• 4 hours ago
In an exclusive conversation with IANS, Arshad Warsi said, “Playing Bandaa Singh is a deeply rewarding experience. This character’s journey, filled with intense emotional highs and lows, challenged me in ways I hadn’t expected. The audience can expect a story with depth, emotion, and action that will keep them hooked.”

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00:00I think that is what is so essential to keep your roots or to keep your values system which
00:12everybody has their own culture and that flavor that has to remain you know it's beautiful
00:17I mean to say you can get globalization can happen everything can happen but if you keep
00:23the essence of whatever your upbringing is and you know your roots are I think that's
00:29there's nothing wrong with that like you want to be the same yeah we are we are one of those
00:34sad unfortunate generations
00:36which we listen to our parents and our children don't listen to us
00:40we are stuck with our mothers you know but yes I think I wish my kids were like that
00:46that the amount of respect we have for our parents I wish they had for us would have
00:51been nice so it's nice to have your stay back old but somewhere you know I've using technology
00:59for your benefit is a good idea yeah there's no harm in that I think values should always
01:04be old technology should be new
01:11The film was initiated with Abhishek and Manish ji they were the two people who started with
01:18this project then progressed to signing the two actors Arshad and Mehr and then the film
01:25progressed I came at a later stage in the film because I also kind of got very excited
01:30about what was happening and you know wanted to get myself involved and they were I think
01:35we had a synergy and we kind of worked it out and ever since I've been involved in the
01:40film I you know I feel as much as my film as their film because you know when you get
01:47associated with the film you've got to have a sense of ownership so I'm very excited about
01:52being part and being associated with this film and we're doing all that we can in our
01:56capacity to you know see that this film reaches a larger audience
02:05See, we shot it on cook lenses and we wanted to stick to the reality that the content of the film is
02:14a little dark and it's a story but we don't want it to create a scene where it doesn't look like
02:20this film is his and it's that dark and we want to take it to a dark zone because the film
02:25actually isn't that dark, there are a lot of variations in the film and we couldn't do that
02:29that we keep half the film separate and keep the other half separate so we balanced it out
02:34and kept it so that you'll feel fresh after watching the film, the story is obviously heavy
02:39because the origin story is on a true event so that will feel heavy but visually you will feel
02:44that we are seeing a today's film, like it's a today's film, it was made just now so it was
02:49difficult to take a call but when Darbaaz sir came on board and Simar who is our DOP, our
02:53discussions and there were a lot of discussions on whether we should treat the film the same
02:58way in the 80s or 70s but initially and when we finalised it, we thought the story of the film
03:05says a lot, we want to keep the film visually fresh so that's what we've balanced out
03:12What is the difference between a film and a movie?
03:16I like to be alone then you know to disconnect from that zone because it becomes very heavy on
03:21me, I'm not somebody who just go and perform and disconnects you know immediately, it's not
03:26like that so I take a break from the you know in the sense from that zone and spend time with
03:35myself, with my family, probably get out of Bombay for some time and yeah I mean this film
03:40has also been very heavy, Seeker Superstar was also extremely heavy on me so I'm not that
03:46gifted, I have to work really hard and mentally get into that zone so yeah I mean spend time
03:52with your family and then you're like fine.
03:59I think it's just natural you know the humour that is there in me is very natural. I also love
04:04watching a lot of and you know if you being having a sense of humour people think that you
04:09have to be funny, sometimes having a sense of humour is being able to appreciate what
04:13something is funny so you know that that is also important so I see a lot of you know like
04:19sitcoms and shows which are like funny and then it's just that I've got a lot of in my family
04:24there are a lot of funny, my father's very funny when I sit with him very often he's like
04:29constantly making us laugh but I think inherently I think you know these punchlines or
04:34whatever or these you know one-liners that come in my family everybody has got that little thing so
04:39yeah some of my friends are like that, some of my friends are very funny so yeah.
04:48I don't know about it, I have a great time, I am cracking up before the scene also so I have no
04:54issues. It's not that I'm forcing myself to be funny or nothing, it's my nature so if somebody
05:00does something funny, it's going to come out. I'm like you have to say something
05:07which requires a punchline, you will get it.
05:25You know invariably what happens most actors, most actors
05:29go senile in their old age, they go senile because you are constantly playing another person
05:35throughout your life. When you are on job, you are imitating someone, when you are not
05:43there, you are still putting up a facade because of this, the only time you are probably yourself
05:48is maybe in the bathroom otherwise you have to maintain in front of people at home
05:54which you in turn lose your personality. That's why many actors run away like she was
06:01talking going to the family like Harrison Ford does carpentry or somebody does this, you run
06:07away because you want to be normal, you want to be normal because that will keep you sane otherwise
06:13you will forget who you are, what you were when you were born, you never met that person
06:20because you are doing something else every day so it's good to be as normal as possible
06:26with your work as normal as whatever works for you. So this works for me, this works for me that
06:32have a great time, have fun, have fun, pass the time, work in between action and cut and then forget.
06:38Yeah I mean after performing like a role like intense role like this you want to put all your
06:42pieces together, you want to feel like yourself you know again so yeah it's difficult.
06:48But it's important to do that, you have to go back to yourself, you have to introduce yourself to
06:52yourself all the time. Because in a real life forget the role that we play on screen, in your
06:58own life you're playing so many roles, you're playing the role of a son, you're playing the
07:02role of a brother, you're playing the role of a neighbor, you're playing the role of a
07:06so many things you're constantly playing your, what I am with my mother I'm different with my
07:10father, what I am with my father I'm different with my son, what I'm with my son I'm different
07:14with my brother, what I'm with my partner I'm different with somebody else so we are actually
07:18by default playing roles but I'm constantly so you know and in that there is we are someone, we
07:25are someone which is we don't know.
07:27You're a killer.
07:28But amalgamation of so many roles.
07:29Yeah which is the fact we don't play so many roles.
07:32If we meet a neighbor then our demeanour is different, if we talk to a kid then we change
07:36differently so we are constantly, by default it's like it just happens.
07:44If you actually really go to see okay, the number of people who are actually causing this
07:53is a handful of politicians, the world is much bigger, the population of the world is much bigger
08:00so the number of people who actually want peace is much wider than the people who don't want
08:06peace. So in a country of 100 crore people there's probably a lack of people who don't want peace
08:11but the rest of them want peace. Yes.
08:13So the quantity of people wanting peace is more but it's just that we are not able to achieve it.
08:19Someday we will.
08:19Unfortunately that has been since time began.
08:22It's always been.
08:23Always there have been a fight for power or for you know whatever it is you know gaining land
08:30or whatever conquering basically you people want to conquer, they want to like and that has been
08:36since time. Whether it's like you said if it's a distant dream for peace maybe it is but there's
08:42always an effort as society evolves you know it just kind of makes it better, it will become more
08:47understanding, there's more dialogue, there's more communication, it's not so barbaric or it's not so
08:51you know wild wild west kind of a scenario. So yes, so we are getting there you know so hopefully
08:57as the world gets better educated, understanding maybe there is peace in the future world yeah.
09:05I think sir had a dialogue as well, sorry.
09:08No, no.
09:08Sir had a dialogue in the film that whatever you are listening to, don't immediately believe it.
09:15Think about it, understand it, check the facts and then react on it.
09:19It's about what you are listening to, don't listen to that.
09:23Listen to who is saying it, pay more attention to that.
09:26Because why is he saying it, that is so true.
09:28Because he is saying it for his own benefit, not for you.
09:33If he is saying it not for your benefit, he is saying it for his own benefit.
09:37You can hear that he is saying it for your benefit.
09:40If you listen to it carefully, you will know that he is talking about himself and not about you.
09:44So these are things.
09:45I just want to say that as you said, the situation that is going on right now and
09:49outside Russia is also going on.
09:51For such times, our film is very important because it is a story of courage.
09:55And the courage in it is such that sometimes we become very dependent on others.
10:00If they take action, we will see that you are there, the government is there, the forces are there.
10:05But sometimes you have to step ahead and fight back.
10:09So this is our story.
10:11A lot of people will relate to this story.
10:14In which we say that we close our doors, we put up a sign that there is an army, there is a police.
10:18But that is also up to a point.
10:20Your population, people's population is more, the army is not that much, the police is not that much.
10:24So sometimes you have to fight back.
10:26Sometimes you have to take a call.
10:28And you have to take that stand, take that call and take action.
10:32So this is the story of our Bandar Singh Chaudhary.
10:34In which even though everything is there, he said, okay, everything is there, but I will fight for myself.
10:39And I will fight for my family, I will fight for my home.
10:42And no one can take away any right from this.
10:44That's the thing.
10:46Watch the movie.
10:4725th October.
10:49Bandar Singh Chaudhary.
10:51Please watch the film.
10:525th October.
10:53Meaning to be told to you.
10:55That's all.
10:56People around you.
10:57Please watch his show so that you know what we spoke.
