• yesterday
(Adnkronos) - “Stiamo lavorando per diventare non solo produttori, ma soprattutto un punto di riferimento per il trasferimento in Europa dell'idrogeno proveniente dal Nord Africa”. Lo ha dichiarato Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, Ministro dell'Ambiente e della Sicurezza Energetica intervenuto al Venice Hydrogen Forum 2024 The Mediterranean Forum on Hydrogen, il convegno internazionale organizzato da Fondazione Venezia Capitale Mondiale della Sostenibilità (VSF) e Green Hydrogen Organization .


00:00What do you think about the National Hydrogen Plan?
00:05The National Hydrogen Plan envisages a series of actions, of electrolyzers, of interventions,
00:15and at the same time there is a broader assessment that has already seen an agreement signed with Germany and Austria
00:22to be a hub, a place of transfer to the continent of hydrogen production that can come from our country
00:34or can come from the South Corridor, which this morning has been mentioned several times, in North Africa.
00:44So, clearly, it comes from Italy, from the South, from the Mediterranean, and we have a national line
00:51that we are also building, the so-called Adriatic line, which leads to the North.
00:58When it reaches the North, at that point, there is a place of transfer to Germany.
01:03At this moment, hydrogen is in a phase of technological development of the applications for its production,
01:11of the beginning of diffusion on the system of use, but it does not yet have the balance of being the great energy of the market,
01:21even if it is the most widespread currency in the world.
