• 2 days ago
Zac Taylor on Bengals' Win over Browns Postgame News Conference
00:00I thought our defense gave us our chance you know it's obviously Charlie and the
00:04kickoff return team set the tone right from the get-go which was which was
00:07great to be able to get that lead and the defense really fought him off you
00:11know until that that last drive obviously where they got those points
00:13but gave us a chance to get it sorted out on offense a little bit find the two
00:18drives where we could really get points on the board it's good football team
00:21they make things hard their defense is is you know one of the best in the league
00:25and and so fortunate the way that our defense allowed us to play there in the
00:29second half and break that damn open on offense at the end well I mean they've
00:36got a lot of personnel things you got to be worried about and just get some
00:39momentum and so that's always a tough defense when when you go a couple drives
00:42you're not getting momentum they're getting a lot of momentum and they feed
00:45off of that and obviously we're similar on offense if we can get some momentum
00:48going so it's just just a little bit of this a little bit of that there's no
00:52there's nothing you can put your finger on that was specific a couple times we
00:55were just one block away in the run game we had some runs that maybe were
00:580-1-2 or just one block away and we saw last week where all of a sudden that
01:03could just break free and break open for you and we just got a little bit of that
01:07but not enough
01:11it's huge it was huge it was appropriate for our defense to get that first
01:16opportunity the second half to really set the tone for the team because they
01:20done such a great job in the first half for so to get that turnover on downs and
01:25allow the offense to come respond and then and then you get a chance to kind
01:28of okay here we go let's let's get moving a little bit and so I was good
01:30complimentary football there to start the half
01:36yeah we'll see we'll get more information on that but I'd certainly
01:41say it was more towards the positive side that he was able to be out there
01:46How did you counter his loss?
01:51I thought Cody did a good job and stepped in there you know and other
01:55guys rallied around as well and they moved Garrett around a little bit but I
01:59thought Cody did a good job stepping up to the challenge and so again we tried
02:04to help where we could but but obviously that's a that's a big loss and a tough
02:07challenge we've got to go on.
02:09Is there any update on GM?
02:11Not yet it's lower leg again I I don't want to say anything it's not
02:15certainly not as bad as maybe I initially thought it was going to be so
02:18there's positive there but but we'll wait and get more information tomorrow
02:22If the starter goes down how do you think your team responded to the new guy coming in?
02:27With Orlando?
02:28No with the quarterback.
02:30Oh yeah say it again?
02:32Yeah when their quarterback went down how do you think your team responded to him?
02:37I mean we'd like to get a stop there obviously they went in there and got the
02:40points on the board before the half but I thought other than that we did a good
02:43job you know the phase three quarterbacks they all have their
02:46different strengths and weaknesses and I thought our defense obviously over the
02:49over the course of the day I was proud of how they played.
02:51What did you see from Joe?
02:55Great timing great anticipation I mean the one was a conversion to Jamar that
03:00he got in the air and gave Jamar a chance to adjust to it first bump and
03:04Jamar did that they've got a billion reps on that so that obviously was a
03:07huge one to kind of break it open for us a little bit and then you know got the
03:12right coverage on the on the shot to Tee. Joe did a great job with the ball
03:15placement Tee ran through it Tee's caught that ball in games I don't know
03:1850 times and had similar reactions like that and so again two guys in the
03:25receiver room and our quarterback that provided huge sparks for us at the right
03:28moment and guys we can always count on.
03:30Zach you guys had that stretch of 30 point games but what's it mean to win games like you had the last couple weeks?
03:34I mean that's this more what it's like in this division you know and so we'll
03:37just take them how we can get them obviously we want to score a lot of
03:40points and there's some things that that we can continue to improve on to do that
03:43but it's just about playing good complimentary football and I thought I
03:47thought in the second half there we did a good job of that and found a way to
03:51win and that's all that mattered coming out of here.
03:53Getting a division or winning on the road how important is that for the momentum?
03:57It's big you know last year obviously wasn't good enough to start 0-1 this
04:01year to get back even if it's a positive thing for us and quite frankly we haven't
04:05won here we have a lot of good feelings standing here at this podium in this
04:07locker room and so it's nice to change that and so there's a lot of positive
04:11things happening right now in our locker room and and again it's what have you
04:14done for me lately so we got to turn around next week and have another great
04:16week and and be ready for Philly.
04:18You didn't say it has to be 3-4, does it feel like a workable spot to be in going forward?
04:22I just take it one game at a time you know we can't we can't spend too much
04:25time reflecting on the past all we can do is it's like we've been telling our
04:29guys win one at a time and got the Giants got these guys and now this next
04:33one's gonna be a big one too.
04:34What does it say to grind it out?
04:37It tells you you're a good football team you know when you can find different ways
04:41different units to lean on in different times different guys have stepped up big
04:46time you know Gino gets his first pick Sheldon gets his first sack Sam gets his
04:50first pick Charlie with the big punt return you know there was a lot of guys
04:56that stood up kickoff return there's a lot of guys that stood stood up in this
04:59game and and it's good that we can count on everybody.
05:02Was there a theme that you guys saw in the first half that was leading to some issues you guys were having on third down?
05:08Again I give a lot of credit to their defense they're good in coverage
05:12they're good up front they got a great coordinator and it creates some
05:16challenges and some sometimes you just got to take a deep breath and find a way
05:19to get your rhythm and it's good when our defense can can hold down the fort
05:23and give us a chance to do that and that's the way it played out for us.
05:26You're going home for two games you win with Satom are you worried?
05:31We're going home for one game and Philly is all that we'll be concerned about next week.
05:36Nice to have those plays in your back pocket that you've run a million times and know what you're going to get.
05:45I mean there's some window dressing on some of the plays we had but for the
05:48most part I'd say it's things we've repped a lot and just finding different
05:51ways to get to it and again they're always open to the adjustments on the
05:55sidelines if we have to do that as the game goes and again that's when you got
05:59really smart players and we got really smart receivers on this team you can do
06:03a lot of everything as the game unfolds and and I thought they do a really good
06:06job adjusting to that.
06:07Did you make any adjustments in the running game? Chase got a big play early in the second half.
06:12Yeah there's some couple things we started to lean on a little bit more you know just scheme-wise.
06:16I mean that's just how it's going to be sometimes against good defenses where
06:20it might take two or three and then and then you find the right one and you
06:24catch the right look and you can pop it and it creates a lot of momentum for you.
06:27I thought Chase created a lot of momentum on that and then Zach Moss on
06:30the check down created a lot of momentum on the other side you know and so both
06:33backs really did an excellent job stepping up there and I thought the
06:36linemen gave us plenty enough to win you know it's it's again there's gonna be
06:40some sacks that are on their resume but ultimately I thought I thought that they
06:44gave us a performance that we can lean on to win in a game like this.
