellie Ada since when I can't ship it open what's the dish minor?
00:05:09Don't know
00:05:16They're not just fall there yeah careful, will you me not his teeth out?
00:05:24Goddamn krauts, why didn't they treat him before they brought him to the shithole?
00:05:35Don't worry father we'll have it fixed up in no time
00:05:40It's crazy can't trust a poor guy. He's in real bad shape
00:05:45Careful easy does that put him over on the table. Oh, this is the best place for now
00:06:00Jesus this is a hell of a mess go find back room bring them over here drunk or sober
00:06:09Hey, where about your boys from when did they capture you? Yeah? What's the latest news? How fast are we advancing well?
00:06:15My name is Carver captain Alan Carver
00:06:18I was commanding a squadron of light bombers on a mission to intercept the German convoy
00:06:22I'm afraid the casualty must have been pretty high they fire escorts was unexpectedly heavy
00:06:29That's my co-pilot stain we got hit and caught fire, so there wasn't any hope of getting back to our base
00:06:37Bailing out was our only choice and when we hit the ground we were picked up by a German patrol. Hey, there's backer
00:06:42Hey, there's backer
00:07:06Let's operate at once
00:07:09They're a shrapnel in there
00:07:11Get him ready for me
00:07:22Okay, let's go
00:07:24Who's got the alcohol?
00:07:27Here it is, but watch out backward doesn't drink it all
00:07:33Don't worry, this is rubbing alcohol
00:07:38You ready
00:07:57Hope he's up to it. Let's hope so
00:08:10Why don't we have the Germans to look after him they have to according to the Geneva Convention and your medic is thinking drunk
00:08:20If we hand him over to the Krauts you won't see your lieutenant again
00:08:24That's certain
00:08:26He's a boozer
00:08:28But he knows his stuff. All right
00:08:36Give me a hand
00:09:03Must be crazy
00:09:04No one can operate the state medicine in civilian life. I'll bet he was a butcher
00:09:09Sorry captain, but the chap you thought used to be a butcher actually was a very successful surgeon in England
00:09:21Then his wife got ill she had a brain tumor only a few months to live
00:09:28Seeing her suffering was what made him kill her and he didn't hide the truth
00:09:31He claimed it was a mercy killing only still got a jail sentence when he came out
00:09:35He decided to join up and he got captured immediately
00:09:38It was in here. He started brooding about it and he started drinking a lot, but he's still a first-class doctor
00:10:07Hold him hold him still
00:10:19Give us a hand for God's sake get his arm. Okay, we've got him. Let's get on with it
00:10:28Hmm come on try to resist he'll be as quick as he can
00:11:31Good work
00:12:02Yeah, glad that's over oh
00:12:09Steady on
00:12:18You'll be alright my boy don't worry wrap it up
00:12:21Oh, yeah, good for you back at her you bloody deserve it mate
00:20:01Take it easy stain take it easy. They're not shooting at us. Come down now come down
00:20:15Better not go outside captain
00:20:18Unfortunately, I think I know what it is
00:20:19There was an escape set up for tonight
00:20:21You see an American officer in the next cell hid in a water tank in the courtyard
00:20:25Waiting for the right moment to make a break for it
00:20:28He stayed there four or five hours under the water
00:20:32Must have breathed through a tube
00:20:34poor kid
00:20:36And it wasn't such a bad plan either I wonder how the hell they ever found out
00:21:28Prisoner attempted to escape last night
00:21:30You will notice that he did not succeed a similar conclusion awaits any of you who wishes to repeat the experiment
00:21:37We Germans have sharp eyes and good ears. Do not imagine you can escape our vigilance. I
00:21:43Have no doubt that this man had accomplices among you
00:21:46Therefore you're all to be punished
00:21:47You will have five days of reduced rations and I warn you that if there are any more of these foolish attempts to escape your
00:21:53Rations will be reduced again
00:21:57You three remove that body at once
00:22:09He's on the wrong
00:22:15Dirty bastards, they didn't have to gun him down
00:22:19There we go, you're coming along very nicely laddie miracle your wound didn't get infected
00:22:25But with all the blood you lost you're gonna need to eat. Well, if you're gonna get your strength back
00:22:31Well, I'm afraid the bloody Jerry's have put us on reduced rations
00:22:34But fortunately I can obtain supplies for my clients down in the village
00:22:39Of course, I'll have to do without the odd bottle a rod gap, but take care. Thanks
00:22:48Lieutenant tell me what did Baccarat mean about clients? Well, my name is Duncan glad to know you my pleasure
00:22:55So you wanted to know about the clients of Baccarat?
00:22:57He only has one aim in life and that's where to get the next bottle and seeing as how a steady supply of liquor isn't
00:23:03Easy to get in here
00:23:04He somehow wangled a permission to treat a few of the farmers who live in the neighborhood and they payment drinks
00:23:09Yeah, and some food the Germans know about it. They have to escort him
00:23:13But they take half of what he gets. I
00:23:16See that you're reading a French newspaper. So you speak the language? Yeah. Yes. Yes, sir. I do
00:23:24You know, I was with Duncan when the Jerry's caught him they captured our patrol and well
00:23:29Since he wasn't taken with us. We thought he got safely away, you know, but you'll never believe how they caught him
00:23:33He stopped to have a look the ruins of an old Roman bridge and forgot that he was an enemy territory really no kid
00:23:38I swear it man
00:23:40He didn't even know what was happening when they captured him. He's a sort of junior absent-minded professor
00:23:44He knows everything about everything, you know, he can talk eight languages the way yes, you can hardly realize it's a prisoner
00:23:53Is it possible that we never managed to escape from this lousy prison camp I
00:23:59Well, we all wanted to try when we first got here, but so far everybody who tried has been shot
00:24:04Well, there must be some way of getting out of here. We just can't let ourselves sit on our asses forever
00:24:14Damn them
00:24:17They do this quite often it's a house rule I think they're afraid we might invite girls in our bedroom
00:24:38Mean the problem is simply getting out of here
00:24:43Mmm, once outside, they'll never recapture us
00:24:46We joined the party sense. They'll help us get back to our lines. The catch is there's no way out of here
00:24:52there are farts
00:24:56Vomit or yes up
00:24:59Allen present there dear. Yes, not me. Yeah
00:25:06Be careful. Yes
00:25:08We have here a new guest who's come to join you a British soldier
00:25:13He's from an armored division which was stationed in Tunisia and of which is one of the few survivors
00:25:19Because his unit was rendered inoperative by the irresistible attack of our glorious Africa Corps
00:25:25You will observe to what conditions is reduced and I assure you that all his fellow countrymen will soon suffer a similar fate
00:25:34England will learn what it means to incur the wrath of our beloved Führer. Hi Hitler. The entertainment is finished proceed
00:25:47Duncan present
00:25:54McDonough yes, sir
00:26:09This kid looks pretty bad only God knows what I did to him
00:26:21You feel it laddie
00:26:23What they kept you I was captured in Tunisia. He got me on 49. There's only nine died on the damn trip getting here
00:26:30Yeah, I don't know where they are. Listen, I've got dysentery
00:26:35Yeah, well, let's have a look at your tongue
00:26:41Well, you can put that back yet
00:26:45I could be mistaken
00:26:48But I wouldn't get too close to this chap. He could be highly contagious
00:26:53All of you keep as far away from him as possible
00:27:03I'm afraid we must take some precautions immediately. I'll have to go and speak to the commandant. You'll come with me and translate, right?
00:27:33Tell him we have an urgent message for the commandant
00:27:36Say it's important very important. Okay. Okay. This is 50 service dig
00:27:42Mustn't support me here in overcome and then spike and the commandant is there
00:27:47Bishop did that last year open so by that side up yet scanty. It says the commandant is too busy to see you right now
00:27:57What are you up to anyway
00:28:25God I don't want to go through this a second time
00:28:31Yeah, you can have it it's enough for me now go on take it no, I don't want it
00:28:36Oh, what's the matter? Aren't you coming with us? No, not me
00:28:51Johnson Martin
00:28:56Mulligan here. Oh gonna I
00:29:04Don't Monty
00:29:09Jerry yeah, they're gay
00:29:13pressing bontar
00:29:16Picker wait, right. Yep, McDonnell
00:29:23They love who stay
00:29:27Douglas uh-huh
00:29:55Know now always know what's their hurry?
00:30:07Tell me what I got sir, please tell me what's the matter don't let me die in this awful place major
00:30:12I want to try and get home
00:30:15There's nothing to worry about. You'll be all right
00:30:18Then it disintrigue. That's all
00:30:20But if you want to get out of here, you'll have to pretend you keep feeling worse
00:30:25I've got some leaves to rub your skin with the cause blisters
00:30:30Remember daddy you're the only hope we have
00:30:36What are you doing Pratt
00:30:39I'm looking for someone. I told you to keep away from this man. You may catch his disease. It's extremely dangerous
00:30:45Hmm, I suppose you're immune to this disease. Are you and Duncan and the rest of you? What'd you get a vaccination?
00:30:51I'm impressed by your professional zeal major Baccarat. Maybe you've joined the temperance. All right
00:30:57There is nothing wrong with him get closer
00:31:00Why don't you give him a kiss? Go on what's all the new back? It's not dangerous. Eh?
00:31:07You're not so sure. Are you?
00:31:09Given your back. I have come undone. What do you want back at her? It's a matter of extreme urgency
00:31:16I am listening. I'm the camp doctor here commandant
00:31:20Even if I hold that position unofficially I do so willingly because I'm the only doctor here in the camp
00:31:25I'm the only doctor here in the camp. I'm the only doctor here. I'm the only doctor in the camp
00:31:30I'm the only doctor here. I'm the only doctor in the camp. I'm the only doctor in the camp
00:31:36I do so willingly because I'm the only doctor here in spite of the rules clearly laid down by the Geneva Convention
00:31:41I do so willingly because I'm the only doctor here in spite of the rules clearly laid down by the Geneva Convention
00:31:42There should be one of your doctors in every camp
00:31:44But you Germans always ignore the regulations in spite of the protests from the International Committee
00:31:49We can put our doctors to a much better use at the front line
00:31:53I hope however, this is not what you came here for as you can see I am extremely busy
00:31:59It's a lot more serious when that last man arrived the British soldier
00:32:04He brought a disease. You've no doubt heard about
00:32:07The plague what what are you trying to say?
00:32:11But it's impossible. How can you be sure of this? I will need to see proof of this
00:32:15Four prisoners have already caught the disease
00:32:20And so have I here's your proof
00:32:28Let nobody touch this fool clear
00:32:34You will be confined to your cell until we can arrange transfer to a suitable isolation clinic
00:32:39As a doctor, you know what to do to prevent spreading the disease
00:32:43Now get out
00:32:47Be ready to leave tomorrow morning
00:33:03Del Monte
00:33:22Yes, sir
00:33:23Where did you get that?
00:33:24It wasn't me who found it. It was the English kid
00:33:27He saw Pratt put it under the pillow of his bunk
00:33:30And the Germans would have found it this evening when they inspected their dormitory
00:33:37You see
00:33:39Well, there's one thing I'd be grateful for
00:33:41Now we've got a disease. Nobody will search us, will they?
00:33:44What made you do it Pratt?
00:33:45You were planning to give us away to the Germans, weren't you?
00:33:48It was your fault if the car got a poor guy in the water tank
00:33:51And you figured we were going to get the same treatment, didn't you?
00:33:54So you were the one who was spying on us
00:33:56No, I was not
00:33:57Now we see that you won't betray anybody else
00:34:00And there is only one way to do it
00:34:03Be you
00:34:04Oh, what?
00:34:05Cut away those words
00:34:06That's what you deserve
00:34:15I've just had a talk with the medical commandant
00:34:19Evidently, none of our field hospitals are equipped to treat the plague
00:34:25In short, we have to deal with this problem by ourselves
00:34:29We must get the sick prisoners out of here right away
00:34:33Away from the camp
00:34:35It'll be up to you to eliminate any further risk of contagion
00:34:40I would say from my own experience
00:34:42That fire is the best solution
00:34:48Let's go
00:35:18Let's go
00:35:48Come on
00:36:00All right, easy now
00:36:03That's it
00:36:08Come here
00:36:09Here we go
00:36:19Let's go
00:36:42Well, I think that takes care of that
00:36:45I want you to call the medical command again
00:36:49Tell them we must have a fumigation unit at once
00:36:52I want the whole camp disinfected from top to bottom tomorrow
00:37:01We better start
00:37:04Give it here
00:37:05Come on
00:37:15There she goes
00:37:19One down
00:37:20Good boy
00:37:21Now to the next
00:37:32Those damn Krauts
00:37:33They've got orders to shoot all of us and set fire to the truck
00:37:37Just what I expected
00:37:39A hospital would have been too dangerous
00:37:41And provided they get rid of the bodies, they've got nothing to worry about
00:37:45Or they could say the truck was attacked by partisans
00:37:48Then even if the International Red Cross did investigate
00:37:50They could disclaim any responsibility
00:37:53Damn Krauts
00:37:56There'll probably be reprisals back there because we've escaped
00:37:59Come on boys, make it snappy
00:38:04There now
00:38:07There she goes
00:38:09Get ready, there's only one more after this
00:38:24Go on, get it out of there, I'll help you
00:38:25That's it, now
00:38:27First man through his stain, and a cut of his bad arm
00:38:30Then Del Monte should follow, in case Stain needs any help
00:38:33Well then
00:38:34All right, ready everybody
00:38:35I suppose Seeker goes after Stain, he's run down from the shits
00:38:41Okay Stain
00:38:42Come on, let's go
00:38:52Good luck
00:39:02All right Seeker, you next
00:39:09Come on, let go
00:39:10Let go
00:39:11Let go
00:39:15Your turn
00:39:16Come on
00:39:17Well, not much
00:39:38I think they're gonna stop
00:39:40Yeah, any moment now
00:39:42Okay, we better get a move on
00:39:43Okay, let's go
00:39:48Let's go
00:39:54Ah, finally
00:40:01Let's get out of here
00:40:27Just in time
00:40:29Did I really need all these buttons?
00:40:31Let's get into this uniform first
00:40:33I'll wear one and you wear the other
00:40:35Because you speak German
00:40:37Ah, here come the others
00:40:39I sure hope this guy kept a tight asshole when he died
00:40:46Here, take this
00:40:47Thank you, Andy
00:40:49And now the partisans and our troubles will be over
00:40:53You feeling all right, laddie?
00:40:54Yeah, I'm still frightened it stopped everything
00:40:56Oh, finally free
00:41:18For my darling husband, Christina
00:41:22Poor kid, she doesn't know she'll never see him again
00:41:26She's a pretty good looker
00:41:27She'll find another man, if she hasn't already found one
00:42:50A roadblock
00:42:52Hey, everybody, on the alert
00:42:54There is a roadblock ahead
00:44:15Ah, damn it
00:44:17They're catching up
00:45:10I'll pull you there
00:45:20They're coming
00:45:25Come on, boys, let's get out of here
00:45:27Come on
00:45:28It's in the woods
00:45:47Come on
00:46:53Come on
00:46:59We're working
00:47:01Yes, sir
00:47:05Let the second group leave
00:47:06We'll continue tomorrow
00:47:08Yes, sir
00:47:12No, not yet
00:47:14We'll continue tomorrow
00:47:15I already gave the order.
00:47:17Yes or no?
00:47:18To the order!
00:47:45Damn it, they've got us!
00:48:14The partisans!
00:48:22I am the leader of this men.
00:48:24My name is Julien.
00:48:26I imagine you are the prisoners who succeeded in making an escape from the prisoner war
00:48:30camp yesterday.
00:48:31Isn't that so?
00:48:34We located your whereabouts yesterday evening, but it seemed desirable to wait the light
00:48:37of day before establishing contact with you.
00:48:40Your escape has caused a lot of excitement at the German headquarters.
00:48:43They are sending in the Gestapo and SS reinforcements to search the area, which means that things
00:48:48will become extremely uncomfortable for us.
00:48:50So we propose to leave immediately.
00:48:53If we remain only a couple of more hours in this place, we will be surrounded by fresh
00:48:57German troops, and we cannot risk an open conflict with the German at this time.
00:49:01We are not strong enough, and we have different plans prepared, which I will reveal to you
00:49:05when the time comes.
00:49:06If you decide to remain with us, your assistance could be extremely valuable, but you must
00:49:10decide at once.
00:49:11What do you want to do?
00:49:13Of course we'll stay with you.
00:49:15You're our only hope to get back to our lines.
00:49:17Then let's move.
00:49:18These woods will soon be infested with the bush.
00:49:20Come on!
00:49:43Let's go!
00:50:12I feel very much a temptation to fire at it, but it will reveal a position to him.
00:50:16Here, David.
00:50:17That's good.
00:50:18He's going away.
00:50:19We can soon continue our way safely.
00:50:53You'll be all right in no time.
00:50:54You'll see.
00:50:56Thank you, pal.
00:50:57Don't touch it.
00:50:58It's all right, it's all right, it's all right, it's all right, it's all right, it's all right,
00:51:25it's all right, it's all right, it's all right, it's all right, it's all right, it's
00:51:54all right, it's all right, it's all right, it's all right, it's all right, it's all right,
00:52:24it's all right, it's all right, it's all right, it's all right, it's all right, it's all right,
00:52:43it's all right, it's all right, it's all right, it's all right, it's all right, it's all right,
00:52:52it's all right, it's all right.
00:52:54Come on, let's go.
00:52:55We can't be lost.
00:52:56Nueva is here.
00:52:57He knows what to do.
00:53:02Nueva is here.
00:53:11Nueva is here, Nueva is here.
00:53:19Come on.
00:53:21Come on, get in.
00:53:50Here they come.
00:54:21It will be all right.
00:54:36You, have you seen any strange men in that area?
00:54:40No, I have seen no one.
00:54:41Anybody hiding inside?
00:54:44No, all I know is that I heard the sound of gunfire coming from over there yesterday.
00:54:48It was quite a way off. I don't know what it was about.
00:54:51We are all alone here, me and my family.
00:54:53You can search the place if you don't believe me.
00:54:55I said, don't worry.
00:54:57Tell me, do you by any chance have a nice fat pig tucked away in your stable?
00:55:02No, we don't keep pigs anymore.
00:55:05We've got nothing to feed them.
00:55:07The last pig we had was requisitioned by some of your troops over two months ago.
00:55:10And since then, well...
00:55:12Ach so!
00:55:32The bastards, look! They brought those!
00:55:34They are coming over.
00:55:36Merit, we haven't a chance.
00:55:38There is only one thing to do.
00:57:50Take cover, don't move!
00:58:03You have to come with us now, you can't stay here.
00:58:29It's suicide for you to remain.
00:58:31The Germans are bound to return.
00:58:33No, Julien, no.
00:58:34To travel with the children will be impossible.
00:58:37I will say you threatened to kill us if we didn't hide you.
00:58:42No harm will come to us, don't worry.
00:58:44Now you have to go.
00:58:48Bonne chance, Julien.
00:58:56I'm so frightened.
00:58:58Don't worry, dear.
00:58:59What about the children?
00:59:01The centipede is taking a honeymoon because the chocolate is finished.
00:59:05Repeat, the chocolate is finished.
00:59:08Here is a message for Lame Wolf.
00:59:10That's us.
00:59:11Lame Wolf is to go to the fold and steal the little lamb, but not to eat it.
00:59:18Puss in Boots will be waiting in the usual place as soon as the omelette is fried.
00:59:23Mary has...
00:59:26The little lamb is General Kaufman, and we have to capture him alive.
00:59:30The operation is to take place tomorrow night, because tomorrow is the day we have to move.
00:59:36The omelette that is fried.
00:59:38I tell you the details.
00:59:39Oh, Julien.
00:59:47What is it, Maria?
00:59:54The Germans have just arrested your brother and his wife.
00:59:57One of the neighbors came to tell me.
01:00:02They're going to be executed for hiding you.
01:00:05They've put the boys in the orphanage already.
01:00:07But I can't do that.
01:00:08We must find some way to free them.
01:00:11It is impossible to do anything.
01:00:17Only I can help them.
01:00:20Tomorrow I shall go and surrender to the Germans.
01:00:24They have been trying to capture me for years.
01:00:26They will be delighted when I give myself up.
01:00:31I'm sure the Germans will release my brother's wife at least.
01:00:34No, Julien.
01:00:36You must not even begin to think of such a thing.
01:00:38Now that we undertake Operation Kaufman, you know how important it is.
01:00:43We have worked for months.
01:00:45We cannot go ahead without you.
01:00:46Let me go in your place, Julien.
01:00:50You are very generous, Francois, but I am the one the Germans want, as you well know.
01:00:54And we dare not attempt any type of re-excursion.
01:00:57For fear it might compromise Operation Kaufman.
01:00:59You'll work alone.
01:01:00You can easily do it without me.
01:01:02Julien, it's our fault if you're in these troubles.
01:01:06If you hadn't give us a hand, your brother would have never been arrested.
01:01:10We want to repay you by helping the operation, but we want to be treated like the rest of
01:01:15Very well.
01:01:18I think everybody here will agree that we can use the assistance of our companions.
01:01:23Let's settle then.
01:01:24Now I have to explain the plan of action.
01:01:27Here's the pasture where the little lamb is grazing.
01:01:30The German headquarters.
01:01:32You will have to get past the sentries, find your way into General Kaufman's office and
01:01:36bring him out alive.
01:01:38He will be a very useful prisoner for the Allies, as he's the only one who knows the
01:01:42defense plans for this sector.
01:01:43Your German-speaking friend will be most helpful.
01:01:54Why did you join the partisans, Maria?
01:02:02The Borsig killed all my family, all of them.
01:02:07My husband and my beautiful children.
01:02:11But you see, it must finish soon.
01:02:14You seem young for a soldier.
01:02:17Don't worry.
01:02:18You'll see your home again, and live long.
01:03:48I am the man you're looking for.
01:03:50My name is Julien.
01:03:51Take me to your commanding officer.
01:03:53Ja, kommen Sie mit.
01:04:03I must admit I admire your courage.
01:04:05You took a great risk with no guarantee of success.
01:04:08But your brother cannot be pardoned.
01:04:10He will be executed along with yourself for giving assistance to the partisans.
01:04:13I can, of course, execute the woman as well.
01:04:17After all, you are all in our hands.
01:04:20We Germans, however, take no pleasure in executing the fair sex, especially if it's a woman,
01:04:25with children.
01:04:26Therefore, I will accept your sacrifice, Julien.
01:04:29The woman is to be released at once.
01:04:49Und ritt Marsch!
01:04:50We must go!
01:04:51We must go!
01:04:52We must go!
01:04:53We must go!
01:04:54We must go!
01:04:55We must go!
01:04:56We must go!
01:04:57We must go!
01:04:58We must go!
01:04:59We must go!
01:05:00We must go!
01:05:01We must go!
01:05:02We must go!
01:05:03We must go!
01:05:04We must go!
01:05:05We must go!
01:05:06We must go!
01:05:07We must go!
01:05:08We must go!
01:05:09We must go!
01:05:10We must go!
01:05:11We must go!
01:05:12We must go!
01:05:13We must go!
01:05:14We must go!
01:05:15We must go!
01:05:18Rechts um!
01:05:55Do you choose to have a blindfold?
01:06:17Ich brauche den schriftlichen Befehl.
01:06:27Ich brauche den schriftlichen Befehl.
01:06:39Ich brauche den schriftlichen Befehl.
01:06:56Hurry up, Julian.
01:06:57Find your brother a safe hiding place.
01:07:03Come on, boys.
01:07:04Let's get out of here.
01:07:05How else to build the ladder to his bed?
01:07:16We were not expecting visitors here today.
01:07:39I've come from the office of high command under secret orders.
01:07:41The visit was not announced in order to maintain maximum security.
01:07:46I have to deliver this prisoner to General Kaufman.
01:07:48He has important information to give him.
01:07:52It would appear that your headquarters are harboring a spy.
01:07:57A spy here?
01:07:59Heil Hitler!
01:08:06Heil Hitler!
01:08:13Where are you going with that man?
01:08:25I've been ordered to take him to General Kaufman.
01:08:27Very well.
01:08:28Come with me.
01:08:29I've been ordered to take him to General Kaufman.
01:08:30Very well.
01:08:31Come with me.
01:08:32I've been ordered to take him to General Kaufman.
01:08:59I've been ordered to take him to General Kaufman.
01:09:55I've been ordered to take him to General Kaufman.
01:10:19I've been ordered to take him to General Kaufman.
01:10:28I've been ordered to take him to General Kaufman.
01:10:29I've been ordered to take him to General Kaufman.
01:10:30I've been ordered to take him to General Kaufman.
01:10:31I've been ordered to take him to General Kaufman.
01:10:32I've been ordered to take him to General Kaufman.
01:10:33I've been ordered to take him to General Kaufman.
01:10:34I've been ordered to take him to General Kaufman.
01:10:35I've been ordered to take him to General Kaufman.
01:10:36I've been ordered to take him to General Kaufman.
01:10:37I've been ordered to take him to General Kaufman.
01:10:38I've been ordered to take him to General Kaufman.
01:10:39I've been ordered to take him to General Kaufman.
01:10:40I've been ordered to take him to General Kaufman.
01:10:41I've been ordered to take him to General Kaufman.
01:10:42I've been ordered to take him to General Kaufman.
01:10:50Heil Hitler!
01:10:51Leutnant Kranz reporting, sir.
01:10:56I don't think I ever met you, Leutnant Kranz.
01:10:58Do you want to tell me something?
01:11:00Yes, General Kaufman.
01:11:01I have orders to deliver to you personally.
01:11:06I see you're an expert on Renaissance painting, sir.
01:11:12It's the only thing I enjoy about this war.
01:11:14At first,
01:11:17I was going to be given Africa.
01:11:21But there, you can only do archaeology.
01:11:25No, no, no, no, no.
01:11:27This is my only interest.
01:11:29This kind of art.
01:11:31You'll be amazed.
01:11:35Had you seen that painting?
01:11:39A mere brown cross.
01:11:40But with my infallible instinct,
01:11:41I realized there was something underneath.
01:11:43I knew it.
01:11:45Now, the painting which is emerging
01:11:46is by Leonardo, or his school.
01:11:49You're right.
01:11:50And he did spend his declining years in France
01:11:52as an artist at court.
01:11:55Wouldn't it have been wonderful
01:11:56to have lived in that period
01:11:57and to have known artists as great as Leonardo?
01:12:01I feel very envious of you, General,
01:12:02living in this splendid palace.
01:12:05You know,
01:12:06I feel very envious of you, General,
01:12:08living in this splendid palace
01:12:10with all these works of art.
01:12:12You're very lucky.
01:12:16You are a true German.
01:12:18For we Germans are highly civilized and cultured people.
01:12:21We appreciate that we must always protect these works of art.
01:12:25It's a most important responsibility.
01:12:28Imagine how the Americans would act.
01:12:30They no doubt use these paintings to light fires.
01:12:33But we will prevent them from doing so.
01:12:38Look at the exquisite line of that hand, for example.
01:12:41Marvelous, is it not?
01:12:44I'd love to restore this painting myself.
01:12:48By the way,
01:12:49you still haven't told me the reason you're here.
01:12:55And who is this?
01:12:59All right, General, don't move or I'll shoot.
01:13:01Hold it there.
01:13:10Do you want to try anything?
01:13:13Hurry up, get his uniform.
01:13:16Just my size.
01:13:17You sure like this beer.
01:13:21Now you're going to open the safe for us
01:13:23and hand over the defense plans in it.
01:13:26But the safe is not in this room.
01:13:28It's in my office.
01:13:29It's not in this room.
01:13:30It's in my office on the opposite side of the building.
01:13:38we've come this far, boys.
01:13:40We can't stop now,
01:13:41even if we wanted to.
01:13:43And I don't want to.
01:13:49You'll have to lead us there.
01:13:50And no funny tricks
01:13:52or you'll get a lot of holes in that nice uniform.
01:13:59Let's go.
01:14:26General Kaufmann,
01:14:27I want to speak to you on a question of great...
01:14:30But haven't we met?
01:14:36That's impossible.
01:14:37He's just got back from the East.
01:14:39But that soldier
01:14:40is one of the prisoners who escaped from my camp.
01:14:43I recognize him.
01:14:50Get moving.
01:14:58They should be out before much longer.
01:14:59Apparently, they've had no trouble yet.
01:15:01Everything looks quiet.
01:15:27We'll have to wait.
01:15:46Hey, comrade!
01:15:48You can't stay here.
01:15:51Everything's booked here.
01:15:53For the staff commando.
01:15:55Don't you understand me?
01:15:56There's the right parking lot.
01:16:23Open it.
01:16:24Come on, hurry up.
01:16:55Come on.
01:17:12Get the syringe.
01:17:17Stop struggling or I'll kill you.
01:17:25Keep still, you bastard.
01:17:59That's done.
01:18:25That bastard killed him.
01:18:27Come on, let's beat it.
01:18:33Let's go.
01:18:55Let's go.
01:19:56Come on.
01:20:08Look out!
01:20:25Come on.
01:20:47Hey, give me a hand, quick.
01:20:51Come on, let's get out of here.
01:20:55Let's go.
01:21:25Let's go.
01:21:55Let's go.
01:22:25THE END
