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Hello and welcome! Here you will find a diverse selection of movies in English and Spanish. Enjoy the cinema and let yourself be carried away by its magic.
00:01:00Tonics sir brass
00:03:23Want a cat major
00:03:25General Alexander wants to see you immediately what's going on? I don't know they're planning something big
00:03:44General Colonel
00:03:47three divisions two American one French
00:03:51Are going to attack along the Argonne sector the 77th division has orders to go in and clean out the Argonne forest major
00:03:57We'll see sir
00:03:59Your battalion is going to take and hold
00:04:03Charlevoix mill general Alexander permission to speak freely sir major. I lost a platoon just probing that area this morning
00:04:10We have to live with acceptable losses major
00:04:13artillery reports are acceptable losses general a
00:04:16It's suicide to attack the Argonne in force when we are unprepared why is it none of my other officers feel this way
00:04:23Did you study tactics and the art of war in law school general? We need time to resupply we are low on food
00:04:30Ammunition medicines and whose fault is that I'm well aware of your civilian politics major
00:04:36Sounds to me like your heart is still in Wilson's too proud to fight a movement
00:04:40Which ill-prepared our country for this war or is there something else on your mind?
00:04:46I will leave my battalion into the Argonne
00:04:48But I doubt if you'll see me or my men again I
00:05:01Guess we'll see what kind of man. He really is our New York lawyer
00:05:09Captain check on the replacements. We'll need every man. We've got yeah, we got it
00:05:25Know these birds only to fly halfway around the block
00:05:31For our gallant young men
00:05:34compliments of the ladies Ottoman Society
00:05:38Hey, we're sending you back buddy. You look like the run of the letter
00:05:48Worry share me you'll be all right
00:06:01Kennan leak
00:06:03Yes, sir. I'm captain McMurtry welcome to the 308
00:06:08Captain there must be some mistake
00:06:10I'm supposed to be in a Texas unit most of these boys from New York
00:06:13I just don't understand a word these city fellers are saying you don't have to understand them lieutenant. They have to understand you
00:06:20You call off those names you get them on that truck
00:06:25At the at the Nassau cos
00:06:30Yeah yada yoda yoda
00:06:38Look at pasta the pasty the pasty a lot pasty
00:06:44Uh crotta shine
00:06:49Crotty for the Shinsuke
00:06:57Hey, how come you guys from New York call everybody buddy you're not from the city from Bigfoot, Montana
00:07:03Never heard of it. I didn't know they let Apple knockers into this outfit. What do you mean by that?
00:07:08Hey save it for the honey's out
00:07:11What did he say well he thinks you might want to buy a brief what bridge the Brooklyn Bridge
00:07:17What are the bridges there? What kind of an army is this come all the way to France?
00:07:21They stick us with boys from Daisyville. Hey oh
00:07:26My god
00:07:55Yo Rosen to failure get in the back we're moving on up not up Sarge these guys are taking us to the break
00:08:00The major wants everybody on the line that includes you to notice we caught them sneaking into a French whorehouse
00:08:06We just allow stuff. There'll be the pretty smelling doughboys in the trenches
00:08:14What's going on
00:08:17I'm gonna march in a parade in Paris. Make sure you wear your medals
00:08:25All right, find yourselves a hole to crib out and don't try and do nothing
00:08:34Yeah turkeys shoot back
00:08:37I'll listen up the krauts usually do not attack at night
00:08:42The most I'll do is send out some probes or a raiding party. You let me take care of that
00:08:47Just try to get some rest some hot chow. I'll teach you a few things tomorrow
00:08:54Well this ain't so bad huh all you got to do now is keep your head down
00:09:03Thank you
00:09:11New boy settled in yeah boys describe them well
00:09:19What do you think the general Alexander's play Alexander's play I'm a professional soldier I
00:09:25Have the luxury of not having to think about that. I don't want to hear that from you captain
00:09:29I want you thinking all the time how we are gonna take the Charlevoix mill without killing all the boys
00:09:37I'll check on the replacements
00:09:52Morning sir we don't salute up here lieutenant. I'm sorry sir my officers a man shave every day. I'm sorry sir
00:09:58You're sorry about a lot of things well. We got up here kind of late yesterday. Is that an excuse or an explanation?
00:10:04I'm not interested in either one. I want you and your platoon squared away
00:10:07Make sure your men have full rations plenty of ammo and wear that uniform properly put on dry socks if you have them straighten your helmet
00:10:17Lieutenant leak welcome to the 308
00:10:21This is a French cho-cho show shot, it's a piece of garbage
00:10:24Don't worry about it the henchmen in Hollingshead. Don't worry about mortars tanks and artillery
00:10:29We don't have any of that either basically. We're mud crunches gravel agitated infantry
00:10:37That's just some traveling salesman throwing iron cigars Sherman artillery which brings me to stuff
00:10:42There are two kinds of stuff stuff going out ours stuff coming in there's mud crunches must learn to judge different kinds of stuff
00:10:49If you hear something the whistles and knocks that's here whiz bang get on the ground
00:10:54Sometimes a whiz bang brings along his lady friend Minnie Wofford mean inverter Minnie Wofford sounds like one of those whining hot-corn ladies on
00:11:0110th Avenue, it's more like the BRT coming out of the tubes the thing is they're real hard to judge
00:11:05So just hit the ground anytime you hear something like that
00:11:07And don't worry if it hits you because they got a lot of other stuff like Jack Johnson's whimpering Willie's I cans airplane bombs
00:11:13Machine guns and all sorts of potato masher grenades
00:11:17Don't worry about any of it because it all comes down to that when you go face to face with a mud crunching
00:11:23Bastard with one of these at the end of his rifle you better stick it in him before he sticks it in you that
00:11:29You got to worry about
00:11:36Did he say the duck when the stuff sounds like a train or was that the one that was hard to judge and we should
00:11:41Get down when it sounds like a tea kettle. Nobody said nothing about no tea kettle. I don't drink tea
00:11:47What does it he can't even sound like?
00:11:57Knock it off
00:12:11Yes, sir, would you check on lieutenant leak
00:12:16You should get some sleep major
00:12:22Captain remember what we talked about earlier. Good luck tomorrow
00:12:42The major lay into you today
00:12:44Like a hot Brandon iron you West Point
00:12:48Yeah, you look lawyer
00:12:50You never know do you know you never do
00:12:54Why are we really lucked out didn't we
00:12:57I'm gonna be a hell of a thing and come all the way to France and not have anything to tell our children and grandchildren
00:13:03Now tomorrow
00:13:06You go over the top
00:13:08You pick a point straight ahead and you walk to it. Don't worry about where everybody else is
00:13:14He's a good man. They'll follow you
00:13:16Now you go ten yards
00:13:19Ten more
00:13:21Ten yards ten yards at a time. You can make the whole trip that way
00:13:26What about the Germans boys know what to do with them?
00:13:30You'll figure it out pretty damn quick. You must know man. They've been in combat before
00:13:34We planned it that way
00:13:37You've never been on a flight. Have you?
00:13:40Nothing like this. That's why you walk in front of the troops
00:13:44See you get there before they do I mean you'll be the one with the most experience and you can tell them what to do
00:13:52Yeah, that's right
00:13:56Ain't it just fine
00:15:13Fix bayonets
00:18:42Why aren't your troops moving forward Colonel general
00:18:45We're in contact with the enemy all along the front and most of my commanders need to secure their flanks. They're encountering heavy resistance
00:18:52You take this down
00:18:54Ground once captured must under no circumstances be given up in absence of a direct order from the vision headquarters
00:19:01We are not going backward but forward
00:20:22Want you to fight those machine guns and take them out
00:21:08See someone I could hit it
00:21:13Where's the cowboy don't you must know something you think so? He's from road bill. He grew up with trees. You ever been around trees
00:21:20You got threes a unit square those don't count. Come on. Let's go
00:22:16Hold this position you you run down there you tell it's an elite to bring up the rest of this platoon
00:22:37So I am a connoisseur and I know I'm getting a franciscan curacy a division
00:22:41Griffin on these and I punkton on the front so soon. It's a rotten game with method of war the Americana
00:22:48I gave him built and owner of six of a gun if I lost him
00:22:53Unser reserve course of the mixer front in a half the next inside stuntin wisdom bestowing between having
00:22:58He said since he did not die in Austin a fireman from Chateau Thierry and bellow would
00:23:03Listen with us. These are Americana. They're sure I can't listen since
00:23:08The team's it need done to look and he's old he looks it's lost money in my yard
00:23:15The Americana when sich nicht freiwillig aus der gunn zurückziehen
00:23:19We must see the house yarding
00:23:39I get ready for a counter-attack. We have to hold this position we will
00:23:46What's your name private apostasy sir, where'd you learn to run like that I used to
00:23:51Take a shortcut home to a mick neighborhood. I doubt run a lot of here. I was confetti
00:23:56Sir, well, I'm glad one of my cousins didn't be in you with a brick. You come with me. You'll be my runner. Yes, sir
00:24:07Whittlesea is taking heavy casualties. He needs to withdraw and regroup
00:24:11Whittlesea is taking heavy casualties. He needs to withdraw and regroup
00:24:18Whittlesea is general Alexander. Why aren't you attacking? We're isolated. We have no support on our flanks general
00:24:25That's because the French and our flanks are ahead of you. You're slowing up the attack major get your men moving
00:24:30Are you sure they're on our flanks general? God damn it. I'm giving you a direct order to achieve your objective regardless of losses
00:24:36We must take that ground
00:24:40The French aren't ahead of Whittlesea they've been stopped at the Gisela Stellan line
00:24:49We need him to clog up the middle of our offensive until our flanks can readjust
00:25:10Swarovski sir
00:25:12Cover those dead soldiers. Don't ever leave them in the open like that again. Yes, sir
00:25:17We need more medical supplies, sir
00:25:29Captain I'm okay. I've spoken with general Alexander
00:25:32He said the French are ahead of us on our left flank. The rest of our division is somewhere on our right
00:25:38We've been ordered to take the Charlevoix mill
00:25:41Sergeant get a key. He thinks he's found a scene that we may be able to get through in the German defenses
00:25:46Well, it's worth a try
00:25:48private chin
00:25:52And we don't have enough wire to reach our objective so I want you to set up a well-concealed radio post
00:25:56I'll use runners to communicate with you stay on the line. Tell them we're advancing
00:26:00We need immediate resupply of food ammo water and medical for the wounded. Yes, sir
00:26:05I'll take the first group up. I'll send word when it's clear
00:27:05Tell Captain McMurtry to bring up the rest of the men we'll hold here. Let's go
00:27:18The pasty
00:27:29I was looking for you. You found me
00:27:44Got an extra one of those
00:27:50I got a message from the major forget it the lines cut
00:27:53It's him three guys out. Not one of them's come back. I heard some rifle and grenade fire
00:27:58I think the heinies might be working their way in behind us
00:28:02Got that. Yeah, what's it like up there piece of cake got ourselves a chop suey bank up a floor door girls
00:28:09You will know what to do with it. I'm a quick learner
00:28:12Need help taking this back. This is my post. I'll stay here
00:28:20Take these two no good for one. Thanks. Yeah
00:28:34Use certain that the French are withdrawing some of their units are already back in the trench lines
00:28:42Without the French on our flank you'll have to withdraw I'll be my quarters
00:28:49Order all units to pull back to our own lines and contact to do it. I'll see mine's a cut
00:28:55Will you keep trying? I want to know where that battalion is
00:29:13Yes, sir
00:29:19Have a chin's line has been cut just trying to repair private Richards
00:29:27How many birds are left
00:29:32Not you sure me you stay with me
00:29:36Don't worry, sir. This is a good little English carrier pigeon. I'll tell him where we are
00:29:53254th the Hessische Reserve Regiment
00:29:54Berichtet von ständigen Gefechten mit einer amerikanischen Truppe von unbekannter Stärke. Wo?
00:30:01an der Schale Wohnmühle
00:30:03Versuchen sie sich zurückzuziehen
00:30:05Nein, sie graben sich ein
00:30:16Wenn die da bleiben können wir sie umzingeln
00:30:19Jetzt wo die franzosen und die amerikaner bereits aufgehalten wurden
00:30:25Herr general
00:30:29Was ich habe sieben jahre in amerika gelebt die amerikaner halten sich für unschlagbar
00:30:37Wir müssen diese einheit zerstören bevor ihre kameraden nach ihnen suchen schicken sie die infanterie reserve nach schalvo
00:30:44How did not buy your prints
00:30:47It must have is not the storm height of the top fuckers this Americana untimed
00:31:08Major Whittlesey has made it into the Charlevoix mill area
00:31:11Impossible he wants to know where the rest of our division is and where the French are
00:31:16He intends to hold as ordered
00:31:18It looks like our Whittlesey and his city boys are the only ones to accomplish their mission today
00:31:23And because of that they're stuck in the middle of the whole goddamn German army not bad for a New York lawyer
00:31:34One of our patrols heard the crowds bringing up men and equipment
00:31:38They might be trying to come up behind us
00:31:40We can't let that happen have you been able to make contact with either flank no
00:31:51Supply the men are out of food water
00:31:56They're going through the kids of the dead for ammo. Make sure the dead are covered
00:32:01Send some more runners back in case that bird didn't get through three men different routes
00:32:41Got you
00:32:58What are you guys good?
00:32:59Where the hell did you come from?
00:33:01Whittlesey 308 you guys reinforcements
00:33:04No, we're k company 307 trying to fight our way out of all night
00:33:08Crowds are closing in behind us.
00:33:10Don't go that way, there's more over there.
00:33:11Where the hell did you come from?
00:33:12I told you, the 308th.
00:33:13No, I meant what's your location?
00:33:15Where we're supposed to be.
00:33:16Not like you guys wandering around like a john looking for a trick on 14th street.
00:33:20We were told to take the mill, so the major took it, and now we're waiting for a crowd attack in the morning.
00:33:24Well, that is outstanding, private.
00:33:26I'm sick and tired of playing hide and seek with these hiney bastards anyhow.
00:33:33You're an out point, man.
00:33:34You lead the way.
00:33:41Their attack will come fierce and disciplined.
00:33:43They'll wait for the fog to burn off.
00:33:45They don't like to move around in this stuff.
00:33:47I should have told you, Diab.
00:33:49They fed them men while it was so dark, and they attacked us while we were having our breakfast.
00:33:52We don't have to worry about that, sir.
00:33:54My men are down to hardtacks and iron rations.
00:33:56No coffee.
00:33:58You're absolutely right, lieutenant.
00:34:00It's a good idea.
00:34:02Start your cooking fires.
00:34:04I'll take care of the rest.
00:34:06Start your cooking fires.
00:34:08Find some old coffee grounds and burn them.
00:34:10I want the Germans to think we're having a hot breakfast doing out ready.
00:34:13Yes, sir.
00:34:19You know, I heard that the hineys have rest centers in these woods.
00:34:21You know, with bowling alleys, restaurants, and beds with sheets.
00:34:24That's for officers, not for guys like us.
00:34:26They don't have guys like us.
00:34:27You don't know anything, schmageggy.
00:34:29Hey, don't schmageggy me, all right?
00:34:30Hey, who do you think does all the fighting when the hiney officers are bowling, lying in bed, and eating in restaurants?
00:34:34No Jew boys south of Canal Street have this position, Rosen.
00:34:36In Bushwick, we look on the bright side.
00:34:38There's no bright side to living in Brooklyn, Chapalia.
00:34:40I still say they got apple pie and beer over there.
00:34:42Beer? You didn't say they had beer.
00:34:44What kind of beer they got?
00:34:45What difference does it make what kind of beer they got?
00:34:47You want egg in it?
00:34:48Hey, that won't be so bad, huh?
00:34:49Forget about it.
00:34:50I'm not sending people to your tailor shop, Rosen.
00:34:52You're gonna spend the rest of your life sewing on buttons.
00:34:54Hey, as long as it's a long life.
00:34:57You hear that?
00:35:04You hear that?
00:35:28Private Chin?
00:35:31Private Chin?
00:35:34Private Chin?
00:36:04Private Chin?
00:36:10You hiding bastards!
00:36:17Come on, boys!
00:36:18Come on, boys!
00:36:19Hang in there!
00:36:20Let's go!
00:36:28Deliver it, Clark!
00:36:34First aid for these soldiers!
00:36:41Maintain your fields of fire!
00:36:46Two on the ridge!
00:36:48Come on!
00:36:49Just like on the range!
00:36:50Pick a target!
00:36:51Get out!
00:36:52Watch out!
00:36:53Come on!
00:36:55Get out!
00:36:56Watch out!
00:36:57Come on!
00:36:58What's your name, class?
00:36:59Dr. Tosinski.
00:37:00Retract the bolt.
00:37:01Now pull it back.
00:37:02Insert this clip.
00:37:03Just like basic training.
00:37:04Push the bolt forward.
00:37:05Now you're ready to fire.
00:37:06Hold it!
00:37:07Hold it!
00:37:08Hold it!
00:37:09Hold it!
00:37:10Hold it!
00:37:11Hold it!
00:37:12Hold it!
00:37:13Hold it!
00:37:14Hold it!
00:37:15Hold it!
00:37:16Hold it!
00:37:17Hold it!
00:37:18Hold it!
00:37:19Hold it!
00:37:20Hold it!
00:37:21Hold it!
00:37:22Hold it!
00:37:24Hold your position, Private Yoder!
00:37:26Tosinski's in control here.
00:37:30Yes, Major.
00:37:47Get down!
00:37:48Keep your heads down!
00:37:51Now pull back your platoon.
00:37:52We form a defense in front of the medical area.
00:37:55And don't you let them turn our line.
00:38:00Fall back!
00:38:10Fall back!
00:38:11We're robbed!
00:38:13Tim, come in!
00:38:14Tim, come in!
00:38:16Do you hear me?
00:38:20Major, they've broken our left.
00:38:22They're turning Captain McMurtry's line.
00:38:24They're going to overrun us.
00:38:29Everything, men!
00:38:30I reinforce Captain McMurtry.
00:38:34Tell Lieutenant Schenck that he must hold!
00:38:36Move it up!
00:38:58Move it up on line!
00:38:59Move it up!
00:39:00Thank God.
00:39:02Move it up!
00:39:04Move it up!
00:39:07Come on!
00:39:08Let's go!
00:39:12Let's go, everybody!
00:39:14Let's go!
00:39:20Come on, boys!
00:39:21Hang in there, boys!
00:39:22Hang in there!
00:39:23Let's go!
00:39:24Move forward!
00:39:28Come on!
00:39:29Let's go!
00:39:34Come on!
00:39:36Bloody bastards!
00:39:37I'm coming to get you!
00:39:38Feel the lower east side!
00:39:42There you go, Private.
00:40:04Captain Nelson Holderman.
00:40:06Major Charles Whittlesey.
00:40:09I hate to say it, Major, but we're not a relief force.
00:40:11We're trying to get back to our lines when the Germans closed in behind us.
00:40:14Well, your timing couldn't be better, Captain.
00:40:16So it seems, sir.
00:40:17But, sir, I got less than 80 men in my company.
00:40:20And if you don't mind me saying so,
00:40:22those Germans don't seem too pleased with you being here.
00:40:24Well, they'd better get used to it.
00:40:26I'm going to have to get back to my lines.
00:40:28I'm going to have to get back to my lines.
00:40:30I'm going to have to get back to my lines.
00:40:32Yes, sir.
00:41:14I'll try.
00:41:17The wounded need water. They can't wait until night.
00:41:19Sergeant Getterge, post of guard here.
00:41:21Shoot anyone who tries to go for water before we get that sniper.
00:41:24Yes, sir.
00:41:26Okay, we're here.
00:41:28It's the German front.
00:41:30The rest of our division is somewhere on our right flank over that ridge.
00:41:33General Alexander said the French are on our left flank.
00:41:36Lieutenant Schenck, I want you to take Sergeant Getterge in a full platoon
00:41:40and try to join up with the French.
00:41:44No, sir.
00:41:45Get it done.
00:41:47Why can't we have to use this French gun?
00:41:49We're Americans.
00:41:51Why can't we have to use this French gun?
00:41:54We're Americans.
00:41:58You sure have American weapons?
00:42:00You're not American, Kronoshinsky.
00:42:02Sure I am.
00:42:04I'll do the test.
00:42:06What test?
00:42:07The one they give you at Ellis Island.
00:42:09Didn't you take it?
00:42:10I didn't have to take a test. I'm good looking.
00:42:13Besides, that test doesn't make you American.
00:42:15It makes you a civilian so that they can draft you and then send you here.
00:42:20Hey, I'm here because I'm an American.
00:42:21You're a Polack.
00:42:28Only in America am I a Polack.
00:42:32In Poland, I'm a Jew who has to live in a shtetl and make boots for the cavalry officers.
00:42:38I'll do the test, I promise.
00:42:40You know what they say?
00:42:42They say I can be anything I want.
00:42:45Didn't you ever say I'm not an American?
00:42:50I'll do the test.
00:43:15Where's the rest of the platoon?
00:43:17We got ambushed, sir.
00:43:18General Alexander said the French were on our left flank.
00:43:20They ain't there. They've never been there.
00:43:22We're surrounded, Major Whittleby.
00:43:24And the men know it, sir.
00:43:28If we hold on, they'll hold on.
00:43:31Why do you think the Germans are trying so hard to knock us out of here?
00:43:34Because where we sit, we're a threat.
00:43:37We're a threat.
00:43:39We're a threat.
00:43:42Because where we sit, we're a threat to the entire German line.
00:43:46And that's not acceptable to them, is it?
00:43:49No. No, sir.
00:43:51Then it's resolved.
00:43:54Our orders are to hold.
00:43:56We stay here.
00:44:12Colonel Johnson, about this lost battalion...
00:44:16Major Whittleby isn't lost.
00:44:19We have an idea where he is, we just can't get to him.
00:44:22Whose fault is it?
00:44:24It's nobody's fault.
00:44:26It's the way war is.
00:44:28Always has been, always will be.
00:44:36We have a message from Major Whittleby.
00:44:38We have a message from Major Whittleby.
00:44:40They've repelled several German attacks and expect another one in the morning.
00:44:44He's surrounded, but says he intends to hold until relieved.
00:44:55You know, I got a pretty good idea where that sniper is.
00:45:00You do?
00:45:02If he would just put up his head, I think I could get him.
00:45:07What's gonna make him put up his head?
00:45:11Some kind of target.
00:45:21Can't get that sniper, he's really good.
00:45:23But we got us a plan.
00:45:25We gotta get water for the wounded.
00:45:45That's it.
00:45:51Come on.
00:46:07You must be destroyed.
00:46:11The American forces are attacking recklessly to free these men.
00:46:17If you manage to break through to the Argonne, it's a disaster for us.
00:46:23We need special units.
00:46:25The assault troops.
00:46:29You will get your assault troops, Major.
00:46:38Come on.
00:46:48We're taking the bandages off the dead so they can be used on the wounded, sir.
00:46:55This one's good, it's only been used on the one side.
00:46:58See if you can find yourself a smoke, Sergeant.
00:47:00I like a smoke.
00:47:02I'd love a smoke, sir, but I'm not gonna go through some dead man's kit just to find one.
00:47:08I can't see how any of this is worthwhile, sir.
00:47:11I don't want to have this conversation, Sergeant.
00:47:15Sir, I was with Black Jack Pershing when we chased Pancho Villa all the way back to Peral.
00:47:26You're a good officer, Major, but you're different.
00:47:28In some ways you're just like these men.
00:47:32This ain't your life, you've got something to go back to.
00:47:34You've always been honest with us, Major.
00:47:37Do you really believe holding out here is worth all this?
00:47:40For men like General Alexander, this is a way of life.
00:47:43They don't realize that the world as we know it has been ripped apart out here and is waiting to be buried.
00:47:50You think our boys are going back to their push carts and their sweatshops after this?
00:47:57If we can hold on, we might be able to end this war.
00:48:07I better go check on the men, sir.
00:48:10Looks like we're gonna be here for a while.
00:48:18The General wants all batteries to fire at these coordinates in support of Major Whittlesey.
00:48:23Did you confirm the firing grids?
00:48:35Ready to fire!
00:48:40Button up.
00:48:42Lieutenant, how about I go and see if those dead hideys have any water or food on them?
00:48:45Hold your position. I'll send out to the Ritz for a steak and potatoes.
00:48:48Don't forget the bill, Lieutenant.
00:48:50I'll tell them to put it in a coal bucket just for you.
00:48:53That's our stuff! It's coming from behind!
00:48:58Cover your eyes! Cover your eyes!
00:49:05Ritz, come on!
00:49:09It's coming in from behind!
00:49:11All right!
00:49:18I love those traveling... I love those traveling swordsmen! I love them!
00:49:26Get hiding, bastards!
00:49:35Cover fire!
00:49:43Our guys are bombing us! Take cover!
00:49:58Major, the bastards!
00:50:01Get under cover!
00:50:02Major Barrett!
00:50:04Get under cover!
00:50:06Damn it!
00:50:08We need to go down to the emergency center!
00:50:09Get the wounded all under cover! Go back now!
00:50:14Get down! Get down!
00:50:21Get down!
00:50:22What the hell are you doing?
00:50:32Get down!
00:50:48Private Richards!
00:50:52Yes, sir!
00:50:56Damn it!
00:50:57I'm sorry, sir!
00:51:03Get that message out!
00:51:23We must tell them to stop this, Jeremy.
00:51:26You can do it.
00:51:27You can do it, sir.
00:51:43All right, hold your positions, Benny.
00:51:45Stay alert. Stay alert. Those bastards won't have time to move in behind us.
00:51:50Follow me.
00:51:58Hey, what's happening to you, little buddy?
00:52:01Colonel, message.
00:52:03Read it.
00:52:04Our own artillery is dropping a barrage directly on us.
00:52:07For heaven's sake, stop it.
00:52:08We can see.
00:52:09We're not seeing.
00:52:11Cease fire!
00:52:13Cease fire and get me the artillery!
00:52:16Cease fire!
00:52:17Cease fire!
00:52:18That is an order!
00:52:20Cease fire!
00:52:21Cease fire!
00:52:22Cease fire!
00:52:23Cease fire!
00:52:24Cease fire!
00:52:25Cease fire!
00:52:27Cease fire!
00:52:33Cease fire!
00:52:35Cease fire!
00:52:37Stop firing!
00:52:39Stop firing!
00:52:40Stop firing!
00:52:57Stop firing!
00:53:27Stop firing!
00:53:57Stop firing!
00:53:59Stop firing!
00:54:27Stop firing!
00:54:36Open fire!
00:54:49Come on, move it!
00:54:50Let's get these bastards!
00:54:57Come on!
00:55:28Come on!
00:55:48Hold the line!
00:55:49Hold the line!
00:55:52Hold the line!
00:55:53Hold the line!
00:55:57Hold the line!
00:56:27I'm afraid as long as you're in the middle of our line,
00:56:30the Americans and the French will continue to attack.
00:56:33Destroy the troops in front of you,
00:56:35so that we can end this madness.
00:56:47Well, George, that is quite impressive.
00:56:51I guess they could take it out,
00:56:52but you won't be able to move around too much
00:56:54without it opening up again.
00:56:57leave it in.
00:57:00My mother always said I should find somewhere to hang my hat.
00:57:17would you read from my Bible?
00:57:39In Thee, O Lord, do I put my trust.
00:57:42Let me never be put to confusion.
00:57:44Deliver me in Thy righteousness,
00:57:46and cause me to escape.
00:57:48Incline Thine ear unto me, and save me.
00:57:50For Thou art my rock and my fortress.
00:57:52Deliver me out of the hand of the wicked,
00:57:55out of the hand of the unrighteous and cruel man.
00:57:58For Thou art my hope, O Lord God.
00:58:01Thou art my trust for my youth.
00:58:19Sir, you want to sit down?
00:58:23How is it?
00:58:25It's just a scratch.
00:58:29I got some hot water boiling.
00:58:43Captain Merchant was telling me
00:58:44you used to be a lawyer before the war.
00:58:46Yes, I was.
00:58:53I dealt with contracts and regulations.
00:58:59You know, Major,
00:59:01people like me and my mercury,
00:59:03we're professional soldiers.
00:59:04You know, if we weren't here,
00:59:05we'd be someplace else.
00:59:07You could be in legal affairs, sir,
00:59:08or on the general staff.
00:59:10I don't think I'd enjoy
00:59:11working for General Alexander.
00:59:13You don't think we should be here, do you?
00:59:17Well, given that's the way you feel,
00:59:19why are you here?
00:59:22Life would be a lot simpler
00:59:23if we could choose our duties
00:59:24and our obligations.
00:59:28But we can't.
00:59:30We shouldn't.
00:59:32That's why I'm here.
00:59:45I'm Major Prince.
00:59:47Can I offer you some dinner?
00:59:48We've got to find Stu.
00:59:50No, thanks.
00:59:51I ate too much for lunch,
00:59:53and I'm stuffed.
00:59:55We'll have a cup of coffee.
01:00:10It's a bad habit.
01:00:15I lived in your country for seven years.
01:00:17I must admit that I prefer your tobacco.
01:00:19We've got plenty.
01:00:21Come back with me,
01:00:22be my guest for dinner sometime.
01:00:24So you've got plenty of food and tobacco?
01:00:26We do rations for two battalions.
01:00:28We're a little understrength,
01:00:29but that's still a lot of food
01:00:30for 1,400 men.
01:00:33You Americans,
01:00:35you always have so much of everything.
01:00:41No matter.
01:00:43Eventually, you have to surrender.
01:00:46I don't think so.
01:00:47Are you officers so callous?
01:00:49You're surrounded.
01:00:51You have no chance for relief.
01:00:53Every night you send out patrols,
01:00:54and every night we kill them.
01:00:56We can hear the cries of your wounded lieutenants.
01:01:00There is no dishonor in surrender.
01:01:03Maybe for you,
01:01:05but my guys are different.
01:01:07What do you mean?
01:01:14Would you like to join me?
01:01:16What you're up against, Major,
01:01:19is a bunch of Mick,
01:01:23and Jewboy gangsters from New York City.
01:01:26I'll never surrender.
01:01:46We know they're near the mill somewhere.
01:01:48We've got to find them.
01:01:50They hit those poor bastards
01:01:51with our own stuff yesterday.
01:01:53We'll find them.
01:02:12It's done.
01:02:13It's not done.
01:02:14Anyhow, why should I share this with you?
01:02:16Because I killed the guy you took it off.
01:02:18Minor detail.
01:02:20I'm not talking to you anymore.
01:02:23Hey, Yoda.
01:02:25What's life like in Daisyville?
01:02:29What are you doing on Saturday night?
01:02:31There's a lot to do.
01:02:33Except we don't stay out too late,
01:02:35because we've got church Sunday morning,
01:02:37and there's usually a meeting afterwards.
01:02:39Friday night.
01:02:40What do you do for fun, Yoda?
01:02:41Hey, how come nobody calls me Bob?
01:02:43Who's Bob?
01:02:45He's Bob, you dumb Dago.
01:02:47Haven't you ever heard of a first name before?
01:02:49Your first name is private.
01:02:51You're going to be private all your life, Rosen.
01:02:53You're never going to make corporal.
01:02:55All I want to make is civilian.
01:02:57Sometimes we go camping.
01:02:59How come every time we get an apple knocker
01:03:01next to a tree they talk about camping?
01:03:03Hey, what do you do when you go camping?
01:03:05Sleep outside and cook over a fire.
01:03:07You wear the same clothes every day
01:03:09and get bitten by cooties?
01:03:11I'm having fun.
01:03:13There you go with that narrow thinking again.
01:03:15You know you're never going to amount to anything,
01:03:17and you'll disappoint your blessed mother.
01:03:19You got that right.
01:03:21Hey, Yoda.
01:03:23Give me a kick.
01:03:25Come on.
01:03:42There you go, kid.
01:03:44Knock yourself out.
01:04:02Salvage what you can.
01:04:07Private, pass the word.
01:04:09Just cover them for now and get some rest.
01:04:11Yes, sir.
01:04:44Now they know where we are.
01:04:46Now they know where your people are.
01:04:51Sir, Fred, Fred, wait!
01:05:13Get out of here!
01:05:15Get out of here!
01:05:17Let's go!
01:05:25Get out of here!
01:05:29Get out of here!
01:05:58Get down!
01:06:03Why don't all stand in?!
01:06:05It's the same old.
01:06:07Oh, shit!
01:06:41He's got something we got their position
01:07:00division is trying to break through to us we have to let them know exactly where we
01:07:17are and we've sent out runners every night but they've either got lost or killed with
01:07:25his reign this could be the cover we need I'm asking for volunteers
01:07:34I'll go
01:07:42I almost out of me before we got in this war I was this close to an indoor aviator job
01:07:50elevator operator practice my elocution so I can get that job going up call three
01:07:59good morning good evening would have been working with gentlemen and ladies
01:08:03we want a real uniform we had gold trim down the sides hands be clean my back
01:08:11won't hurt like I'd be able to push caught Dago on the block what happened
01:08:16I mean what happened this happened
01:08:20I think that job's gonna be waiting for me when I get back
01:08:25I'm gonna be pushing a cart around New York like every other walk
01:08:29I'm never gonna catch up to those guys back home
01:08:36hey you come out to Montana after this and we'll take care of you kidding I never rode
01:08:41a horse in my life then we'll get you a horse that's never been rolled
01:08:51I never been in an elevator where does the army find people like you I volunteer
01:08:55Oh buddy you volunteered what what
01:09:03me too you volunteered for this
01:09:08and we a couple jerks
01:09:27now I want you to check the German dead see if you can find some food for our wounded
01:10:08take it easy all right take it easy it's yours
01:10:18hey I got it
01:10:39this isn't
01:11:00I want you to take a message for me back to your commander I don't know if I can do
01:11:08that sir you prefer being a prisoner no sir first I get caught by you guys and now I'm
01:11:14delivering messages don't I make me some kind of a spy no you and your comrades are very brave
01:11:24I envy your commander having men like you just look down
01:11:39I got
01:11:41I want to save lives sir
01:12:18hold your fire hold your fire
01:12:38so long buddy Peter saying come out
01:12:48I got a message from the crowd sir how do they treat you fine sir they bandaged me up and gave
01:13:01me some food have you heard anything about lieutenant leak they got him prisoner sir
01:13:04he's doing fine good get some rest private thank you sir get a weapon
01:13:17it says private Hollingshead has honored his fatherland by refusing to answer any
01:13:21questions of the German intelligence officer the suffering of your wounded
01:13:24can be heard in the German lines we are appealing to your human sentiments to surrender
01:13:30since it will be quite useless to resist any further in view of the present conditions
01:13:35sign major prince you know what I think we got him licked the one who sent it otherwise
01:13:44how should we answer major
01:13:59not acceptable
01:14:17how's that never been better
01:14:20lieutenant leak fine officer he's from Texas
01:14:34we lost over 60 men to our own fire today
01:14:39we have less than 200 able troops left
01:14:45I don't know how they keep doing it don't sell them short captain
01:14:51two days ago we had a Chinese working off field phone an American Indian for a runner
01:14:56they're both dead but that's not the point these Italians Irish Jews and Poles
01:15:04they'd never hire me as an attorney we wouldn't be seen at the same events
01:15:11but we will never in our lives enjoy the company of finer soldiers or better men than we do tonight
01:15:18Major I was with Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders
01:15:27I've never served with a finer officer than you
01:15:35do you know your men would do anything go anywhere for you
01:15:40go anywhere for you
01:15:46thank you George
01:17:22you're not gonna hit anything like that
01:17:29give me some ammo
01:17:53move it up
01:18:30you okay
01:20:29hey you dumb dago I thought you really hurt
01:20:33this is an opportunity Rosen I'm going to a nice hospital with nurses
01:20:38did I ever tell you how charming I could be don't figure out a way to screw it up you got that right
01:21:01I'm sorry buddy
01:21:30Denise take your men out and cover the right flank
01:21:33take your position here
01:22:25Major Whittlesey
01:22:26this is going to be a great day
01:22:29it's going to be promotions and accommodations for everyone
01:22:33no wonder our airplanes couldn't find this place
01:22:35well your artillery certainly found it General
01:22:39where's the rest of your battalion
01:22:45Sergeant Gedeke we couldn't find enough of to bury
01:22:47Lieutenant Shank's platoon is somewhere out there
01:22:51I sent him to link with the French that you said were on our flank General
01:23:06these are acceptable losses not to me sir I understand your feelings for your men
01:23:12you said our flanks were supported and you ordered my boys to attack
01:23:17you said supply would catch up with us which it did not
01:23:21is that acceptable to you yes that's acceptable to me
01:23:25we were able to break through the German line because you held on here
01:23:28because you held on here like a thorn in their belly Major he did an incredible job out here
01:23:34but you had 600 men to worry about and I had 20,000 sent into action
01:23:40I have to live with that
01:23:42I sent for trucks to bring your men back they've been through hell
01:23:47you'll never know what they've been through or what they can or they can't do
01:23:53they're better than you General they're better than me they always are
01:23:59let me take you and your officers back in my staff car
01:24:03that's not acceptable to me
01:24:05I understand
01:24:35men we're moving out
01:25:07and country dear
