• 21 hours ago


00:00In episode 5, we really get to see the dark heart that beats inside Oz's chest.
00:10The situation is so stiff and so dangerous, I can hear my heart pounding because at any
00:22given moment something horrible may happen. I'm getting my son back, but on the other hand,
00:27Nadi already knows that this is what I was afraid of. This is the end.
00:33Oz stands there and watches with morbid fascination.
00:38That's a part of him that we haven't really seen.
00:41Sal is a complete sociopath, but does love his family with the kind of passion
00:46with which he would chop somebody's head off, you know, if they crossed that family.
00:50I am offering you an alliance. We kill Oz and then we take over the city.
00:55Notoriously, the Falcons and Maronis are always at odds in the comics. I thought it was interesting
01:01and seems right to have Sofia knowing that the Falcons have wronged her just as much
01:06as the Falcons have wronged the Maronis, to try to team up with Salvatore Maroni to align
01:11the powers that they have to get Oz. Sofia's not beholden to what her father would have
01:17wanted for her anymore. She's not beholden to anybody.
01:20Sofia, she comes into the morning after with a plan, very much in control.
01:25Johnny Beatty's not among the dead. Any idea where we might find him?
01:28I'm sorry, no.
01:29You can think that she is insane. Arkham could make you insane.
01:34But she's very smart. Her mind is ticking right along.
01:38I need untraceable cash. I know that my father would have kept it somewhere close.
01:42He's one of the last living people who knows all of it.
01:45There's a part of him that actually has a little bit of conflict with how she was
01:50wronged by the family, but he also does think she's freaking nuts.
01:55There's such history between them because he bore witness to what happened to her and he
02:00also did nothing. She was beautiful, you know.
02:03She had that laugh when you got her going and knock you out.
02:06That scene is so dark, but it's also beautiful in a way because it's these two people actually
02:11talking about the person they both lost. How sad that they can only talk about that
02:16in the last moments of his life.
02:23My father's legacy is dead. I am a Gigante.
02:27Let's not be rash here.
02:32She wants to own this part of her past that rejects the sort of dark patriarchy of her father.
02:38In the comics, it's Sofia Falcon Gigante because she marries into a Gigante family,
02:42but I thought it was more appropriate to have her take her mother's maiden name.
02:46That's Sofia's moment of taking back power and declaring herself to the world.
02:51That's such an excellent last twist of the knife into her father's legacy,
02:55to be like, your legacy ends with you and I'm going to actually honor my
02:58mother and this is going to be a matriarchal mob family.
03:02It's her world and we're living in it.
03:04I think she should have probably kept me around a little longer.
03:06I could have been helpful, but at the same time, it's like, could she really trust him?
03:13Cinematically, we did use tracks and dollies and steady cam as opposed to handheld because
03:19she is in control at this moment.
03:22Meanwhile, in the unpredictability of Oz, we're in this handheld gritty kind of world.
03:27We're chasing him. We're trying to catch up to what's going on.
03:30Look, I got a lot of heat on me. I need you to get my ma out of there.
03:33He has killed Taj and Nadia. That's a real screw up by Oz.
03:37He's afraid Sofia's going to find out about his mother and use her against him.
03:40That is his big Achilles heel.
03:43Crown Point is a place where Victor grew up that he doesn't want to go back to.
03:46It brings about painful memories.
03:48Crown Point is the worst impacted by the flood.
03:52So not only do they get the most water, do they get the most damage,
03:56but they are also the lowest economic area of Gotham and the most neglected after the flood.
04:03When she walks into the apartment, she's very disappointed
04:06because it reminds her so much of where she brought up the boys.
04:10We wanted this particular apartment to feel lived in, but neglected.
04:15So you will see elements of the family that lived there before and abandoned it after the flood.
04:21Mentally, for Frances's progression, this is a real downward spiral for her.
04:30What's wrong?
04:32The status of Eve's apartment as a safe place for Oz changes in episode five.
04:38Me and the girls. You dangled us in front of her.
04:41I didn't dangle you.
04:42Eve is no fool. She's there for her girls. She is Mother Hen. She's super protective.
04:48Eve and her girls may be the strongest family unit we have on the show.
04:52She's tremendously afraid of how all of this is going to backfire.
04:57I need you to fix this.
04:59That's what I do. I fix things.
05:01He's bringing the hangman very close to home. That is extremely problematic for Eve.
05:07She's done being his safe space.
05:10Oz, I'm not going with you.
05:12Everything he plans for goes awry.
05:15He loses control to the point where he's breaking vases in Eve's apartment.
05:22She deeply cares about him, but not at the cost of herself.
05:26Eve rejects him. When he climbs into bed with his mom,
05:29this handheld camera movement becomes this stillness where you think, okay, here we are.
05:35Now it's going to be all right. And the opposite happens. She quietly decimates him.
05:41What kind of man can't take care of his own mother?
05:45He does everything to take care of her, and it's not enough.
05:48The women in his life push him away when he goes for comfort.
05:52It just kills him. He's constantly looking for his mother's approval and her love.
05:57He's at this really low point, and then he finds jars full of coins.
06:04Hey, kid, let's go.
06:05We, as the audience, we don't know where we're going. He does.
06:08Oz starts to realize that there's potential for his operation there.
06:12You know what thrives in a place like this?
06:15It's the first up moment for Oz in the whole episode.
