• 20 hours ago
00:33Lo dice por tu cara chica buena ventura por eso lo hice
00:42Tu sabe cuál es el tentino que va a tener ese cabrón chico
00:48Tu sabes, todos lo sabemos mierda
00:55Jamás iba a ser una chenille
01:00Nunca lo iba a ser, Luigi Emilio la encañó
01:06Ahora la violeta
01:09Puede partir de nuevo
01:13Puede inventar su camino
01:17Dios sabe
01:20Que estoy diciendo la verdad buena ventura
01:49To por el daño que mi hijo le hizo a tu hija
01:52Toma, es tuyo
02:09Sabes lo que me mantiene vivo mi patrón
02:14El miedo
02:19El miedo que mata a mi familia
02:23A que los quite todo patrón
02:28A quedarme sin nada
02:34Ha tenido miedo alguna vez patrón
02:40Ha tenido ese miedo que le llega a los huesos
02:43A cada perro le llega su día patrón, nunca se le olvide eso
02:56A cada perro le llega su día
03:01Y yo soy un perro
03:06Y por miedo
03:09Voy a seguir siendo su perro fiel patrón
03:15Quédese con su plata
03:18No la necesitan
03:32¿Cómo se le ocurre ir a ayudar a esa mujer después de todo lo que me ha hecho?
03:35Teresita es su madre
03:36Deje de tratarla como si fuera una desconocida, es nuestra madre Teresita
03:39Usted ni me dirija la palabra
03:40Ignacio, vaya a la casa a descansar mejor, ¿sí?
03:43Está muy nervioso, yo voy a hablar con su hermana
03:49Teresita, por el amor de Dios
03:51En lugar de reprocharme de haber ido a cuidar a su madre
03:53Debiese preguntarme cómo está
03:55¿Qué es lo que le pasó?
03:56¿No le interesa?
03:57No me interesa al absoluto
04:01No puede ser tan fría
04:03Nada de lo que tenga que ver con esa mujer me importa
04:05Ni siquiera lo que le pasó, Jorge, es todo
04:07Lamento que piense así
04:10Porque lo que le pasó a su madre
04:12Es que intentaron asesinarla
04:18Debería haber sospechado que algo así podría pasar
04:21Usted debería haberla protegido de nuestro padre
04:23Pero no sé cómo pudo hacer eso
04:28Realmente pensaba que iba a permitirme
04:31Realmente pensaba que iba a permitir
04:33Que ese niño llevara el apellido Chinique
04:37Esa era mi voluntad, hermano
04:41Piénselo, Emilio
04:44Él abusó de ella en primer lugar
04:46A nuestro padre no le interesa a nadie
04:48No le interesa a usted, no le intereso yo
04:50No le interesa a nuestra hermana, ni siquiera a nuestra propia madre
04:52Sí, sí, lo sé
05:02¿Cómo está ella?
05:05Nuestra madre
05:07Bien, bien
05:09El disparo encabritó al caballo y se cayó
05:13Luis Emilio, ¿qué piensas hacer?
05:15Tienes que ayudar a Violetita como sea
05:17Pero no sé cómo ayudarla
05:19Quédese con ella, acompáñela
05:24Soy un cobarde, hermano
05:27No diga eso
05:30Yo lo entiendo, hermano
05:32Yo entiendo que usted
05:34No podía hacer nada
05:42¿Pero cómo puede haber pasado esto, María?
05:45Porque ese hombre está maldito, Manuel
05:47¿Cómo se siente mi niña?
05:51¿Qué pasa?
05:53¿Quieren saber qué pasó?
05:55Pasó que José Luis obligó a Violeta a hacer un aborto
05:59Y yo soy el último que trae en esta casa a enterarme de las cosas
06:01Usted sabía que mi sobrina estaba embarazada
06:03¿Por qué Cresta no me lo dijo?
06:23¿Qué fue lo que pasó?
06:26Leonor sufrió una...
06:28Una caída, un accidente, José Luis
06:34¿Qué está diciendo?
06:37No es posible que alguien haya disparado al aire
06:39Para provocar ese accidente
06:41Porque ella dice que vio a una persona antes de caer
06:47¿Cómo está ella?
06:52Pobre mujer
06:55Muy generoso de su parte, Leontina
06:58Pero la verdad es que a mí no me extraña nada que esto haya pasado
07:02Más si dicen que vieron a un hombre escaparse, es obvio
07:06Que esto es una devuelta de mano
07:08No nos olvidemos que Leonor es amante de un delincuente
07:11Yo no creo
07:13No creo que seas hijo, José Luis, si me lo permite
07:15Pero, en cualquier caso, yo ya cumplí con informar
07:19Con su permiso
07:31No me eche la culpa, por favor
07:33Usted me debería haber contado, me debería haber dicho que estaba embarazada
07:35La Violeta, yo debería haberle cuidado a mi sobrina
07:37Ella estaba nerviosa
07:39Ella me pidió que no se lo dijera a nadie
07:41¿Ah, sí?
07:42Además, que si yo se lo decía a usted, yo sabía que no se iba a quedar de brazos cruzados
07:45¿A qué se refiere?
07:46¿A qué?
07:48Existía la posibilidad de que ese hijo fuese de José Luis
07:53Por eso se conchó su madre, hizo lo que hizo, entonces
07:55Que igual mal desgraciado
07:57Escúcheme, pero yo jamás pensé que él iba a ser capaz de hacer algo así
07:59¿Se da cuenta todo el daño que su madre le echó a mi familia?
08:02Yo sé, yo sé
08:04Yo ya no aguanto más abuso, no, no aguanto más
08:06Escúcheme, escúcheme, no se exponga, ¿sí?
08:08Si usted va a la querencia, le puede pasar algo
08:11Por favor, se lo pido
08:25¿Qué quiere, señora, por la chucha?
08:27Leonora está de lo más bien
08:29¿Por qué no acabó con ella?
08:31Mire, la próxima vez que quiera usted botar su basura, límpela usted
08:35Escúchame bien, roto de mierda
08:38Ahora yo soy la mujer de José Luis
08:40Y me tienes que obedecer
08:42Escúcheme un tema, por favor
08:44Escúcheme usted, señorita Leontina
08:48Yo a usted no la obedezco más
08:51Me aburrí de su familia
08:53Me aburrí de su lacra, familia
08:55De su mierda, familia
08:56Que van desmanduqueando siempre
08:58Que nos pasen a llevar
08:59Que nos traten peor que animales
09:01¡Me aburrí!
09:04Así que la próxima vez
09:06Que usted me quiera dar una orden
09:08La próxima vez
09:10Que usted se le ocurra mirarme al ojo
09:19Le voy a cortar el pecueso, ¿me escuchó?
09:23Le voy a cortar
09:27El pecueso
09:35Ahora déjeme seguir trabajando
09:41¿Usted se debería ir a acostar, Misia Leonor?
09:44Estoy bien, gracias
09:46¿Y qué si voy a buscar un doctor, mejor?
09:48¿Vos no te pudieras meter a esa casa?
09:50¿No querís que el patrón te muela, balazo?
09:52No, por favor
09:54Yo a que tú voy
09:55Y lo dejo como colador, Manuel
09:58Tengo sed
10:00Llámame aquí
10:01¿Qué hago? ¿Dejo que mi sobrina se muera?
10:02¿Así como ha sido alguna?
10:05¿Cómo está Violeta?
10:07¡Sáquelo de aquí!
10:08¡Yo no lo quiero ver a niña!
10:10¡Sáquelo de aquí!
10:11¡Violeta, suéltame acá!
10:13¡Vaya, vayan!
10:14¡Vaya, ven aquí!
10:15¡Usted me mató a mi babuita!
10:17¡No, mi madre me hurió!
10:18¡Váyanse de aquí!
10:19No, para mi casa
10:20No lo voy a perdonar
10:23Ya se fue
10:24¡Ya se fue!
10:25¡Se va, cabrón!
10:26Get out of here!
10:28This is not the time.
10:29I won't forgive you.
10:31What are you doing?
10:32She's gone.
10:33She's gone.
10:36She'll be back.
10:37Take this.
10:38Take this.
10:39Take this.
10:58How is the girl?
11:07How is the child?
11:10She is not well at all.
11:13She doesn't get down with anything.
11:20I don't know how that bastard could have been able to do something like that.
11:25How can there be such bad people, God forbid?
11:28I don't know.
11:30I don't know how.
11:32I don't know how.
11:34I don't know how.
11:35How can there be such bad people, God forbid?
11:39Did you talk to him?
11:44He offered me money.
11:49He offered me money, the miserable bastard.
11:56I guess you didn't accept it.
12:01Don't insult me, Maria.
12:06Don't insult me, my daughter.
12:10How could I accept something like that?
12:16I'm sorry.
12:22Fix two things.
12:25What happened?
12:28We're not going to Querencia, Maria.
12:39I think if our daddy decided to help Violeta, we have to respect him.
12:43He did it for a reason.
12:44Help, he said?
12:45How can you say that right now?
12:47That boy was going to be a bastard, Luis Emilio.
12:49No, he wasn't going to be a bastard.
12:51I was going to give him the last name.
12:53The last name is Cheñique, you've gone crazy.
12:55You're the only crazy one.
12:56No, no, don't talk to me like that.
12:57Stop, stop, stop.
12:58It doesn't make any sense.
12:59Luis Emilio makes me mad, Ignacio.
13:01I don't understand him.
13:02You don't understand me?
13:03Do you know why then?
13:04I'm the most miserable man in the world.
13:05Do you know why?
13:06Because I participated in the murder of my own son.
13:08No, no.
13:10Listen to me.
13:11Dad forced him to do that.
13:14I don't know what I'm going to do now.
13:16Violeta hates me and rightly so.
13:18Why does she care so much about what that piece of shit Luis Emilio thinks?
13:20Can you control the words that come out of that mouth of hell, please?
13:23Let her say whatever she wants, I don't care anymore.
13:25I don't care about anything.
13:26Listen to me.
13:29Our father is sick.
13:30I, personally, am going to make sure that he is locked up in a mental institution for sick people.
14:10I haven't heard you say that in a long time.
14:22I'm not going to die.
14:27I'm not going to die.
14:31I want her to grow up in a beautiful place.
14:37I want her to forget all the bad things she did to me.
14:43I'm going to die.
14:46Dad, don't be like this.
14:51Let's go away from Manuel.
14:53Let's go away.
14:54No, no.
14:56No, Maria.
15:00No, we're not going to bother your brother, Maria.
15:05And what are we going to do then?
15:08What are we going to live on?
15:13That's why I had your man, Maria.
15:18That's why I had your man.
15:22Look at these hands.
15:28With these same hands that I touched you the first time.
15:34With these same hands that fed my little girl.
15:40That put bread on your table.
15:45With these same hands.
15:50We're going to get through this, Maria.
15:54We're going to get through this, Maria.
15:59I love you very much, old woman.
16:01I love you very much.
16:13Who the hell let her in here?
16:15Who was the idiot who let her in?
16:18Even if you don't believe it, I do.
16:20Who let her in?
16:22Even if you don't believe it, your employees still respect me, Jose Luis.
16:28How dare you?
16:30She crossed another limit.
16:32What are you talking about?
16:36How dare you come here?
16:38I dare you because I'm tired of your abuse.
16:41And because what you just did is unforgivable.
16:44I'm sorry.
16:49Are you going to judge me?
16:55How dare you judge me?
16:59Jesus Christ.
17:01He's the only one who can judge me.
17:04And he knows perfectly well that all the things I do,
17:07I do them because he directs me to do them.
17:12If you do whatever you want here,
17:15what does Jesus or God have to do with all this?
17:18Shut up.
17:20Do you think God would order a child to be killed?
17:23That's what a murderer does.
17:25Shut up, shit.
17:27Shut up, shit.
17:29How dare you say that?
17:31Apologize to me immediately, shit.
17:33Shut up, shit.
17:35I lack respect in a way that I will not bear.
17:38And not only to me, but to Jesus Christ.
17:40You are disrespecting me.
17:42I'm not disrespecting anyone.
17:44I'm not going to apologize.
17:46The only one who has to apologize is you.
17:48Violeta and all her family.
17:50I understand.
17:52I understand.
17:54You are here because you came to defend your lover's family,
17:56who is a criminal.
17:58I'm not doing what is right,
18:00because you not only hurt your family,
18:02you hurt my son too.
18:04Your son.
18:06Your son.
18:07I know you have a son.
18:09Bad mother.
18:11She left you abandoned.
18:13Everyone here in this house.
18:15I'm not going to apologize to anyone,
18:17except for those ordinary people.
18:19Those ordinary people who are starving to death.
18:21The only thing they want is a son to take everything from me.
18:25I can't believe I was married to a monster all this time.
18:29Do you dare to tell me that now?
18:34Because he's the whore of a criminal.
18:43I thought you were going to train him.
18:47I really thought so.
18:50But it's impossible.
18:53I thought you were going to train him.
18:55But it's impossible.
19:00No, no, no.
19:02Let me out.
19:04Let me out.
19:06Let me out. Let me out. Let me out.
19:08Stay there, bitch.
19:10Stay there.
19:13Stay there.
19:17I did it to Jose.
19:19How can you be so stupid?
19:20You didn't go anywhere.
19:26I have other plans with you.
19:35For God's sake, Ignacio.
19:37How dare you say something like that?
19:39How dare you want to put our father in the asylum?
19:41Calm down.
19:43Calm down.
19:45Calm down.
19:47Calm down.
19:48Calm down.
19:50Calm down.
19:52Listen to me. Listen to me.
19:54If you promise not to scream, I'll let you go.
19:56Promise me.
20:00Listen to me. Listen to me.
20:02Our father is sick.
20:04We're going to do this for his well-being.
20:09Ignacio, you don't understand.
20:11The Lord guides his steps.
20:13I told you once.
20:15Violeta wanted that child. Me too.
20:16The only crazy people in this family are you. Let me go.
20:19Listen. Listen.
20:23I'm going to do this for my father's well-being.
20:25And you're not going to say anything.
20:27I'd rather die than betray my father.
20:29No. No. No.
20:31Shut up, bitch.
20:33You're going to stay here.
20:35And you're not going to say anything to our father.
20:38Do you understand?
20:43Don't resist.
20:45No. No. No.
20:47I should have done this a long time ago.
20:49Shut up, bitch.
20:53Let her go.
20:55She doesn't want me to go.
20:57She's not letting me go.
21:01One step more than Mercedes.
21:05And the one who's going to pay the consequences is going to be your cousin.
21:09Come, Leonor.
21:11I did it.
21:27I always knew you were an animal.
21:31I'm not an animal.
21:36What did you think, Leonor?
21:39That I was going to put up with you coming to my house to get my attention?
21:44You're going to regret what you're doing.
21:50I'm not going to regret it.
21:53Do you know why?
21:55Because God is telling me what I have to do.
22:01What is God telling you to do with me now, José Luis?
22:08You'll see.
22:13No, no, no, no, no.
22:15Don't leave me locked up, please.
22:17Don't leave me locked up. Think about what you're doing. I beg you.
22:20Don't try to escape.
22:22Your head has a price.
22:25And if my men see you,
22:28they won't hesitate to shoot you.
22:38Let's go.
23:04Excuse me.
23:06Did you send for me, Father?
23:15Do you want to send me to a asylum?
23:20I just found out that my mother is locked up.
23:23If you have any common sense left, I'm going to ask...
23:25I asked you another question, you idiot.
23:30Do you want to send me to an asylum?
23:31Father, you are...
23:33You have a disease.
23:40A disease.
23:43I have a disease.
23:44Ah, yes.
23:46And how long have you known so much about medicine?
23:51Tell me.
23:52Do you need me to...
23:54Do you need me to tell you all the things I've done lately?
23:56Do you need me to...
23:58Do you need me to tell you all the things I've done lately?
24:03It's your mother's fault, isn't it?
24:05It's her idea.
24:10She gave you this plan, didn't she?
24:12Confess it, damn it.
24:13I can't stand you treating her like a criminal.
24:15Her mother is worse.
24:18Worse than a criminal.
24:21Put it in your head, damn it.
24:24All this is a revenge against her.
24:25No, it's not a revenge.
24:27I'm an ordinary man who only wants the guilty to pay.
24:33I imagine Ignacio came to apologize to Paceto.
24:42That I am able to forgive, to forget.
24:45All this that has just happened to you.
24:49That apology.
24:51In front of our Lord Jesus Christ.
24:53You are completely crazy.
24:56Father, no.
24:58Put that gun down, Paceto.
24:59Ignacio is going to apologize right now.
25:04Don't call me crazy again.
25:21Calm down.
25:22My son.
25:24My little egg.
25:26Show me, Manuel.
25:28My little egg.
25:29Calm down.
25:34How is the girl?
25:36She has a lot of fever.
25:42And Leonor?
25:45The ball is flying in fever and you are asking about my being Leonor?
25:49Who understands you, Manuel?
25:52What happened?
25:53How is the girl?
25:54Crying, mom.
25:55In fever.
25:57You have to go to the agency.
25:59What happened?
26:00The boss.
26:01The boss has a prisoner in the mission, Leonor.
