• 2 days ago
Ja'Marr Chase on Bengals' Losing Streak in Cleveland, Challenge of Facing Browns
00:00Can say bar you can can I hear it it'll be the first time I heard you say, okay
00:10Okay, I ain't gonna lie I like it the other way, I think you should just say
00:21You put an H at the end of it
00:24Nah, it's no big deal man. Why don't you not a spell it? You've got you've got great numbers
00:30with the long ball, you know over the course of your
00:34career and
00:37Why is that is that chemistry?
00:44Almost is more of a chemistry thing on him. Just trusting me and getting all the way
00:50Down the field and just you know trusting to me that I'm gonna make that play on that ball
00:54That's that's what I say the most. It's really just chemistry
01:06Yeah, it's just chemistry having a feel for the zone and the open spaces in the field
01:11Once you work work with Joe and just work scramble Joe for as long as I have with him
01:17It just feels like a regular rep
01:20What's so challenging about facing this defense I
01:24Say the most challenging thing is they probably have the best secondary. We've faced besides Baltimore
01:31they hold secondary is
01:33skill based fast, you know, they all good
01:37And then you know, they got a good D line
01:38That's another thing that makes them very great on the defensive side of the ball
01:41I feel like that's that's a big issue for him that helps him up
01:47Joe is saying is the fact that you guys haven't won out there ever in your career. It is something that's
01:55Frustrating would you say that it's frustrating to you that this is the one team that you guys have been able to be up there
02:01yeah, 100% they got the book they got the
02:04Numbers on us right now with wins and they know it that's why they brag about it the most
02:09But you know, it'll be a it'll be a great game this week
02:12Hard fought game, but Hilbert is always a great game when we play him, you know, they know us we know them
02:17So it's all about who one more
02:21Is this the team that can do that finally break that sort of mold
02:30So I thought we had it last year in a year before that in the Super Bowl year, you know, I mean we have plenty teams
02:35That were capable of doing it. It's just about being
02:39Fundamentally sound at the end of the day
02:42Got another technique. I know we're doing on the field. Everyone has to be on the same page. And that's the biggest thing for us
02:54It's kind of early to say I would say
02:57That was I want to say that was his first one this year where he showed off a little bit
03:01But I want to say it's a little early. I feel like we've we've
03:04Seen him do it a couple times, but we've always seen him make that spectacular catch spectacular catch out of the air
03:10So I feel like he could do it
03:26Honestly, then he just wants to show everything not just one thing, you know, I'm saying
03:30He's been
03:32Made him talk a lot and I know for a fact he wants to show everything not just one thing
03:36He wants to show, you know as much as he can in the slot to make you know
03:39It's his self a better chance for whatever he does. You know, I'm saying so
03:44I think he's an outstanding receiver. He knows he's in the one receiver to this was all about time
03:49Just said he has a chip on shoulder this year
03:51Do you do it that way? Is there a better way that it's been an example to you that you've seen like I see the chip on the shoulder
03:58I don't know. I can't really I don't pay attention that much. I guess I'm saying I
04:06Feel like he's been the same person since I've been around him
04:10You know, we either he do a good job of just making sure like we are accountable and
04:16He holds himself accountable me accountable. So he's been doing that that a lot
04:20I feel like he's been doing that a lot and I feel like he's been doing that a lot
04:23He holds himself accountable me accountable so he's been doing that that a lot more this year so I could say that's been a difference
04:30What makes joe so good tomorrow when the play breaks down?
04:34And you're aware of that downfield
04:37He's always keeping the play alive, but what makes him so good at extending plays
04:42um, I think i'm just moving in the pocket and making
04:46You know nothing out of something is what makes him so good just because he could
04:51Get out of a sack
04:53Get out of a string tackle a shoe tackle and you know make defenders miss. Um, he does it
04:59Year in and year out. What have you been? Well, what?
05:03Quick follow-up the play you made 33 yarder down the field where he's scrambling throws over you beat the corner. It's a perfect throw
05:12What goes into making a play like that successful on both ends?
05:19for a receiver, I know is
05:21You got to stay in the play just whatever whatever the quarterback is doing try to stay in within the angle of him
05:27um, so if he's running to the right try to get
05:29Somewhere in the area going right, you know i'm saying I always want to stay in the facility of the quarterbacks throwing radius
05:35That's what I try to do for him
05:37Um, he's just trying to find
05:39You know an open target or someone that has a little bit of space. He get the ball off at him
05:43You've already been more measured this year and just the way you speak about teams
05:47Not calling the rounds elves things like that
05:50Um, was that advice that you got in the offseason or is that just maturity for you?
05:57Uh, i'm just tired of being a villain on social media I still do it i'm just tired of seeing myself on twitter every day
06:03You know, so you still you do it in different ways. Just no, I just don't do it no more. I do it on the field
06:08See like right now. It's not for y'all
06:10So I gotta be professional right now
06:13See when i'm on the field. I could be a little grit a little gritty. So if you guys do win on sunday
06:18And certain fun things were said you would wait till post game to share it
06:23I wouldn't say nothing
06:25But I said on the field to the guys that I just played against not y'all
06:29I think your first and second at yak
06:32I don't think there's a drill for yak
06:36Is that something you work on? Is that does that come out of the routes or is it just sheer?
06:42You know innateness what what is it exactly what is exactly yak how do you
06:48Why are you so good at? Um
06:51Yeah, I guess just yards out the catch. Um, it's really
06:56I don't know. I want to say it's just mirrored up to like me playing running back as a kid, you know, just
07:01Having enough vision see a play play out or see a player
07:06Move before he moves and I have to make a cut. It's just a feel for and the instinct
07:11Um when you just had a ball in your hands, I feel like for me
07:14When you look back at your career playing football
07:19Year or age was it that you realized?
07:22You weren't just pretty good at it. Like you could go on to be
07:27Potentially the best
07:28receiver in that field, um around 15 16 years old
07:32So I was going on like I want to say my sophomore year
07:36High school. That's when I realized it. What?
07:39What made you realize it
07:41Uh, well what first made me realize it was when I was in middle school and I got recruited
07:47To go to high school to play football
07:49and um
07:51the head coach of the team came straight to me after the championship game in middle school and said
07:56I want you to play on my team. You should play receiver and um
08:00My dad was right there, of course, but um, I just looked at my dad and I was just speechless like, you know
08:04I didn't really know what to say. I didn't know what to think of it
08:06And uh, he just told me think about it and
08:10The whole time I didn't realize he was over all already plotting on like my friends to go to school
08:14So like once my friends say yeah, let's go there, you know, i'm already go so
08:18Um, it was just a cool opportunity for you know, a coach to believe in me
08:22Do you look back on what could have happened if you went to a different school status running back?
08:33I also went to
08:34I also got recruited to go to to play basketball out of school
08:38Um, but I stopped so i'd probably been playing basketball
08:42Um, if I was still playing running back
08:45That's a great question because I did not want to play running back no more so I probably would
08:51You see the hits they hitting on the running backs, man, you know i'm saying i'll play receiver
08:54They already trying to hit me like that. So on uh, i'm feeling we can see you before the play
09:00You'll like help someone adjust
09:01You know where they line up or help guys make corrections like what what led you to start doing that and how big is stuff like
09:08Um, it's not really just for the team. It's for my sake too because uh, I have to learn more this year. Um,
09:14So like if I know what i'm doing
09:17That helps me know what the guy outside is doing
09:20Uh when i'm in the outside and I gotta know what the slots guy is doing. It just helps me to um helps joe
09:26Um worry about what he has to do up front with the line
09:28Then you know sometimes I can help dray out a tee or they help me out when we're next to each other
09:33So it's just me
09:34Knowing the whole offense now and being you know, being confident that I know it you uh
09:39Has this been the year where maybe you know
09:41There's so much, you know a million different places to line up
09:43Has this been the year where that number really got to like 100 as opposed to like 95 or whatever you want to say?
09:49the uh
09:50Every route out of every formation, you know, you run a 110 of the offense, you know what I mean?
09:55Yeah, is this the year where you know it all as opposed to maybe knowing everything they ask you to do
10:00Yeah, I would say yes just because I had
10:03just because I
10:06Wanted to move into the slot more this year. Um, just to make myself more more vulnerable in the offense. Um,
10:14And it's just better honestly man, you know i'm saying just moving around you get more emotions defense
10:20Has to has to key in more has to talk more it's a lot more communication on the defensive side of the ball
10:25So now you hope they have a mess up in error
10:28What is your knowledge of the game like now as compared to like when you were a rookie? You're a second year player
10:34Uh, I was just out there playing off speed man and just trying to be an athlete and make a play for the team. Um
10:40Now it's more of
10:43Like see the coverage read the coverage
10:46Know my route expecting joe to can it expect him not to can it so like now i'm more of a
10:51Trying to beat the quarterback on his decisions now for me
10:54Um, but it's just helping me in the long run and knowing like like I said the other positions
10:58How does someone like you who's at the top of your profession?
11:02And really good at a lot of different things at your position
11:06How do you find things that you want to work on every offseason?
11:10Like how do you keep your list of things that you want to get better at fresh every year?
11:19I want to say just
11:22Going off the little things that I didn't do last year, um
11:28Of making plays like the small things I didn't do last year that I want to get better at this year
11:33Like what's last year was more of a slot thing for me. Um, my first my first year was just like
11:40Learning a couple routes and then learning like how I could make these routes
11:44finesse in the game
11:46now now it's like
11:49I got timing down with joe now. I can take a longer time on this route now I could
11:55Do some crazy stuff on this route. So it's just all about like timing now and
11:59Knowing what read I am and you know, it's it's really the smallest things that you know
12:04Y'all won't really think about that. I do was that touchdown before halftime against baltimore your best round of the year
12:11This year yes, yeah
12:14You sound comfortable with the way they're using it. I'm sorry doing fall. I just want to say why why do you think that?
12:21I I would say yes, because um, I did some film study on that route
12:26not the same route but more of a post more of like a a post corner route from that split and um
12:34I had trent erwin watching a little bit with me. We was talking about it
12:38he was just telling me how I how I could run it or how I think I should run it and
12:42um, you know if he helped me out pitching in so we put our
12:46ideas together and
12:48I ran it at practice the exact way I did in the game and that was exactly what I wanted to do
12:52So it just shows that um film study is a big help
12:55you sound comfortable with
12:58You know the way they're using it. I think kind of maybe is it how you kind of envision to be used
13:03You never really know where you're going to line up
13:08Yes a little bit of yes and no, um
13:12I've been I've been asking zach since tb was here. Can I get a little bit of slot, you know?
13:17Sometimes I used to ask tb
13:19Let me take it right here without even like mentioning, you know, and I would tell joe bro
13:23I'm gonna take some slots sometimes. Hopefully you just see me throw it, you know, so
13:28now even though I never did that, you know what i'm saying, but
13:33now it's more of like
13:36I could go anywhere on the field and and just do it. Do you think this offense is more quick?
13:42To be the defense like cleveland's maybe
13:45More so than in the past but the use of the tight ends how they're using you is
13:49You know the way they use the backs
13:55I'd say I I honestly can't really answer that because I feel like we've been
14:01Using the same system i've been in the same system and it feels the same to me. Um
14:06The only difference is the players that we have in the new system now. Um
14:10It's like eric all like he makes a big difference in the system just because we can use him on both sides of running pass
14:16not just one one dimensional, you know i'm saying and um
14:20I think that's the biggest thing this year that has made the offense more complete. Why did you want so badly to get that slot?
14:27Uh, it just it just has like I said earlier
14:29It keeps the defense guessing, you know what i'm saying? Because now if i'm on a motion now, I can read if it's mana zone
14:34um if i'm in a slot now, I can see
14:37How the safeties are playing more if they playing uh quarters if they playing cloud
14:43Now it's just it just tells me a lot more than it does outside. Um
14:49When i'm outside i'm reading
14:51The tight ends motion or the running backs motion now i'm reading like my own motion now
14:55So it's much more of a help. What did he say to you when you were like, let me get some slot
15:00Take it. He would say take it. You know what i'm saying?
15:02So he wouldn't say nothing he would literally let me try to do anything I would want so what's unique about eric
15:08You mentioned him and the dynamic. Yeah
15:10um, I just feel like he's
15:13A big help to the offense just because he's two-dimensional
15:17He can do
15:18He's three actually he can block catch and he can run with the ball in his hands. Honestly, um
15:23The only thing we haven't seen him do is just run routes more, you know what i'm saying?
15:26And I feel like that's that's gonna be a case sooner or later. Um, but you know
15:30A tight end like that is something someone that we haven't really had all the way besides cj. I would say
15:36How is jermaine burton met in practice? He was inactive
15:41Last week, so how's he been to you? And how are you helping him along? Um, jermaine's been
15:48He's been in it as much as he can at practice, um
15:52He's been sitting next to troy asking troy what's the plays, you know, he's he's been into it the whole way
16:00Constantly trying to take reps from me t
16:02Uh, he just always wants to get in and try to make a play and I love the energy that he's bringing
16:07And you know, there's someone that we need, you know when he's bringing the energy
16:10I told him when he has it give it to others, you know i'm saying when I have it
16:13I'm gonna try to give to others saying fight first for everyone more this this division
16:17This seems one of the toughest divisions in football. You got one in five last year in the division. Do you feel like?
16:23The toughness of this team was challenged last year
16:25Do you feel like this team has something to prove to kind of get it back this year as well?
16:31Um, I would say every year is a challenge man, it's a fresh start every year
16:37So like we we can't sit here and live off a super bowl entrance now that we in
16:42You know my fourth year now, you know i'm saying it's a whole different team now
16:46Um, so right now we just gotta live in the moment
16:51Fix the mistakes that we made and um execute on this game day
16:55I always feel like though in the afc board that you know
16:57It's high scoring against baltimore
16:59But you have to win these games a certain kind of way that you have to win a tough kind of way these games
17:04afc yes, they
17:07It's a hard fight every game in the afc. I feel like it's the hardest division. I feel like for me
17:12Um for like for the other guys and I'll lock on they could agree to um, but it's it's
17:18I feel like
17:20Every team in the afc knows what we're doing and we know what they're doing. You know i'm saying I feel like
17:25It's like a cheat shit that that we both know what's going on. It's just about who executed the best
17:30What's so challenging about facing denzel?
17:34He's one of the best corners in the game
17:36Everybody knows it. Um, I just love the matchup because he always keeps me at my best. You know i'm saying it
17:41um, he always brings his a game he always
17:44He has one of the best feats from any db i've faced
17:48um, you know, he's just a
17:50Smooth person that plays db
17:53Does he follow you like if you go on the slot he'll go with you, right? Um
17:57They didn't do that. They don't really do that. They let newson follow me when i'm in slot
18:02Um, but when i'm outside
18:04He does follow me. Yeah
18:06You mentioned how you don't do the talking on camera anymore. You wait till you get on the field
18:10Why why did you make that decision?
18:14Well a lot last year
18:16um, zach told me like twice that
18:20Zach told me like twice that you know, you
18:23You know, you don't have to say so much. That's what he told me. You don't have to say so much
18:30My bad t but he was just saying hi
18:36just keep the words a minimum and let my play do the talking and
18:40you know, that's
18:41That's respectful. You know, I could understand that back when you were
18:44Doing a little more talking on camera the week before stuff
18:47Is that something you hear about once you get on the field like the players on the other team?
18:51Are they like we heard what you said
18:54Nah, they used to know I think cleveland like when I did the else thing last year, I think cleveland, uh
19:02I think cleveland did like a
19:04Paper or something like that. I think they put a paper in the locker room or something like that
19:07um, the only reason well, I ain't gonna say the camera's on but
19:11Yeah, we're gonna end it there
